Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Five Wings Cast A Mighty Shadow [Empire of the Lost - The Diarchy]



Objective 1: Backroom Politics / Defend Bastion
Location: Pellaeon Gardens, Bastion
Tags: @Kari Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Her Her | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Zara Saga Zara Saga | Laphisto Laphisto | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

"Director Von Strauss!" Ova enthusiastically strolled up to him in the short time before the demands were presented, and shook his hand. "Well-met, sir. - You've saved our hind quarters more times than I can count on Dantooine."

"Here, take my business card. Let's keep in touch. I'd love to do more business with N&Z Ensol. One of your collapsible plasma axes quite literally saved my life."

"I've got some ideas on an interesting little improvement..."

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door just as the negotiations began and the datapads distributed.

Dath Nexion said:
"Excuse me for my lateness. I do hope I didn't interrupt anything. Darth Nexion is present, let the record show."

Ova's inner temperature lowered a bit when Darth Nexion Darth Nexion entered the room, the Archon of Death and another member of the High Council. Ova relaxed into his chair, waving him into the room. Thank Goodness. It wasn't an assassin. Ova changed his tone, speaking more relaxedly, muttering to him quietly. Ova invited Nexion into the seat beside him.

"You're excused. You've joined us at an interesting time, Darth Nexion. These people over here--" he jabbed his thumb at the direction of The Lost "--think they're going to stroll in here and own the whole Braxant Run, just because they can. Look. Look at their demands." Ova offered Darth Nexion Darth Nexion a copy of the holopad demands, so that he too could read them and respond. Ova shook his head, still being in a state of disbelief that The Lost brought them such a flawed offer. Surely, everyone could see that it was flawed.

Ova re-examined the offer on the holopad as some of the other delegates spoke. Even if he were in a position to blatantly hand Dantooine over to the Lost, he wouldn't do so. He didn't know the Empire of the Lost. He didn't know the Empress. Ova was a total nobody when the Eggman came to power, and he was still a relative nobody when the Eggman died. If anything, the Eggman's death opened up opportunities for Ova's company, the United Trade Authority. The only "Empire" that Ova was familiar with was the Sith Empire and the Dark Empire, and Ova wasn't fond of either organization.

Ova didn't need an Empire, and didn't need an Empress telling him what to do. He had enough issues with the Trade Federation breathing down his throat and surveilling Ova's every move. The Gree could be downright seditionist. Only the Diarchy had offered any real loyalty.


The Lost's Offer said:
"By the grace of the Eggman of House Kilran, ascendant to the Imperial Throne of His Majesty of the Known Galaxy, we stand before you as the Heirs to the Empire. We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Ruling Council, representatives of the Diarchy and a sister of the Old Tion Hegemony.

The newly coronated Phantom Empress has spoken:

The Diarchy shall immediately surrender control of the Imperial stronghold of Bastion and recognise Her Majesty of All Imperial Kind, Her Excellency, Empress for Life, Lover of all Porgs, Galactic Conquer, and Genius with an IQ of over One-Thousand as the rightful ruler of the Braxant Run, the Sartinaynian system and all territories formerly aligned to the First Galactic Empire as founded and decreed by the Galactic Emperor PALPATINE on His Declaration of a New Order!

Do you accept?"

Reign got into the negotiations quickly. Reign told the Lost off immediately. Reign rebutted the "Fifth Wing" propaganda nonsense, suggesting that the real enemy was within the Empire itself. Good work Boss, Ova thought happily.

Diarch Reign said:
"You cling to some last vestige of the Galactic Empire, claiming to be the heirs thereof, but you will fail, just as they all have. You are plagued by corruption, bureaucracy, and the glory of the past, that you can not see the trouble within. I have read your Trigonus report, and it is lies. [...]

Diarch Reign said:
"You have been played for fools, yet you do not strike me as a foolish man Von Strauss. These sycophants adhere to a part of the past that should have died with Palpatine. And whether it is through naivety of your young Empress, or outright collusion, the Sith have placed you on this path to weaken the Empire. To make you an easy target."

Ova gripped his chair, crossed his arms, and turned to Diarch Reign, sighing with an air of disbelief. "So then that's two dead men that they worship, Diarchs. Palpatine...and the Eggman. Not a good first impression."

Ova heavily hesitated, a pregnant pause filling the air. He looked at Diarchs Reign and Rellik, who look back at him. He looked to the rest of the room, filled with Diarchists from all wakes of life. Then, Ova looked at the Empress. The entire congregation of Lost seemed woefully out of place, being among a sea of Diarchy uniforms built around practicality rather than pizzaz. Ova folded his hands in front of him, sizing up the Empress.

"We can accept some of your terms, but not others." Ova blinked at the datapad. He looked to Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik and their eyes met. The man would hopefully be speaking after Ova. The 'pad represented a lot of demands.

"It takes many more than one or two people to rule an empire. I'd have thought you'd have learned from Palpatine's failures, not embraced them as a second-coming."

She's merely a child with too many toys, Ova thought bitterly, hoping she wasn't force-sensitive. Ova broke the ice like an axehead frigate.

"Reign's anger is understandable. Let me try and...contextualize." Ova gesticulated with his hands as he spoke. He smiled. He chuckled. He almost laughed. It was one of the strangest diplomatic meetings he had ever attended. What made it particularly baffling is how prominently the Lost brought their spiritual angle into things, bringing up Palpatine and even the long-dead Eggman, the one from the "New" Imperial Order.

How can they think they can do this?

"You've brought a star destroyer to our system...during a diplomatic meeting, no less." Ova paused. His tone was deliberately making fun of their demands. "I mean--we've invited everybody. We even invited those despicable warlords and vampires from the Dark Empire."

"Everyone could wait their turn to speak. Everyone could wait for us to tell our piece. Even Marlon Sularen waited for the Diarchs to finish speaking before trying to wreck the party. But you folks?"

Ova chuckles and shakes his head. He points towards the massive shadow outside cast by the mighty Star Destroyer, his tone cold and steely. "You come here, bring your Star Destroyer, put the entire planet on alert, disrupt the whole affair, and conclude by tell us to kiss your exhaust pipes?"

"Now tell me, you aren't Warlords are you? You're making a convincing argument in the other direction."

He put his disrespect for their actions on full blast. NO WAY you're getting Bastion, laser-brains!, he thought.

"It'll take more than two people to keep peace in the Braxant Run. It's a warzone right now. Ah, but perhaps your fancy ships can't make it that far on the regular?" He smirks. "The Diarchy's put in more work than any other faction towards Dantooine's renewal." He counts the ways on his well-manicured fingers. "They've funded the Dantooine Space Station. They've liberated our kyber crystal mines. They've helped us defend the Sayu Ni Temple Enclave. Where were you when we got attacked, again and again, by the other Sith? Were you stroking the Eggman's-- ...chin?" Ova watched his words, but only a little bit. He didn't want a full-on total war with the Lost, but if they came here to cause trouble, they were going to to get as good as they gave.

"Reign tells me you played host to a jousting match between his troops and another's. Was that part of Palpatine's vision?"

"Tell them, Diarch Reign Diarch Reign . Tell them what happened to them."

And Reign did just that.

Diarch Reign said:
"I tell you this now. I came face to face with them upon the surface of Malachor V. They are adherents to another relic of the past. The Rule of Two. [...] If you are so determined to cling to the dead, perhaps my friend Nexion here can raise the "Eggman" from his grave so you may all follow him into yours"

"Don't give them any ideas, Reign. They just might do it", Ova quipped. It was a quip, but he spoke seriously, and Reign would pick up on it.

"Those jousters are honor guards now. We honored them for defending Reign from an attack. An attack, seemingly, from your camp."

Ova and Reign were now heavily roasting the Empress, chastising the Lost's flawed offer. Ova suspected that the others would soon follow in roasting the Empress: one single, united front. Ova hoped to leave the Lost so scorched with insults that they'd up and leave with frustration. Toasty. Then, they could say their piece, and everyone could go to the bar, play Pazaak, and wait for things to blow over.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. First off, I'm not a Tingel Arm insurgent", he exhaled. "I'm Ova Ziss, the Governor of Dantooine, and we loathe being accused of things that Dantooine did not do! Where's your PROOF?!"

He thwaps the counter and leans forward aggressively. When Ova did that, some of the Empress's guards may have moved towards Ova, or even raised their weapons. He puts his hands up, as if to reassure the troops that he merely lost his cool.

Ova points directly at the Empress, Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran .

"I've fought pirates with better manners than your little royal delegation." He turns to the diplomat gooks and roars, "Oh, yes. You can bring your marines, your fancy ships, your gorgeous Empress. I'm too damn angry to die! You wanna go, guard boys? Let's go!"

Unlike the Marlon Sularen incident, Ova dug in. He folded his hands again, lest he upset her Royal Guards, and then he did an aggressive shimmy.

Ziss glared at the Empress and her honor guards, determined to set her right about what the Diarchy was REALLY prepared to do. "If you want our help taking Taris and playing chicken with the Jedi, then I'll personally sell you the Scorpion Walkers to do it. I want to correct your misapprehension that Dantooine works with the Jedi. We'll even recognize your Empire as a legitimate successor to Palpatine. I don't give two karks about the Imperial Empire, any Empire. And I don't care about the Jedi, either. Both of 'em have utterly failed Dantooine. We don't much like them, and y'know what? I'm startin' to not like you."

"If you want our subjugation, at least honor this planet first. And you're NOT getting the Braxant Run! And that's that!"
Ova crossed his arms.


Later, when Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik and the others had spoken, Ova added a question into the mix.

"Your offer didn't forbid me from asking questions, so I'll ask you outright." He leaned in towards the Empress, Van Strauss, and the Royal Guards. "What will you do to protect the Braxant Run? I'm sure that Laphisto has some questions, too..." His eyes met the dragon man [ Laphisto Laphisto ], who was across the table. "I'm talking of course about Entralla, and the recent incursion by the Dark Empire into Entrallen space. There's also Jaemus."

"Good grief, Empress. Seems that you truly are...'Lost'".

Ova smirks.
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Bastion, Outer Rim Territories, Braxant sector, Sartinaynian system;
The Diarchy;
Pellaeon Gardens.
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Her Her | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Laphisto Laphisto | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

"The Fifth Wing. To teach them all how to fly."
-- Her.

A sister of the Old Tion Hegemony.

The words struck a chord with Sieliel while she stood to the side watching the Imperial Delegation lay out the terms of the Phantom Empress to the representatives of The Diarchy. Half-a-century ago the Tion Hegemony had been a strong and powerful influence in the Galaxy. Trade, politics and wealth flowed from the Outer Rim Territories in the Tion Cluster to the other star sectors along the rim towards the Core Worlds. Such was it's prominence in galactic affairs that when the separatist movement eventually led to the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the hegemony had been one of it's most prominent members as they all looked on in horror at the march of the One Sith in the Core during the late 840s to early 850s while they destroyed the Old Republic.

House Dimegor
had been founded around that time, and by the rise of the Tenth Sith Empire it had risen to one of the most powerful noble houses on Lianna. It had served the Dark Lords of the Sith diligently in their conquest with the Dimegors experts in subterfuge and intelligence gathering useful to them until, eventually, the Sith Empire collapsed. The rebuttal of Sieliel's people had been quick, decisive and ruthless for her noble house had not been kind to the Tionese as the Sith sought to keep them under the heels of their Lightsaber blades. Now she was the only one left.

In modern times the Old Tion Hegemony was not the power it once was. With the Tion Cluster taken over by the Empire of the Lost and it not being the power it once was the Tionese and their noble houses had been forced to capitulate to the iron grasp of the Imperial Remnants that had banded together under Aculia Voland Aculia Voland 's leadership at the turn of the ninth century. Coupled with the disaster at Tion and there was no hope for a resistance movement against the Heirs of the Empire. The old homelands of the once great Tion Hegemony belonged to them now. Not that Fùchóu Zhī Shén Fùchóu Zhī Shén hadn't tried to resist against their Imperial might.

His failure was to their advantage now.

The Fifth Wing were a clandestine, secret society (and in other words a terrorist organisation) made up of agents of the Tsis'Kaar; expats of the Tenth Sith Empire; and disgruntled Imperials (like Sieliel) who wished to reform the Empire of the Lost into a Sith Empire aligned to the Kainite, Eternalists and Tsis'Kaar sects which comprised the modern day Sith Order. In order to make the organisation work Alicia Drey Alicia Drey had designed it so that none of it's members knew each other. In that way the individuals which made up the Fifth Wing were compartmentalized therefore lessening the affect it would have on the organisations goals if one of it's members were subsequently discovered much like the late Staff Director had ironically been following the revelations of the Trigonus Report.

But for an organisation to work one required the ability to communicate effectively with its members, and so an ingenious idea had been hatched. The Lenoi was a datapad series released by
Chandrila DataTech in 842 ABY with its design in the mind for children of the day to use. By 844 ABY the device was produced less in favour of its second series, and by the 850s it had all but disappeared from Chandrilan society in favour of new tech to satisfy their insatiable desire for brand new technology. Still, the first series had been installed with an interactive chat service for children to talk to each other, share content and hang out.

Someone within the organisation had had the idea to repurpose what had once been an innocent hangout for children into a place for members of the Fifth Wing to convene and discuss the purpose of their work with each other in an anonymous setting. In this way the rules of the organisation were not violated for nobody dared reveal their true identity to each other in fear of an assassins blade to the back, or the hands of the Lord of the Tsis'Kaar wrapped around your seditious throat. While some of the chatroom IRCs were there to plan or discuss current projects among the Fifth Wing Sieliel knew that most of them were there so that its members did not feel so alone, or hopeless in the face of a seemingly near impossible task to change the Empire of the Lost. There were often lonely nights in Lianna City where she would spend hours talking with her comrades about their dream and the subsequent rewards coming to them as they played their role to bring back the Sith to Lianna and the other homelands of the Old Tion Hegemony.

A familiar anxiety had settled into Sieliel as Diarch Reign Diarch Reign retorted to the Imperial Delegation's demands. Lips pouting as the negotiations took a dark turn she eyed her target with a sense of wonder. What did the Director want with the likes of you? Pulling out her Lenoi Sieliel desired to see what was happening in the Lenoi IRCs. Surely this was the work of them, right?


//. . .
//. . .

<TION343>: things are intense up here lol
<KEGAN999>: really?
<D1GG3R>: look at who joined
<TION343>: exulae!
<KEGAN999>: hi
<TION343>: we're ready to go
<KEGAN999>: good luck guys
<EXULAE>: ur here?
<TION343>: yes
<KEGAN999>: you have it all figured out
<CHAD73>: toasting to you heroes right now
<CHAD73>: corellian
<D1GG3R>: lmao you're such an arse revo
<EXULAE>: i'm so nervous
<EXULAE>: they are already really angry
<TION343>: ur there exulae?
<EXULAE>: u know i can't say
<D1GG3R>: don't answer that
<TION343>: sry
<CHAD73>: diarchy stands no chance
<CHAD73>: we are everywhere
<EXULAE>: lol

Sieliel averted her gaze away from the datapad to look up at the skies. The Quest loomed in the distance besides the Kisaragi. They were an imposing sight in the skyline while the capital of Ravelin bustled below them. She imagined that over a thousand turrets were pointing up at them while nearby star systems scrambled together their forces to defend Bastion against this incursion. The Diarchy were not going to walk away from this place even at the idea of a joint venture to liberate their homeworld of Taris away from the Galactic Alliance was on the table for them to accept.

The fact that her comrades in the Fifth Wing were here (and judging by what was said in the IRCs) on board The Quest gave Sieliel some insight into the situation at hand.

This was not a negotiation.

It was another trap.

Just like Malachor V.

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Verum Prime Leader


Location: The Crucible of Order - Bastion
Objective: II - The Infiltration of Ravelin
Sub-Objectives: Download List of Brotherhood Members From Archives │ Study and Record the Crucible's Defenses │ Gain Entrance to the Library of Forbidden Knowledge - Optional
Cover ID: Amina Syko
Outfit: Initiate Robes
Tags: Lissa Lissa | Zara Saga Zara Saga


Iellax waited patiently alongside Lissa to be greeted by their host. It was hard not to reach out a hand towards Lissa. A mischievous grin played on her lips with the thoughts of what fun could be had during down time of this mission. This was the first time a Verum team had been given an undercover operation. Covert quick strikes were what they were assembled for, but it seems the Director was trusting her group at least to branch out.

Iellax stood firmly by the theory that the best lies have a good amount of truth in them. Lissa's cover being from Hapes was a good one. Her DNA included Hapan and she was trained in all the customs and traditions of the Consortium, even if she had never been there. For Iellax the cover identity of Amina Syko was equally a part of her history.

An orphan from Hutt Space who discovered that her Force talents and exotic look was much more profitable and exciting than the life provided by the Hutts. Eventually she made her way to Kol Huro and drifted on the wrong wealthy businessman. To get in the good graces of the Diarchy said businessman turned her over to the Brotherhood.

Iellax gave their host a smile and nod, and had to hide a tremor of fear when Zara mentioned it was a peculiar time. Had they been made already? Iellax had to trust that they hadn't or they could turn the tables if they had.

"Just met on the shuttle ride over," Iellax hummed pleasantly. "But I have to say there is a bit of an attraction. I hope it is mutual." the new initiates' bond would be hard to hide. Passing it off as a new physical attraction might do the trick.

"Fraternization between students is not off limits I hope. I am a very flirtatious being. Please lead the way. I for one am very eager to find out what this Force can really do for me with the proper training."

Location: Palleon Gardens
Current Outfit

As the rest of the Diarchy filed into the gardens, Kanni remained seated with Wrym standing guard next to the entrance. Her expression was cold and unflinching her eyes slowly gazing upon the men and women who greeted her. Father always told Kanni to be unpredictable and to never show weakness. "Always display yourself as a winner!" The voice of Velran echoed in Kanni's mind. "You need to have a skin as tough as Beskar my loving daughter! Attack! Attack! Attack!"

"Thank you, people of the Diarchy" Kanni, said addressing their greetings. "The Tingle Arm Coalition has been annihilated like the rebel scum that they are. Their leader has killed himself during the final battle rather than facing Imperial justice for killing my father. In his cowardice, the Jedi who helped, his allies, and the traitorous scum have all been..... taken care of as we speak. The Empire of the Lost is in the strongest position since the days of the New Imperial Order."

Kanni maintained her stoicism trying to give off the aura of a ruthless leader. The Diarchy were now mocking her father when Uncle Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss mentioned that they were continuing his good work. "My father," Kanni said spiteful barbs spat from her mouth. "Single handedly revived a crumbling Empire that was burdened by corruption and greed. Only the people who had the right connections and the right bloodline were able to thrive while the rest rotted. My father cut the heads of the old guard and install a new system where everyone could have a chance of power based off merit."

She didn't like this Diarch Reign Diarch Reign at all. He dares slander her father's good name.

"The Emperor's will binds us all together," Kanni continued. "And we expand to honor his good name."

Of course, Diarch continued the relentless slander upon Kanni, her brain contracted on the verge of exploding in anger. But she kept her composure. "Attack, attack, attack!" Her father's words echoed in her mind.

"I've seen my father go down with his ship at the beginning of the war." Kanni said speaking in a calm manner. "I've led troops into the fray during our counteroffensive, I've taken on Jedi, and Sith alike. I am young my Lord but my experience vastly outmatches combat veterans."

She leaned forward placing her elbows on the table. "My Lord," Kanni said. "We just started negotiations and already you are acting like the child you accuse me of. If you are the leader of the Diarchy, then I must say I question how you rose to power."

Kanni will let Diarch stew on those words for a moment, she had important matters to attend to. "Bastion belongs to us," Kanni said bluntly. "It's an Imperial planet who has people who cry out my father's name. I intend to claim it for my people and the people who reside in that planet. If anyone interferes, you will incur the Empire's wrath."

Her Her Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Ova Ziss Ova Ziss , Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
The Quest - Obscurer Class Star Destroyer
In Orbit over Bastion - Holocall

____________________________OBJECTIVE I: BASTION BELONGS TO THE EMPIRE!____________________________​

Memories came flooding back.

It seemed a lifetime ago, now. But it hadn't been that long. Not really. It's just that so much had happened to him in the interval.

A lifetime of change compressed into the span of a year.

He remembered the people they'd fought. He also remembered the kinetic-kill weapons of the Lilaste Order. Their troops had been incredible warriors. Warriors he was not anxious to see the Empire contend with.

"Yes... the galactic winds do scatter us, often to ends we can scarcely imagine as our sails billow in the currents of fate."

Maldor shook his head, "This is certainly not the circumstance I'd have chosen for our next meeting."

He checked the screen of his desktop terminal.

"I take it by your signals that you've allied to the Diarchy. The Empress has set her mind on encompassing this place under her shadow.

I don't suppose you'd be willing to be hired away? I have a considerable budget in the Imperial Auxilia. I'd be happy to pay your whole fleet a good wage to keep us from risking any... unpleasantness."

Laphisto Laphisto
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Location: The Crucible of Order - Bastion
Objective: II - The Infiltration of Ravelin
Sub-Objectives: Download List of Brotherhood Members From Archives │ Study and Record the Crucible’s Defenses │ Gain Entrance to the Library of Forbidden Knowledge - Optional
Cover Identity: Nirala Lalu
Tag: Zara Saga Zara Saga Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis

Lissa—Nirala—offered the blonde-haired woman a respectful bow as she stepped forward to greet them. Then, with a soft, if slightly girlish smile struck across her sepia-toned features, the Hapan listened to the Archon’s introduction, her eyes glimmering with equal parts curiosity and excitement. Once the woman was finished, Lissa opened her mouth to speak. However, before she could do so, her partner spoke up first.

In that regard, Lissa knew to play into the dynamic which had defined her relationship with Iellax since the beginning. Sprinkling their cover personas with truth would only enhance their believability. Thus, the Hapan fell into her familiar role as the shy, yet sultry shadow, while Iellax played the coy, confident succubus.

And yet, in response to Iellax’s comment, Lissa was compelled to restrain the urge to giggle. A flicker of a smile briefly manifested across her features as a snicker slipped out from her lips, before she placed a hand over her mouth and cleared her throat.

“Our journey was pleasant, thank you.” Lissa answered, nodding her head in repetitive, ditzy fashion before moving to follow the Archon through the immense gates that guarded the Crucible. At that point, the Hapan knew that they had passed the point of no return. It was a landmark that marked the true beginning of their mission. Thus, she casted a few brief, furtive glances around the area, committing any cameras, sensors, patrols, and other details from the mundane to the obvious to memory.

From here, Lissa could only hope that the shy, ditzy Hapan she played would serve as adequate cover for her true purpose.



Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Her Her Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Laphisto Laphisto Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor

"Silence, patience and solitude are powerful tools my son. There are those who will tell you exactly who they are, without you having to say a word." - Kakus, Father of the Diarch's

- Rellik remained silent post his greeting. A formal smile on his face was the only display he gave out to the room at large. There was much power and wealth residing within these walls. An armored man entered and gave a warm hopeful introduction. Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss A Moff and director for the N&Z corporation. How intriguing that the EOTL allows the company to provide finance outside of their organization.

With a slight bow of his head towards Karl Rellik responded.
"Likewise Director, I do hope today will be a pleasant one for all involved. Glad a sensible man such as yourself could join us. I am Diarch Rellik, the co-head of our people here. Thank you for coming."

The Moff shuffling down to sit in with the rest of the imperials was a sight to see. Rellik pondering how many factions the N&Z had their fingers in and at what levels.

Feeling the cold presence of Nexion enter the room, Rellik knew the time for casual conversation was coming to an end. "It is time I suppose" he thought to himself.

* The list of demands was handed throughout the room. A stunning moment of silence for all involved. The weight of such declarations being reverberated between the walls of the Palleon Gardens. Appearing as though a heavy piece of history will be started today.

Reign unleashed in a tangent upon the Empress and the Moff. Not to even mention the poor soul who handed out the announcement to them. Making several decent points over his emphatic return towards those who wish to impose their will on them. Rellik remained silent. Just looking at the Empress and those with her. Calmly digesting and processing the revelation of their intent.

For Rellik, the highlight of Reigns speech is that these fools do not appear to realize that they follow a philosophy of a failed man on repeat. Only to be washed away again. A true empire can never have peace. Even then, Rellik believed as much of a hero of the dark arts Sidious was. - His empire was weak in comparison to some throughout history. Without him, the empire was nothing. Proven time and time again.


Than there was Ova, a small time governor from Dantooine who had been making a name for himself upon the galactic stage. It was to be determined if his actions were beneficial in the long game of politics. He was brash to speak in unsecure areas. A man of courage and conviction, yet today. He might have pushed himself to far.

The first notice of this was when he stated
"We can accept some of your terms, but not others."
Rellik personally locking eyes with him to ensure whether he meant Dantooine or the Diarchy as a whole. For as a member of the chancellorate he held some power, obviously the power over his whole planet - but not the ability to decide the Diarchy's fate itself.

As the tirade from the governor continued Rellik watched onward. Those within Diarchy space were given the right to speak their mind so he was not stopped. Only Ova can be responsible for his words and if those carried the bravado and weight of war, than if it was deemed necessary - his punishment would be that of one within war time. For his duty as governor is to protect his planet.


To Relliks enjoyment the empress spoke up. The two the only ones appearing to constantly be watching the rooms eyes and motions. The Diarch thinking perhaps she was a kindred spirit in some regard. Her father, like his - was a great man. Who could see beyond the fate of a single moment to create a destiny greater than ones self.

Coming off the vitriol of Reigns remarks the empress defended herself. As should be expected, would the Diarch's not do the same. Is their high council chamber and even ideology itself not in his image. It appears at least, she was similar to them in more than upbringing. The brothers had only been trained before their fathers disappearance and were thrust into moving their dreams forward in his honor. Her father dying at the onset of war was the same as Kakus vanishing as Taris was attacked.

Empress Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran -
"Bastion belongs to us. It's an Imperial planet who has people who cry out my father's name. I intend to claim it for my people and the people who reside in that planet. If anyone interferes, you will incur the Empire's wrath."

The time for study was over. The course of action has been decided.

In response to Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Rellik would look her calmly in the eyes and reply as well.
"The people of Bastion have thrived under us. I presume that is why you offer the control of this sector under us even after signing the treaty."
A pause in his breath as he regrettably moved forward, sharing a small glance with the Moff who wished peace before.
"Your demands were too extreme, had you not had malicious actors within your circle feeding you poor information you could have come here with better terms. The ideal of taking Taris is welcomed and viewed as an act of kindness. Beyond that you insult us with every word. The Diarchy is not an empire and your council is not enough. What about your imperial senate from Sidious's time, we here have the Chancellorate and other establishments, we divide our power and although you would honor me and my brother individually; you dishonor them."
A disgusted Pft left the Diarchs lips.
"Your empire of ten thousand years of peace lasted around 20. A complete failure in all regards yet you hold unto it like a child reading their favorite bedtime fairytale. Brought down by weak rebellion. Something I doubt would not happen again, under your rule Kilran. Choose your next words wisely, usher in a true new age. Not something that has been tried more times than years you have been alive."


Rellik would silence himself again, having never left his chair or done any dramatic movements. He just returned to being a part of the environment, awaiting the inevitable cataclysm from the fools surrounding him.

- As Ova leaned in and asked questions to the empress again, Rellik would hear one remark that he deemed to much.

"Good grief, Empress. Seems that you truly are...'Lost'

Rellik moving deliberately behind the man. The first time he had gotten up since the event began. Speaking directly into Ova's ear he reassured his statesmen
"Do not forget you speak on behalf of the people of Dantooine. You are to be their hero, not their damnation. Control yourself, or face the consequences for their lives being put in danger with your words." A pause to ensure Ova knew he was talking to the head of a large militaristic people. "Fire is good my friend but patience is also a weapon. The whole galaxy knows your intentions, wants and goals." A firm squeeze from the Diarch upon Ova's shoulder as he leaned upright and walked away to his chair. Continuing to calmly look towards the vibrant empress of the dark.

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Zara's lips curved into a knowing, almost amused smile at Iellax's brazen confession. The young woman certainly possessed a boldness that was both refreshing and a little… unnerving. It was a stark contrast to the demure presence of the other Initiate, and the dynamic was already proving intriguing. Zara leaned slightly against the archway leading deeper into the Crucible, her blonde hair catching the light filtering from unseen sources, making her appear almost ethereal.

"It's not forbidden, no," Zara said, her voice a melodic counterpoint to Amina's more assertive tone. "Let's just say that the Order recognizes the complexities of individuals, and indeed, the sentient spirit. However," she added, her smile turning a fraction more cautionary, "Such bonds should be a source of strength and not a distraction. Let your focus remain on your training and the duties that will be expected of you. Let's not waste the many resources this Academy has to offer." It was a diplomatic response, one that acknowledged the reality of nature while still maintaining a sense of decorum and discipline.

With a fluid turn, Zara led them down a wide corridor, the polished stone floor reflecting the ambient light. They arrived at an inner checkpoint, where a stoic-faced guard stood ready. "Please, leave your belongings here for scanning," Zara instructed, gesturing towards a series of low platforms. "The recent tensions on Bastion have necessitated heightened security measures. Rest assured that your things will be moved to your designated barracks and secured there for you until your tour is complete."

Zara ushered them past the checkpoint, and they entered a vast, open area carved into the heart of the mountains. It was a hub of activity, with students in various colored robes milling about, some in quiet conversation, others deeply engrossed in forms of meditative practice. The sheer scale of the place was impressive, a testament to the Order's resources and influence within the Diarchy. Zara watched them, giving them a moment to take it in before drawing their attention back to her.

Finally, Zara pivoted on her heels, her hands clasped gracefully in front of her. Her gaze moved between the two new Initiates, a thoughtful gleam in her bright eyes. "So," she began, her voice carrying a subtle note of curiosity, "where would you like to start first? What aspects of the Crucible have already piqued your interest?" It was a carefully worded question, designed to gauge not only what they had already heard about this temple.




Objective 1: Backroom Politics / Defend Bastion
Location: Pellaeon Gardens, Bastion
Tags: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Diarch Rellik said:
"Do not forget you speak on behalf of the people of Dantooine. You are to be their hero, not their damnation. Control yourself, or face the consequences for their lives being put in danger with your words."

Ova muttered back to Rellik, oh yes, he did. The dark-side energy, propagated during his encounter with Cord Starfall on Dantooine, was controlling him, fighting with the side that told him to calm down, as Rellik was now. Fearing his anger had reached a breaking point, Ova held back on expressing the full range of his anger. He muttered calmly back to his friend and superior, Diarch Rellik. However, his words carried his usual passion. The uncontrolled force energy in Ova swirled like a hurricane.

Ova muttered quietly, too, so that he could be certain that nobody except Rellik would hear his words. "How can I calm myself down, when Dantooine will be the next place that they attack after Bastion?" He lowered his voice to a whisper. "We're three parsecs away, Diarch, and that's nothing for a Star Destroyer of that persuasion."

Ova mutters to Rellik rapidly. "They're karking insane. They're on a crusade. She thinks they killed-- that the Fifth Wing killed the Eggman, and you know what, maybe they did. Let 'em set fire to this Fifth Ding-A-Ling, for all I care."

Ova feels Rellik grasp the back of his chair, a sign to simmer down.

Diarch Rellik said:
"Fire is good my friend but patience is also a weapon. The whole galaxy knows your intentions, wants and goals."

Ova blinked slowly at Rellik, and then spoke calmly, telling him the truth. "You're right", Ova conceded. "I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve. - Sayu Ni. Keep them guessing." He sensed through the Force that Rellik was trying to tell him something even deeper than his words intended. Ova was reading between the lines that it was more about calming down: it was about repelling the attackers, wherever they hid, then calming down.

Ova folded his hands in front of him, prepared to hear the rest of the Empress's demands.


When it was his turn to speak again, Ova spoke to the Empress much more calmly. The venom was gone, the anger was gone.

"I apologize for my outburst." Ova said plainly to the Empress. "I'm sure you're aware of my...accident..."

Ova met Rellik's eyes as he took his seat. Ova remembered his place - it was small and precarious as a Governor on the High Council of the Diarchy. He had no real power. If he spoke too far out of line, he could be removed from his diplomatic position. This wasn't the place or time to be angry. He'd save the rage for the battlefield - if it ever came to that.

But, the Diarchy believed in speaking one's piece, so Ova kept his hands folded diplomatically. He stood and delivered, meeting the Empress' eyes.

"As I said - with respect to Dantooine - we are not able to meet all of your demands. We have no jurisdiction over Bastion, and we certainly don't own the entire Braxant Run, try as we might economically. The Diarchy runs Dantooine now. The Diarchy has helped us more than any other pretender Empire, Order, or Federation. We are subordinate to their control. If Diarch Reign and Diarch Rellik says you aren't getting Bastion, or Dantooine for that matter, then I'm sorry Empress. Dantooine will listen to the Diarchy now."

"Let's bargain over something else. Tell us about this 'Fifth Wing' that has been giving you trouble. Maybe we could round these troublemakers up for you on Taris, and then...hmmmmmmm, send then in a shuttle headed straight for your Star Destroyer? What say you?" Ova leaned forward a bit. He was trying to keep the Lost talking, just like he did to the pirates he encountered on Dantooine. If they were talking, then they weren't blowing anything up. Yet.

"Of course, if Diarch Rellik would prefer to kick me out for my conduct - if I'm not wanted at the meeting--" Ova waved his hand in a fanning motion, a sort of non-verbal secret indication between Diarchists when the planet was under duress, and the source of the duress was unknown. It was a sign: pay attention. The enemy is closer than we think. "--then I will gladly leave the meeting and go back to the streets of Ravelin." Ova put unnecessary emphasis on those words.

Ova was trying to subtly indicate to Diarch Rellik that he could leave the meeting and look for any recon or advanced forces, using the excuse of kicking Ova out of the meeting.

Ova was starting to get a liking for these "missions" he went on one in a while. Was he about to start one right here and now?

Willing to change objectives, if you'd like. PM me or hit me up on Discord.
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon

LOCATION: Somewhere outside of Diarchy space, aboard the Usurper.
OBJECTIVE: To contact the fifth wing and to... "warn" them.
IMPORTANT LINKS: Sword | Armor | Jewel | Ring | Necklace | The Usurper | The guards | The Enforcer
TAG: Her Her
Within the deepest bowels of the massive Dictator II - class vessel known as the Usurper, a withered-looking old man, ravaged far beyond the limits of age and time, with skin tearing open and revealing dry flesh underneath, was sitting down, legs crossed in the center of a shadowy room. Surrounding the man were aurodium, electrum and songsteel bowls, each marked with a variety of runes and spellwork which clearly showed a mixture of sith sorcery and magicks. Each bowl had smoke coming out of them, a variety of colors which as they combined, seemed to coalesce into a strange, dense black fog.

"These fools are really making it hard for me to keep tabs on what is happening in both the Empire of the Lost and the Diarchy," The monstrously looking man sighed, tilting his head a bit as the grip of his boney hands on his knees tightened, his breathing going from shallow to much more deeper and pronounced, his chest heaving with each swell of air he took into himself. " The Dark Empire will most likely not ignore this situation and will love to try and poke around a bit. We will let them do so, they are not yet of any concern."

"How about Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen ?" A voice arose from behind the man, a droid on spindly legs started to skitter around, revealing the hologram of a woman with long, flowing black hair and almond eyes, wearing a rather military looking uniform. "Are you certain that he wouldn't pose a problem?"

"Sularen is not a wild card, Mir...while others might find him hard to predict, I am the one he would consider to be hard to predict," The man chuckled, raising one of his hands to silence the woman in the hologram, who clearly was about to ask something again. "For now, I will divide my focus between this war and my own strength and influence within the Sith Order. That will be all, Mir. Do make sure to keep an eye out... losing our important pawns is not on the menu."

As the hologram bowed before vanishing, the droid skittered along until it halted in front of the old man, bending through its spindly legs as it sat down on the ground. grunting a bit, the man stood up and opened his mouth, allowing the black fog to suddenly be engorged by him, flowing straight into his gaping mouth and being absorbed within his very body. Allowing his wounds to heal ever so slightly, his age to reverse by perhaps five or ten years, but far from enough to truly counter the accelerated aging, for that he'd need more energy, more life force...more of the living force.

stretching out his arms, the man awaited for the Sceleratii, his loyal guard droids to start dressing him, adorning him with the most exquisite silks, his red and golden robes, his electrum detailed armorweave vest and his thick burgundy cloak, his electrum and leather gloves and his favored mask with the red-tinted visors. As soon as he was fully dressed and adorned with the clothing that made his presence and nature unmistakable, the Lord of Hunger looked down at the droid, his inhuman eyes squinting behind his mask's visors with a small degree of glee.
"Have KRONOS try to crack those coded messages we've been intercepting... and make sure KRONOS doesn't hide it...I want them to know that there is something, someone looking at all this. They need to understand that in this galaxy...there are many who keep an eye out for the...peculiarities that concern others."


Location: Bastion, Pellaeon Gardens
Equipment: Uniform with Moff Rank Plaque and code cylinders, k23 mod. E pistol, Leg
Tags: Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss | Her Her | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Sorry if I missed anyone

As Karl entered the room, he specifically picked a seat on the outside. He did this to better see the Diarchy's delegation and his own faction. He was not entirely convinced that the Fifth Wing was gone, erased from the picture following the death of Director Drey. He also didn't believe that the late director fabricated its existence to hide her dealings. He was watching, cataloging every movement, every word.

He watched as the diplomat stepped forward and began to read, what Karl assumed was, his polished script. He listened to what he thought was going to be a foray into a larger discussion. Yes, by Imperial right Bastion belongs to us, yadda, yadda. He was caught off guard when the diplomat said the entire Braxant Run. A silent what breached his lips. Then they began to hand out datapads...

Karl was a fast reader, but paused at one certain point,
Failure to comply with our honourable demands will result in the DECLARATION OF WAR between THE EMPIRE OF THE LOST and THE DIARCHY effective immediately.

War? Just before walking in he had wished to the Diarchs that these negotiations would bring their people closer together. Karl was hoping for peace after the skirmish at Malachor, he didn't expect the Empress to go this far. However, he couldn't fight against a declaration this strong, after all, swearing his loyalty to the Empress was fresh in his mind,
"When you grow tired of fighting my Empress, I will wield your sword and fight back the foes who would depose you. And when you grow weary of worrying, I'll take it upon myself to worry for you. On this, I swear my loyalty to you, Empress Kanni Kilran."

He finished reading the datapad just as Diarch Reign began his rebuttal, eyes filled with a brightly glowing corruption. Karl watched as the man, filled with righteous rage picked apart the Empire's delegation. He lashed out at the Empress first, which caused Karl to clench his fist, do not insult her, you have no idea what she has been through, he thought. He continued to watch Reign and everyone else in the room, not allowing anything to go unnoticed until Reign said,
"...You are plagued by corruption, bureaucracy, and the glory of the past, that you can not see the trouble within. I have read your Trigonus report, and it is lies. The very upper echelons of the Empire have been infiltrated by the Sith, this "Fifth Wing" your report claims they are Jedi, but I tell you this now. I came face to face with them upon the surface of Malachor V..."

What? The Diarch said he came face to face with them, but according to the NISB, they were a fabrication, a cover-up by Drey. If so, then that would mean the NISB is lying, or he could be-- he's read the Trigonus Report. But what reason would he have to lie at this juncture? Karl looked over to a known agent of the NISB, Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor . He watched as she pouted her lips, pulling out a decades-old datapad. That's not the standard datapad for the bureau, he thought. He watched her typing before turning back to the Diarch, his eyes settling upon him. Karl stared directly into the man's eyes, unblinking. He listened to Reign's words till the end.

He thought that someone from the Empire's side would speak up next but, any attempt was cut off by the Governor. He listened to him, watching his movements, watching him insult the Empress. Karl could feel the leather in his gloves tighten, if he wasn't wearing them, his palm would be bloody by now.

"Good grief, Empress. Seems that you truly are...'Lost'".

With that comment, Karl's gloved hand slapped the table, not in a way that would echo across the hall, but enough to draw attention to him. He began to talk, slowly, methodically, and with the wrath of a parent, "Wipe that smirk off your face Governor. Insulting my niece-- an empire's leader is not diplomatic." He raised his face to meet Ova's, "Let me digest some of what you said. First, we brought a destroyer, a battleship, and a dreadnought, not because we needed to, but because we could. And because we are ten parsecs away from our capital and six away from our borders. We are horribly overextended, but we came to meet you in person rather than through a hologram."

He let out the remaining air in his lungs in a long sigh, "Sorry, I didn't mean to become so hot-headed. But continuing on, we never heard your cries for help. The Empire never received any requests from you or Dantooine so how could we possibly help? If you asked us, I'm sure we would've obliged."

He lowered his hand back into his lap as the second Diarch Rellik began to speak, himself quiet through most of the conversation. His part was swift and succinct, something that Karl appreciated in the field of politics. Karl put his hand back on the table, not as a slap, but as a way to show that he wished to speak.

"Yes, the people thrive under you, but how long were they just another planet in the chaos of the universe? Our proposition while extreme, is justified. While we flaunt the name of Palpatine, a man whom I despise, he is nothing more than a footnote in the history we are trying to create." He looked towards the Empress.

"Before I joined the Empire, I roamed as a privateer, as a man who escaped the dissolving of the First Order. I stayed out of any faction because they did not speak to me in the same way that the Lost did. 'A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people.'" He said recounting the way his son Augustus brought the Empire to his attention. "Peace and order, for people like myself. But of course, like with all empires before it no one is giving it a chance. We haven't been able to secure peace for our people because we are halted and attacked every step of the way! First, the bastard Sith and their force-forsaken holy worlds, then the Tingle Arm Coalition and their skewed idea of justice."

"We are sitting here at the bargaining table, we've given our proposition, and instead of solutions or options, we've received spit and slander. I still believe that there is a chance for peace between us, I hope there can be peace between us. There are larger threats like the Dark Empire, the Sith, or even the Alliance. Let us all quench our anger and frustration and come back to this like the leaders our people believe us to be."
He hoped for peace, but if the Fifth Wing was still out there, he doubted it would come without a cost.



Bastion, Outer Rim Territories, Braxant sector, Sartinaynian system;
The Diarchy;
On board
The Quest.
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Laphisto Laphisto | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger |

"Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete."
--Emperor Palpatine, to Luke Skywalker.

As Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti left her side the Dark Lord closed her eyes and allowed herself to surrender to the dark side. Surrendering herself to it she subsequently made it her property and allowed it to flow through her as she felt the emotions of her wayward apprentice. His hatred for her was growing and it resonated with his master for she would nurture it until the day came that the HEIR OF OBULETTE was killed by the monster that she was creating within the EMPIRE OF THE LOST.

The Rule of Two, as it had been described by Darth Ayra Darth Ayra half-a-century ago, encouraged the Sith Master to make themselves both the hunter and the prey. In this way their strength would always be tested, always nurtured so that only the strong may rule while simultaneously moulding their apprentice into a worthy disciple capable of carrying forward the agenda of the master long after their inevitable death. To believe oneself to be immortal was to encourage calamity and ruin. Death was inevitable, and as the grim reaper was sure to come to every wayward soul, the master knows this, and subsequently prepares the executioners blade for themselves for it is not the enemy but the cruel and unrelenting force that can be you must trusted ally.

As the force flowed through her-- as the ramifications of the GRAND PLAN took shape above the old Imperial stronghold of BASTION-- the DARK LORD OF THE SITH turned her head slightly to the left in consideration of what else she felt here within the deep confines of the rich BRAXANT RUN. It was a presence in the Force that had not been there before, and yet now was prevalent to her. No... it was not Diarch Reign Diarch Reign nor was it his brother Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik . It was then that an epiphany came to the surface. Realisation crept in where there had once been a certainty of success.

The origins of KAKUS and his SONS were hers to do with as she pleased, yet now, as she felt with the Force, there was another. A LORD OF HUNGER has been watching you for a long time, and he has been slinking in the shadows, just like you. Just as it was for Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , who felt the metaphorical blade held to his Adam's apple, so to did HER one pressed against her back. Suddenly the Lightsaber blade which hung from her belt was a comfortable weight.

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Verum Prime Leader


Location: The Crucible of Order - Bastion
Objective: II - The Infiltration of Ravelin
Sub-Objectives: Download List of Brotherhood Members From Archives │ Study and Record the Crucible's Defenses │ Gain Entrance to the Library of Forbidden Knowledge - Optional
Cover ID: Amina Syko
Outfit: Initiate Robes
Tags: Lissa Lissa | Zara Saga Zara Saga


Nirala/Lissa's response to Iellax' admission of an attraction nearly made her giggle. Of course such a reaction would not be out of the persona of Amina Syko. That being the she allowed a look of obvious amusement to hold on her face.

Iellax had to admit that Zara's stark contrast in appearance from Lissa was a bit distracting. But control of her wandering eye in Lissa's presence was something that Iellax was getting much better at. With the exception of small physical flaunting and maybe some innocent flirting, the role of seducers was given to the other half of their team. Iellax and Lissa were partners and even on missions that was the way Iellax preferred it.

Not forbidden, was not the same as acceptable. Iellax was preparing herself to have to hide any risqué interaction with Lissa with disappointment, but Zara responded that if it didn't distract from training it would be fine. That was something Iellax was sure she could manage. "Oh seeking a string bind with this one will make me a much better student. I promise you that…" Iellax giggled mischievously.

When asked to leave her belongings Iellax placed a ratty backpack filled with well used provocative clothing and a few accessories. She trusted that the tech she had hidden on her person would make it through a basic scan. The Provision Department went to great lengths to be sure their gear could be snuck anywhere without much risk of detection.

Iellax looked over the training as they toured the facility with great interest. If she could learn something in the mission for herself and Lissa that wouldn't be bad. When asked her area of desired training Iellax cleared her throat. "I know that the Force enables people to defy physical inadequacies in a fight. I would like to be sure that I can strengthen my constitution to withstand a duel against someone much stronger and perhaps attack from distance in order to avoid being overpowered."

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto chuckled softly at the offer, a glimmer of respect in his amber eyes. While he admired Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti 's resourcefulness and resolve, the request was one he could not entertain—regardless of the circumstances. He inclined his head slightly, his tone warm but firm.

"With all due respect, my old friend, I must decline. Honor binds me to my current contract, and I cannot simply turn my back on those who have placed their trust in me and my Order. Even if things were different, the Lilaste Order values its commitments above all else."

He straightened, his expression softening. "Still, I appreciate the offer—and the trust you've shown in extending it. It speaks volumes of your confidence in our abilities. I only hope that, despite our current alignments, we can keep our interactions... amicable."
Laphisto paused for a moment, his expression thoughtful before speaking again. "These are far from ideal circumstances for a reunion, indeed." his tone was bleak and mixed with both determination and slightly sorrowful

He glanced toward one of his bridge officers and gave a subtle nod. The officer immediately turned to his console, typing away with precision. Moments later, the communication channel between Laphisto and Maldor flickered briefly, a small interruption rippling through the connection.
the channel was now being routed through the Antila, the Trojan class frigate that had arrived alongside the Tracyn.

While Laphisto harbored no desire to engage the man in a full-scale fleet battle, he prepared for the possibility nonetheless. If the Antila's malware could spread swiftly enough—perhaps even jumping from Maldor's ship to the nearby Super Star Destroyer—there was a chance to disable the entire fleet in orbit. It was a desperate gambit, but one that might prevent bloodshed entirely.

For now, Laphisto remained outwardly calm, his hetrochromatic betraying the silent calculations playing out in his mind. Diplomacy was still his preference, but should it fail, he was prepared to let the Antila's ingenuity tip the scales in his favor. "perhaps we can come to an agreement though. between old friends"
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon

LOCATION: Somewhere outside of Diarchy space, aboard the Usurper.
OBJECTIVE: To contact the fifth wing and to... "warn" them.
IMPORTANT LINKS: Sword | Armor | Jewel | Ring | Necklace | The Usurper | The guards | The Enforcer
TAG: Her Her | Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor

"Emperors, Diarchs...all just pointless titles in the hands of inconsequential people," The masked man's eyes burned with a vibrant mixture of crimson and gold, his hands clenching into fists as he awaited the arrival of one of his Sceleratii, bringing with them what looked to be a young dathomirian woman, whose connection to the force was unmistakable, yet the confines around her wrists made it impossible for her to draw upon her magics or the power of the force itself. Moving his hand through the air, the Lord of Hunger removed the shackles which restrained the woman, who realizing this act, instantly pushed aside the droid and drew the sceleratii's ebony blade. However, as soon as she had unsheathed the blade, she stumbled forward, the heavy sword dropping to the floor almost immediately. "Little child, weapons such as these were not made for the hands of mortals to wield nor besmirch them..."

Within a few steps, the masked man had managed to cover the distance and as he reached for the woman's throat with his gloved hand, she desperately tried to stop him in his tracks, at first succeeding to push him back a bit with a strong force push, but gradually she seemed to lose strength, while He seemed to only grow stronger. "Do not be frightened, after all...what is the point of fearing the inevitable?"

Within the blink of an eye, the gloved hand found itself firmly grasping around the woman's throat, lifting her from the ground slowly, and as she gasped for air, she could feel not the air to enter her lungs, but to feel her lungs turn into parchment, her skin into leather and her blood into dust, until all that remained was nothing but a shrivelled up husk of what she had been.

"Have you found it?" The monstrous man asked, when another of the sceleratii entered and brought with them a small golden orb, connected to them via a small, compact array of wires. As the sceleratii nodded in response to the question, Credius let out a burst of restrained laughter, turning his attention towards the skittering droid still roaming the room. "Establish a connection to this origin, have each and every connected device be capable of reading the transcripts of this... advice."

To all of you who call themselves the Fifth Wing, to all of you who think of yourself as brilliant spies hiding within the shadows. Your hopes rest on the shoulders of cripples, your dreams are but inflated balloons ready to be popped by the slightest breeze of misfortune. Yet...I condone your existance and your acts against the Diarchy and against your own nation, your own Empire.

With those words, the image of the lord of hunger would become visible, either on screen or as a hologram depending on who was looking at this message and who was actively keeping tabs on the transcript.

"If you would be so kind, as to consider your position carefully... we all might end up with a very fruitful relationship towards the future," The masked man would take a deep breath, tilting his head a bit, all the while visibly squinting his eyes. "If you don't... I will dismantle your operations faster than a Jawa can dismantle a speeder bike."

Location: The Crucible of Order - Bastion
Objective: II - The Infiltration of Ravelin
Sub-Objectives: Download List of Brotherhood Members From Archives │ Study and Record the Crucible’s Defenses │ Gain Entrance to the Library of Forbidden Knowledge - Optional
Cover Identity: Nirala Lalu
Tag: Zara Saga Zara Saga Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis

Nirala played coy in response to Zara’s statement that relationships were not forbidden. However, the relief was evident across her sepia-toned features, the light catching her golden-pink undertones in stark relief as a slight smile tugged at her plump lips. Indeed, from what little Nirala knew of the Jedi and other Force-sensitive organizations, she had believed that relationships within such institutions were forbidden on pain of exile, torture, death. Fresh from her first year of university after she had raised eyebrows by displaying blinding speed during a pick-up game of limmie, Nirala had very little knowledge of the Force. Her life had changed drastically with the revelation that not only was she sensitive to it, but to quite an extreme degree as well.

Had her M-count been lower, she might have been allowed to continue her education (and by extension her life) without undergoing training. However, local laws had been put in place to ensure that training was effectively mandatory for those with abnormally high sensitivity, for fear that such individuals might accidentally cause harm within the community.

Still, Nirala wanted nothing more than to return to school.

Following Iellax’s lead, Lissa placed a bag of her belongings on the checkpoint scanner, trusting the work of the Provisions Department in concealing the mission-critical items on her person.

From there, Nirala moved closer towards Amina, her only source of comfort in such an unfamiliar, foreign space.

“I...don’t know a lot about the Crucible, but...I was wondering if the Force could make it so I don’t have to study. Like, I could just pick up a textbook or a study guide and just have what I need in my head forever.” Nirala asked. “Oh and can we visit the library? If you guys have one, of course.” She added.




Objective 1: Backroom Politics / Defend Bastion
Location: Pellaeon Gardens, Bastion
Tags: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Karl VOn Strauss said:
"We brought a destroyer, a battleship, and a dreadnought, not because we needed to, but because we could. And because we are ten parsecs away from our capital and six away from our borders. We are horribly overextended, but we came to meet you in person rather than through a hologram."

"Well...alright then...didn't know we were that close to you" Ova exhaled. "I guess we can't fault you for wanting an in-person meeting. You can't exactly bid for peace over a hologram. Or, well, you shouldn't bid for peace over a hologram..."

Karl VOn Strauss said:
"Yes, the people thrive under you, but how long were they just another planet in the chaos of the universe? Our proposition while extreme, is justified."

"The people of Dantooine became more than a footnote because of me, Director Von Strauss." Ova pointed his thumb at himself. "I was the one who negotiated the pirates out of Dantooine, exacted revenge on the planet's enemies, restored the Sayu Ni Enclave, and even survived a vicious attack by a Master Witch of Dathomir. The Diarchy, they were instrumental in everything we did. Even the Mandalorians didn't do so much to help us."

"If you're giving us a choice between you and the Diarchy, then we're choosing the Diarchy. It's not personal, but it isn't business either. When I formed the United Trade Authority, they enthusiastically supported us."

Karl Von Strauss said:
"Peace and order, for people like myself. But of course, like with all empires before it no one is giving it a chance."

"We'd have given you a chance if we had heard of you before. - Then maybe communication IS an issue for us, Director". Ova stroked his goatee thoughtfully. "We haven't heard about your issues, and you haven't heard about ours. We need a holo-wire: a direct line."

Karl Von Strauss said:
We haven't been able to secure peace for our people because we are halted and attacked every step of the way! First, the bastard Sith and their force-forsaken holy worlds, then the Tingle Arm Coalition and their skewed idea of justice.

"Not this again." Ova took his glasses off and rubbed his nose with irritation. "Director Von Strauss, the Tingel Arm Coalition is long dead. Your niece the Empress said so herself, didn't she? Please, think for a moment. Someone is trying to misdirect you. Maybe even a group of people."

"If I know anything about the...what is it now, eleventh order? Twelfth? Yeah, well, these Sith Order people have a habit of lying to us, too. They aren't as safe as they think near that Hoth HyperGate."

"If you'd like an option, Director, then why don't we run some covert ops on whoever fed you this false information about these Tingel Arm types? There are several people in this room, myself included, who would love to get to the bottom of your little Fifth Wing problem. Tell us where these cockroaches are hiding, and be perfectly frank, we will crush them."

"As I've said--Taris. You mentioned a joint operation on Taris. If that's what you'd like, then I'm sure Diarch Reign can do something for you. For star's sakes, it's the only thing we seem to agree on. I'll be courageous and offer up my support first."
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Diplomat, Obscurium


Location: Pelleon Gardens, Bastion
Outfit: Simple Gray Robes
Equipment: Lightsaber, Medpac
Entourage: VR-4 “Four” VR-4 “Four” | Two Imperial Crusaders
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Her Her Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Laphisto Laphisto Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik


Most would think that anyone outside of the gardens would be able to monitor the meeting between the highest members of the Empire and the Diarchy, but Mechu Deru Mechu Deru had a way to go beyond what most people thought. The device that was placed on the Empress’ entourage was part tech and part Force. It was honed to Four as the only being capable of knowing what it broadcast. Overseer Tane didn’t wish for the Quasesitorum to be part of this meeting. The Empire’s hierarchy had something to prove to her and she honestly wasn’t sure who or what to trust at the moment. Roxxann and Four were sent to report on both sides.

”The demands presented to the Diarchy do not seem to be well received. Mistress Roxxann,” the quirky clone relayed to the head of this mission

”Four, you are the only one who can hear or see what is going on can you please show me the demands placed by the Empire,” the redhead asked calmly. The clone made a disturbed sound and nodded tapping on a terminal bringing up a holo of most pertinent information from the meeting.

”Even as a starting point for negotiations those terms are rather harsh. And I am curious why they are coming from an agent not the Empress herself.” as Roxxann stated this Four seemed to express that was questioned at the meeting. ”I think we need to get in there.”

”Go protect the Empress? But Cousin Overseer says just listen,” Four responded.

”She will understand. Do you have something a little less obvious to wear?”

”This my uniform. Has my name on it,” Four pointed to the number four on her outfit. Roxxann shook her head and rolled her eyes but motioned for Four and their Crusader guards to follow.


The quartet strode casually into the gardens as Karl was finishing up his statement. Roxxann smiled that someone seemed to understand this was supposed to be a conversation not an exchange of hostilities.

Roxxann made her way to stand behind the Empress. ”Greeting all. I apologize for joining late. My instructions were to avoid this conversation, but I feel compelled to add to it.” Roxxann spoke softly with a warm smile and a slight bow to the hosts. ”I am Arilator Roxxann Tane. The Empire’s demands have been delivered. Instead of squabbling, perhaps it would be wise to find common ground first. What things presented would the Diarchy be willing to concede to the Empress?”

Four stood next to Roxxann and tapped the Empress’ shoulder ”We got your back Empress,” she whispered excitedly.
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Bastion, Outer Rim Territories, Braxant sector, Sartinaynian system;
The Diarchy;
On board
The Quest.
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger | Roxxann Tane Roxxann Tane | Laphisto Laphisto |

"I hope for the sake of your people you are telling the truth. You have an opportunity today to be the hero the people of the Empire believe you to be. Return to the Empire. Purify it. But remember this my friend: should I discover that you merely used me to advance yourself... My retribution will be swift and catastrophic."
-- Diarch Reign Diarch Reign to Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti in the Mission to Malachor.

A millennia ago.

Each breath taken hurt. A constant state of irritation only fuelled the anger and hate which flowed through the monstrosity that he had become. The JEDI should all be dead for the SITH have hunted them down to their extinction. Yet one may yet live. With an extraordinary effort the DARK LORD OF THE SITH lowers himself to a kneel to his MASTER. As he prostrates himself to the GALACTIC EMPEROR he too feels it.

"There has been a great disturbance in the Force," PALPATINE ushered barely above that of a whisper.


Credius Nargath said:
"If you would be so kind, as to consider your position carefully... we all might end up with a very fruitful relationship towards the future," The masked man would take a deep breath, tilting his head a bit, all the while visibly squinting his eyes. "If you don't... I will dismantle your operations faster than a Jawa can dismantle a speeder bike."

There has been a great disturbance in the Force.

The Dark Lord averted her gaze away from Laphisto Laphisto 's forces to peer over her shoulder as the holographic image of the LORD OF HUNGER displayed itself on the bridge of The Quest. With a flick of her wrist she activated a Cone of Silence for it was not in her best interest for the crew on board Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti 's ship to hear what this... Whoever they were had to say. The FIFTH WING were everywhere, but the organisation was small, and clandestine in nature. Many of the servicemen on board this ship, and the wider EMPIRE OF THE LOST, had no idea that they were working for the conspiracy for the very notion of manipulation was to trick them into thinking your ideas were theirs.

Turning her full body around Her walked away from the transparisteel viewing screen to approach the holographic projector. Her facial features were concealed beneath the hem of her robe, and only the faintest of blonde hair protruded from underneath the hood. Lifting her chin ever so slightly to look up at The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger the Dark Lord said:

"I will listen to what you have to say. Then I will decide whether or not to destroy you."


Tales of the Rule of Two

The Tapestry of Darth Bane


Bastion, Outer Rim Territories, Braxant sector, Sartinaynian system;
The Diarchy;
Pellaeon Gardens.
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor | Her Her | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger | Roxxann Tane Roxxann Tane | Laphisto Laphisto

"It is in our findings that based on the seditious and treasonous acts of Director Drey-- an undercover Jedi operative now known to us as Ella Nova-- brought the Empire of the Lost into conflict with the Sith Empire which coincided with the subsequent declaration of war made by the Galactic Alliance on the Sith that has sparked another conflict presently being conducted along the Mid Rim Territories."
-- Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor describing the actions of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey in the Trigonus Report.

The IMPERIAL DELEGATION sneered and tutted beneath their breath as Ova Ziss Ova Ziss berated the PHANTOM EMPRESS while casting doubt and aspersions to the JEDI CONSIPIRACY which threatens the HEIRS TO THE EMPIRE following the ill fated RIM WARS OF 902 ABY. As the GOVERNOR OF DANTOOINE ended his monologue the same delegate (who had introduced Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran and delivered the Empire's terms for THE DIARCHY'S UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER OF BASTION) stepped forth and gestured to the datapads handed to each representative present in the gardens.

"The Rebellion, who sought to stop our unstoppable march towards reconstituting our Galactic Empire, were defeated in the Battle of Maldra 4," said the Tionese diplomat with an air smugness that only an Imperial man could muster. "But we remain unsatisfied that the threat to our security has to be resolved despite the collapse of the Tingel Arm Coalition. Please turn your attention to our prepared dossier on this matter."


New Imperial Security Bureau.
DOSSIER 2351185122591472015251521.

On Stardate 16624 the Empire received a transmission from within our space. After triangulating its position we discovered that it originated from the Calamari sector in the Sanctuary system. Thorough analysis conducted by the DIRECT SURVEILLANCE OF DOMESTIC THREATS (in conjunction with the capture of the former TAC installation called THE NEST founded on the now Imperial annexed planet of Maldra IV) collaborates our findings that the individual in this transmission was none other that SOLARUS FYNCH: a former member of the LOTHAL PROTECTORATE founded by JEDI MASTER JASPER KAI'EL of the NEW JEDI ORDER and whom later founded the TINGEL ARM COALITION (TAC): a rebellion formed against the EMPIRE OF THE LOST that was comprised of followers to the NEW JEDI ORDER.

An investigation was launched by the NEW IMPERIAL SEUCURITY BUREAU after this transmission was received. From this investigation we can conclude that the subsequent rebellion led by SOLARUS FYNCH against the EMPIRE OF THE LOST originated from a slave revolt in the Zygerria system where dissidents revolted against the then IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT OF ZYGERRIA and whom were later recruited into TAC to join the former members of the LOTHAL PROTECTORATE who sought to liberate the then recently annexed world of Lothal from Imperial occupation.

The Zygerria system is apart of the region space known as the Chorlian sector and neighbours the Wyl sector which is one of six star sectors which comprises the TINGEL ARM. Based upon our findings and analysis we can conclude that the first signs of the rebellion which later led to the BATTLE OF LOTHAL (where HIS MAJESTY OF ALL IMPERIAL KIND was killed in defence of the Empire) originated from this slave revolt and was conducted by the same dissidents which later led to the rebellion founded in the Hurikane system in 902 ABY.

From these facts we can deduce why TAC-- which was founded on the planet HURIKANE-- was consequentially named as such despite being located in a star system nine Parsecs away from the initial revolt on Zygerria where the first signs of rebellion against the ideology of IMPERIALISM were first sighted and subsequently discovered in the OUTER RIM TERRITORIES. Hurikane, located outer edges of the EMPIRE OF THE LOST, served as a beachhead for the subsequent rebellion led by SOLARUS FYNCH and that was ultimately begun within the realms of the TINGEL ARM.

The TINGEL ARM COALITION (now commonly referred to as "TAC") was a confederation of groups and organisations originating from the GALACTIC ALLIANCE. It was comprised of members of the LOTHAL PROTECTORATE; followers of the NEW JEDI ORDER based on the occupied IMPERIAL CENTRE; and dissidents from across the OUTER RIM TERRITORIES who were opposed to the ideology of IMPERIALISM. This rebellion against the EMPIRE OF THE LOST was defeated in the Maldra system during the BATTLE OF MALDRA IV where the THE NEST installation was captured and subsequently used to collaborate our investigations into the origin of TAC; a thorough analysis of why they rebelled against the Empire; and our conclusions based on the merits of the aforementioned facts outlined by this dossier, and the findings of the TRIGONUS REPORT.

While SOLARUS FYNCH was killed in action during the BATTLE OF MALDRA IV there are many fugitives that were formerly members of TAC still at large across the Galaxy. The discovery of the revolt on Zygerria, combined with the attacks on Lothal, and Mon Calamari, leads the N.I.S.B to conclude that while TAC is no more the threat posed by these individuals, and their desire to destroy the ideology of IMPERIALISM (as outlined by the TRIGONUS REPORT) is still out there, and therefore exists within the realms of the TINGEL ARM.

Therefore we must retaliate against the JEDI ELEMENT who seek to destroy us.

The BRAXANT RUN is a hyperlane route located in close proximity to the Dalonbian sector: one of the six star sectors where TAC were originally founded and were later moved to the planet Hurikane to attack the Empire. Located along this hyperlane is the old Imperial stronghold of BASTION. Located in the Sartinaynian system this planet was the home of the FEL DYNASTY and the later IMPERIAL REMNANT left behind by the collapse of the FIRST GALACTIC EMPIRE making it one of our ancestral territories.

It must become the policy of the EMPIRE OF THE LOST to reclaim the old Imperial stronghold of BASTION so that it may serve as our beachhead to the realms of the TINGEL ARM where we can then quell the dissident voices of rebellion against our ideology of IMPERIALISM and capture the criminal JEDI ELEMENT responsible for the death of HIS MAJESTY VELRAN KILRAN through an invasion of the Dalonbian region (and the five other surrounding star sectors within the TINGEL ARM) where SOLARUS FYNCH and the followers of the JEDI FAITH created the TINGEL ARM COALITION.

Occupation of BASTION is a prerequisite to our mission to capture the criminal JEDI ELEMENT still at large following the defeat of the TINGEL ARM COALITION while simultaneously serving our mission to reconstitute the GALACTIC EMPIRE. Therefore its current occupiers known only to us as THE DIARCHY must be made to leave the Sartinaynian system through negotiation. Failure to comply with the PHANTOM EMPRESS will incur military intervention and the subsequent declaration of war should THE DIARCHY refuse our demands.



"Contrary to the viewpoint of the Dantooine governor..." spoke the delegate as each representative of the Empire and Diarchy read DOSSIER 2351185122591472015251521 "...the rebellion against the Empire has everything to do with the Diarchy for you are currently occupying our territory and preventing the Empire from exercising its right to protect itself from the Jedi conspiracy that tried to destroy us."

"If the Diarchy refuses to negotiate the terms of surrender that we have outlined for the Braxant run then it is our point of view that the Diarchs must be in collusion with the Jedi who invaded us during the Battle of Lothal. After all the Diarchy-- a new galactic power, I grant you-- possesses no rightful claim to the Sartinaynian system nor its planet. You originate from the Taris system where Taris itself is currently occupied by the Galactic Alliance and whose military is comprised of several key figures of the New Jedi Order such as Valery Noble, or as the dossier outlines, the founder of the Lothal Protectorate in Jasper Kai'el."

"We have offered to liberate your homeworld and return The Diarchy back to its rightful place while welcoming you as Imperial citizens and members to the Empresses' court. Yet you rebuff our rightful claims and most generous of offers. Will you stand there occupying our world while the Alliance flags reign across your homeland?"

A chorus of agreement rung throughout the gardens as the IMPERIAL DELEGATION supported the words of their comrade and the subsequent dossier prepared by them. "Bastion is ours, and your occupation of it is not only an affront to His Majesty of All Imperial Kind, who set us on our mission to reconstitute the Galactic Empire, and reclamation of all of its territories taken by the likes of you, or the decadent alliance occupying Imperial centre, but also prevents us from taking the Tingel Arm away from the dissidents who killed the great Emperor Kilran and ending the Jedi conspiracy which tried to topple our regime."

"You must leave or you will incur our wrath."

"We are the Heirs of the Empire!"

Meanwhile . . .


Demands, conspiracy and negotiation were not the only agenda followed by the corrupted NEW IMPERIAL SECURITY BUREAU. Under the machinations of the seditious FIFTH WING agents have poured through the capital streets of RAVELIN while the SONS OF KAKUS and their subjects are distracted within the PELLAEON GARDENS. In conjunction with THE QUEST they have been busy painting key strategic military buildings, and planetary defences located across the city to be targeted by the behemoth in low orbit of the planet.

While the DARK LORD OF THE SITH faces off against the revealed LORD OF HUNGER these targets are acquired by the Star Destroyer looming above the city. The trap laid out by the SITH has been set but will THE DIARCHY walk into it?


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