Governor of Dantooine

Objective 1: Backroom Politics / Defend Bastion
Location: Pellaeon Gardens, Bastion
Tags: @Kari Von Strauss |

"Director Von Strauss!" Ova enthusiastically strolled up to him in the short time before the demands were presented, and shook his hand. "Well-met, sir. - You've saved our hind quarters more times than I can count on Dantooine."
"Here, take my business card. Let's keep in touch. I'd love to do more business with N&Z Ensol. One of your collapsible plasma axes quite literally saved my life."
"I've got some ideas on an interesting little improvement..."
Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door just as the negotiations began and the datapads distributed.
Dath Nexion said:"Excuse me for my lateness. I do hope I didn't interrupt anything. Darth Nexion is present, let the record show."
Ova's inner temperature lowered a bit when

"You're excused. You've joined us at an interesting time, Darth Nexion. These people over here--" he jabbed his thumb at the direction of The Lost "--think they're going to stroll in here and own the whole Braxant Run, just because they can. Look. Look at their demands." Ova offered

Ova re-examined the offer on the holopad as some of the other delegates spoke. Even if he were in a position to blatantly hand Dantooine over to the Lost, he wouldn't do so. He didn't know the Empire of the Lost. He didn't know the Empress. Ova was a total nobody when the Eggman came to power, and he was still a relative nobody when the Eggman died. If anything, the Eggman's death opened up opportunities for Ova's company, the United Trade Authority. The only "Empire" that Ova was familiar with was the Sith Empire and the Dark Empire, and Ova wasn't fond of either organization.
Ova didn't need an Empire, and didn't need an Empress telling him what to do. He had enough issues with the Trade Federation breathing down his throat and surveilling Ova's every move. The Gree could be downright seditionist. Only the Diarchy had offered any real loyalty.
The Lost's Offer said:"By the grace of the Eggman of House Kilran, ascendant to the Imperial Throne of His Majesty of the Known Galaxy, we stand before you as the Heirs to the Empire. We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Ruling Council, representatives of the Diarchy and a sister of the Old Tion Hegemony.
The newly coronated Phantom Empress has spoken:
The Diarchy shall immediately surrender control of the Imperial stronghold of Bastion and recognise Her Majesty of All Imperial Kind, Her Excellency, Empress for Life, Lover of all Porgs, Galactic Conquer, and Genius with an IQ of over One-Thousand as the rightful ruler of the Braxant Run, the Sartinaynian system and all territories formerly aligned to the First Galactic Empire as founded and decreed by the Galactic Emperor PALPATINE on His Declaration of a New Order!
Do you accept?"
Reign got into the negotiations quickly. Reign told the Lost off immediately. Reign rebutted the "Fifth Wing" propaganda nonsense, suggesting that the real enemy was within the Empire itself. Good work Boss, Ova thought happily.
Diarch Reign said:"You cling to some last vestige of the Galactic Empire, claiming to be the heirs thereof, but you will fail, just as they all have. You are plagued by corruption, bureaucracy, and the glory of the past, that you can not see the trouble within. I have read your Trigonus report, and it is lies. [...]
Diarch Reign said:"You have been played for fools, yet you do not strike me as a foolish man Von Strauss. These sycophants adhere to a part of the past that should have died with Palpatine. And whether it is through naivety of your young Empress, or outright collusion, the Sith have placed you on this path to weaken the Empire. To make you an easy target."
Ova gripped his chair, crossed his arms, and turned to Diarch Reign, sighing with an air of disbelief. "So then that's two dead men that they worship, Diarchs. Palpatine...and the Eggman. Not a good first impression."
Ova heavily hesitated, a pregnant pause filling the air. He looked at Diarchs Reign and Rellik, who look back at him. He looked to the rest of the room, filled with Diarchists from all wakes of life. Then, Ova looked at the Empress. The entire congregation of Lost seemed woefully out of place, being among a sea of Diarchy uniforms built around practicality rather than pizzaz. Ova folded his hands in front of him, sizing up the Empress.
"We can accept some of your terms, but not others." Ova blinked at the datapad. He looked to

"It takes many more than one or two people to rule an empire. I'd have thought you'd have learned from Palpatine's failures, not embraced them as a second-coming."
She's merely a child with too many toys, Ova thought bitterly, hoping she wasn't force-sensitive. Ova broke the ice like an axehead frigate.
"Reign's anger is understandable. Let me try and...contextualize." Ova gesticulated with his hands as he spoke. He smiled. He chuckled. He almost laughed. It was one of the strangest diplomatic meetings he had ever attended. What made it particularly baffling is how prominently the Lost brought their spiritual angle into things, bringing up Palpatine and even the long-dead Eggman, the one from the "New" Imperial Order.
How can they think they can do this?
"You've brought a star destroyer to our system...during a diplomatic meeting, no less." Ova paused. His tone was deliberately making fun of their demands. "I mean--we've invited everybody. We even invited those despicable warlords and vampires from the Dark Empire."
"Everyone could wait their turn to speak. Everyone could wait for us to tell our piece. Even Marlon Sularen waited for the Diarchs to finish speaking before trying to wreck the party. But you folks?"
Ova chuckles and shakes his head. He points towards the massive shadow outside cast by the mighty Star Destroyer, his tone cold and steely. "You come here, bring your Star Destroyer, put the entire planet on alert, disrupt the whole affair, and conclude by tell us to kiss your exhaust pipes?"
"Now tell me, you aren't Warlords are you? You're making a convincing argument in the other direction."
He put his disrespect for their actions on full blast. NO WAY you're getting Bastion, laser-brains!, he thought.
"It'll take more than two people to keep peace in the Braxant Run. It's a warzone right now. Ah, but perhaps your fancy ships can't make it that far on the regular?" He smirks. "The Diarchy's put in more work than any other faction towards Dantooine's renewal." He counts the ways on his well-manicured fingers. "They've funded the Dantooine Space Station. They've liberated our kyber crystal mines. They've helped us defend the Sayu Ni Temple Enclave. Where were you when we got attacked, again and again, by the other Sith? Were you stroking the Eggman's-- ...chin?" Ova watched his words, but only a little bit. He didn't want a full-on total war with the Lost, but if they came here to cause trouble, they were going to to get as good as they gave.
"Reign tells me you played host to a jousting match between his troops and another's. Was that part of Palpatine's vision?"
"Tell them,

And Reign did just that.
Diarch Reign said:"I tell you this now. I came face to face with them upon the surface of Malachor V. They are adherents to another relic of the past. The Rule of Two. [...] If you are so determined to cling to the dead, perhaps my friend Nexion here can raise the "Eggman" from his grave so you may all follow him into yours"
"Don't give them any ideas, Reign. They just might do it", Ova quipped. It was a quip, but he spoke seriously, and Reign would pick up on it.
"Those jousters are honor guards now. We honored them for defending Reign from an attack. An attack, seemingly, from your camp."
Ova and Reign were now heavily roasting the Empress, chastising the Lost's flawed offer. Ova suspected that the others would soon follow in roasting the Empress: one single, united front. Ova hoped to leave the Lost so scorched with insults that they'd up and leave with frustration. Toasty. Then, they could say their piece, and everyone could go to the bar, play Pazaak, and wait for things to blow over.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. First off, I'm not a Tingel Arm insurgent", he exhaled. "I'm Ova Ziss, the Governor of Dantooine, and we loathe being accused of things that Dantooine did not do! Where's your PROOF?!"
He thwaps the counter and leans forward aggressively. When Ova did that, some of the Empress's guards may have moved towards Ova, or even raised their weapons. He puts his hands up, as if to reassure the troops that he merely lost his cool.
Ova points directly at the Empress,

"I've fought pirates with better manners than your little royal delegation." He turns to the diplomat gooks and roars, "Oh, yes. You can bring your marines, your fancy ships, your gorgeous Empress. I'm too damn angry to die! You wanna go, guard boys? Let's go!"
Unlike the Marlon Sularen incident, Ova dug in. He folded his hands again, lest he upset her Royal Guards, and then he did an aggressive shimmy.
Ziss glared at the Empress and her honor guards, determined to set her right about what the Diarchy was REALLY prepared to do. "If you want our help taking Taris and playing chicken with the Jedi, then I'll personally sell you the Scorpion Walkers to do it. I want to correct your misapprehension that Dantooine works with the Jedi. We'll even recognize your Empire as a legitimate successor to Palpatine. I don't give two karks about the Imperial Empire, any Empire. And I don't care about the Jedi, either. Both of 'em have utterly failed Dantooine. We don't much like them, and y'know what? I'm startin' to not like you."
"If you want our subjugation, at least honor this planet first. And you're NOT getting the Braxant Run! And that's that!" Ova crossed his arms.
Later, when

"Your offer didn't forbid me from asking questions, so I'll ask you outright." He leaned in towards the Empress, Van Strauss, and the Royal Guards. "What will you do to protect the Braxant Run? I'm sure that Laphisto has some questions, too..." His eyes met the dragon man [

"Good grief, Empress. Seems that you truly are...'Lost'".
Ova smirks.
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