Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Apprentice

From a distance, Ambria looked beautiful. An orange world with striking violet rings, it was easily the largest habitable planet in the Stenness system. Yet anyone landing on the world would quickly realise that the beauty faded soon after entering the atmosphere. Unless they were a Knight of Ren, when it took on an even more enticing aspect.

Long ago, the failed rituals of a powerful Sith sorceress had inadvertently unleashed a cataclysmic wave of dark side energy across the surface of the world. The sorceress had been destroyed, along with almost all other life on Ambria. What survived was little more than barren rock, and even now plots of fertile ground were few and far between. There were no real cities on Ambria; only a few hardy settlers dwelled on its surface, scattered so far apart they might as well have been living on the planet alone.

The Jedi had once tried to cleanse Ambria of its foul taint, but the power of the dark side had beautifully and permanently scarred the world. Unable to purify it, they succeeded only in concentrating and confining the dark side in a single source: Lake Natth. The homesteaders brave enough to endure Ambria's desolate environs gave the lake and its poisoned waters a wide, wide berth. Of course this was where Kriel headed.

Ambria was located on the fringes of the Expansion Region, only a quick hyperspace jump away from Ruusan. The evidence of several small battles that had been fought here between Republic and Sith troops was everywhere. Burned-out vehicles and damaged swoops were visible from kilometres away on the hard, cold plains. Apart from a few of the local settlers scavenging for parts, nobody had ever bothered to clean up the remains.

The ringed planet was an insignificant world: too few resources and too few people for anyone to worry about. It was the perfect place to meet a would-be apprentice.

He waited patiently in his camp for her to arrive. Occasionally he glanced up at the sky or looked out across the horizon, but he wasn't worried about anyone sneaking up on him. He would feel their arrival through the Force.

[member="Samka Derith"]
It was her first time outside of First Order space, certainly a moment worthy of remembering, Samka was thinking to herself. In her spare time later perhaps she could write a short song or poem in celebration. Ambria was a planet which was sure to bring such inspiration, beautiful at a distance but a source of darkness within. A world scarred and deformed. Sam smirked, on second thought it was more in the vain of what a teenager would write upon a nasty break up with a lover. Perhaps more thought was required.

The droid pilot guided her shuttle down into landing and rasped with a metalic voice. "Reminder, you are to go immediately to meet your superior, Talon Ren, at his camp to the west of the landing zone. Any delay may be treated as suspicious."

Samka did not grace the machine with a reply, merely rolling her eyes as she departed the ship. Pointing out her perfect reputation for loyalty at her academy would be meaningless when she wasn't sure how much sentience the pilot had been programmed with.

In truth, she'd have loved to stop and examine some of the technology left by Sith and Jedi alike as they fought pointless battles on strategically insignificant worlds. She'd not encountered either outside of holos and educational material but both groups were fascinating in different ways. But there was no time to entertain her curiosity so she marched directly to where this Knight of Ren was supposedly waiting for her, apprehensive of whatever task they were to accomplish.

[member="Kriel Firin"]
Kriel sat by the small fire he'd created, wondering who would arrive. He knew it was an apprentice and he'd been selected to train her. Of course, if either side felt the relationship would not work, the would-be acolyte would have to find another Master. And given they were not Sith, Kriel would not kill her if he found her unworthy, merely hand her over for another to train - should a new Master be found.

He sensed the acolyte's arrival. The power of the aura was a promising start. Trained or not, there was raw power to work with. If Kriel could harness it and ensure the apprentice dedicated themselves to the Knights and the First Order, he was sure he would have a capable learner. Of course, attitude was the unknown factor.

He stood and faced the oncoming figure. He wore his usual armour and mask, and lowered his hood as the young Knight of Ren approached. He did not speak, but instead waited for the figure to come close.

[member="Samka Derith"]
The small camp wasn't difficult to find, from a distance she could see the smoke from the fire and sense the power of the Dark Side and it wasn't long before she found the masked figure known as Talon Ren. He lowered his hood as she approached but otherwise did not speak, Sam took this as an invitation to go closer. She stood directly opposite the man, separated only by the fire pit between them.

Sam held her hands behind her back as was her typical pose when addressing authority. "Samka Derith. I am here to assist you on your mission. You shall find me quite capable," she added a small, curt bow at the end. Normally she'd offer some sort of pleasantry and friendly smile but her experience with senior Knights of Ren had shown on the whole they cared little for such things, sometimes even disparaging those who try.

Truth be told, Sam felt rather naked in front of this Ren. He cut an intimidating figure as the flames danced before him, masked and tall while she was only in a rather standard tight fitting black Imperial uniform. Not even in robes this time. Nonetheless she quashed such feelings as best she could as she waited for instruction.

[member="Kriel Firin"]
Kriel eyed her objectively. It was impossible to tell how she would fare as a Knight of Ren from a few moments, so he kept his thoughts to himself - given they were unsubstantial at present.

"Less of a mission, more of a task, or test perhaps. We're here to find a Hssiss or dark-side dragon. Or rather you are. They are dangerous, probably too powerful for an apprentice, but finding one and assisting in its capture or death will tell me much about you. But before we get to the practical, tell me about yourself. Whatever you think is relevant. Whatever you think I need to know or might want to understand. Then you can ask me any questions you might have yourself."

He was aware his form was likely to be slightly intimidating - in part through choice - but he had no time for an apprentice that was scared of him. Intimidated? Yes. Untrusting? Probably. But fearful? No, that would never do.

[member="Samka Derith"]
Hm. Samka thought for a moment what to tell this man. She doubted he wanted to hear her life stories, her background, her desires and fears so she decided to keep it simple. "I am as dedicated to our cause as one can be. My strength with a blade lies not in brute force but in speed and skill," she took out her lightsaber, showing the elegant curved design making it ideal for control and precision. "I pride my Force powers on their manipulation and subtly. I believe that is all you need know for now," restraining herself from adding some sarcastic comment on the end. Now was not the time.

She waited for his response before asking questions of her own. "And you? No disrespect intended but what is it that makes you qualified to train me here?"

[member="Kriel Firin"]
Kriel looked at the saber. “You no doubt favour Makashi. And it would blend well with your desire to manipulate and act secretly and subtly.”

He seemed surprised that his question was so quickly answered but kept his thoughts to himself as the young one asked him a pertinent and searching question.

Finally he spoke. “Your answer was not a full one, and I shall return to that in a moment. But first I shall respond to your question. Firstly I am a Knight of Ren. Secondly I am willing to train you. Thirdly, you are lucky I am not a Sith, or you would be most likely dead by now. I have chosen to teach you, I can easily change my mind, or you can decline me if you wish.” He waved a hand, dismissively. “It is entirely your call.”

He paused for a few more moments. “I have been well schooled. In the ways of the Jedi, the Sith and the Knights. Lore is a strength of mine but also the practical application of the Force. I am no Sith but you would do well to consider your position before you look to dismiss or question me again. It is a fine line between a constructive challenge and overstepping the mark. Today? You found me in an agreeable mood. It may not happen next time.”

“But back to my question. You told me what you want, what you aspire to. But who are you? Where did you come from? How you got here is as important and where you’ll go next.”

[member="Samka Derith"]
Sam smiled at [member="Kriel Firin"]. "Why would I request someone else? So far you seem perfect." First he had identified the form she used since a girl then he had displayed the wisdom she had hoped, something that had been missing on other Knights. To understand the capabilities of an individual you have to rely on, you must understand the individual. Other Knights had merely asked for her skill with a blade or how much lightning she could throw before fatigue set in. Instead he had pursed the deeper information, he desired to know how she ticked and he did it all under absolute authority a lesser man would have left a path open for her to take charge, something that happened even with her instructors during schooling, there was no doubt who was in control here.

She began to pace back and forth in front of the older Knight still separated by the burning fire, "I grew up in luxury on Cloud City but I was always different from the other children who ridiculed me. I know now that the Dark Side was acting through me even then." She paused for a moment, this information was always dangerous to share but in the presence of Talon perhaps it was more dangerous to hide. "Eventually it was uncontrollable and I was submitted for intensive psychiatric care. My teachers within the First Order have been... split on whether to crush or harness that particular side of me." She attempted to read his reaction but the mask hid it well. "My memory of coming to The First Order from that facility is... hazy but it was the best direction for my life to go. I bested all my classmates in duelling, interrogation, subterfuge and loyalty exams." She stopped pacing and once more faced her senior dead on. "And now I am here."
Kriel shook his head. “Far from perfect but I will do my best. All I need is your total attention and dedication. Not much to ask, but many fall by the wayside.”

“Cloud City?” Behind the mask he was grinning. “I too am a child of Bespin. This is indeed a strange galaxy to throw up such strange coincidences. I would have said the Force was at work, but it is a tool for us to use — it does not manipulate us.”

“And control is important. Control the Force. Control yourself. Give in to pain, anger and even fear — but remain in control. We are not mindless, we serve a purpose. We serve the First Order.”

He stood and gazed at the horizon. “Tell me, what do you know of the Hssiss?"

[member="Samka Derith"]
"I am as dedicated as they come. You can trust me on that." Sam punched her open palm with her fist to show her enthusiasm.

The topic had moved to their shared homeworld and Samka couldn't help but spare a thought on the strangeness that a future Ren now training her could have passed Sam as another stranger on the streets while she was out with her parents. "Then we should both be grateful that The First Order has claimed our homeworld so we can come and go as we please. Truth be told it would be interesting to try and track down my parents again, it would be a shame if they passed on in my absence." She paused realising [member="Kriel Firin"] could mistake her simple curiosity for sentimental thoughts. "Oh make no mistake, my only regret on Bespin is that I missed out on its conquest."

She simply nodded at his instructions at control. Sam liked to think of herself as a dignified young lady so the topic of her mental instability her uneasy.

"The Hssiss?" She brightened up remembering some of her studies. "Reptilian animals drawn to the Dark Side. In my studies of the history of Sith Empires, I discovered many of them liked to hide in tombs of the ancient Sith Lords on Korriban where they would be the demise of many a grave robbers, archaeologist and foolhardy Sith looking for powerful artefacts. Scholars of the dark and light alike have speculated they were the product of ancient Sith Alchemy but we cannot be certain." She paused once more before offering more practical and less academic information. "They appear to be simple beasts but they are strong with the Dark Side which makes them deceptively challenging opponents. Have I missed anything?"
Kriel listened as Sam spoke. “I was discovered by the First Order, or more specifically a Knight of Ren when they took control of Bespin. I was looking to steal a speeder at the time. Not just any speeder, but a top of the range one, owned by a significant crime boss. The odd thing was, I could have bought one of my own – but where would have been the fun in that? At least that’s what passed for kicks back then. I had no idea I was Force-sensitive. I was simply a spoilt little rich kid, dabbling in petty crime. But the street taught me some valuable life lessons and if you’re as dedicated as you say, you’ll progress with the Knights.”

He looked around, as if sensing something. “But enough of me. You seem to know what you’re looking for. You’re right, although they can be found all over the galaxy, you are most likely to find them on worlds where the dark side is strong. They are deceptively powerful. They are about three metres long, with a green, scaly hide. And their tail adds another metre. Watch for both their teeth and their claws. And there is one very important fact you may not have mentioned or simply do not know, but I’ll let the day play out and see which it is.”

Kriel stood now, his cloak fluttering in the slight breeze. “Time to engage. I am unsure who is the hunter or the hunted right now. But regardless, I shall not let you die although I shall let you take the lead. Find and kill a hssiss.”

[member="Samka Derith"]
Sam took a quick glance around, apparently she was to pick a direction and start walking? No there must be better ways to hunt than that. Entering a meditated stance and sought out the seductive lure of the Dark Side. Lake Natth pulled at her immediately. [member="Kriel Firin"] must have had good reason to pick somewhere so close to the lake for his camp. The power of the Dark Side there was unnaturally strong and if Hsiss were drawn to that power it didn't take much reasoning to deduce that the lake was her best bet.

Talon Ren had been following her closely from behind. Although she would hardly say the two were 'friends' there was a little comfort in the increased familiarity. He'd given her a taste of his own past and she was grateful to know even a little of the man behind the mask. They'd had even more in common than had first been apparent.

Arriving at the shores of Lake Natth, Sam found it resembled some sort of giant hot spring but whether it was steam from the water or gas being released from the rocks below she wasn't certain. Jagged rock formations the same dusty red colour of the planet's surface also rose up from the lake. What was missing however was any sign of life, including Hssiss. Peculiar. There was always one way to draw out a predator though and that was to act as the prey. Sam bent over the water's edge on her knees and gently stirred the water with her left hand as though she were an animal here for a drink. It was a risky move but no true reward came without risk.
Kriel allowed his would-be apprentice to find her own feet. They were not the Sith – the Knights did not have a sink or swim mentality. They would tend to push their acolytes, to see how good they were and how far they would go. But they would not let them die needlessly. This was to be a test and the young apprentice would be in fear of her life and be required to stretch herself, but Kriel would not let her perish if he could help it. But nor would he molly-coddle her, he would allow her to do as much as she was capable of before he stepped in. For often it took a life or death scenario to bring out the best in an individual and a first encounter with a hssiss (or most likely two of the creatures) would be such a challenge.

Sam headed towards the lake. This was a promising start. The hssiss hunted through their connection to the Force as, like many creatures, they were sensitive to it and in this case it alerted them to their favourite prey.

They moved silently. Perhaps the apprentice was deep in concentration, or perhaps small-talk felt inappropriate. Either way, Kriel minded not a jot. They were here for a test, not a social event.

As they neared the lake, Kriel allowed his senses to become more attuned to the Force. He was a Knight and growing in power. The lake itself was a beacon of the Dark-side but he now had sufficient control to be able to see beyond what would effectively ‘blind’ an apprentice to lesser aura. It took a few seconds as he built a mental map in his head. Force Sense and Force Vision working in tandem. Behind the mask, his eyes took on a yellow tint – a reaction to him calling on the Force.

And he spotted the hssiss in his mind, its aura distinct. It was relatively easy to spot for a Knight but he was also a keen scholar and so knew of the creature’s habits and more relevant its hunting practices. They tended to hunt in pairs – one visible, to draw the prey out and the other flanking the intended victim. So he searched further and spotted the other hssiss, true to type holding back to pounce on an unsuspecting victim.

[member="Samka Derith"]
A growl and a serious of thuds were the next noises Samka heard. A hssiss was charging her! It seemed her luring technique was successful though the creature's sudden appearance was a mystery. She hadn't sensed anything approaching, perhaps their presence was masked by the overwhelming strength of the Dark Side at Lake Natth. However the time for thinking was over, the beast was attacking and instinct took over. She drew her blade for the fight.

Her footwork served her well. To many, the idea of comparing a battle to a dance was absurd yet it is what gave the young Ren an edge over opponents. It was about rhythm, timing and reading your 'partner'. Not so different after all. The creature's attacks were predictable and clumsy, nothing more than basic swipes and bites, yet its hide was incredibly tough. Sam landed a couple of decent strikes with her lightsaber yet the Hssiss kept moving as though nothing had happened. It was one thing for a beast to shrug off blaster fire but a lightsaber? Sam was beginning to understand what made these creatures so deadly. Or so she thought.

Suddenly a burst of pain erupted from the left side of her chest and Sam was sent crashing to the floor several meters from where she had stood. Something had struck her from behind yet the creature she was fighting was alone. She frantically searched the area, reaching out with the Force yet the Dark power emanating from the lake smothered all else. She had little time to search as the Hssiss she'd been facing charged as she scrambled to her feet. Sam's instinctive reaction was to use a quick Force Push to delay the beast but it didn't seem to have any effect. The creature's strength in the Dark Side must grant them immunity. All she could do was avoid it with a split second jump. If she'd waited just one more moment, the beast would have mauled her.

Sam landed on her feet a short distance from her attacker. Once more she tried to focus on this mysterious hidden foe. With some of the training she'd gone through before, Sam wouldn't put it past [member="Kriel Firin"] to be the one who struck her but he had remained stationary, watching at some distance. Any reaction he was having was impossible to read. He had said he wouldn't let her die but surely even the Supreme Leader himself couldn't save her if this unseen creature gave one bite to her neck. The Hssiss from before was approaching again, this time much slower. It growled, hissed and stomped the ground as it drew closer. Was it... baiting her? She paused, clearing her head and focusing her senses all around. If the Hssiss's display was intended to draw her attention to it then had the beast set its own trap? It must have a hunting partner.

This time she heard movement from the side. Time slowed as Sam attempted to jump out of the attack's path yet the second Hssiss's claws just glanced her. Sam cried out in pain as she landed in the shallow waters of the lake's edge. Her clothing was ripped and she instinctively went to hold it with her left hand. She was bleeding a lot and panting heavily too. But she wasn't out yet. Delicately, Sam twirled her blade between her slender fingers. Now it was her turn to goad them. There was no way her invisible foe could remain undetected in the shallow water. But playing smart might not be enough alone. Taking another glance at her wound, Sam allowed the lake's Dark power to overtake her. She would use her anger to gut these beasts. They weren't the only ones with strength in the Dark Side.
Awesome post BTW!

Kriel noted the hssiss was able to get close to his would-be apprentice without too much trouble. Either the young Knight of Ren was entirely in control or would be surprised by its sudden appearance. To Kriel, it was hard to tell right now who was the hunter and who was the prey.

Regardless, the creature finally revealed itself and Samka drew her blade. Kriel remained impassive, alert yet not yet acting. He would step in if things got out of hand or if the second creature attacked too soon for the young one to deal with.

He was immediately impressed by her footwork. It was another nod to her favoured saber Form and would serve her well. But what impressed him most of all was how she was patient enough to read the creatures attacks – to see how it chose to deal with its prey. Powerful creatures like hssiss tended to be decisive in their encounters. To the point that – through centuries of evolution – they became almost lazy. They had a way of attacking that worked. So they used it without exception. They were not naturally programmed with a Plan B. Many humans suffered the same weakness – even Jedi and Sith. They had moves they liked to use and would default to them, often with glaring ‘tells’ to let you know what they would do next.

The first problem Samka encountered was the thickness of the creature’s hide. The saber was a powerful cutting instrument but it was not all-powerful. Samka would have to work out how to deal with the issue – either to continue to focus on a point until it weakened, or to identify a part of the body that was less well protected. Either worked, but you had to have a plan.

Kriel was guilty. Guilty of focusing so much on Samka that he’d taken his eye off the second creature and it had sneaked up on her. Cursing his ineptitude, he closed the gap between himself and the ensuing fight. He drew his saber but did not activate it…yet.

It was tempting to jump in now, but a few scratches were not terminal and he didn’t want to undermine his apprentice’s confidence. In his mind she’d gone from being a potential acolyte of his to a definite one. As long as she lived of course. She needed to recognise the full extent of the threat and at least set herself up to deal with the dual attack. If she bested them both, Kriel would gladly remain inert. If she simply gave a good account of herself, he would join her to finish them off – a combined effort.

And even with the lake so close, he could feel Samka feeding on the Dark-side of the Force. Using her pain and anger to focus that power. Behind the mask he smiled. One day he would teach her the power of fear to use the Force. To harness that negative emotion into a positive one – and truly unlock your inner potential.

[member="Samka Derith"]
Thanks! I try and make fights something unique where I can!

There was a part of her which admired the beasts. Creatures which drew on the power of the dark side yet did not shed bonds between one another in favour of any foolish pursuit of individualism. They recognised the power of working together as unit instead of competing against each other for kills, this is what separated them from other dark side fuelled predators she had read about. Likewise this is what separated the Order of Ren from the Sith and other Dark Force users, they did not squabble over power plays but pooled their strength as one all the better to project their will onto the galaxy. However any admiration she had was overpowered by rage at how they had struck her. Sam could see her own blood mixing into the waters of the lake and it fuelled her anger. She would inflict far worse suffering on these creatures for what they had done to her.

With a snarl, Sam fired off a bold of Force lightning towards the visible hssiss. The blue light from the electrical blast lit up the area around and cause the creature to flinch and yelp, she guessed by the range of the lightning the second hssiss would also be affected. Ordinarily she could never hope to summon such a powerful attack but the dark power of Lake Natth was flowing through her now, temporarily granting her enhanced Force abilities capible of harming even the resistant hssiss. The hssiss had no hope of winning at long range and they knew it, both creatures charged into the lake's shallow water where they could strike her. From here the invisible creature turned visible. The beast's skin remained perfectly camouflaged but there was no hiding the large splashes it made with every footstep, the hssiss was far too large and heavy to have any hope of hiding and catching her by surprise in the water.

Yet there was a disadvantage in the water too, her every move now faced the water's natural friction. For someone who relied on speed and agility to fight, this was a crippling environment and any prolonged fight would surely end in her death. She had to strike fast to better her odds. Sam knew how the creatures fought by now and turned her attention to the fully visible hssiss.

One thing the Jedi Order had wrong was the effect of anger on one's focus. It was true that pure rage led to clumsy battling and exploitable mistakes but keeping a balance of focus and anger led to better intensity of attack, passion behind every stroke and the desire to crush your foe meant no weakness remained unexploited. The difficulty was always keeping that balance but right now Sam had it and she knew she had it. This is why it came as no surprise to her and the hssiss fell. A poorly timed bite on its part led to the blade of her lightsaber shoved into the creature's jaw. From there her attack had gone upwards, slicing through the beast internally until she reach the brain. In the blink of an eye it crashed into the water, dead before the splash.

Now there was one and the odds leaned in her favour. It would be difficult to repeat the trick with the second hssiss, its body was still invisible after all. Instead she attacked in a flurry of quick jabs and slashes to weaken it. Using the water's ripples as her guide she could tell when the beast was attacking and what direction to dodge. Eventually the creature substantiated enough damage that its disguise broke. While not perfectly clear, the background was distorted in the shape of the hssiss in front of her, its camouflage failing. Now was the time to get out of the water, she no longer needed it to see the hssiss.

The battle continued on the shore. Several times she tried the same attacked which had slain the first hssiss but perhaps the beast had learned from its partner's death as it protected itself well. With just the one, visable opponent though, Sam was simply too fast for the hssiss to hit. The battle turned into one of attrition and eventually a long process exhausted the hssiss. Its flesh became exposed, wounds gaping and movement slowed. In its broken state, Samka managed to give a powerful stab to the hssiss' eye and finally the creature fell.

She turned, staggering towards [member="Kriel Firin"], only now was the pain making itself known as the adrenaline faded. She panted and fell to her knees before the older Ren. "I have... done as you asked, they lay dead," she said between long breaths.
If Kriel was wondering if he needed to intervene, Sam’s next actions justified his decision not to jump in too early. His apprentice was taking full advantage of the power she was able to draw from the nexus fed by the lake. With one attack, she not only hurt the first hssiss but she also began to draw the other one out of hiding. It was a bold and brave mood, which make the Knight even more focused on ensuring Samka lived through the test.

And in the blink of an eye, one of the creatures was dead. Kriel wondered how much it took out of the young acolyte but for as long as she fought, he would give her the chance to complete the test unaided.

Now she used her saber Form to its full effect – her natural pace linked to excellent blade work was working well and although the water was a drawback to her, she used it to spot the hssiss – which showed excellent presence of mind despite the pressure of the test.

But having finally forced the creature to reveal itself, she wisely moved from the water to continue the fight. And she remained true to her Form, regular and small cuts wearing the hssiss down – until finally it also lay slain.

Kriel nodded his approval to his acolyte. “You have done well my young apprentice. You have passed the test. You should rest and then your training can begin. Are you ready to commit to my tutelage?”

[member="Samka Derith"]
[member="Kriel Firin"]

Samka remained kneeling at the other Ren's feet. She was panting heavily but other than that she remained immobile. She didn't even look up, instead gazing at Talon's boots and the ground. That what this was about? She was to have a master?

She took a deep breath before speaking again, doing her best to make her voice sound strong despite the pain from the wound she had suffered. "I commit myself to your teachings. I am yours to shape as you see fit." Sam paused before adding, " master."

It was a strange feeling even now. She was not one who enjoyed submission, Sam much preferred to have the control and yet this felt right. At least for the moment. They were not Sith, just as he would not kill her for supposed insolence earlier she would not murder and usurp him later. Instead they would work and grow together to further the power of their Supreme Leader.
Talon Ren nodded. At times her had to remind himself he was no longer Kriel – but a Knight of the Order. But his allegiance to the Knights and to the First Order was unswerving.

“Get up.” His tone was not dismissive, nor reproachful. But neither was it friendly. It was merely an instruction. “We both serve. There is no need to bow to me. Respect me, yes. Like me if it feels appropriate but do not think you are subservient to me. Your actions will dictate your level of respect. As I teach you, it would be fitting for you to listen and to show an aspect of loyalty. If I fail you, then I have only myself to blame for losing your deference. If you fail me, then expect me to remind you of the fact but I shall endeavour to make you worthy of the title of Knight. Not that your learning will end then, but from that point on, your growth will be in your own hands. You will receive help, but you will need to seek it.”

“But until that point, I shall work with you, sharing my knowledge and developing you. Now, tell me what you already know, what you believe you need to learn and I can judge for myself what is the best course of action.”

[member="Samka Derith"]
She stood to attention, as straight as she could with the wounds she'd received. The ghost of a smile threatening to appear on her lips as her new master mistook her exhaustion for a bow of obedience. She decided not to correct him, it was probably better this way. Nonetheless she nodded in understand at his explanation of respect and how they should treat one another. It fitted her perfectly, she wasn't the type to act like a lowly servant, blindly simpering up to their masters as Jedi and Sith alike had done and continued to do today.

"As you saw, I am already highly skilled in makashi duelling and I know the basics of many common Force abilities as a result of my training. I would not say I am proficient with any feild in particular yet though. Oh, except using the Force to aid movement, I was training as a gymnast in my youth. I thought the Force a useful ally to enhance my natural agility." Samka paused to meditate on his questioning. "While I will take anything you can teach me," she started slowly, "I will always strive to perfect my duelling, an area I shall always pay attention to growing. I would also like to grow my capabilities in mind tricks and with lightning, what you saw today was rather more impressive than the standard attacks I use." Lightning really was her preferred offensive attack with the Force. It was an impressive and dangerous display, capable of incapacitating foes without even needing a fight. Emperor Palpatine himself was a master of it and she sought to emulate him as much as she could.
"There is another..." She added uncertainly. "​One I am cautious to pursue due to its affinity with the light." She paused to let what she was saying sink in. "​I have seen many an occasion where the art of Force Healing would be useful. Not the one on the Dark which leaves the user crippled over time but something purer. I doubt you know such a technique but perhaps together we may uncover a secret on how to use it without risking falling to the light?" What she was saying was dangerous and she knew it but surely Talon Ren could see the benefit of such an ability.

[member="Kriel Firin"]

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