Jairus Starvald
[member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"]
Irani watched on with amusement as Natasi strode off, fire in her eyes as her target was made clear.
"Ahh, I will never get used to how much she truly cares." He spoke up, tone of confidentiality. Like they were the only two people in the room that mattered for the moment. This in itself was Irani's true blessing; not a plausible mastery of the Force, the way he could quite literally bend the minds of those around him with ease, not his power derived from corporations or political maneuvering, nor his widespread connections through the various galactic communities.
No, it was this, the ease of charming those near him with just a word here, a pat of the shoulder there. It had been his strength as the Voice of the Dark Lord - fulfilling objectives simply by speaking and convincing people of his righteousness by a mere word. But now it was aimed at less... dazzling approaches.
Like charming the family of his future wife-to-be.
"It's quite rare to find a woman so competent and frighteningly astute, whilst also having a penchant for the dramatics and the deeper emotions," A sip of the glass followed. "Wouldn't you say, Lord Fortan?"
His eyes wandered across the ballroom, a nod was send here and there when they connected with individuals of note. Then his brows furrowed when the Couples' Dance was announced.
"Hmm, it seems like I should go and fetch my lady friend, if you'd excuse me?"
Irani watched on with amusement as Natasi strode off, fire in her eyes as her target was made clear.
"Ahh, I will never get used to how much she truly cares." He spoke up, tone of confidentiality. Like they were the only two people in the room that mattered for the moment. This in itself was Irani's true blessing; not a plausible mastery of the Force, the way he could quite literally bend the minds of those around him with ease, not his power derived from corporations or political maneuvering, nor his widespread connections through the various galactic communities.
No, it was this, the ease of charming those near him with just a word here, a pat of the shoulder there. It had been his strength as the Voice of the Dark Lord - fulfilling objectives simply by speaking and convincing people of his righteousness by a mere word. But now it was aimed at less... dazzling approaches.
Like charming the family of his future wife-to-be.
"It's quite rare to find a woman so competent and frighteningly astute, whilst also having a penchant for the dramatics and the deeper emotions," A sip of the glass followed. "Wouldn't you say, Lord Fortan?"
His eyes wandered across the ballroom, a nod was send here and there when they connected with individuals of note. Then his brows furrowed when the Couples' Dance was announced.
"Hmm, it seems like I should go and fetch my lady friend, if you'd excuse me?"