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Faction First Shots-First Part of Black Sun Mob War Narrative (EE)

Willow and Ivy heard the speech that Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt gave while they neared Annaj. As always it was powerful and assertive, giving commands that would help break the little rebellion taking place.

The twins had to learn from that. They had to learn to be assertive and to be able to send commands that could bring death to others. It was an odd future to consider, yet Broka was already laying the groundwork for them. No doubt there'd be plenty of tests given to them throughout this learning process. And perhaps this was one of them.

As always the twins waited for their summons. But until then they merely observed, looking not into the future, but only into the present.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul

Tags: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Arturo Braga Arturo Braga
Location: In Orbit Over Annaj

Broka sat back in his seat as he watched the efforts of those loyal within Black Sun move to eradicate the traitors. He was pleased when nearly all civilians went out with their arms. Sure, the empire banned civilians owning fire arms, yet when it took this world, they granted it to Black Sun to operate. The lese faire ruling made the citizens arm themselves with the criminal elements taking hold of the city. Despite him technically subserviant to the Empire, Broka began to care less of some of the customs it had. He was an exception, as he saw it. He would have the territories granted to him and Black Sun be as such however he could.

The mob did not march on the palace, but it certainly took hold of the streets within the city. He saw as bands of his troops were sweeping them up and taking them along. Yet, there wer few who stayed in their homes. He would leave it for those on the ground to sort out. As he made it clear in his grand announcement, those people were now traitors and deserved nothing but death.

As the action unfolded down below, he felt his giant stomach rumble. He motioned for the servants to bring him some food. However, he was craving one of his favorite kinds; live food. A large bowl filled with a yellowish green liquid was brought before him to pick out of. He knew what meal this was with the Hutta water that filled the bowl. His favorite snack of his live food diet. Inside, squirming and slithering around in the liquid, were large eels. His eyes grew wide with excitement, and his toungue licked his lips around his giant mouth. As soon as the bowl was brought over on its stand within reach of his grasp, he quickly jabbed his flabby hand into the water and grabbed a writhing eel. He slurped it up with much vigor, and it was deep inside his cavernous gullet in a manner of seconds. He continued to snack as he watched and listened to what went on below.

The twins were aboard, and he assumed watching and listening to him as well. He was going to wait before addressing them. He also did not want to be showing any level of weakness while being seen. It would be afterwards, in absolute private, that he would call for them. Right now, he needed to show strength at all times though. He did not want to give anyone any reason to doubt his strength. That was what these people of Black Sun respected most. That was why there was a rebellion trying to depose him. They thought he was weak. He aimed to prove them all wrong and make them an example.



Tag: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga

Goyrg's crew ran through the streets. It seemed more and more people fell behind him as the civs were getting picked up. After a while of running, it seemd like an eternity to the Houk, he made it to one of the plazas for the city's markets. The palace was closer. Just a few more blocks and he would be there.

However, as he and the other Suns entered the open area, something did not feel right about this place. The place was too quiet. He heard about how there may still be renegades in the city itself, and this plaza seemed set up. By the time he crossed the plaza, a sniper shot rang through the silence. One fo the gangsters fell to the ground behind him with a seared hole in his forehead. From there, Goyrg shouted, "SNIPER!! Shoot every building around ya! Punch as many holes in the walls as you can! Shoot anything that moves in the windows!"

All the while with his mixutre of giving orders and a tirade, he opened fire with his heavy blaster rifle. The sounds of intense blaster fire permeated to the surrounding blocks like a ripple in a pond. The civs were shooting too, though their small pistols did not do too much against the buildings. However, Goyrg knew that sniper had have left the area or got shot up in the blaster fire. Either way, after about five minutes of shooting, he and the others stopped, and began to get back to running to rendevous point.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Location: Near to Broka’s palace, Annaj
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Goyrg | Open
[ Last Battle ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I appreciated what the Underboss was doing; I also nodded at him after his words. But it didn't get any better. What did the agent mean by that? Do they want to legalize what is happening here? It was an even bigger concern if they wanted to abuse it. In this case, I would really have to rethink how much I want to work for the Black Sun or the Eternal Empire. After all, my reputation, career, and future depended on it. Last but not least and for those who worked for me.

"Unfortunately, promises like that don't help me, Agent. You live and work according to rules and laws, as do I. If Broka withdraws the command, I'll help." I answered.

Anyway, when we set off to the rendezvous point, I went with the others. I hoped I would be able to convince the large snail to withdraw this pointless and illegal command. The locals do not serve him, but the Eternal Empire…

<< Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt , this is Lady Orchid! I have to ask you to withdraw your previous instruction in which you asked for the intervention of the civilians. If you don’t, House Orchid and Bounty Hunters' Guild won’t take on any work that Black Sun or your interests advertise anymore including the Hutt Republic.. >> I said firmly.

I trusted that he would listen to common sense and do the right thing. It would be a shame to lose a good contract, but my principles were my principles, I will not betray them for money or a contract.



Location: Streets leading to The Hill, Annaj
Kit: BR-212 'Jackal' ACR, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I, vibroblade
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Goyrg

Leading Sil and Romi through the streets, Arturo held to what he considered silent stoicism as he made his way from cover to cover in the wake of his forward party. The two gangers he had sent on ahead came into view every now and then, but for the most part remained just beyond the Underboss's line of sight. With buildings pressing in from either side, Arturo wasn't certain how he felt about that. The only sounds were those of their footsteps, and distant blasterfire and shouts. Occasionally, a larger, deeper note would roll down off of Palace Hill- a cannon shot, maybe. Or something similar enough as not to matter.

It seemed the Rebel was done waiting. Good thing they were, too.

His private comlink chirped as they wound their way through the streets. Making sure his helmet wouldn't emit any sound, he accepted the request. A moment later, his second's voice spoke into his ear. "Arturo? Are you there?" For someone who'd been resisting a siege for the last forty-eight hours, Arturo felt that Nara Aikan'sefu's voice sounded remarkably calm over the line. I expected nothing less. "Hey, Nara, how's things?" Smiling to himself, the Underboss was forced to pause as a group of armed civilians appeared from a side alley. For a moment, his eyes locked with the group's leader. When Arturo failed to raise his blaster, the leader's eyes drifted down to the marks on his pauldron. He stepped aside.

Crisis averted. Kinda.

"Just peachy. 'Grant get you up to speed?" Nara replied as Arturo made to step past. He heard one of his men tell the group to go home, and voices rising in argument, but he ignored them. It was only his problem if they started shooting each other. "Yep, told me that Armageddon's come early this year. Things really that bad up at the palace?"

"You bet your sweet shebs they are! Three times these traitor di'kuts have tried to force their way in." There was a pause as something happened behind the scenes up at the palace. Arturo couldn't hear it clearly, but it sounded like men shouting, boots striking stone. "And three times they've failed to get past the front gates?" He asked.

"We're talking, ain't we?" The twi'lek bit back, her words laced with venom, as if she had sensed doubt in his voice. Jeez, sorry! "We are." Stopping at an intersection, Arturo turned to watch as his people advanced up the street behind him. He watched Romi and Sil warily, not entirely sure whether he should trust them or not. Trust was not a luxury he could afford, alas. "Not to worry. I got one of my better crews and we're coming your way. Oh, and Goyrg's here too."

"Goyrg?! Ain't that the mean-looking one who tried to kill you that time?"

Shrugging, Arturo carried on as the rearguard caught up.

"Everyone tries to kill me sooner or later, Nar. You know that." "True. Well, in that case, I look forward to seeing you both soon." Smiling, the Underboss let a modicum of warmth seep into his voice. It was a good thing he was muted. "Likewise. Hope you've kept the place tidy in my absence." Nara's laughter filled his helmet, and the sound was so out of place that it made Arturo's head ache. Not to worry. "You know it. I'll roll out the red carpet upon your arrival. Just... make some noise, understand?"

"That I do. See you soon." Dropping the connection, the Underboss unmuted his helmet, before looking over his shoulder at Romi & Sil. "A block to go and we'll be there. Hope you two are as good as I think you are. Otherwise this'll be a bit more short-lived than I expected." Grinning, he turned back to see the two scouts waiting up ahead. "It's whatever. Blaze of glory suits me just fine."

Location: Office Building Rooftop, Capital City - Annaj
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga


<"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
“I’m getting reports of a sniper firing on the west market.” Ivixa said as she followed the Underboss through the streets, moving from cover to cover as she hefted her heavy fusion rifle, a weapon which seemed almost comically large compared to her tiny frame. “I’m heading back up to take care of the ones I marked earlier. I’ll catch up with you guys!” With that, the diminutive sniper took off from the ground, her repulsor pack carrying her up on top of a nearby building as the group of gangsters continued moving after the Underboss. Then, lowering herself onto a knee, Ivixa looked down the scope of her fusion rifle, her gaze pointed towards one of the sniper positions she had identified beforehand.

Within a split second, she saw a shooter.

Setting her crosshairs over their chest, a high-powered beam lanced out from her rifle, striking the renegade sniper in the chest and rendering them as naught but atoms in a burst of golden energy. Then, without a moment of hesitation, she swept her sights over the next position, trained eyes quickly locating a second sniper, before she struck him down as well.

Two more high-pitched, ringing zaps sang out across the area as Ivixa eliminated two more snipers, taking one before he could draw a bead on one of the gangsters moving through the streets and the other as he made to relocate, a golden lance striking him just before he could escape into a stairwell.

“Marks are down.” Ivixa said calmly as she placed her rifle on her back, before giving a deep breath and kicking into a run to catch back up with the Underboss and the mercenary, jumping from one building to another assisted by her armor’s repulsors to augment her honed athleticism. “However, there may be more, so keep your heads on a swivel.” She added in between breaths. “I didn’t have a sightline to every spot in the city back there.”

The Force works in mysterious ways.

-Iasha thought as she listened to the tapped coms and watched the movements in the streets. It appeared that the Black Sun was less monolithic than they seemed. It remained to be seen if this division made them less able to serve the designs of her master. Then again, Iasha thought, this could all have been part of the master's designs to spread her influence. Had she known that there would be discord? Had she sensed it in the Force? Iasha was only beginning to grasp how far such powers could reach.

She could feel the division, but also the resolve to settle the matter.

Her seat squirmed a little as his narcotic journey took a new turn, but she silenced him with a swift kick of her heel. It was his communication device that she was using to listen to the Black Sun's chatter. He was still alive as she needed his codes and passphrases, but she had put him on a journey of mind-expansion that would keep him occupied for some time. She would return to finish the job later, but for now he was more useful alive.

Iasha listened with interest to the Black Sun's chatter while watching the movements of the gangsters and civilians.

It was when the agent of the Bounty Hunters' Guild protested that Iash'arha finally clicked the button her finger had been hovering over for some time. She stood up, shook her head and raised her chin to make herself presentable as she reached out to the Hutt of the hour.

"Esteemed Lorda, Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt , if the Bounty Hunters' Guild are not up to your standards, then perhaps you should seek assistance elsewhere. Allow me to demonstrate our services."

She gave a courtly bow and brushed the dark cape aside subtly to flash the lightsabre hanging from her belt. A smile flashed over the twi'lek's lips as her message ended, though the connection stayed open.

She gave her subject another swift kick for good measure.

"We just need to give him back the palace, right? No big issue."

Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul

Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Iasha Rha Iasha Rha
Location: In orbit above Annaj

One of the merceneries on the ground sent a transmission to Broka's ship in orbit. A servant relayed it to the Supreme Mogul, and Broka laughed satsified. His loyalty test worked. If even a seemingly hardened mercenery could beleive it, then it certainly means the loyal citizens of his city obeyed too. It also meant that those who did not place loyalty with him were marked by their neighbors as traitors. All too good for Broka's intentions. He needed to ensure loyalty to even the lowest echelon of society within the acquired territory of Black Sun.

His image appeared on the terminals across the city once more. "<Loyal citizens of this wonderous city on Annaj, you have no reason to fear my wrath! You have proven yourselves worthy of not receiving my ire. Though, remember if any of your neighbors did not come out. They are traitors. They did not march on my palace and sack my city, but they did not yearn to defend it as you did. Now return to your homes with satisfaction that you are proper citizens of this wonderous city! The forces of Black Sun shall end this attack from renegade Suns and restore order to this city with the assistance of talented hired warriors! Return home in joy loyal citizens! Live in shame traitorous ones.>"
His image dissapeared.

It seemed things were going as planned on the ground. All too perfect. This insult to his honor will not go unpunsihed. He will make those Underbosses who betrayed him pay with more than their lives. He will take their pride, their reputations, and their will first. He wanted to break them for their insolence.

However, a new transmission came in from those of the Bounty Hunters Guild. He patched them through, and heard them. He then had a resposne sent to Twi'lek who sent the signal.

"<Where was your organization when I was hiring not too long ago? I will take all who wish to serve Black Sun. By all means assist my forces in destroying these renegades. I want them to pay for following the worms that rebelled against me.>"
He then ended that transmission.
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Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Iasha Rha Iasha Rha
Location: Annaj Streets

Goyrg's forces continued to run through the streets block by block. He had no clue that the loyalty test his boss had in mind was actually more of a test of wanting rather than doing. However, Goyrg was glad he no longer had to babysit the civilians. He was still running at the lead. A few of the other crews from the Nem'ro Suns were starting to converge and fall behind his crew. He heard a few shots ring out. High powered shots. They were a few blocks away from where they came from, so Goyrg did not worry too much. His forces were not being shot at this time.

He lead the converging Nem'ro Suns for a couple more blocks before he caught up with what he thought was Braga. He had a well sized crew here. A merc was helping out too it seemed. His forces slowed down from their break neck pace of running to a slower jog.

"Found ya Braga! Seems ya got proper amount for a crew here as well. The calvalry's behind me. Time ta run on the palace and crush those renegade runts!"
Goyrg then positioned himself at the head of the larger cluster near where Braga was standing. His Nem'ro Suns began to mix in with Braga's Annaj troops.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Location: Near to Broka’s palace, Annaj
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Goyrg | Iasha Rha Iasha Rha | Open
[ Last Battle ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As we progressed, I definitely didn’t like what I saw about the civilians. I was still waiting for the snail's response. Meanwhile, the agent went to do his thing, and I nodded at the Underboss. I haven’t done anything yet; but I was prepared to defend myself if necessary. However, this was not necessary either, because we were able to move in a place that the fighting had not yet reached. Although its voice could already be heard. A corner; I checked my armoury again. Every weapon was fine in that case if I had to intervene.

Force user assassin. Is she a Sith? Possible; so much so I even knew they had a pretty big reputation in the right circles. And of course they ask for a lot of money for their services.

"I will be wondering, little girl, whether your guild will get permission from the Eternal Empire to work here." if she's offensive, so am I. I wonder if the Contractor's guild, the state would allow them to work. I don't know much Force Users in the Empire, specifically one, although I've been working here for quite some time.

The large snail... It seems he has some common sense after all. And I didn't hear the answer to the other twi'lek; provided if there was an answer. I sped up my footsteps and went forward. I activated the whistling bird. I didn’t look at Goyrg or the larger cluster. As I passed them, I started running in the direction of the traitors popping up in the distance. They laughed and opened fire on me. I was able to avoid most shots, some of them hit my energy shield.

I activated the bird, the whistling sound could be heard, and then the explosive projectiles crashed into the enemy and carried out a small massacre, killing nearly a dozen traitors, the rest then stopped and the shots stopped.

"That's all you know?!" I asked, deliberately vexing them.


Iasha ignored the armoured twi'lek with a huff, not dignifying the comment with any more of a response. With swift hands, she pulled the elastic neck of her suit up past her nose and allowed it to cover her face, then checked that her lekku were properly tied together. While she, like most twi'lek preferred to keep them free, Iasha knew when to tie them back with a soft strap.

"Let's go"

Iasha then unclipped the sabre with a flourish and hid it alongside her arm as she focused on her plotted path of assault. Her feet started skipping in space, getting the blood pumping through her veins as she caressed the metal cylinder of her sabre.

This was going to require speed.

The Force surged through her veins as she let the hate that smouldered in her heart take hold. Her teeth gritted together painfully, giving her the sensation that they were about to break under the pressure, but she knew they would not. The world around her became a blur as she kicked her way off her perch and landed further down. She did not stop or stumble, but pushed herself smoothly up to her feet and carried on, accelerating as she did.

When she saw resistance ahead, instead of charging headlong into the fray, she turned a corner. Her feet kicked off the ground, off the wall, and her body contorted itself in the air to give her purchase, feet first, on a roof. She activated the button on her sabre and flung it from her height. It spun in an unnatural arc just as her new pursuers came to view. Footfalls became quiet and the blade returned to Iasha who had to sidestep to catch it again.

Lucky, she didn't cut herself this time.

Bouncing her feet again, she picked up the pace.

These few patrols were not what was going to gain her organisation an audience with the Hutts. No, she had bigger plans. Iasha had plans to go for the head; she had decided that she would find and eradicate whoever organised the assault, or at least find their camp of operations. That was, after all, what her organisation did best.

Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Goyrg
Location: Capital City - Annaj
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Iasha Rha Iasha Rha Goyrg

Leaping from one building to another in a repulsor-assisted, yet distinctly athletic front flip, the diminutive sniper moved into position behind an air conditioning unit on the roof, before pulling her rifle from her back as lowered her form into a crouching position.

By now, the battle for the palace had begun in earnest, with fire being exchanged between both sides. She caught sight of the Orchid Huntress as her whistling birds detonated amidst a formation of renegade gangsters. Not far from her, the other Twi’lek moved in a blur, leaping from the ground with power derived from supernatural realms and contorting in mid-air in a display that put Ivixa’s own athleticism and agility to shame. Then, her lightsaber was flung from her grasp, cutting through the pursuing renegades in a deadly arc to leave a pile of decapitated bodies and hacked limbs in its wake.

Nevertheless, the Asa’nyx maintained her focus, setting her sights on the streets as the renegades moved into defensive positions across the city.

“Okay, that’s enough. How about we figure this out after all the gangsters are dead? For now, let’s try and actually work together.” The diminutive sniper said to the two feuding Twi’lek’s over the Eternal Empire network, attempting to de-escalate them.

Mercenaries.” She added in an annoyed, yet inaudible whisper.


Location: Bottom of The Hill, Annaj
Guns and knives: BR-212 'Jackal' ACR, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I, Vibroblade
Allies?: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Goyrg Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Iasha Rha Iasha Rha

"Feel free to lead the way then, brother Goyrg." Arturo's smile was wicked behind his faceplate. If the big oaf -the big violent oaf- wanted to kick off the assault, Arturo wouldn't stop him. The Nem'ro Suns outnumbered his own troops by a small margin, and like his own, they were all armored in the new digs given to them by the Consortium. They'll make for good shields should the renegades react quicker than I expect, the Underboss thought, as cold-blooded as ever. Better his boys than mine. If things went well, Goyrg would be able to hog all the glory to himself, not that he ever thought of such things.

A good fight, a solid drink and a harem of women were enough to keep Goyrg happy. Well, that's what his sources told him. Arturo wasn't quite sure he believed them though.

Arturo and his crew readied their weapons as they ceded their places to the Nem'ro Suns. Arturo couldn't remember how many times he'd checked his weapon in the time he'd been ground side. Too many times, probably. "Alright, boys and girls, the light is green. You are clear to engage. Have fun and don't get killed!" Following behind Goyrg and his shooters, Arturo's own were quick to go to work as they entered the area surrounding the palace. Someone shouted in alarm as they thundered up the street. Likely a sentry, the Underboss thought. The bark of a blaster cut the shout short. A dozen more took it's place.

Then the fight began in earnest, and all hell broke loose.

The first to feel the effects were the traitors. A number were cut down as Goyrg' and Arturo's men poured into the streets and shops surrounding The Hill. Blasterfire split the sky as the Underboss trained his sights on the first cannon's crew and opened fire. One renegade reeled away, his chest ablaze where the bolt had struck. Another fell, a hole through his helmet. The other two crew members died soon after, cut down by who knew. The renegades that had been set to defend it were dead or dying too, Sil's whistling birds reaping a dozen of the enemy in the time it took to blink.

Swarming forwards, Arturo threw himself into cover as a Sun with two red stripes on her pauldron shouldered through the door behind him. Two more followed her inside, and up. Get the high ground. Good call. Standing, he slid around the corner, pressing on with the rest. A voice spoke in his ear as he advanced, the 'Jackal' finding targets and putting them down. "'Nother blaster cannon down, boss. Looks like your sniper friend's got a good eye on her after all."

Smiling, Arturo hopped over a body, sidestepped another. "She ain't my friend Chass, but yeah, she's keener than most. Good work, people!" Another voice reported that the third cannon was where Blackwatch had said it would be. It fell in short order too, the crew gunned down or else knocked out. For a moment, Arturo thought they might actually win this without many casualties.

The fourth cannon caught the advancing Loyalists by surprise. The air in front of Arturo burnt as a bolt the size of his arm sizzled by, tearing through two men to his left. It happened so fast that the Underboss barely had time to be afraid. Throwing himself to the side, Arturo took cover as the cannon's report drowned out all noise. A half-dozen loyalists fell, and three more followed as the renegades managed to halt their retreat and about-face. If the odds had been in their favour, they weren't any more.

Sitting with his back to the wall, Arturo looked skywards as the battle continued. It didn't take a genius to see that their assault was stalling; blood would overflow the gutters if this went on much longer. Such a shame, too. Things were going so well. "Anyone got an angle?" Arturo asked, taking a peek only to be forced back into cover a second later. "Romi, you got a fix? How about you, Lady Mando? Goyrg? Mystery woman?" Leaning out, the Underboss marked the cannon with his HUD, and even managed to get a shot off before the wall by his face exploded.

Stone chips cracked against his faceplate as he swung back. Somebody pressed against him from behind, but he didn't risk looking. He had more important matters to attend to. "Preferably sometime soon."
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Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Location: Near to Broka’s palace, Annaj
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Goyrg | Iasha Rha Iasha Rha | Open
[ Last Battle ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For a moment, I frowned at the words of Seven. I hadn’t even spoken to the other woman who was currently tossing her lightsaber from the roof. My question was for the renegades… anyway. Everyone began to attack, and the enemy slowly began to back away. I was not surprised by this; after that, mainly how much they had lost in the first wave. After the first seconds, I had to take cover, too, because my shield wouldn’t last forever either. So I moved forward, from cover to cover, as they retreated.

Eventually, we pushed them out of that main road which leads to the palace and pushed them back into the more distant streets. Here, however, more and more unpleasant events began. They seemed to realize that they would not be able to get into the palace anymore, but the city also belonged to Broka. I could hear them breaking the glass of the shop windows, looting them, starting to shoot at the population, and they went into the buildings. This, in turn, is bad because Seven might not attack them either.

<< This is Orchid, they seem to have begun plundering shops and breaking into civilian houses. This will make our job more difficult. >> I told the others.

I looked back for a moment to where Braga and the snail's other men were, and then stepped out onto the next street, under cover. There will be no more cannon support here unless the boys bring them after me.


Location: Capital City - Annaj
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: @Silhana Lolaes’ra Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Arturo Braga Arturo Braga @Iasha Ra Goyrg Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt

"Romi, you got a fix? How about you, Lady Mando? Goyrg? Mystery woman?"

“I’m on my way! Moving into position now!” The sniper answered snappily, pushing herself up from a crouching position as she did, before kicking hard with strong legs to build up speed in order to jump to a nearby building.

Up until the moment her sensors pinged renegade signatures from the rooftop of a building nearby.

Ivixa rolled into cover with elegant grace just as a particle beam bolt streaked through where her head had been only a split-second before, breathing hard as she did, slightly winded from the effort of sprinting across multiple rooftops. Fortunately, her conditioning had improved since her induction into Blackwatch, the rigorous fitness standards forcing her to push her body past its limits, ultimately making her stronger. If she had done a similar level of exertion before, back when she was with the Wild Hunt, Ivixa knew that she might have fared far worse.

As if on cue, MANIAC informed her of the enemy’s location and number, one on the rooftop of the building to her right, two who were three buildings from her left...

And three in her immediate surroundings.

Ivixa’s ears perked up as her senses began to focus in on her surroundings, drowning out everything else as the three assailants moved to close in on her, where they anticipated a massive advantage over such a diminutive opponent. However, Ivixa still had cards to play, even as more blaster fire came at her from close range, the shimmering, transparent barrier of her energy shield coming to life just in time to intercepto the five pistol bolts. Unfortunately, the kinetic force was enough to send Ivixa reeling, but she managed to quickly recover, bringing her left gauntlet up to fire a burst of CryoBan towards the closest renegade, freezing the man in place just as he raised his arm to fire another shot. However, that still left the other two. One of the renegades came at her from the left, while the other closed on her right, their vibroblades raised in vicious arcs intended to hack her head and left arm off, respectively. Ducking out of the one which came for her head with a grunt, the other blow struck her shield, its charge further depleting to the tune of warnings displayed in her HUD.

Nevertheless, Ivixa began to sense her opportunity.

As she ducked, Ivixa’s own vibroblade came free from its place on her back, the weapon thrumming in her hand as she angled to block a strike aimed for her head, before immediately striking back at the assailant in a fast, aggressive riposte aimed for the legs. Ivixa gave a fiery, high-pitched cry as her blade found its mark, cleaving both legs in a spray of broken bone and blood, leaving the renegade a screaming mess as his comrade moved to retaliate.

The gangster’s twin vibroblades arced down in overhead strikes, his blades striking her shield once more, yet to another, more insistent warning. Within the next few moments, blades clashed back and forth, with Ivixa working to keep her distance as she was forced on the defensive. Feeling the sweat beading on her brow, Ivixa grunted as the thug’s strikes came one after the other, the gangster leveraging his superior strength to batter down the tiny assassin’s defenses via brute force.

Before long, Ivixa found herself backed into the edge of the roof.

In the next moment, the gangster’s blades came at her neck. While she quickly parried one with her weapon, the other she had no choice but to defend against with her gauntlet, only just managing to do so before his armored boot collided with her chest, sending the assassin flying down from the building...

Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Goyrg

Iasha was feeling pretty good about her progress, to the point of cockiness. The response from the members of longer standing filled her with a certain rebellious pride. In her mind, there was no doubt that they would come to recognise her power. After all, she was Sith. But in truth, there was only one person she truly needed to impress: Broka.

The master's plan demanded it.

The Underboss' call for aid came through, Iasha stopped for a second to reassess her progress. Cannons had to be organised, they couldn't just fire off whenever they felt like it. So, there had to be a connection from the cannon to their central command.

The moment it took Iasha to think this was enough for one of the insurgent gunners to take aim.

Iasha barely managed to turn and attempt to dive off her precipice when an explosion seized her and flung her hard down on the ground. Debris from her previous perch pelted her and the ground. She coughed and patted the ground around her for her lightsaber, but knew she had little time. A grenade launcher took some time to load, but not as long as-

The Force screamed at her and Iasha turned all her attention in one direction. Her hand reached out, fingers curling like talons as she gritted her sharpened teeth. The rocket stopped in mid air, then began to bend. Her nose wrinkled as she forced it to stay until it detonated. A ball of fire, a hail of shrapnel just out of reach. Iasha rubbed the sand out of her eyes and called her sabre to her without thinking.

"Coming." Iasha coughed up a combination of blood and dust. "Your sharpshooter clearly needs support."

She lashed out with her hand again, the grenadier jerked in his window, then was yanked out. The Sith set her eyes on the cannon and bounced her foot again before shooting off, down up, over.

Location: Outside the compound, Annaj
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Goyrg Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Iasha Rha Iasha Rha

Waiting for a reply, Arturo leaned out from his position and returned fire as best he could. A few quick taps, followed by longer bursts. His HUD painted targets as they appeared, and marked the trajectory of any incoming fire. But he had learned early on that tech could be fooled, and chances were, it would let you down when you needed it most.

Maybe that was why he got shot.

At first it was just a sound, a snap and a scream in his ears. Deafening, it drowned out the report of his own weapon, and that of the Sun stood next to him. The pain followed soon after. Suddenly breathless, Arturo half-fell back into cover. A hand scrabbled at the back of his rig and pulled him deeper as more shots rang out from nearby, but his only thoughts were of pain. Pain and anger and surprise; and he was surprised.

Someone had shot him, and worse, he'd survived.

A weird, volatile mix of emotions surged through Arturo as he caught his breath. He could feel his hindbrain working overtime as it decided whether he should continue fighting, or instead cower in fear. When it settled on the former, he was both quietly relieved and inexplicably annoyed. Always fighting, the Contractor thought bitterly as he clambered back to his feet. Was that his lot in life? To fight until it became physically impossible? Sometimes it felt like it.

Not that he minded; Death was a thrilling dance partner.

"Coming." Iasha coughed up a combination of blood and dust. "Your sharpshooter clearly needs support."

"She's not~... the only one." Arturo growled through gritted teeth, peaking out from cover in time to see the Apprentice launch herself at the cannon's crew. Turning around, the Underboss decided to take his supposed ally's advice by sending men to assist Romi. He was about to open his mouth when said sharpshooter tumbled from the rooftop to land in the street a dozen paces away. A market stall chock-full with valuable goods broke her fall, but even so, it sounded nasty. Looked nasty, too.

Gazing up, Arturo was unsurprised to see a thug staring back at him, two Vibroblades clutched in his hands.

Snapping off a double tap, the Underboss grimaced as the thug retreated back behind the lip of the roof. "Feth!" He cursed, stumbling across the street to loom over the spread-eagled Asa'nyx whilst one of his men covered him. Despite how things looked, the fall hadn't killed her. Yet. Being extra careful not to step on her ears, Arturo knelt down. "You better not be dead, Blackwatch," he grumbled, reaching out to shake the agent back to consciousness. "Come on, up you get." His chest complained as he continued to shake the comatose sniper.

Clearly his armor had done it's job earlier, otherwise he wouldn't of been feeling much of anything right now. Especially not concern.

"If your corpse winds up on my doorstep, I swear to God..."
Location: Capital City - Annaj
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Goyrg Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Iasha Rha Iasha Rha

It took a moment for her mind to realize that her body was still alive.

As much as she killed and killed and killed without pause or mercy, the tiny assassin feared death like anyone else, still having much to live for. Her family still depended on her for support, her little sister Priesse needed her assistance to navigate the complexities of military life, and the swordsman, Conn Dagorian, she had not yet forgotten about him. Just as those thoughts filled her mind, pain suddenly surged through her nerves as Ivixa came to, realizing that she was alive and conscious, though hurting all over. Groaning, Ivixa rubbed her temple as her biochip’s medisensor listed her injuries, a concussion, multiple broken ribs and fingers, torn ligaments in both ankles, and yet more injuries which the tiny sniper couldn’t care to process.

And yet, possessing Instincts honed and shaped by violence, when faced with the choice to fight or surrender, like Arturo, Ivixa chose the former.

She pushed herself up out of the wreckage with a sharp, pained grunt, ignoring the fact that she had just unwittingly destroyed some poor shopkeeper’s livelihood. The gangsters were still out there, taking control of Broka’s palace where doubtlessly they would continue to pursue their thuggish, psychopathic activities. Just then, one of the other gangsters arrived to assist her, but Ivixa was set on helping herself.

At least, for a few moments.

Then, the pain seized her nerves as she took her third step out of the wreckage, an anguished cry leaving her lips as she fell onto her hands and knees, coughing as she did.

“I’m not dead, you filthy, drug-peddling slug thug!” Ivixa answered, enraged at her own weakness, attempting to pick herself back up, only to collapse back to the ground. “I’m getting up! I can do that on my own!" She insisted, trying to do so a third time, only to fail once more, before letting out an agonizing, distressed cry as pain began to flare in her right heel.

“Get your hands off me, or I'll shank you!” The assassin added irrationally.

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Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Location: Near to Broka’s palace, Annaj
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Goyrg | Iasha Rha Iasha Rha | Open
[ Last Battle ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The situation was not good, I realized too late what the diversion was for. I don’t know if I mentioned it to anyone, but I don’t really like working with Hutt; and mostly not for them. They are all arrogant. Across the line of communication, I heard there was a problem with the others, the Underboss was injured, as was Seven. Damn it! It was only a diversion.

I walked into the store that was here nearby where I saw there were civilians wounded inside. If nothing else, at least I try to save them. As I entered I heard a click and a metallic rupture. Trap!

"Feth!" I said.

The next moment, I mentally activated my shield through MANIAC. It saved my life when the explosion happened. I probably lost consciousness for a few moments because I suddenly found myself on the other side of the street where the wall stopped me after the flight. My chest ached and it was hard to breathe and I could see a little vaguely.

"I told, we had to blow up that damn palace!" I snarled painfully.

And that wasn’t the end of it, as four traitorous Black Sun members approached me with their weapons held on me as well. One thing is for sure, I won’t give up without a fight. It might hurt all of my pieces, but I was a Mandalorian or a bounty hunter and I'll not let them kill me. Last but not least, I think I am too young and beautiful to die.

And I got a concussion to think like that…



The boost let her move fast, but it was beginning to wear her down. She did not show it, fearing to be perceived as unfit for service, but she only had so much more to go on. She had to hit that cannon hard and catch her breath. It was all or nothing. Two of her compatriots were in rough shape, according to the reports on the channel, and one she could not quite account for. That did not bode too well for their mission. Even so, they were not defeated yet.

Blasting past Arturo, she launched herself at the cannon crew.

The red sabre burst to life again as she crashed into the shoulders of a larger foe. He collapsed beneath her weight as the plasma blade seared through flesh, bone and armouring all at once. That got their attention.

Blasters were levied in her direction, but she had come to close too quickly. Others drew their vibroblades instead.

She counted five more.

The quickest of her foes had her in the sight of his scattergun already, but the bloodshine blade was quicker. Both the blaster and one of the hands holding it was rendered to a smouldering stump. A vibroblade zipped past her side as she twisted out of the way, and a second followed up, raking across her fabric and cutting some of the skin beneath. Blood welled up in response. Pain stung, distracting her mind, but feeding the dark side of the Force.

She swiped at him, buying distance, but not connecting. A third brigand tried to stab her from behind, but she stopped his momentum with a kick, sending him reeling with a cracked rib. The fourth had pulled a smaller blaster and got off a few shots. One miss, one too close, the third would strike true but the Sith barely had time to deflect it, sending it above his head. As he ducked in response, she flicked her blade around and severed the head.

Two out of five down.

No time to think; the second assailant was on her again, twin blades flashing out at her in a one-two combo. This time, she knew another would coming at her from the rear. She had sensed his intent now, trying to exploit their numbers without walking into her sabre. Iasha knew she was at a disadvantage.

But she was also Sith.

And that was an advantage of its own.

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