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Approved Tech FM-1 Hailstorm fighter-to-fighter missile

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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii


  • Classification: Fighter-to-fighter flechette missile
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Explosive Type: Flechette scatter
  • Delivery Method: Missile
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Area of Effect: Large
  • Stopping Power: Low
  • Flechette Cone: The Hailstorm uses flechettes fired out by a proximity charge to damage fighters in front of them. These flechettes are focused towards the front, and fire in a 120 degree cone in front of the missile. These flechettes are unguided, and will hit anything in front of them, but are considerably weaker than a direct hit from a standard concussion missile. The flechettes are faster than those of a flechette torpedo, as the explosion that fires the flechettes is more focused.
  • Sends out a large spray of flechettes.
  • Difficult to fully escape to to proximity detonation.
  • Capable to hitting multiple targets.
  • Low damage output.
  • Indiscriminate.
  • Easily stopped by particle shields.
Designed to attack more lightly shielded fighters, the FM-1 Hailstorm fighter-to-fighter missile is an anti-fighter weapon packed with a proximity detonated warhead which is used to propel flechettes in a 120 degree cone in front of the missile. These flechettes are capable of shredding fighters that lack particle shielding, though they are notably weak to against full deflector shields and particle shields. This does make the missile generally specialized, but they can still be fairly dangerous, and a good "crowd control" weapon.
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