Sena tracked Dax's movements. So he does know how to fix weapons. He was skilled and set to work instantly. "Well. Yes. I was," she started tentatively, trying to draw her memory. "It was long ago. I myself was wholly uninvolved in the affair. At least from what I can remember. The Death Star was truly terrifying. I had managed to get within a distance of it at some point during its time. No image can truly do it justice. But there is little I remember from the battles surrounding it," she said sadly. Most of her memory had left her years ago and it was not something that Sena was happy about.
Still at the console, Sena was looking through some more information about the ship. "Dax, you were right. This ship was a last ditch effort. There are some crew logs here. Some of the people that worked on it, describing the stress of building this thing. It was being made to turn the tide in the conflict with the Sith. It would have too," her voiced trailed off grimly. "The good news is we have a way out. The face of the cliff was given braces in preparation for this weapon to blow a hole in it. In other words we get to make a fashionable exit," she said with a chuckle.
[member="Dax Fyre"]
Still at the console, Sena was looking through some more information about the ship. "Dax, you were right. This ship was a last ditch effort. There are some crew logs here. Some of the people that worked on it, describing the stress of building this thing. It was being made to turn the tide in the conflict with the Sith. It would have too," her voiced trailed off grimly. "The good news is we have a way out. The face of the cliff was given braces in preparation for this weapon to blow a hole in it. In other words we get to make a fashionable exit," she said with a chuckle.
[member="Dax Fyre"]