Too stubborn to die.

Location: Naboo
Equipment: Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Ala

The blaster was not lost on Caltin, he saw the woman carrying it out of the room and slip it into this other man's awaiting person. That was something that Caltin could let go of, he was not going to let this woman, and this guy thing that they actually had the drop because he was naturally suspicious.
No... we're not related at all.
Sarcasm duly noted, Caltin glanced at the picture. He didn't know why Jax was here and didn't ask.
Calm down, droid, and watch the language, please.
Looking at the picture one more time, there was something about it. The blue roses, that bush, were very well kept and surprising, especially because of where it was placed. He knew this bush and knew where it was. This was one of several bushes that Tyria and Alyscia planted, this one being down behind the pool. Pointing out to it, the one they would not be able to see from there, or on the way in, Caltin explained.
My daughter Alyscia planted that bush over there just behind the terrace where the grille is, or at least probably once was.
Giving Jax a glance, nothing bad, nothing good, just a glance, he then looked back at his... whatever he was.
As for Dagos, he's a good kid. A great kid. Going to become a great Jedi. He also thinks highly of you. I asked how you were the one who taught him to fight because unless he learned more from someone else there is something you should know. Everything you taught him? How to defend himself? I taught my daughter Alyscia, my niece Kayla, and my nephew Kameron. I get it, people learn how to fight, but leading a right hook with a left feint? One two punch followed by a short-arm uppercut? Right down to the motions? Even your love of the phrase "What the Frell?" Guess who coined it?
Pointing to himself, he began to leave, but not before clapping Jax on the back.
Don't know what you have to hide here...
He eyed the gun hand and offered a smirk.
Don't really care either. but I wanted to look around at a place that I built with my family eight hundred years ago. I'm a man of my word... I'm gone... nice to see you, Jax.
Slowly, he made his way out towards the front door, but not before making one more comment.
You can have my ship in the garage if you want. It needs a bit of work though.
He was of course referring to the old relic YT-2000 "Fugitive's Redemption." It was an original, but obviously collected a lot of dust.