Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply First Thaw, Then Add Water (Character Introduction)

Gearing Gurke Gearing Gurke Jax Thio Jax Thio

SHe was looking at the wookiee needing to more as the suits sensors were disabled as he seemed to add a lot more thrust and p-ower to his suit trying to escape... to the point he was lifting her massive size with her own suit on and holding onto the ground. SHe released him when the strain of holding one was to much and watched him go up and up and up.... Even her body hurt as she constricted herself back into a coil. She could see some visible damage done to her suit but it was strained and stretched. The flexible sections might tear if they had more and she kne there wasn't enough sealent gem to be used. So she would need to turn her attention back towards the other jedi and the ship in the distance. She would mourn the wookiee later... whatever happened to him she was not entirely sure of but didn't think her grip could have damaged that much.... maybe. "Surrender." She said it over the com-channel looking at the ones trying to take the carbonite slab and having problems. ONe of them did but the other hadn't yet and she pointed but had deactivated her lightsaber. Only having it at the ready in her hand in case they tried to attack again.


Location: Ruusan
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Gearing Gurke Gearing Gurke , Yag'dril'sil Yag'dril'sil

With the Wookie incapacitated, Jax deactivated his Lightsaber relieved at the fact that he spared a life. He'll have to go back and heal the Wookie's wounds after he found out about the disturbance in the Force. The other men immediately surrender while Jax took a deep breath. "All right," Jax spoke in a calm trying to ease the men's worries. "Who are you people and what are you doing on Russan's moons?"

There was a carbonite slab seemingly containing a person inside. Being encased in carbonite was one of the most common ways of preserving the dead or in some cases, place one's body in suspended animation for long term voyages. "More importantly, who is that person frozen carbonite?" Jax asked the thugs.

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Gearing Gurke

Blind Jedi from the past.
The two remaining goons looked at each other, and then at their unconscious colleague on the ground. There was a small atmosphere leak in the helmet from where the the holocron had hit the Twi'lekk on the head. Neither seemed interested in helping him at all.

Finally, the Trandoshan replied to the two Jedi over the comms in huttese, "We surrender, Jedi. We were hired on a private contract to investigate a distress beacon. We didn't discover the beacon. The client did. We are only doing a job."

The fact that the Trandoshan is speaking in perfect Huttese rather than Dosh should be interesting...

Yag'dril'sil Yag'dril'sil Jax Thio Jax Thio
Gearing Gurke Gearing Gurke Jax Thio Jax Thio

Yag moved and was checking her suit.. she would really have to try and get her own suit made by the artisans but they had barely managed at the time to make a functional suit like this that wouldn't scrape and breakdown from her moving across surfaces in it. THey might have better materials as her attention was brought back to what was happening with the one speaking and she looked at him.. then turned to the other jedi. "Hey old man... I don't think I like the cut of his jobe... and that isn't because I don't understand what he is saying... it sounds like he is slurring his words."

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