Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First week in office

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
That was one less thing. Charlize nodded to the Count after Alli was escorted out. There were other blights and weak links in the government and she was going to fund and fix them all. She would get there. Though it was going to be a long road.

Next on her list was to have her overseer, the one in charge of business contacts make a new set of contracts. Joy.

And there was the Knights tk deal with. Why did they have space wizards?

"It was a pleasure, Count. I have a few other things on my agenda today. I trust you can find the exit?" She spoke in the most polite tone possible before turning to the Knight.

"I appreciate you coming. I wasn't sure which way that was going. How are things in the Force?" Or department of witchcraft and wizardry.

[member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Chaos Maxtor"]
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Elgyn returned the Count's nod before the Charlize spoke to him. Elgyn's body still continued to recover from hibernation sickness. . His facial features were bland and his skin was pale, minor atrophy had limited his capacity for skinshifitng. He was stronger than his appearance.

Walking slowly forward he started to speak. "The disbalance in the Force today makes Palpaltine's era look like a saucy puppet show. My presence was requested. How may I be of service?" He asked with a pleasant tone.
The Admiralty
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Sometimes it was good to be well acquainted with the leaders of the various nations that were currently gracing the Galaxy with their renewed presence and power. Starchaser and Ovmar had been friends ever since that one time they met during a poker match and played some high stakes games with as prize a few corporate contracts.

Yeah, you heard it right. They hadn’t been playing for cash, but for the rights of producing and manufacturing products - that’s how things went in some layers of society and it was good, it felt good too.

With the dealio of Baktoid Industrial finished, closed and killed Ovmar sat back in his chair, enjoying some scotch with Starchaser. He wouldn’t have been able to pull this crap off without his assistance, one of those times where being properly acquainted was a good thing.

Point was: nothing came for free in this world, not even with people you counted amongst your friends. In the end? Both of ‘em were businessmen and both of ‘em expected to get something out of any arrangement made, this wasn’t any different of a situation. Baktoid had to go, it was that simple, Ovmar had been looking into the corporation for a long, long while and was simply waiting for a situation to arise where he could take advantage.

He had started to despair that such a thing would never come, that he would have to get his hands even dirtier and engineer one himself… until Wren decided it was a good idea to get involved in the Druckenwell Escapade.

Ovmar hadn’t had any assets on that planet himself, so he really wasn’t in a position to understand why someone would want to get involved- hell, why someone would want to try and bring down the damn shipyards on top of the planet even. Well, that wasn’t true, from a military-position there was some minor sense in it; it was a ruthless sense, but a sense nonetheless.

No corporate sense though, it wouldn’t have made any difference for Wren if the Protectorate or the Abrion System Authority was in charge of the world. So the destruction of the world didn’t have any profit, and only a loss of credibility as a result.

What a waste.

But yeah, short history lesson aside. Starchaser obviously wanted something in return for this little service, luckily this something was only profitable for Ovmar in the long run so he didn’t have any problems with granting him the request.

Baktoid Industrial.

With the acquisition of its assets, Neuro-Saav suddenly had the capacity to produce all matter of things, from tanks to guns, from ships to droids… everything was suddenly available to Neuro-Saav Corporation and Starchaser needed all that stuff - well maybe not all that stuff.

But here was the thing.

The Abrion Corporate Alliance needed new armies. It was clear that the old ways weren’t working, Grand Marshal after Grand Marshal amassed power and control, making it one of the most dangerous positions the Nation could have.

It would only take one Marshal to decide he would rather be named Emperor and then… well crap hits the fan. So an alternative to the usual meatbag-armies had to be made, an other thing was that producing droids was expensive. At least if you produced them the way Hegemonic Automaton did - pure, utter quality which made sure that the price was pretty steep.
That’s where the old Baktoid assets would come in.

Both Starchaser and Ovmar were currently looking over the contracts and other proposals that would herald a new era in technological innovation and corporate greed in the ACA.

Contract in question was pretty simple, Neuro-Saav Corporation would design and produce two to three types of droids for the Corporate Alliance Armies, said droid designs will be exclusive for Abrion (if the Nation becomes defunct than the designs will be free to repurpose by the Corporation for other ends)

Furthermore the ACA would subsidize the workings of Neuro-Saav Corporation.

That basically translated into a big, fat money bag annually, tax exempts and less strict guidelines when it came to experimenting with technology and all that jazz.

Basically a win-win situation for both parties.

ACA would get the droid army it needed, Neuro-Saav Corporation would get the credits it deserved.

The two Sith Lords signed the contracts and that was that.

Heil Tion.

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