Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche OOC

RC 212 said:
Ok the so I cant do anything at all but just exit the thread is what Im basically being told.

BTW deathwatch are seperate from the Mandalorians.
You could land on Nickel One and take out those databanks before the Mandalorians remember that's an objective.
I am.... utterly.... utterly... UTTERLY bitter :( This was supposed to be a HUGE moment for my characters life here and I've essentially missed it. Damn my computer!

*sigh*. I might just retire from role playing I'm so upset and POed. Can anyone catch me up at all? I'm hoping I can still get my part of this plot rolling, and if not well, my LOA might be very much extended.

How is @[member="Ashin Varanin"] and her Duel with the Grand Masta? Has that already been over and done with like, 25 pages ago, or do I still have time?
So guarding the Ion Generators is me and a small NPC unit of Verpine ( Easily wipe outable. )

Plus Jesta is there, the tunnels are still armed with explosives as far as I know?

Ardak is firing at the fleet?

And I Racket is still around?

And Mando's are on their way?

Just making sure I am up to speed.
Darth Voracitos said:
I am.... utterly.... utterly... UTTERLY bitter :( This was supposed to be a HUGE moment for my characters life here and I've essentially missed it. Damn my computer!

*sigh*. I might just retire from role playing I'm so upset and POed. Can anyone catch me up at all? I'm hoping I can still get my part of this plot rolling, and if not well, my LOA might be very much extended.

How is @[member="Ashin Varanin"] and her Duel with the Grand Masta? Has that already been over and done with like, 25 pages ago, or do I still have time?
The duel, from what I've been reading is awesome. No, it is not over. Roche isn't even over. I'm sure the Sith could still use you....Honestly I'm not totally up to speed myself as I have been focusing on two locations, depending on which character I've been logged in as. Perhaps your fellow Sith can give you a starting point?Where they may need you most?
@[member="Darth Voracitos"] @[member="Sparky"]

Nickle One/ Generator - Controlled by Republic, Generator is guarded by Jedi Master Ben Watts and a Padawan along with undisclosed amount of Republic Verpine Soldiers.
Technically the defenses set up for the Ion Cannon are guarding the Generator too in the only entrance to the area.

Nickle One/ Ion Cannon and planetary Defense systems - Controlled by Republic (Senator in control room is bringing the Rain, Defense for Cannon and Generator is unreal but completely backed up IC. Two turrets and a lot of soldiers and a Jesta and Racket -both PC's- ... along with other goodies.
Story line ( Mando's objective has to do with obtaining info on Nickle One and the Senator isn't giving them permission to land. The Mando's just opened fire so shizz is about to go down.)

Nickle One/ Munitions Facility- Neutral. Jedi Knight Rosa and Sith Knight Mkhail are fighting for it as we speak. Jedi Knight A'donari and newly appointed Sith Knight Ardiks have just been pushed to a draw. Both are severely injured but survived the encounter. The hallway ceiling outside just collapsed blocking off the factory.

G99/Space- is a Cluster Luck.... but I believe Republic is winning. (Bad with space battles. Lots of numbers)

G99/ Ground- Some 9,000 Sith storm troopers are marching through owning.
(IC storyline. Omega Prye Master just tore down the roof of the Engineering facility killing a lot of her own forces and some storm troopers but a butt ton remain. Only a handful of the Republic Soldiers, a Jedi Master, and the Omega Prye Master remain and they just escaped the falling roof by rushing into a room. The Jedi Master is wounded in the leg from a blaster shot fired by a PC in the storm troopers fleet.)

The Vault - Ashin and Darren are playing gods as they literally bend the force at their will as they both try to end the others life once and for all. The fight has been finger licking good.

You'll need an update on Generator Asteroid because I haven't been paying attention. Sorry, four story lines is a lot along with all the others I'm in outside of Roche.... (he said sarcastically) Is there anything going on outside of Roche? Should probably check and see.
I'm impressed Cinn, you've been paying more attention that I have lol

@[member="Darth Voracitos"] - Its ok Fatty!!! Anaya is close to getting the plans, she's been working with a Jedi to get them (playing Jaxton Ravos for the fool he is) and the jamming fields are down on the vault asteroid so she can transfer them directly to you as we originally planned. Ashin and Darron's fight has moved from the Vault to G99 so maybe move your ship into position?
G99: Said Republic/Omega forces are flying away in Inimicas (after tearing said roof down killed 80 stormtroopers and several Omega/Republic troops). The engineering facility has been totally wrecked, so there's nothing in terms of starfighter parts to recover there, specially since apparently an Omega agent also activated explosives placed in it.

However, MSE-007 has transmitted data to the Imperial General.

And, yes, the Ashin-Darron fight is awesome!

Makayla Shaw

Sorry guys I joined so late. i was LOA and didnt know it would take place when i was gone, but now I'm in. and caught up.
I'm currently at G99 @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member="A'donari Cinn"]

I'm trying to get back in it!
Okay :) this is good to hear. Unfortunately, I won't be writing any Novels today, but I should at least maintain a medium level length posting.

I think what I'm going to do, is take my original post, Quote it, and then just expand on it as if I was just entering the battle now, instead of then.

Would that be acceptable? I'm glad that this is going so well, just wish I had my own computer to do it on!

Falon Azrakel

Kalia Vondiranach said:
I'm currently at G99 @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member="A'donari Cinn"]

I'm trying to get back in it!
Run. You can still run. Even from the one-hundred and twenty-five stormtroopers on speederbikes en route to you while battle-meditated.

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