One hand scooped the aimlessly rotating cat gently from the air. The creature emanated a long-winded meow as he carried it to the edge and sat both it and the shot coil up onto the ledge. "I mean, probably as good as we're going to be," he remarked as he reached over to retrieve the holopad. A mechanical finger scrolled through the massive list of error codes.
"Half of this shit isn't safe or even possible to work on unless we land." Parallel fingertips traced over a cluster of errors in particular. "Inertial dampener core, airfoil integrity, drive-side tibanna injectors, oscillat- wait." Zaavik turned to his left and felt a vertical cylindrical protrusion with the back of his hand that still gripped the autospanner. After pressing against it a few times, he drew back and struck the tool into it hard with a loud clink resonating through the cubby. A sudden whirring sounded along with the distinct sound of something small clattering through the innards of the ship. Several lights in the ship interior would flicker back to life.
A quick double-tap removed a line of aurebesh from the list. "Anyway, even the stuff I can reach while we're in hyperspace won't do anything significant enough for it to matter. If we splatter against the windshield when we exit hyperspace, it was going to happen anyway." That last bit was a joke. Mostly. Turning, he bent down to trade the autospanner for a servodriver and fusing pen. "I'm gonna have rig the wiring for those coils though, otherwise they're gonna get too much power while compensating for the missing one. If either of those overload while we're in this lane? It'll shake us to death." That part wasn't a joke.
The servodriver screamed as it removed one bolt after another on a wiring panel above where he'd disappeared earlier. Seizing the panel with both hands, he pulled it from an analog bracing and set it down against the wall. Surprisingly, the wiring looked rather in tact. It almost made him feel bad for having to mess with it. His arm sunk into the housing to find the right wires, only for something white and fuzzy to scoot past is face and evoke a small yelp of surprise.
A Scrap Rat scurried out of the housing, up the wall, and into the living quarter only to change directory at the sight of the cat. Who, of course, chased after. "Huh," Zaavik hummed. "You uh, been to Bracca or something?" A braid of blue wires with thin aurebesh labels were pulled to the threshold of the housing. "You mind helping me with this, by the way? I just need you to hold them while I fuse the right ones."