Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Apprentice

Talon Ren remained silent for a short while. Finally he nodded and spoke. “We need to get you fully rested, which will give me time to set up your first training session. We shall return to the Citadel, where I have the appropriate resources to carry out a form of training that should suit your immediate needs.”

“Makashi gives you a natural edge in duelling. Being a one-handed Form, you can utilise your off hand to call upon the Force without necessarily sharing your intention with your foe, in the way I would. It’s not infallible, but it is a definite advantage.”

“The problem with Force Healing,” he was now walking and talking as he headed towards the ship that had landed nearby. “Is that although it can be accessed through the dark side of the Force, its effects are increasingly paralysing and will eventually become your undoing. Not that you can’t craft some artefact using alchemy – although this is beyond my knowledge. So I propose another option. More appropriate I suggest and can also be used as a weapon as well as a means of healing.”

“I refer to an ancient technique. A way of severing connections between life and the Force. Drawing on another’s health and their reservoir of the Force, should they be sensitive. Teaching is difficult, it is primarily something learned through practice. So it’s a good thing you are not squeamish.”

“Force Drain, or Drain Force, as it is sometimes called, can mimic Force Healing – except you do not gain the benefit from the Force directly but from another living being. The early steps are to learn to draw energy from another. Once this is mastered, you can learn to use the stolen energy for yourself. Just like Force Healing.”

“But unlike Force Healing, the technique is addictive and so should be used sparingly. Wounding another is not a challenge but to feed on the Force and life vitality this way mist be taken with judicious care.”

“Come…” And with that, he strode onto his ship and gave the order to travel to the home of the Knights of Ren. For his new apprentice to begin her training in earnest.

[member="Samka Derith"]

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