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First Order Mobile Asteroid Fortress Emancipator [Feedback&Idea Discussion]


First Order Mobile Asteroid Fortress EMANCIPATOR

OOC Concept Introduction:
Seeing that the First Order as a minor faction is incapable of taking and holding a homeworld as a base, I began to wonder what would be a good remedy for such a deficiency for such a military/imperial expansionist faction. I had initially thought the First Order army could scout various worlds and establish a network of military bases for the fleet to move to if need be. That is why I came up with an up-coming campaign on Vassek – where in which at the behest of a greedy industrialist First Order is invited to conduct a military coup.

But, the idea struck me one day while working that the perfect “base” from which the homeless First Order fleet could operate from, is a massive asteroid base. But, the issue was making one that could house a fleet and be capable of Hyperdrive jumps and work within the rules set by the Factory Judges and the site’s Admins. The initial concept, is that the asteroid was being used by Vassek Industrialist as a mining base near a gas giant in their system for gas mining. As a part of the Vassek coup, First Order will take over the massive mining asteroid and over another dev thread militarize it. So you get two threads that IC’ly justify its existence – Vassek Coup (i.e. Asteroid take over) and then the Military Conversion Dev thread. So then I came with the idea that what I could do was submit the asteroid as a location and then dev thread its takeover to later justify its existence as a mobile asteroid fortress.

I would like to note that this base would not act a superweapon or as a trump card. But, logistically it would be the home to a homeless faction. Furthermore, it IC'ly complies to aesthetic the faction is attempting to achieve. Also it is a major boost to IC plot and threading - as the development, the militarization campaign, secret construction projects can all supply the faction with a plethora of threads for every facet of the faction's characterstics - military, bureaucratic, Ren and personnel.

At its most basic it supplies the faction with a home it can defend, a center of operations and a boost to IC threading and military relevance in the grand plot of the Site.

The timeline of Dev and Submission would look as follows:

-Vassek Assault Campaign Thread
-Asteroid Takeover Thread (act as Dev Thread for Location Submission if needed)
-Militarization of Mining Asteroid (act as Dev thread for Mobile Asteroid Fortress production)
-First Order goes Major (in case judges feel it is too much for a minor faction to posses)
-Submission to Codex as a Location

IC Concept Breakdown:

Name: Asteroid Gas Miner Station – Lagrange Grand (Original Commercial Name); First Order Mobile Asteroid Fortress Emancipator (Later First Order converted name)

Image Source: A Baoa Qu, Mobile Suit Gundam

Classification: Commercial Mining Asteroid (Original), Military Base (First Order)

Location: Vassek System, Wazta Sector, orbiting a gas giant (Original Static Location before conversion into mobile fortress)

Affiliation: Vassek Industrialist (Original), First Order (after coup on Vassek)

Population: Miners, Technicians, Starship crew members, Asteroid Facility Crew (Original), First Order Navy, Army and Fleet Command Staff (after Coup and Conversion)

Defenses: (Applicable only after First Order Coup of Vassek Thread is complete and Dev Thread for Mining Asteroid’s conversion, and after First Order goes Major)

First Order Mobile Asteroid Fortress Emancipator

Technical and Schematic Readout

The Emancipator is divided into two zones: A. the Disc and B. the Thorn

Naval Storage Feature:
The Emancipator is equipped with a large array of internal starcruiser and starfighter hangar bays. The great majority of which is built into the upper disc and the first half of the lower thorn. At its full capacity the asteroid can hold up to 1,500 Starcruisers and has a permanent garrison of 12 Starfighter Squadrons. Along with the hangar bay are built in maintenance facilities and dry docks for the cruisers and Starfighters to be serviced in.

Technical Features: [Exact Numbers to be added after research]
Hyperdrive Cores [Linked together into a Hyperdrive Matrix]
Large Ion Engines [Spread out across the asteroid’s length, for sub-Hyperdrive maneuvering]

Layer of Quadanium Steel built under the surface of the disc to reinforce the starship bays and hangars from piercing missile and beam hits. Other sections of the asteroid base which are of importance have a thick Quadanium steel armor lining beneath the rock surface of the asteroid

Defense Systems
Gravity Well Projectors [Stored in Lower Hemisphere of the Disc]
Tractor Beam Projectors [Spread out across the asteroid’s length]
Turbolaser Batteries [Spread out across the asteroid’s length, in rings]
Heavy Turbolaser Batteries [Spread out across the asteroid’s length, in rings]
Missile Launcher Bays [Spread out across the asteroid’s length]
- Concussion, Intruder, Cruise, Proton

I would really like this to become a reality due to the reasons given above, that said I also have a great respect for the rules and the judges who have the tiresome but necessary job to enforce them. All feedback and criticisms are welcome as long as they are constructive. Thank you for your consideration.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I like the idea. I mean, space is freaking huge and largely underutilized. Something like this could be a huge boon to a faction like the First Order.

Having said that, I don't see it getting approved without some serious development. Something on that scale could make or break a faction.


[member="Rusty"] [member="Reshmar"]

Well I consider it a major undertaking. It would take a few threads to complete, under my estimation -

1. Vassek Coup Thread (this is happening anyway as a dev thread for a military presence and base on Vassek)
2. Assault on Mining Asteroid Lagrange Grand (to introduce Asteroid to Site IC Lore)
3. Gathering of construction, mechanical and industrial IC companies to be apart of the Militarization process (will act as ongoing Dev Thread for Space Station submission)
4. Actual Submission

I have proposed this idea in our own First Order thread and it seems the actual undertaking would act as a good multiplier for the faction's thread generation, military members participation and general activity of the group.

My worry is its size. By estimation and the image I am using (i.e. A Baoa Qu from Gundam) it is 13km long and 9k in diameter for the disc.

Now, I have read the maximum rules for starships and have applied it here. Hence why I picked 12 Starfighter Squadrons as it is the upper limit for a 4km Ship. But the defense system numbers would be so large that I am afraid it would scare off its approval.

What do you think?

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Ricochet "]it could not be over 4km. I did a station that was 20 km awhile back for the codex and was told it could not have weapons if it was over 4km



Well see, thats why I did the discussion thread first :p That changes things.

Now could I make it 4km Length and keep the 9km Diameter for the disc?
There is currently a bit of a grey area with stations. What's clear is that military stations must go through the Factory to ensure their weapons etc check out.

For civilian stations, larger sizes are possible, but they will not be approved with anything other than the most basic of weapons and defences. Those can go through locations in the codex.


Ricochet said:
Gravity Well Projectors [Stored in Lower Hemisphere of the Disc] Tractor Beam Projectors [Spread out across the asteroid’s length] Turbolaser Batteries [Spread out across the asteroid’s length, in rings] Heavy Turbolaser Batteries [Spread out across the asteroid’s length, in rings] Missile Launcher Bays [Spread out across the asteroid’s length] - Concussion, Intruder, Cruise, Proton
Would this be considered as basic? Nothing really complicated - no gaint lasers or AI starfighters or any of that junk. Really its a straight military fortress. Basic weapons just a lot of them.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
OH! So thats why! Yah go ahead man by all means. I hadn't noticed.


Disney's Princess
Valiens Nantaris said:
Also, your profile name has a space at the end of it meaning it can't be mentioned.
I wondered about that this week too. Thanks Valiens. Now @Mentioning Rico' will be much easier.

As for asteroid idea. Do et! :p


Hail to the Supreme Leader!
I, for one, am up for the fortress. All these other minor factions are either neutral, and able to hold their own since they remained neutral and have established their presence, are a pocket faction of one of the Major Factions, or something along these lines.

This gives us the chance to be unique.

Also, as for ships not being over 4km long... I think that the size of your ships and stations and whatnot should depend on the territory you own, whether you are Minor or Major, your resources, your economy, etc. Like, the One Sith should be able to, with how many resources, planets, and people it has, have... three to five Star Dreadnoughts, and two Super Stations (IE 5km or more in size), while a minor faction of such as the First Order could only have one Star Dreadnought, and no Super Stations. Again, it all depends on resources and stuff like that. Or it should, imo...


Could I possibly post an updated space station submission here and you guys can tell me what flies and what doesnt so I can my research for when I start the dev threads? I want to get this all checked out before I properly submit this. (And to also save you guys headaches.)

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