I like the idea that comes with them.
As from the posts in front of me, I can see people saying things all the way from "These are the shizz" all the way to "Ew, you would never catch me dead with them." So obviously people are going to have different thoughts on them.
My own thoughts on them are that they show improvement and progression of time. I mean, the clones had T-visors with a crest at first, then it got rid of the top of the crest to be more rounded, and added the filters on the sides of the mouths. Then it had more prominent filters and a smooth dome as well as a few bulges on the sides. Now they are almost completely smooth, more aerodynamic to allow better drops, cause less drag if on a speeder, as well as show that technology advances in time through means of "Your armor is strong? Guess what, We came out with the next line that looks better, AND performs better than yours."
I like the progression side, and the detailing in the helm. I just hope that through this progression, that they do the same for the rest of the armor to show that it is also advancing, and to make sure that it matches all together.