Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Flesh and iron [Taji Nelson]

Xerek smiled as he set down his hand, and with it the weapons, and inquired about him hiring her. She nodded her head, "He's a good scientist. But in everything else, he seems a bit unskilled." she said shrugging. Yet her smile, remained as she came closer, now well within arms reach. And so she answered his next question, "Lyda, Lyda Sesh." she responded, as if the name was entirely her own.

Indeed she was using the abilities on him just as all the others, and stayed close, keeping them all the stronger. She began to walk around him, within an elbows reach, a finger sliding across his shoulders lightly,
"He needed someone with experience in things. All sorts of things. And I have that. Maybe, there's something in that to offer you as well, for a price of it's own." she said stopping as she came back in front of him removing her hand, putting her hands on her hips, and cocking her head.

Taji Nelson

Taji Nelson

Her smile made him blush for a moment. "Alright, Lyda." He said. When she slid her finger across his shoulder, it made him blush again. He paused to consider what she meant. His brain was going places he didn't think it would due to her allure and actions. He asked her. "A price of it's own? What price to be precise?" He wasn't sure what she wanted in return for whatever she was offering. She hadn't made a move to hurt him though. So maybe he didn't have to be on guard around her. This thought made the tension fade from his body, a sign her actions were working. What would she do next to him? She certainly hadn't done anything to attack him, to his knowledge anyway.

She could see she had his attention solely focused on her. Getting him to get his men to go away would make her tactics easier. |

Xerek Xerek
He was blushing. Well well, those gifts were powerful indeed. It probably helped that her wordplay had gotten better over her years of life as well. In truth, she was enjoying this. Toying with a body new and fresh. Something she hadn't had in a very long time. She smiled again as he asked about the price. He was relaxed, interested, but relaxed. She stayed quite closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder as she leaned forwards to speak to his ear,

"We both get things we want, you can't get the boss to buy from you. But you might get some time from me. And I get some time away, and can say I dealt with the issue." She said, quiet enough nobody else would be hearing. Wookiee or stormtrooper. She stepped back, pulling away so that he had to think on his choice, and adding just a bit more input, "But we don't need soldiers for that, do we?"

Taji Nelson

Martin Connell

Martin considered her choice of words. All he had to do was stop calling her boss, and he'd get time with her? It was a deal, in his eyes. After all, time with her did seem more interesting than plaguing her boss with his phone calls. Her touch was something he hadn't expected. Finally he made up his mind on the subject, and spoke. "I accept your offer. I'll stop my men from calling him." He then gestured and his men left. Still. she needed to make sure he kept his word because he could break it at any time and go back to harassing Taji. He then waved and his men all left the area, leaving her alone wit him. It also left him vulnerable should she wish to do anything to him while they were alone.

"So what do we do now?" asked Martin, as he looked at her. "Do you want to seal the deal somehow?"

Xerek Xerek
Xerek smiled as she heard his response. In truth, she was too absorbed into the act to quite remember her original intention. So what did it hurt to just...keep playing? Her body moved side to side as she took a step a bit closer, her face becoming quite close to his, "Oh the deal's been sealed. Question is, would you want to be somewhere quieter for awhile."

She hadn't had a body in a long time, and all of a sudden any longing had come to the surface. It was an unexpected result, one Taji probably hadn't expected, but it was here nevertheless. Martin had agreed. Now it was a matter of completion. Xerek had also herself not quite been prepared for how Zeltron's function, often effected by the emotions of others. She created allure to him, and because she wasn't yet fully used to her own powers, she accidentally preformed the same effect on herself. Though certainly to a less intensity.

Martin Connell

Martin Connell

Martin nodded. Her proximity to his face made him red as a beet. He asked. "Before we begin, could I have a kiss?" Her pheromones were certainly effective when combined with her telepathy. This would break through what remained of his mental defenses, leaving him unable to protect himself so she could influence him away from harassing her boss like he had been. How would she sell her influence, and prevent him from going against the deal he had just made with her should he feel contrary?

Xerek Xerek
Her lips touched his as he asked, as she held her arms around his back for a moment before leaning away. Here was not the place for anything prolonged. She had a plan for how to keep him from turning against his deal, but it would only be set in motion after he'd been shown the reason for it. She would threaten him in two different ways once they were done, one would be a threaten of removal of herself. That he would never get her presence in any pleasing way again. But the other would be a demonstration of her power, not just the sway she could hold over people, but the deeper running gifts inside her that threatened him more directly.

That, was for when the time came.

Martin Connell

Martin Connell

After they had spent time together, and she had threatened him, Martin walked with her to her ship. "So to clarify, you will come visit again if I simply instruct my subordinates to leave him alone, and do so myself?" asked Martin. He was hooked, but he was also scared. "You will also refrain from hurting me with your abilities?" He admitted to himself he was a bit afraid. She was a powerful individual, but also someone who was very charming. She was the kind of person he didn't want as an enemy, so he would do his best to make sure she wasn't his enemy. Another kiss would cement the whole "Don't call the boss" deal she had arranged, just to be absolutely certain.

Xerek Xerek
Xerek smiled in response to his question, she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in from behind, "You got it. And we'll have a lovely time." she said pressing her head against the side of his, kissing his neck instead, a reminder of what he'd miss out, "And, like we agreed, you won't get problems from me. But I'm sure neither of us want that." she spoke quietly.

She let go of him, stepping away and swaying towards her ship. As she got on boards she gave one last smile and wave before the ship doors shut. And she'd be off soon enough, heading her way back to Taji Nelson. She believed she'd dealt with the Martin Connell problem for now. It was only a matter of time before she'd see him again.

Taji Nelson

When she returned to the Life Star, Taji was working on a suit of armor. He looked sleep deprived like he hadn't slept. Cups of coffee in paper cups littered the floor of the room. He had been working on a set of powered armor since she left.


"The armor's almost finished." He admitted, as he looked at the suit. The particular armor he was working on was one that was heavily weaponized and advanced beyond the ones he had in the past. "Been slaving over this for a while now. When it's finished, I should be able to use it on anyone other than the caller who decides they wish to bother me in the future. " Taji was oh so very done with Telemarketers harassing him to say the least.

"What do you think of my armor?" He asked, as he looked at her.;

Xerek Xerek
Xerek sighed as she entered and saw the cups. She rubbed her forehead, "Just don't learn do you." she said as she walked in. She was impressed by the work he'd done, yes, but he'd kill himself if he pushed himself too far. And that wasn't something she was kidding about. She hummed in response to his statement about the armor, "Told you, get a secretary. Droid or organic. I think we'll be fine, at least from that one."

She took in a breath and looked at the armor as he asked, "Well it's certainly impressive looking. Gonna mass produce it? Or just keep it. Armors like that can fetch a pretty good price." she stood beside him as she looked at the weaponized shell. Taji Nelson

Taji Nelson

"Keep it for my own personal use." said Taji. "After all, I need it because of something that happened a while ago on my Home World." sighed Taji. "I've been taking naps, and resting when I need it. So, Xerek. You didn't kill the guy, did you?"

He asked this, as he looked at her for a moment. He was glad that she was back, to be honest. Her presence was comforting in his eyes, anyway. After all she was someone who was willing to do what she could to help him. For that reason, he decided he would listen to her. Taking time to rest wouldn't hurt, would it? Well, more time than he'd taken so far, anyway.

He then sighed for a moment.
"I've decided I'll take your advice, and rest more."

Xerek Xerek
She nodded her head, personal use it is then. She heard him say something about his homeworld. But he moved on fast, stating he did indeed start taking naps, and then asked about what she'd done to the man. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and squeezed, "Don't worry about it. He's not dead, or permanently injured." she paused to see if he had a reaction, then leaned her head on his shoulder, "I'm kidding. He'll be fine but he hopefully will be leaving you alone for a good while."

He said he'd taken her advice, to rest more. She hummed in approval, "Good. You need it. Along with a new bed. You can always sleep on my ship in the meantime if you want. I have a new body because of you. I mean to repay that in full."

Taji Nelson

Taji Nelson

"That's good," Her squeeze of his shoulder made Taji relax a little into the touch. When she leaned her head on his shoulder, he blushed. "Hopefully so, Xerek. I don't want to have to deal with spam calls for a while. I've ordered a new bed and it should arrive in a couple of days."

"Well, "
He said, as he looked at her again. "Would you want me to build you a suit of powered armor for your own use?"

He sighed. "Really wish I had a Matter Transporter. It would come in handy."

"I'll have to develop a system to quickly launch my armor since I've been unable to develop a way to remotely operate it yet."

Xerek Xerek
She smiled in response to his blushing. It amused her that that was the response. The last person who helped her like this probably would never have shown such an emotion. But she hadn't seen him in a long time. She missed him too. Her eyes wandered a bit. Though she heard him talk, so he had ordered a new bed. That was good.

She raised her head as she heard him ask if she would want one of her own, "Hmm, hard to say. For a long time I basically was the powered armor. So I'm a little unsure. Maybe, but how often do you think I'd actually be able to use it? Sure before I was doing plenty of fighting. But you aren't exactly my normal type of employer." she told him. Plus, on top of that, she now had access to abilities she'd not had before. She could once again touch minds of others, and their emotions. So perhaps her use of combat would be reduced even further, and wearing an armor could inhibit those attempts.

"Don't know anything about 'Mater Transporters.' But, my ship the BoneGnawer has a 0.5 hyperdrive. So I can get you some cargo places real fast. it's not super fast out of hyperspace, but it's also very well armed and armored." She suggested, "Until you figure out that...matter transporter."

Taji Nelson

Taji Nelson

Taji then went to a safe and pulled out a set of braces and walked about 20 feet away. He then teleported using the braces so that he was right next to her. "A matter transporter is supposed to do this, but without the need for the Force. It's something I've thought of for a while. Sadly, I've not managed to figure out how to do it properly." He admitted, as he looked at her for a moment. He nearly collapsed after the strain on his stamina the powered armor put on him to even use. Using it was certainly exhausting, putting it mildly. "The bracers really drain my stamina to say the least. I need an alternative way to teleport without the need for the Bracers. I might put them up for auction, or lock them up. "

"They are one of the reasons I'm so exhausted more often than not. "

They were one of the Force Relics he didn't trust the Silver Jedi with the possession of. There was also a Pyrokinesis Ring, but he didn't trust anyone with the power the ring possessed, not even himself. It was why he was taking precautions so he wouldn't mess up.

Xerek Xerek
Xerek watched as he put on the braces and walked away, unsure about what exactly he was doing. She jumped slightly letting out a gasp as he teleported beside her. She shook her head taking a breath and smiling. "That's very cool, but please don't do that." she said patting him on the shoulder. Then saw the strain that hit him, she reached out in case he was going to fall.

He explained the limitations of it, apparently he'd been using it and it caused even further exhaustion. He mentioned possibly selling them, or locking them up. And she hummed,
"If you sell them, make the price high. Or...You could trade them." she advised holding out her hands, "There are those out there with great creations, some in the force, others not, perhaps you could make a trade with one of them. Exhausting or not, I'm sure there are plenty out there after such artifacts like that. People who would trade or pay to get them."

Taji Nelson

Taji Nelson

Caught by her before he could fall, Taji relaxed at her patting of him. He took off the braces and offered it to her. "I would like you to hold onto these so I don't have the temptation to use them. They're too dangerous to my health to use for prolonged periods due to the strain they put on me, apparently. I'll need to find someone to trade them to, someone who is trust worthy. Someone who will not use the bracers to terrorize anyone. "

Taji sighed for a moment. "Do you think you could help teach me how to relax, how to take it easy?" He asked, as he looked at her again. He knew he needed to learn not to over stress himself.

Xerek Xerek
Xerek took the braces as he gave them to her, folding them under her arm as he told her to hang onto them. Temptation of power. That seemed like a dark side influence, not that she really believed in the Jedi or Sith codes. He asked about helping get relaxed again. She set down the gauntlets on the table, and reached her arms around giving him a hug and then stepping back again smiling. It meant so much more to hug, than to kiss, from her.

She tried to walk him over to sit down, "I want you to breath. That's it, in, and out, keep it steady. Relaxing for some people is a lot like meditation, don't focus hard on anything. If your breathing isn't perfect, it's ok. If the lights are just a little off, it's ok. Just let go." she spoke softly, demonstrating it, letting her eyes droop slightly as she did, showing relaxation similar to preparing for sleep, "Don't think on work, let your mind drift a little. Hear sounds, but don't focus on them, feel the light, but don't focus on it, feel your own body moving, but don't try to control it. The best way to relax, is to simply release yourself from your worries, and from everything around you."

Taji Nelson

Taji Nelson

Taji nodded, doing as she said. He sighed, though once he'd relaxed. This sigh was because he realized he had to put the powered armor he'd been working on to the test. He wasn't looking forward to putting the armor to a test. "I'll still have to test the armor to make sure I've got it right. It will need some heavy testing and potential modifications." It was hard for him to get his brain off work. Her hug had been something he hadn't expected to say the least. Still, it had been nice to have a hug. "It was nice having you hug me." He admitted, as he looked at her.

"How precisely do I relax myself?" He was having a difficult time letting himself feel at peace.

Xerek Xerek

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