Waiting in the sky
The Sirocco was doing its best to limp along. Jared Starchaser and the crew were able to get the ship away from the lane they were in. Unfortunate situation that they hit, the Sirocco had made a few jumps already, Bonadan, Malachor V, and they were on their way to Hast. And that was where it all went wrong, an unmapped moon with an asteroid belt, seemed like it was a place that these pirates had been working for months, if not the better part of years. The ship, as sleek as it was, was still a ship, and physics didn’t allow it to move through wreckage.
“We need you at the helm, Starchaser,” called the pilot as fighters were deployed. Jared moved forward. The ship had forgone its usual compliment of starfighters for additional mapping technology storage, medical facilities, and starship fuel. The smaller vessels, the handful of personal ships were not always armed. Jared’s Pulsar was docked and plugged into this ship, so it was time to out-run the others.
Using the ship’s point defense, it was keeping the fighters away as Jared moved the ship through the wreckage.
“Deploying sentry mines.” He shouted as the ship started to move, as Jared could feel the hyperspace paths, knowing that the shields were not up in time and the ship already sustained some damage, they’d have to set down for repairs. A few of the sentry mines were out, taking on the pirate fighters as Porter, his father’s astromech was indicating the best course to where Jared was looking. It was going to be close if the shields got up in time...
That was about three days ago. The Sirocco’s fairly clean white-and-navy paint job, off the line of the Starchaser factory only months prior, and only being used for the Levant Wind, the name Jared gave the Path he was tasked with creating, for a few weeks. The ship had landed on an unnamed moon, one that even a Starchaser navigation system didn’t have mapped. The world was temperate, so at least there was that, the one issue?
The darkness storms, where instead of flashes of light and rumbles of thunder, there were flashes of darkness and complete and utter silence.
The heat deluge, the storms that came in, seeming to circle the world, filling an area with high humidity before moving into extreme heat. Nothing really burnt during those, but it had been only a few hours after the ship had landed and the away team had left that the first hit. Too much moisture for some of the repairs. And did the ship need it. Engine and hyperspace issues, communication was busted, but to the joy of those aboard the ship? The stereo still worked.
A shuttle was sent out as a scout and there were some form of an installation but with no good way to land any closer than a day away. Scans showed technology, that was still working. Leaving the team to assume something was keeping the storms at bay where the ship could be repaired. The scout trip did see that there were large automated laser turrets, apparently designed to keep the large carnivorous reptiles at bay, even if the spin of the beasts was thick
The shuttle landed the team, and that was where we found everyone.
"I've got Hopper clued into the storms. Seems we have a bit over 6 hours before we would need to find shelter. The installation? Seems about 10 hours away." Jared stated as he stood up. He was donning the old ExCon suit of Levantine Sanctum. His lightsaber on his hip, and blaster across his back. He was ready to go.
“We need you at the helm, Starchaser,” called the pilot as fighters were deployed. Jared moved forward. The ship had forgone its usual compliment of starfighters for additional mapping technology storage, medical facilities, and starship fuel. The smaller vessels, the handful of personal ships were not always armed. Jared’s Pulsar was docked and plugged into this ship, so it was time to out-run the others.
Using the ship’s point defense, it was keeping the fighters away as Jared moved the ship through the wreckage.
“Deploying sentry mines.” He shouted as the ship started to move, as Jared could feel the hyperspace paths, knowing that the shields were not up in time and the ship already sustained some damage, they’d have to set down for repairs. A few of the sentry mines were out, taking on the pirate fighters as Porter, his father’s astromech was indicating the best course to where Jared was looking. It was going to be close if the shields got up in time...
That was about three days ago. The Sirocco’s fairly clean white-and-navy paint job, off the line of the Starchaser factory only months prior, and only being used for the Levant Wind, the name Jared gave the Path he was tasked with creating, for a few weeks. The ship had landed on an unnamed moon, one that even a Starchaser navigation system didn’t have mapped. The world was temperate, so at least there was that, the one issue?
The darkness storms, where instead of flashes of light and rumbles of thunder, there were flashes of darkness and complete and utter silence.
The heat deluge, the storms that came in, seeming to circle the world, filling an area with high humidity before moving into extreme heat. Nothing really burnt during those, but it had been only a few hours after the ship had landed and the away team had left that the first hit. Too much moisture for some of the repairs. And did the ship need it. Engine and hyperspace issues, communication was busted, but to the joy of those aboard the ship? The stereo still worked.
A shuttle was sent out as a scout and there were some form of an installation but with no good way to land any closer than a day away. Scans showed technology, that was still working. Leaving the team to assume something was keeping the storms at bay where the ship could be repaired. The scout trip did see that there were large automated laser turrets, apparently designed to keep the large carnivorous reptiles at bay, even if the spin of the beasts was thick
The shuttle landed the team, and that was where we found everyone.

"I've got Hopper clued into the storms. Seems we have a bit over 6 hours before we would need to find shelter. The installation? Seems about 10 hours away." Jared stated as he stood up. He was donning the old ExCon suit of Levantine Sanctum. His lightsaber on his hip, and blaster across his back. He was ready to go.