Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Fishing in the Dark (SJO)

Heaving myself out of the ice-cold water, I stood up. The Kyber Crystal had a yellow shine to it. Yellow crystals were the ones used by Temple Guards centuries ago. Cool. Taking a few steps forward, my robotic hand reached out. As soon as my metal finger touched the crystal I was shot backwards into the water. My mind went black as I sank to the bottom.

Awakening, my eyes slowly opened. Sitting crosslegged on the ground I looked around me. I felt the same. Not knowing where I was I stood up. Placing my left hand on the ground I pushed off. Once I was on my feet I quickly gasped. Brining my left arm up to my face I stared at it. It was no longer robotic. Waving my fingers back and forth I realized this seemed to real.

A figure appeared in the distance. As they got closer, I made out the shape of a brown robe. The figure's boots clomped against the floor. My jaw dropped. I knew who this was. It was my old master. The one killed by the Sith Spirit. He began to speak to me telepathically, since he was mute.

"Hello Okkeus."

"Master? How is this...what are you...what?"

My old master chuckled, but it wasn't through my head, it was out loud. Taking a step back I reached for my blade, only to realize it wasn't there.

"Oh Okkeus, you still have much to learn."

A blade appeared in his hand. As he flicked the switch a ghostly red blade spewed out of it. He brought it up behind his head. As he swung down I covered my face, preparing for the worst. Inches infront a my face his blade hissed. Opening my eyes I saw a yellow blade protruding from my hands. He looked shocked. Taking this opportunity I pushed him back. Swing diagonally at him I cut him in half as he fell to the floor. Bringing my hands down I looked at the saber. Then I fell to the floor, blacking out.

I awoke in a cold sweat, which quickly turned into a cold shiver. I was floating on top of the water. Spinning myself around I swam to shore. I plopped myself down on the icy floor. Turning my head to the left I noticed my hand was back to being robotic. But it was also closed. Turning my fist I slowed opened my hand. Laying there was the yellow Kyber Crystal. A smile slowly appeared on my face.

Reggie Faayare Reggie Faayare Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Silver Tail Silver Tail Aphalos Carn
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Kiran Arlos

Kiran cleared his way through the icy path and once he got to the other side there wasn't anything to catch onto as he fell the icy floor just a few feet below him. Kiran rose to his feet as he knocked off was snow and ice had lingered on the outer layer of his clothes. The padawan continued to heed the call of his deceased brother and sister. But as before, the feeling itself wasn't sad or anything of that sort. It was something more, stronger such as hope and purpose. This had been the first time that Kiran had ever dealt with something like this, and it opened his eyes more than he could've possibly imagined.

Don't be afraid....

"I'm not."

Yes you are, for so long after Corellia you have been. Let it go...

"I don't know how."

Kiran, we are always going to be with you.

A tear left the eye of the padawan and rolled down his cheek as he was seemingly flooded with a series of emotions from his past experiences. And then it faded just as quickly as his eyes caught glimps of a soft white light gleaming through the walls. Kiran pulled the small ice pick from his pack and hit the ice surrounding the light several times until the portion of the ice came loose. Kiran watch it fall to the ground and he knelt down next to it and began to tap around the edges carefully and that is when he could see the Kyber crystal come loose. Kiran reached for the crystal and took it in his hand. A feeling of warmth and comfort spread across his body as the white crystal lit up brightly and turned a natural shade of green. Kiran stared at the cyrstal for a moment as a smile spread across his face and he glanced up. His sister and brother could be seen, for a few moments they were there and then they were gone.

"Always." Kiran whispered into the icy cavern as he clutched the green Kyber crystal tightly.

Silver Tail Silver Tail Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Reggie Faayare Reggie Faayare Aphalos Carn
Beltran worked himself further along the crevasse, forcing himself to fit between the ice walls. Whatever it was that was pulling him along this path only increased in urgency the closer he came. Several times, pieces of ice and snow would shake loose from above him, raining down on his head and despite his armor's insulation, the cold of the cave was seeping quickly into his bones.

He had moved far away from the others by now, too far to realistically expect any help to come if he got stuck or caught in a cave-in. He wasn't even sure that his comlink would operate with all these walls between him and the others. Nearing the end of the crevasse, he could see the walls were narrowing even further leaving only a sliver of an entrance to what he hoped would be a larger chamber beyond.

With effort, he pulled himself along. Each movement caused more ice and snow to come down on him in bigger and bigger pieces. He could feel a sense of panic well up inside himself as he became lodged between the walls.

Stay calm. A voice told him. He wasn't sure whether he'd thought it, or if he'd heard it, but it's deep tones were unfamiliar to him in either case. You must not fear. It continued. Fear is the mind-killer.

Beltran closed his eyes and steadied himself, breathing slowly. He clung to the few good memories he had, as Jedi Siegfried had taught him and worked to find peace. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. You must face your fear. You must permit it to pass over you and through you.

Delving into the Force, Beltran gave himself one last final push and broke through into the cavern beyond. No sooner was he out of the crevasse did it collapse into itself, sealing Beltran off from the others. Turning on his helmet light, the Lorrdian looked around the near pitch-dark area. There was no movement, no sound except his own breathing.

He began to activate his comlink, intending to call for help, but he stopped. "I must face my fear," He murmured aloud to himself. "I must permit it to pass over me and through me."

He began to walk.

With each step, he would enter deeper and deeper into the cave network. He would find other tunnels, squeeze through other crevasses. He would climb up several ice walls and lower himself down others. Hours would pass, maybe even days. At this point, he wasn't sure. He just followed his instincts and went where the Force took him.

Finally, he would come upon a form, sitting cross legged in the center of a small opening between two tunnels. It was covered in a white cloak and before it sat a tattered flimsi journal bound in some sort of leather, a white mask trimmed with gold in an odd design and a pair of yellow kyber crystals. A hood hung low over the form's head, obscuring it from view, but somehow Beltran knew that whoever it had been-was long dead.

I will face my fear. The voice said, as Beltran had a vision of a Jedi Temple Guard sitting before a small fire. It had been long ago, Beltran knew somehow. Centuries ago, before the Gulag plague. It was during a time when the Sith had nearly annihilated the Jedi. When a small handful of survivors had fled their temples. This Jedi had found himself here, alone and cut off from the outside. Slowly, over the days and weeks, starvation brought him close to death and in the moment Beltran saw-he prepared for it.

I will face my fear. He said again, his voice wavering a little and then getting stronger. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.

"Only I will remain." Beltran finished with him.
Somewhat wringing out his clothes, Okkeus was still shaken up. He had not had a vision about his old master in many years. And why did he attack me? Now he was shivering. Maybe it was the cold cave, or maybe it was the fact that his previous Master had a red blade! Taking a few deep breathes, he tried to calm himself down. His breathe was now steady.

Barely taking one step forward he heard a huge crash, it sounded like a mountain just fell. Tucking the crystal into his pocket Okkeus dove back into the water. Swimming to the other side of the waterfall he swam toward the icy bank. Heaving he myself up he ran back through the tunnels. He understood that all Padawans had to face this on their own, but he couldn't live with himself if one of they had gotten hurt. Finally he appeared at what seems to have fallen. It was a huge sheet of ice. Peering through the little gap he couldn't see anything.


No reply. He tried again, yet nothing. Taking a few steps back from the ice he looked up. The thing was massive. He felt worried for whoever was on the other side. But, after thinking for a while, he knew the force had a path for this person. After much willpower, he decided to leave and head back for the cave entrance, whoever was behind that wall need to have a lot of strength and belief in the force.

Silver Tail Silver Tail Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Reggie Faayare Reggie Faayare Kiran Arlos Aphalos Carn
While Reggie didn't go in with them, he kept track of those seeking their crystals through the force. As expected, many of them were facing different obstacles, most of them more emotional obstacles than physical. He couldn't tell exactly what trials they were facing now, it wasn't for him to know after all. The emotions they gave off were there if one only looked though. Fear, sorrow, confusion, and other emotions could be felt within the force. Despite this, Reggie had hope that they would all overcome the challenges they faced now, and learn from it.

Eventually, Reggie decided to head back to where the leaders of this expedition were. He approached them and gave a bow of respect. "Those who went in seem to be facing a trial of their own now. I remember when I obtained my own crystals. Both times, I was faced with my own fears and insecurities." The Padawan thought about those times and how he rose above the challenges then. Even so, he still had a long way to go, and he was sure this was only the beginning for most Jedi.

Silver Tail Silver Tail | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Aphalos Carn
The Masters and Knight waited patiently while the Younglings and Padawans were involved in their Gathering. When Reggie returned to them, the Knight approached him and held out a cup of caff for him.

"It gets cold here, Reggie. Please join us."

Motioning to the small heater they had, it was set safely above the frozen ice of the ground.

Two more heads turned his direction as he spoke.

"What you went through is for yourself. You are welcome to share if you wish though. Half of the day has passed so those still searching still have time. Once the day is over though, whether they have come back or not, we will have to leave. However, we have faith they will all succeed."

A peaceful silence resumed and the two masters went back to meditating. The Knight, however, stayed alert and was watching for the crystal hunters to return.
Okkeus continued snaking his way out of the cave. He could hear more echoes of Padawans, some sounding joyous. Others...not so much. But he had to ignore the. All people faced their Crystal gathering differently, so there was no need to interfere.

What still shook him was the vision he had. Was his old master still alive? He shivered at the thought of him holding a red blade. None of it made sense. His master never showed any connection to the dark side of the force. Was the spirit back again to haunt him. Keeping to himself, he decided to consult the council later.

"Come home..."

Quickly turning around he drew his blade. The blue blade ignited, illuminating the dark cave. No one was there. Slowly lowering the saber he moved his hand to turn it off.

"It is time..."

"Show yourself!"

Turning back around he swung his saber wildly, hoping to hit something. Again, no one was there. His breath quickened. He tried calming himself down, but it didn't work. Turning off his saber he made a sprint toward the cave entrance. After a few minutes light started to shine. Ahead was the opening. Slowing down his run to a walk he continued out of the cave. The masters stood there, waiting.

Silver Tail Silver Tail Reggie Faayare Reggie Faayare Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aphalos Carn
Reggie didn't mind the cold at first, but once he entered the area containing the heater he knew that it would take a bit to get used to the cold again. The Padawan accepted the cup and drank a bit of it as he listened to the other Jedi. Unless they wanted to know, he wouldn't talk about his own experience in the past. What he went through to get his crystals were quite different. One of them was no more than a child's worry about what could have become of the friend that destroyed one of his eyes. The other was much more dire though, and he didn't feel like remembering the contents of the vision he had.

Reggie had the same faith that the others had in the return of those who went into the cave, but he was curios about whether there were those who didn't make it out in the past. The Padawan would have asked, but wasn't willing to touch on a bad subject like this at the time, especially not now. Reggie sat down and kept watch over the cave like the Knight was doing.

After some time had passed, Reggie felt the presence of one of someone coming to the entrance of the cave. Okkeus was the one to emerge, and it seemed as though he had just gotten himself out of a stressful situation. Reggie went to speak with him in case he was right. "Okkeus! Welcome back my friend."

Silver Tail Silver Tail | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Aphalos Carn | Kiran Arlos
Standing there, alone, in the silence of the cavern Beltran pondered what he'd seen and felt. Before him sat the frozen corpse of a man who'd died centuries before Beltran's great-great grandfather would have been born, a man that he could never know, and a man that somehow he did know. Not everything, not his hopes and dreams, but enough.

He knew enough to know that this man had been a good man, had been a warrior of honor. He was a man to deserved a decent burial so that, perhaps at last, he could find peace.

It would take several hours of hauling pieces of ice and rock before Beltran was able to make a suitable cairn to surround the Jedi Guardian's body. That time would pass silently, with the exception of the crunch of snow underfoot and breath breathed in exertion. It was a kind of meditation, Beltran mused, simply acting and not thinking.

When the cairn was finally finished, Beltran looked down at it. He'd laid the Guardian's mask on the top of it, a kind of grave marker for a man who no longer had a name that was remembered. The journal he had taken. Perhaps the final writings of a dying man would help him on his journey to understand the Force.

And the Kyber crystals, the one's that had called to him. They still called to him, so he took them as well.

He was about to leave in search of a way back to the ship when he was struck by the sudden urge to open the journal. He flipped through pages upon pages, all scrawled in barely legible basic. He needed to find something, something very specific. Finally he came to the last page that still had writing upon it. Reading the words, Beltran spoke them out loud.

"If you are reading these words," He said. "Then you are the one that the Force showed me. A warrior in the distant future. You defend an Order beset upon by the dark side. This, I have seen. These crystals I have found, they are not for me. I am simply keeping them safe, for you. This journal I have written, take it. Read it. Perhaps in reading some of what I have learned, you too will learn. Finally, this mask. Have it. Wear it and stand for justice. Be the bulwark that keeps the darkness out. This I ask."

Looking down at the hastily scribbled signature, Beltran felt a sense of shock fill him. The name that was signed was Salian.

Salian Rarr.


Some time later, Beltran wasn't sure how long had passed, he would emerge from the cave network and approach the ship. Beltran carried his findings in his hand as he came near, nodding to Reggie Faayare Reggie Faayare and Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei as he passed them by. He would go to sit, alone, on the ship. He would think on what he had experienced while waiting for the others to return.
As each Youngling and Padawan returned from their own hunt, they were welcomed back to the warmth of the base camp. Just as the day was ending, the final one emerged from the cave they were near to. No questions were asked about what they had gone through but their health was verified and any injuries were taken care of. Luckily, they were all just very cold and were soon warmed up. Once that happened and everybody was accounted for, one of the Masters stepped forward.

Taking her lightsaber out again, she motioned for the Younglings and Padawans to hold their crystals out to her. When they were all in the proper position, she ignited her lightsaber. For a solemn and quiet moment, all they could hear was the hum of her blade.

"The Blade is the Heart of the Jedi.

The crystal is the heart of the blade.

The heart is the crystal of the Jedi.

The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.

The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined: The crystal, The blade, The Jedi.

You are one."

Holding her stance for a moment longer, she turned her lightsaber off and put it back onto her belt.

"Now you just need to complete building your hilts. Congratulations on completing one of the toughest and first journies in your path to being Jedi."

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