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Fleeting System 2015 v2

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[member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Carn Dista"] [member="Rusty"] [member="Enigma"]
[member="Lash"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Captain Larraq"]

Word Doc
Excel File

Welcome all to the latest incarnation of the fleeting system. If you’ve been tagged you’ve either been part of previous tests or volunteered to assist.

First of all, I’d like everyone to look over the two documents linked above. For best results download and open the excel file as it can be a little finicky viewing online.

With that done, I’d like any and all feedback/questions you may have on the system, how it works, and any concerns you may have.

I am working on some revisions which will be updated to that document as we go along.

Generally, this system is actually quite simple when you get your head around it, and doesn’t involve much dice rolling or random elements.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Works now.

Alright, my initial thought is that this is a lot to take in. Sort of reminds me of a tabletop wargame, which I suspect was the intent.

Overall though, it looks solid. I have a few questions, however.

Does this work in three dimensions?

Does this system account for directionality and dispersion of weapon emplacements across the hull for various models? Some ships are designed for broadsides, others are designed to attack targets in front of them, so on and so forth. That may or may not have been addressed in the document, but it wasn't immediate apparent on first read through.

How are guided projectiles counted? I know they're not terribly common in the SW universe as opposed to, say, the Honor Harrington verse, but proton torpedoes and the like do exist, and there are occasional instances of other sorts of missiles.

Other than that, it's pretty self explanatory. Not exactly simple, but it meshes well enough.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
I've developed the excel things so that the background and working out isn't required knowledge. You can simply plug in the numbers and it will give you the total. Ideally you wouldn't even have to read the word doc except for the movement stuff.

Directionality is, in so much as fire arcs. If a ship with fixed fire arcs attacks, then weapons outside the available arcs are naturally discounted.

Guided projectiles are simply warheads or heavy warheads depending on type. There's no real need for anything more complicated.

3D? Well...yes and no. There's nothing explicit about it, but a 3D map would be impossible to use, so a 2D one does the job instead.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
If you try to imagine a 3D hex map, you're asking for trouble. However, if you simply add an upper, middle, and lower layer to each ship's hex, that allows for something like it. Just a thought.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Honestly, I think RPing can take the slack here. Believe it or not this is the least overtly complex system I've come up with. :p

Any occasion where I can abstract and reduce the need for more rules I'll take it.

Thank you for reading through it though. I listen to all feedback, even if I don't agree/implement it!
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I've just finished reading through the Doc and my first reaction was, "Wow! That's a lot to take in."

But, I've read it again and I'm now thinking that, if this system if followed, then fleeting would become a lot more clearer in who's doing what, who can attack who and what damage is being done.

That said, I'm going to go and read through the Doc again. I'm sure that I missed something as I'm quiet tiered at the moment. If I find anything I feel the need to speak up on, I'll post here again, as the only thing that initially came to mind was the lack of description for 3 dimensional fighting, but you and Rusty covered that above.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Most of my fleeting experience is entirely freeform. No dice rollers or maps or anything. It's a clusterkark (damn these SW swears) if you have someone that doesn't know what they're doing, but when you've got four or five writers that really know what they're doing, it's glorious.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Are Destroyers and Light Destroyers wrangled into one category for a reason?

Also in messing with system the I just want to clarify this.

You put number of weapons in column E

Attacker speed of your unit firing

then defender speed of unit your firing at.

That would be a normal attack.

Now I understand what heavy armor is I guess that's the 10 or 20 % for extra and advanced armor.

What would be a normal use for the Flanking column and the Misc Modifier column?
I've never really understood the light star destroyer designation. I guess I could add it in. I'd much prefer them just be called destroyers or heavy cruisers.

Flanking and misc modifiers would be situational. In that case you'd put in a -10 for if you'd gotten behind a ship.
Misc modifiers covers anything which may come up, positive or negative, not covered by the other rules. I've not got any examples at the moment, but it allows you to add in stuff you might need to.
Well, ugh. It reminds me of playing the old Vampire Masquerade board game if any of you remember that. I think after reading through it though I kind of understand it. It took a few minutes and a few reads but I believe I can get the hang of it.

What I actually think though is that we have a usergroup called Fleet Judges or just give this over to the roleplay judges. Then if a fleeting threat that want's to use this system they can contact one of us. I think trying to get the whole board trying to learn how to use this will just actually confuse everyone.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Jardo Snow"]
As I've said explicitly before and continue to say (even though no one seems to listen) is that this system is 100% voluntary. If you want to use it, great, if you don't, cool. If you use it and your opponent doesn't, that's fine.

The purpose for this system is to make some order out of the chaos that is fleeting and give it a consistent, grounded method of recording damage.

As it is, in free form RPs, the amount of fleeting battles which end with no ships at all being destroyed is 95% because no one wants to admit that their opponent has got something over them. And of course because you don't know if the enemy will return the favour.
Thus, this is a means by which you can fairly do something in a manner both you and your opponent can see is rationally devised.

I do agree however that having a DM/GM to run the damage aspect would be a good way to do it for skirmishes. I don't think it'd work well in invasions but still.

Carn Dista

One beard to rule them all, and in the Jedi bind t
It's gonna take me a while till I get my head around this and bring myself up to speed for everything, but I'll be sure to leave my thoughts and comments here when and where I get the opportunity to. It seems really interesting thus far though :)
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
OK, so it's time to get some battles going.

I've been burned too much in the past by people starting battles and then giving up so what I will do is this:

Anyone wanting to take part in the testing part will be all in one big skirmish...but all of you on one side against me. I'll select forces equal to the total of the opposition. Since I'm not trying to win though that makes it fine. I'll often do silly things just to test concepts.

So, who wants to take part?

[member="Carn Dista"] [member="Rusty"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Enigma"] [member="Lash"] [member="Reshmar"] Anyone else?
We'll start small-ish. A free flagship and 2000m of other ships. Try and choose a variety of craft, but not too many.

Post your list here with links to the tech subs and I'll get the map set up.

Posting them here will let me analyse and make sure there's no oddities I need to address first before we begin. Same goes for anyone else who wants to be involved.

Doesn't matter which faction you choose, but don't spread across factions
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