Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Order.... I want Endor

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] You seem like a reasonable fellow... So lets talk business. How much does it cost the First Order to uphold control of Endor? How many ships and troops are taken away from your conquest to keep Endor safe?

Sibar Laval

You know. I’d enjoy you trying to take Endor, cause then I could maybe have an excuse to test drive my AT-HOs and obliterate everything. :D Dude, I’m sorry you seem like a great guy one can fight an entire faction alone. That’s plain stupidity.
Or you could find another moon that's not in major faction territory...unless there's a shortage of moons?

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Jayce Pryde"]

Per the Faction rules:

“5. Only a Major Faction has the resources necessary to role-play having a large fleet, army, etc.”

Furthermore, only a Major Faction can actively ‘claim’ a planet and have that claim represented on the map. So from a board rules sort of perspective, throwing the First Order off of Endor isn’t exactly feasible.

Beyond that, from an IC perspective, you’re talking about a single Sith Lord trying to tackle one of the largest and most established galaxy-spanning governments on the board, with a nearly untarnished military reputation, despite not utilizing force users en masse. Given that the map does not represent all the planets in the galaxy (remember that the Republic was supposed to consist of a million inhabited worlds) you’re talking trying to go solo against potentially hundreds of Knights of Ren, Star Destroyers, thousands of stormtroopers and anti-force user specialists and millions of conventional soldiers.

A minor faction or union of them could manage it, and there’s rules that allow for that, but you haven’t even got that. I would recommend looking into alternative ways to establish yourself on Endor, beyond outright military conflict.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"] Su'Cuy?

[member="Sibar Laval"] Dude I'm just bored and looking to have fun.. Plus I love Endor

[member="Azraella Nasiri"] *Whispers* Dont tell nobody but I just love ewoks.... Theyre so adorable I could just die!

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] I know the rules old timer.... I been around since the One Sith made y'all look like peons. And yeah that sounds about right, thats why I was gonna bring a friend or two.... Maybe a couple cruisers...... Cause I know it's improbable..... BUT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE FORCE

[member="Natasi Fortan"] mascara model? Honey you getting desperate for insult huh? Dont take it so serious boo boo its just rp

Sibar Laval

Jayce Pryde said:
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] I know the rules old timer.... I been around since the One Sith made y'all look like peons. And yeah that sounds about right, thats why I was gonna bring a friend or two.... Maybe a couple cruisers...... Cause I know it's improbable..... BUT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE FORCE
.....Dude. That just....if you’ve been here since the One Sith you know it’s suicide. Not even the force can protect you from an armada of stardestroyers and batallions of stormtroopers
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Jayce Pryde"]

Only since the One Sith days? Well one never knows with you youngins.

But I’be said my piece, you’re welcome to attempt whatever you wish, though bear in mind that skirmishes have no mandatory effect on... anything, beyond what is agreed upon by both parties.
The Last Son
Yo guys. He just wants to write a story about attacking you guys.

This could even just be a skirmish or whatever. If you want to indulge him in this potential claiming of the moon, then just have fun with it. Let him make a minor faction and come after you or whatever.

If he really thought he could steal it from one of the more active, and largest factions on the site, then yes he is as emo as he looks.

You are a massive faction. You have to defend your territory. I mean, that is what you signed up to do right? :p

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