Verd Skirata
Fancy flyin' and good fightin' make for a good day
Skirata heard [member="Ijaat Akun"]'s order and fell back just behind him. Knowing he was in the position to take the brunt of the attack on the retreating mandos, other than [member="Xander Carrick"] of course, he hacked through a couple more vong. He saw his z-6 laying on the ground where he had left it only a few meters away. If they were falling back, he might need that hulking thing. He drew his 2 verpine pistols and let off his last 10 rounds on his way to the weapon. he hefted the pack back onto his back and let the vong have it, while retreating up the hill. He reached the rocks where Ijaat took cover and saw a spare speeder bike a few meters away. Must have been brought on the dropship, He thought. keeping low, he ran over to the speeder, opening the hatch, he took out 2 cables and hooked it back up to his Z-6's power pack to recharge it. It didn't take long till he heard the beep, indicating a full charge. A few thousand more rounds. his face lit up. Walking back to Ijaat, he smiled with his weapon fixed, it was time to hold the vong back. Standing up over the rocks, he unleashed a potent volley of fire on the vong, aiming for anything he could see. He gave cover fire for Xandar to come back to the top of the hill, still managing to hold the vong at bay. He could only hope most of the vong would be taken out by the airstrike that was incoming. He had to hold them back. "If you bring That speederbike behind me, I can hook up the gun for an infinite ammo source." He yelled to Ijaat, motioning to his Z-6 Rotary cannon. "3000 rounds a minute might hold this osik from leaving the target zone." He hoped the older more experienced mando thought like he did, but he would do his best to make every shot he had count anyhow.