Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Plans

Anaxes. Kyla's homeworld. The planet, also known as the Defender of the Core, was a loyal follower of the Republic. And yet, after the fall of Coruscant, the young redhead worried about the fate of the world. The One Sith could invade Anaxes any time and since they have successfully captured Coruscant, the Republic's capital, what could possibly stop them from taking over this proud member of the Republic as well? Naturally, Kyla felt anger when thinking of Coruscant. Her beloved Republic used to have the greatest military in the galaxy, but the old fame has long since faded away, leaving the army as an impotent and crippled old man depending on machinery to survive another night.

This was all fault of the Jedi, the Republic's belief the 'peacekeepers' could protect the state forever. And how did the good Jedi respond after being armed and armored, supplied with the greatest weapons and even ships that cost billions of credits? Treason, laziness, desertion. The Republic had to be restored to its former glory, its dependence on the Jedi Order had to end. It had to become strong again, and for that, foreign forces that have infiltrated the Republic through and through had to be removed by any means necessary.

As she expected, her superiors could not spare the budged to to that, therefore Kyla did not have as many men as she would have wished. Two soldiers of questionable origin and one Force sensitive. When she read through their files and noticed one man was a Force sensitive, she frowned at first, quite shocked, but then decided to go with it. She's been given some bad cards, but a good player had to know how to play with them.

Dressed in a Warden-class armor, its helmet covering her face, she waited in an old warehouse sometimes used as a training ground for the planet's military, her hands clasper behind her back. Right now, the warehouse was very much empty, leaving the lone armored figure quite noticable as she stood in the middle of the hall. Her soldiers, Titan, Atlas and Tuk'ata should arrive soon, though it would not be a long meeting; without sufficient manpower, Kyla had no other option than to hide in shadows and stalk the enemy's movement... for now. To the three men, she'd only be known as Voxyn.

[member="Titan"] [member="Atlas"] [member="X'Svante"]


The Fugitive Slave
Sometimes you had to do the things that put you in a bad daylight. Do the things that people didn't want you to do, and all because you cared for them and wanted them kept safe. But that didn't matter because in the end you were doing something 'bad'. This was the way things were these days. The blind man had aligned himself with some under the cover by the books type of squad. It was only a question of how long he was going to remain here. He did not care for the republic but he did care for it's citizens. Coming from a race that was force sensitive and brought both many a jedi and sith, meant that he didn't care for them either. So it was all a big question why he was walking around with the group he was.

Because these people atleast targeted slavers, criminals, smugglers and other scum. Scum that would otherwise be allowed to just do as they pleased, and that bothered him to a great extend because why should they who kill so many innocents be allowed to just roam around as they please and hurt more people ? And that was exactly what drove him to seek out people who saw his point of view if only a little.

Their leader only known to him as Voxyn, had summoned them to meet if only briefly. This old warehouse had been the spot he was summoned to. He could see a pulsing aura inside the building as he made his way inside as quietly as possible. When he finally made his way in he remained behind some equipment for a moment before standing up and approaching the armored figure folding his arms against his chest as he paused nodding his head slowly.

"Tuk'ata at your service."

He stood before her wearing a set of Mark I Phantom armor only with an complete mask that covered his entire face. He adjusted a few straps on his gear before standing ready.

[member="Kyla Verss"]
X'Svante Titan Kyla Verss
Many things had happened since Atlas had first woken up in that tank. Very few of his memories had returned, most of them were phantoms, wisps on the edge of his mind. But he had made several new memories. He had spent some time with a spunky mechanic who had taught him how to function somewhat normally in a social setting.
But Atlas was soldier. He was created for combat, and the clandestine nature on how he was created made him a ghost, and an ideal candidate for operations that needed to happen but not have any record of happening.

He was not a member of the Republic, as there was no record of his existence. He had no allegiances or sense of duty to any power. But he did have a moral compass. He would fight against tyranny, and to stop slavery. He may not now the reason or purpose of his origin, but he knew right from wrong, and he would use his incredible skill set for good, in the face of evil.

That moral compass led him to a warehouse in response to a summons. He walked with his gear stowed in his bag, which was slung over his shoulder. He saw two figures standing in the center. He approached and set his bag down next to him. He scanned them briefly, then nodded slightly. "I am Atlas"
A large soldier in full heavy armor walked into the warehouse. He saw [member="Atlas"], his tank brother. A lot has happened since they woke. Leaving the asteroid and going their separate ways for the last few months. Seeing him again brought back waves of foggy memories that he couldn't explain. Carrying a heavy repeater on his shoulder and a heavy rifle slung on his back, no other gear beside what he was wearing.

He thundered up to the side of Atlas, looked down at his brother and simply held out his fist to bump Atlas'. He didn't talk much, so it was his way of acknowledging his brother and he looked to the others, nodding slightly to each.

[member="X'Svante"] [member="Kyla Verss"]
Kyla did not move as the men arrived one after another. Nor did she answer to their greetings, waiting until the last of them stood in the old building. Before that happened, she eyed them curiously. How long would they survive in this business? Kyla had no idea whether either of them possessed necessary skill or experience to become an effective surgical tool of the Republic, removing tumors that threatened to kill it from within. Sith, Dark Jedi, foreign agents, traitors in making, terrorists, bandits, pirates, slavers, armed resistance groups,...

So many targets, yet only three men to deal with all of them. Plus her, the only one of the bunch truly loyal to the Republic. Would this be enough of a cure to heal the entire body? Only time will tell, but it was certain the small group had to avoid direct confrontations with their enemies for now, pick their targets one by one, use tactic and act like a pack of animals preying on a lone victim. Once the last soldier stood there, Kyla licked her lips under the helmet and finally spoke.

"Tuk'ata. Atlas. Titan," her voice said, deformed by the voice modulator built in the helmet, "I will not bother you with some great inspirational speech. I could say we do what we do for the right thing, for the greater good. We don't. Our mission is not meant to make the galaxy a better place to live; it is to kill any kriffer who is dangerous to the greatest government in the galaxy in one way or another. We will strike from shadows, assassinate various people, gather intel. Innocents in our way might get hurt. If this is not the kind of work you expected, you are free to leave; none of us knows your real name. But know this is the last option to leave I give you."

If any of them decided to desert, she would not hesitate to hunt them down and terminate the traitor.

[member="X'Svante"] [member="Atlas"] [member="Titan"]
Titan stood absolutely still. He was here for a job. He was loyal to the Republic but he didn't speak so no one would know. He was loyal to the Protectorate and the Smugglers Alliance too. Again, he didn't speak so no one knew. He turned to his brother to see if he would leave. But he was certain that [member="Atlas"] wasn't going to leave a job like this. What they were made for. What Atlas was best at.

[member="Kyla Verss"] [member="X'Svante"]
She got right to the point. Good, Atlas hated speeches. The targets she mentioned were more than acceptable for Atlas, and the tactics she suggested were what Atlas excelled at. He was an expert at long range and short range combat. Medium range was were he was weak, but that what his tank brother was best at. Together, they were a lethal combination.

He nodded at her. "We're in"
Kyla Verss X'Svante


The Fugitive Slave
Hmph. A few words to try and get those out that did not belong amongst the group of misfits. X'Svante couldn't care less for the hollow words spoken. He did not care for the republic at all. But these people. He knew neither name nor history about. Were all trying to do something good. Off the record and do what must be done. He adjusted his mask slightly as he thought about it for a slight second. But in the end he merely stood ready. "You have my word." For the time being however. If the blind man decided that this was not the way things were supposed to go he would simply leave and write it off as something he had done for the right reasons.

But in the end even this was a mere means to an end to push forward his own agenda to hunt down those specific slavers he had been dying to meet and execute. It would take a while but he'd find a way sooner or later and in the meantime he could keep himself busy with some vigilante work. In the end he dubbed their 'leader' more of a fanatic then a good do-er. But perhaps that thought would change later. For now his skills were hers.

He examined the armored males for a second and sighed. This was going to be really something.

[member="Kyla Verss"]
"Excellent," Kyla said quietly, glad the men could't see her smirk under the helmet.

"As you may know, many Jedi have joined the enemy during the last few battles. The Jedi claim their members have fallen to the 'Dark Side' and nonsense like that. Such a thing must have been planned beforehand. Why? Because in all cases, such treason came in a matter of seconds and turned the tide of the entire battle, the traitors just waited for a signal from the Sith to start attacking their allies. There is no doubt; there are Sith in the Jedi Order, waiting for the right moment to betray the Republic. It does not help that the Jedi take in any Sith they capture and protect them from standing a fair trial."

"Tuk'ata," she walked towards [member="X'Svante"], her staring at him through the visor for a while, "You will join the Jedi Order. Look for anything suspicious and if you find anyone having some sort of connection to the Sith, Dark Jedi or what they call the Dark Side, immediately report it to me. Also keep a close eye on anyone from a group known as the Silver Jedi."

Next, she paced next to the other two soldiers, moving back and forth. "The Silver Jedi. They used to be a part of the Jedi Order, but betrayed the Republic shortly before the attack on Coruscant. They are guilty of treason, supporting desertion among the Republic soldiers, theft of Republic property. They have invaded a planet known as Voss, possibly enslaved the local populaton and remained quiet for a while. Later, they suddenly raised an army large enough to pose a big threat to the Republic. Quite a feat for a group of traitors accompanied by several deserters. It is known their army is made mostly out of mercenaries. The question is; where are they getting their weapons from? Their ships, their armor? Where are they getting so many credits to afford it all, yet keep paying the mercs who serve under them? I really wish to know the origin of the billions upon billions of credits..."

Suddenly stopping in front of [member="Atlas"], she looked straight into his eyes. "Atlas, you will join the Silver Jedi army as a mercenary. Try to find out something about the things I just mentioned. Do not blow your cover. According to my sources, they are extraordinarily ruthless and will execute you as soon as they find you are not just another merc. Watch their interaction with the Jedi Order and report anyone with some connection to the Sith to me."

Lastly, the young woman took another step and stood next to [member="Titan"]. "Mandalorians will be your target, Titan. They have defeated the New Order and while they claim to hate the Sith, we all know their loyalty is to credits. I would like to know more of their future plans. If there are any signs they might attack the Republic, inform me about it immediately. "

Done with giving tasks, Kyla returned to the middle of the room, her back turned to the three before spinning on her heels. "Any questions?"
Atlas let the details of his assignment settle. It felt good to have a mission again. He looked left and right to his colleagues, and seeing that they weren't moving to speak, Atlas spoke up.
"How do you want the intel relayed? comm's can be traced" [member="Kyla Verss"]
Kyla glanced at [member="Atlas"]. While the operation was not official and if the infiltrated side discovered a spy in their midst, they had no way of putting the blame on the Republic, it would still lead to termination of her and her men. The readhead felt no connection to any of them, but she did not want to lose the few spies she had. "You are going to use secure comms of the agency. All of you. Luckily for us, none of the factions care where their members go and what they do... which will be used to our advantage." The agent said, her blue eyes looking at [member="X'Svante"] and [member="Titan"] as well. One of the advantages of working for the G.I.A., sharing secure information. "According to my contacts, Jedi Padawans are free to travel the galaxy as they see fit, same with the Mandalorians... the only exception might be the army of the Silver Jedi, we have to see." The reports about that particular group were vague at best, the only thing the Republic possessed was the knowledge of their unique armor and weapons, having acquired several pieces from the fallen soldiers during the invasion of Teta.

The woman paused for a while before continuing. She hated to do it, but with the lack of men, all of them had to have another role to fulfil. The one where all of them would meet together for single purpose. "There might be times when we have a situation and some dirt needs to be removed. If that happens, you will be told a place to go. Bring your armor and weapon of choice... but make sure at least one of your weapons is a slugthrower. Those are excellent against all Force users. That reminds me...," she scratched the helmet as if she wanted to scratch her head, "If I do this move on one of our missions... shoot whoever I am talking to. That will catch our enemy unaware. Now tell me, what kind of weapon will you use? We need to work on our tactic of taking down Force users. I use sniper rifles. Sub-machineguns. Melee weaponry."

She leaned against an empty table behind her and crossed her arms. "General tips for fighting Force users. Do not get in reach of their lightsabers. At least one of us has to keep shooting at Force user to prevent them from focusing and using nasty powers. Surrounding them is also a good choice. One group shoots at Force user's torso, the other aims at his legs. This generally prevents any Dark Jedi from using the Force at all since they have to focus on blocking our shots."

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