Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First. Also looking for criminals

I'm looking for some story-driven criminals, those who're willing to post slower and with greater detail. This is for an ongoing storyline between myself and two others. More details to follow for those interested

Most of the RP will be done in a single thread. There are three of us, myself in Aus, another in US, and the third in Denmark. We all have jobs, so our posting is slow, 1-2 a day at best. Especially because of how different timezones. So don't expect anything fast paced or a quick cantina brawl.
[member="Julian Solo"]

I'll be directing some of the best I know your way man. Your good. When my schedule of posting clears up your in the front of the line.

[member="Triter Zone"]
[member="Dion Kayl"]


Insert Hilarious Title Here
[member="Julian Solo"]
Thanks for the recommendation, [member="James Justice"] . This does sound like something I'd be very interested in.

[member="Julian Solo"] , I think my posting rhythm aligns with what you're looking for, and I'd be glad to participate in a long-term storyline. Dion's story is that he's a rejected cyborg prototype who was experimented on for years, then thrown away-- James essentially picked him out of the trash and gave him some work, and he's been doing odd-jobs (mostly security related) as an Undergrounder ever since. He's basically just been getting his feet back under him after spending so long as a test-subject, but is finding the sort of work he's doing to be extremely enjoyable. His desires are complex-- he's not after money, nor power, nor challenges, but he is out to prove something, primarily, his own worth to himself.

I'm fairly new on this board so I'm eager to make meaningful story connections with other characters. You can check out my bio and some of my listed RPs to get a sense of how I post. If you decide I'm a good fit for your planned thread, let me know. ^_^

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