Asharad Graush
The Sith remained silent at the joke from the stormtrooper. Already he was filing his unit number into the back of his mind. Soon, that man would find himself dead. Still, A'sharad's emotionless facade remained. "They're useless," he said, not bothering to look at the datapad but rather passing it onto another stormtrooper. If there really was a Gamorrean female on there he wasn't going to purposefully look through it. Gross. "We'll hook up the datapad to the consoles on the Wolf's Maw," he said.
"Undoubtedly a rebel. Chances are he's in our database for some crime or other," he said as there was the sound of the ship shutting down. They had landed in the hangar bay at long last.
"Catalogue the weapons and the equipment." he said, without a second look. "We'll throw the body into the incinerator." And after that, he walked off the shuttle as the ramp opened for him.
"Also, get that Phrik to the lab."
[member="Rexus Wenck"]
"Undoubtedly a rebel. Chances are he's in our database for some crime or other," he said as there was the sound of the ship shutting down. They had landed in the hangar bay at long last.
"Catalogue the weapons and the equipment." he said, without a second look. "We'll throw the body into the incinerator." And after that, he walked off the shuttle as the ramp opened for him.
"Also, get that Phrik to the lab."
[member="Rexus Wenck"]