Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Flight of the Sirocco

The wind in his hair was a great feeling. There was something about moving vehicles that he just really preferred. Maybe if he wasn't born into a paramilitary Jedi family, he'd have chosen a more enjoyable life. Something that wasn't always pitting him against other beings in combat. Maybe in intellect, raising airspeeders, or skyhoppers back on Corellia? Maybe visit Mirial more often and race there too. But here? There were things out here hunting them.

They needed to get inside. Keeping up with Kinsey was no easy trick. Hopper kept beeping, looking and searching the skies. As they found the structure, and he was watching Kinsey move quicker, the Warden reached for his lightsaber's holster on his belt. A quick unsnap of the button, in case he needed to pull it up in a hurry. Definitely preferred that weapon over his blaster, as of late.

As Kinsey saw the entrance, Jared kept on her tail. Taking the swoop into a sliding stop, the Warden stepped off quickly once he got to a speed that it was safe too. Hopper following suit. "Yeah, Hopper, says he's not finding any signals. What is this world…" His splitsaber was already in hand as he continued to walk. His ExCon Suit had a lot of bells and whistles, and he was using what he could, including powering up the Echani shield, though preferring a headlamp like Kinsey.

An interest in the speeders was piqued. They might have the parts they were looking for, but now there was the general mystery of what this place was.

"I mean, fortune favors the bold, and all?" He'd go up, even if he was flying solo.

Cato Fett Cato Fett Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser
Delila Castillon Delila Castillon
Following after Jared, Cato coasted the Starhawk through the mouth of the hangar bay on a whisper of thrust and tapped the aerial brakes, virtually heeling the swoop to full stop. The muddy power-plant shunted off, leaving the bike to mutter and clack as its repulsor block, power converter, and heat exchangers cycled over to cool. He waited until Delila's weight at his back shifted before rolling off the machine to his feet and grabbing at his stowed weaponry, unfolding the compound bow into shape and knocking a black-fletched, spade-head arrow to the shimmering bowstring.

"Hhgnn..." Cato grunted.

There was an odour on the air, some tainted scent that hadn't dispersed. Now that they'd slowed and come to a park within the hangar space, it seemed to float between motes of drifting and capering dust particles wheeling past the glare of installed overhead glow-lamps. It smelled of powerful disinfectants and chemical obliterant, with a sharp nasal after-taste that burned the back of his throat. Cato sniffed involuntarily, trying not to spit out the biting tang in his mouth. He strode over to the pair of aged speeders nestled aside in a corner of the hanger and began running a hunting eye across their dust-strewn bonnets.

"Hmmn. Pared down models," Cato noted aloud. He rubbed a wrist-cuff against a cabin window and canted his visor down to better peer in. "Nothing but bog-standard instruments, steering, and comm-unit consoles. Interior's been stripped of everything that might add unnecessary weight. Aggressive turbo-engines, after-market repulsorlift units, portable shield generator unit, looks like something out of a good surplus shop. ...Spast, even the bodywork's been replaced with carbon-fibre moulds. But no onboard weaponry, no turrets or pintle-mounts. I've only seen mercs or serious racing enthusiasts with these types of speeders.

"...So why are a pair of expensive air-speeders being left here to rot? What is this place?"

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser Delila Castillon Delila Castillon
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Delila appreciated being on the ground. Blaster rifle was in hand, looking around the canyon as talk settled on the speeders. She didn't have a desire to look them over, but relied on what the others were saying. Having grew up in a junkyard, there were a few things she knew. Or could at least guess at when it came to mechanical workings.

"Patrol speeders or security speeders. That model must have a great engine. Use the engine, toss the bloat."

Her back was still to the speeders, to the three others. Blaster rifle was raised, a blue-green eye looking through the scope. She was using it to look around, to focus in on the finer details of the area. Fine brow raised a little and she dropped the blaster rifle a hair as if she couldn't believe what was she saw through her scope. Blaster raised again and she peered through before dropping the blaster rifle once more.

"We're being watched by the way. I've spotted two cameras in this canyon. Unsure if they are active but if the speeders are any indication....I would say we are not alone. I would assume there are motion sensors and other detection equipment up ahead. No sign of sentient life."

Kins lofted a light blond-brown brow at Cato and his bow. For a moment, he reminded the spacer of a Ranger from the stories of old. The girl followed her cousin into the lift.

"Might as well go introduce ourselves if we're being watched," she commented quietly.

She missed Pibs. Her pebbledrone was back on the larger ship. That little droid would've done them good with recon. At least her cousin had Hopper. With a click of her fingers, she powered up her ion wrist shield. Blaster easily sliding into her other palm.

"You guys coming?"

She wouldn't wait too long before hitting the button to take them all up.
Looking to Cato as he got the explanation of the speeders. Jared turned his head. "That sounds like they're smugglers. Maybe not thinking they're going to be fighting, a weird way in this galaxy." That was a bit of a meta comment, but it was true. Even his Haulcraft had paired down its weapons to allow for more shields and speed. As the Mandalorian said mercs or racers. Probably not the latter.

And as for being watched? Well, it was good practice to always feel that way.

It wasn't like they had a rescue party waiting for them. The small crew back on the Sirocco were waiting for them. But the group he had here were Levants. That meant they were explorers, or at least curious enough to see what reward the next challenge could bring them. And that was about where they were going. Jared made sure a hand was on his lightsaber, the crystal one he found during his Force instruction, while his father was still in carbonite, but the casing? So many odds and ends pieces. Mostly function, and some form, representing Corellia and Csillia. It was telling the story of him.

"Lets get moving."

He stepped in and seeing that Kinsey had the pistol, and not a lightsaber, he took a step in front of her. With the others gathering in how they felt safest. He watched the lift go up, feeling each floor until there was the telltale ding of arrival, a door opening, and a rush of blaster fire.

He didn't expect it right away, not feeling intent of organics. Turrets and what seemed to be cobbled-together combat droids. CIS surplus? He wasn't sure. Some were missing parts, an arm here, an optic there. And the smell of the room… had something, someone, died in here? His first goal was to use his green blade to reflect blaster bolts back to where they came, or at least away from Kinsey and the team.

"Hopper. Can you find something to disable them?" Those turrets were in prime repair.

Cato Fett Cato Fett Delila Castillon Delila Castillon
Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser
The confines of the turbolift car was rapidly filling with the smell of ozone and cooked panelling. Cato blinked against a ricochet blast-bolt that careened off a car wall and struck a glow-strip in the turbolift ceiling, getting doused with a brief flash-curtain of sparks, melted plastics, and electrical slag. The car itself had precious little in the way of cover; he was forced in against the door jamb, angled side-long to reduce his physical profile, occasionally whipping an arm out and firing a shink!-shink!-shink! burst of shaken-discs from his gauntlet launcher. He watched one disc embed into a plodding droid's clutch of photoreceptor lenses. Another struck through a droid's slender throat-column and left it decapitated.

As Jared filed out, effecting a swirling blade-wall to deflect and redirect incoming fire, Cato followed and began fanning out to the right. Now there was space to bring his bow to bear. With a curt wrist-flick, the swept wing-arms of the compound hunting bow snapped and locked back into functional place, pulling the drawstring taut. Between Jared's saber strokes, he fired back. Long wroshyr-wood shafts, tipped with gleaming anti-armor spade arrowpoints, fletched in black, shot and skewered through enemy droids. He aimed for their on-board power-plants and battery cages, the bowstring now thrumming.

"How fast can your droid work - ?" Cato called at Jared. "If those turrets get the notion to focus fire, they'll shred us apart!"

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser Delila Castillon Delila Castillon
If Delila had the time in the moment,she would have stopped to be impressed by the skills the Mando was presenting. It seemed unlike others of his ilk, the man actually had skills and put them to use. In her eyes, most of the Mandalorians were all armor, no real skill. Meaning it was all for show, just sitting pretty and unscathed. If they survived the planet, she had half a mind to ask for lessons with his wooden weapons. Partially for fun, partially to improve her own skills.

Surprising to see such old droids in good repair. Yet she didn't linger on not destroying them. Blaster rifle focused fire on those new, shiny turrets that someone had clearly repaired and upkept. Dells used Cato as a bit of cover, behind him off to his side as he worked with his wooden weapons. Rapid fire from the rifle, quickly firing off several shots directed towards one side of the turret.

She managed to disable one side, focus went to the next.

"I hope that droid has a plan! Getting a little dicey in here."

It was the cramped hallway creating the issue. If it had been open space they could have scattered and distracted the CIS droids more. Being practically on top of one another meant they were all in high danger of getting injured.
As Delila Castillon Delila Castillon peeled off with Robin Schmood, Kinsey backed up her cousin, letting him act as a powerhouse and veritable shield in front of his with his fancy swirling saber skills. Her energy wrist shield hummed to life, it's circular, soft blue glow catching a few errant bolts that managed to sneak through Jared's wall of protection.

Precise shots on droid's power circuits caused a handful to spark and sizzle, falling to the ground in a lifeless hulk of metal and circuits as Kinsey fired from her raised blaster.

At least Delila got part of that turret out. Was saving them all from becoming roasty and toasty. There was a hiss from a door behind them and to the right. Something that had been hidden in the wall that they'd passed from earlier.

"Oh chit," Kinsey turned and threw up a force barrier as two battle droids spilled out. Covering their rear and hoping she wouldn't get shot in the back. Sandy-brows pinched in concentration.

"Could...use....a...hand," she grit out as her barrier absorbed the bolts those droids fired toward them.
Starchasers came from Jedi, that much they couldn’t avoid, and tended to embrace the light side, especially for the lightsabers, but it wasn’t all that they were. Many had been around the galaxy as explorers, and through that, learning different paths, and skills. Jared was… unfortunately not that one. He was good with his lightsaber and technology, though, and the droid was moving.

As Cato stepped up and began using his weapon, seeming to understand the goal of Jared’s move, shield-and-spear approach, the Mirialan was watching the incoming bolts, and saw the turret. Pulling one of the combat droids guns from their hands, he at least had that. And with Delila and Kinsey here?

They may make it out of this. As the droid moved, Jared had to move quickly. Using the Force, he was doing his best to keep the other turret from turning to them while the rest would fight, but as heard Kinssy call out, he looked to her, the moment allowing the turret, rusty and unaligned as it was, to move.

“Got you!”
Jared called as he reached out in the Force, lending his skills and practiced barrier to bubble over them, but this amount of energy? It was a lot. And the strain in his voice, and demeanor was obvious.

“Any time, Hopper!”
He called out as the droid was plugging in. A few seconds too long and they’d be cooked, but the lights on the turrets, and most of the control consoles, flickered and died. And if anyone was looking up? Those turrets finished their realignment on the lift’s door.

“Nice timing. Faster, next time?”
He looked to his droid, then the team.

Cato Fett Cato Fett Delila Castillon Delila Castillon Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser
Suddenly the hallway was silent.. Standing next to the Mando, Delila was regaining her breath and taking a look up and down the corridor. She immediately spotted holocams but that wasn't unusual. To be expected at this point in any building they would enter no matter what part of the 'verse.

Looking at the Mando squished next to her, Delila was still eyeing the wooden weapons he had. She bent over and picked one off a droid, passing it to him. They didn't seem to be best friends but a mutual respect for one another was forming.

"Mando, if its not a breech of religion, perhaps if we survive you can teach me to make these wooden weapons? In exchange I can assist you in finding your vessel. Scratch each others backs so to speak."

Her gaze met the others.

"So where are we going Jedi?"

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"Thanks Couz," Kins called as she and the Mando were able to dispatch the rest of those droids that came through the side door until they were left with the sounds of their own breaths evening out. Kinsey release the force barrier and she waited a moment longer until Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser let his bubble drop. Lowering her blaster, she turned back toward those disabled turrets and Hopper.

Meeting everyone's eyes, one's helm.

"I say we keep going forward," Kinsey jerked her chin forward and would follow just behind her cousin with his lightsaber still ignited. A blast door at the end of the hall swished open to reveal a massive lab of some sorts. Kinsey scrunched her nose as she stepped inside. It smelled like the dead.
Phew, the guns were down. That was what they needed. Jared took a moment to look around. Lots going on here, but there was still the heat from the blaster bolts and the wreck of the targets they did make. Wood shards around. IT was definitely an interesting thing, to see someone clad in beskar using wood weaponry. But Jared had to admit it had its place. He preferred slugthrowers for his main sidearm, the most of the time, as it was.

Easier to reload in the wilds.

Looking over his shoulder at Delila, who was talking to Cato, Jared couldn’t help but smirk. He understood secrets of a ‘religion.’ While he may not hold to the Jedi dogma as close as some, he knew better than to share secrets of kyber with just anyone. But wood and beskar were not the same, to his knowledge.

“Forward works.”
Jared nodded. Looking to where the door opened, the green light of his saber cast an earthly glow on an otherwise unearthly setting. Laboratory, bacta (he hoped) tanks. Some drained, some with beings inside still, floating. “What is this place…” He couldn’t help but reach out in the Force.

Hopper bouncing from table to table, knocking over datapads, some smashed, and flimsi sheets, looking for a spot to plug in. He knew his task well. Learn, and inform.

Delila Castillon Delila Castillon Cato Fett Cato Fett Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser
With the Mando promising to debate on teaching her the ways of wood and beskar, Delila was satisfied with the answer. Of all the things in the 'verse, she didn't expect to be so transfixed by such a simple weapon. Yet weapons were always of interest to her, no matter how complex. Often it had to deal with how it was wielded. Perhaps she could thaw out the Mando a bit and they could go on an adventure together, as if a type of cultural exchange.

Silently, she moved around the laboratory, peering into what appeared to be bacta tanks. It was hard to make out what was inside. She moved closer to the tanks, looking at what was floating. Delila furrowed an eyebrow, trying to figure out what it was. She suspected they were dead though, given the smell in the room.

"Smells dead in here....maybe these....tanks are dead too. Abandoned experiment? Things look fairly set up, I mean there are datapads and beakers sitting out. As if someone was going to come back but didn't. Yet there are droids still guarding the place...powered up, fully operational droids."

Dells was talking mainly to herself. She doubted the Starchasers would care. Cato was watching their backs, his silent form staring towards the door they just emerged from. Having some freedom to explore, she began to rifle through some storage lockers along the wall. Hopper would most likely tell them everything but this was more curiosity than anything else.

Plus there could be something useful such as datasticks or classified documents.
Kinsey walked over to one of the tanks with a half-formed thing inside. Looked like it had sharp teeth and several tentacles. Knuckles wrapped lightly on the glass. A half turn to Delila Castillon Delila Castillon .

"Yeah, definitely dead."

A glance to Hopper. "Try over there," she pointed to the wall next to another half-filled tank. Looked like there were a circuit behind that tube. "Maybe someone else found it like us? Set part of it back up? Re-hooked up the power source to the droids and guard."

Kinsey shrugged as she dished out theories, walking over to one of the scientist stations. Moving flimispads out of the way, she began opening up some of the drawers. There were a few vials of some brightly colored liquid that she stashed in her pack along with an old datachit and a set of keys.

Glancing up, her eyes tracked between her cousin and Delila.

"Real question someone still home?" Whether it was those who set up this lab or another set who had stumbled upon it much like themselves.
This place was a bit wild. Part of Jared was thinking to mark it as an unsafe world. It could keep the majority of people away from it. But there were always the Levants that were going to make their way to these places regardless. And Jared also had a feeling there was more to this place than met the eye and a challenge to be solved. As he looked around the room, he turned back to the three with him.

“Whatever was going on in here is definitely dead. But does that mean it was abandoned? Or would they be coming back to see what they can restart?”
As Kinsey indicated, Jared gave his BD unit the nod and the little green and white droid hopped over. As the droid plugged in, it took a moment for some of the systems to turn on but it also fed a lot of feed back to the droid. Jared reached forward to pull the droid from the socket.

“You okay, Hop?” Jared asked as he looked at the screen.

In green, the words ‘Execute All…’ were displayed, with the same old style computer cursor blinking.

Any words before or after the letters were blurred, either by age, or some other destruction to the screen. “I don’t know, but I’d love to find a terminal that we can pull anything from…”

Delila Castillon Delila Castillon Kinsey Starchaser Kinsey Starchaser Cato Fett Cato Fett
"So, these guys are dead, got it."

Delila didn't want any surprises. Reanimation. Different types of movement. That sort of thing. The Mando was watching their back at the door - he didn't seem interested in joining them in staring at the floating masses. Didn't blame him. Wasn't making too much sense and for her, waiting here and looking around was making her uneasy. They had been spotted and it could mean one of two things. It could mean sentients were monitoring them or droids had been dispatched to look after the place.

Either possibility was uneasy. If she had her pick, it would be the droids. Droids could be taken out with EMPs, good knocks to the head, locked in a room and if they didn't have tools it would be difficult for them to escape. Sentients were more difficult to outsmart, even the dumb ones.

She needed to move around.

"While you two are hooking up to ports, I'm going to exit this room of horrors and poke around. The quicker we get out of here the happier I'll be. Just yell when you're ready to find me, the Mando has your back. Don't need me to stand around."

Squeezing past the Mando, she left to continue to head down the hallway. Just had to be quiet about it, Dells was positive there were more droids moving about. More opportunities to get caught. Yet they weren't going to solve any mysteries by standing around and reading.


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