Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Five most influential characters to you.

[member="Madoc Hawk"], for opening Satara's fallen heart and teaching her she can indeed choose the side she's on.
Her daughter, [member="Kytarra Hawk"], for teaching her just how difficult it is being a Seer and making her gain a lot of respect for such people.
Her son, Milan Hawk, for making her understand what her heart already knew - that family comes first, no matter what their alignment is.
Her rancor Nadie, for practically being a sister to her when she had none.
[member="Kamon Vondiranach"], for teaching her the ways of the Jedi when she still didn't understand them.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
[member="Seth Draclau"], her adoptive father, because he first showed her that it's okay to show who you really are to people even if they may not like it.
[member="Ket Van Derveld"], her mate, because he's even a crazier version that Seth and understand her like no one else in this galaxy.
[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"], her big sister, because she's her big sister, her trainer when she was a Jedi, even when she keeps dodging her so much. :p
[member="Chloe Van Derveld"], her daughter from the future, who gave her a glimpse of what the future will be just by being in the present time.
That one Nightsister that killed her mother before her very eyes which allowed little Curupira to unleash her full potential and make her first kill.

Honorable mentions:
Delek Wrentar, her first crush, 'cos credit is due even if he was just eye candy...
Ryori Za'tire, 'cos nothing beats a sister-in-law like Ryori.
1. [member="Azrael"] helped Preliat through the Dark Harvest, and he might have gone off the edge a lot sooner.
2. [member="Triam Akovin"], is a close friend of his and genuinely one of the only people he cares about.
3. [member="Aditya Amadis"] is probably the only person that Preliat could ever say that he might have loved.
4. [member="Gilamar Skirata"] is and will continue to be a mentor to Preliat.
5. @Darth Shara, because he gave Preliat his first defeat in combat. Badly.

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