Garrus Garon
An Old Warrior
Ord Canfre
An ordnance world for the Old Republic once upon a time. It surrendered to the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY. After that it was conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. The history goes on. Most recently it was annexed into the United Mandalorian Clans acting as an ordnance much the same as it had done throughout its history and regardless of whose governorship it came under. It would still be thus at this point had something strange not occurred. Everyone vanished.
Overnight communications from Ord Canfre ceased and contact was lost with the world as the galaxy was thrust into chaos. The Yuuzhan Vong had once again seized control of the world during that time and now garrisoned as one of their own. The Mandalorians have responded by sending a fleet to regain control of Ord Canfre and open the way to other outlying worlds that were lost in the wake of an unknown phenomena. The time to take back the worlds they had lost was now...
The Bridge of the Kandosii-type Dreadnaught was the home of Garrus Garon, Field Marshal, and he overlooked his home from a place taken by a viewport as the capital ship traveled through hyperspace. Officers relayed reports to him, most of which earned them a nod of recognition or a grunt however when he was informed that they were coming out of hyperspace on target Garrus would lock eyes with the Officer, a woman, reporting the information to him and say..."Good. Lets not waste any time. Prepare salvos." which a confirmation was given as Garrus was left alone by the viewport once again...
...if his brother, Strider Garon, was a hammer than Garrus was a sledgehammer. Call him what you would but Garrus would burn entire worlds to ensure victory for himself and the Mandalorian way of life. Personal demons and coming to terms with them was not an issue that he had. Turning away from the viewport Garrus would stride out onto the deck of the bridge and activate comms so that he could relay a message to the fleet that had journeyed to Ord Canfre in order to retake it...
...[Ord Canfre represents the first step in a campaign to retake this quadrant of our lost worlds. The Yuuzhan Vong likely expect us. Lets not disappoint them. Prepare your drop pods and ordnance. There is no room for mercy on the killing floor.]...
...then comms would be switched off. Moments later it was just as he had been informed. The Kandosii-type Dreadnaught came out of orbit over Ord Canfre flanked by a fleet of ships following behind it and on his command of..."Fire!"...a salvo of turbolaser fire would be sent towards the surface of the planet to clear landing zones as drop ships were instructed to prepare to follow...