Age: Early 30s
Sex: Male
Height: 1,90m | 6'3"
Weight: 99 kg | 219 lbs
Eyes: Pale blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Voice Reference: Grahame Fox
Force Sensitive: No
Species: Emmerian
FN-1735 is rarely seen outside his armour, though he appears indistinguishable from your average human without it. It has become a sort of second skin for him, more comfortable underneath the layers of the protective duraplast plates than he is in his own skin. The armour itself looks the same as most other models, however, FN-1735 has taken the liberty to customise his armour a little, decorating it with a few trinkets and emblems. The most notable of these is the claw mark on the right side of his helmet, which stands in stark contrast to the (mostly) clean white and black with its crimson red. These markings are located in the same location as the ones on FN-1735's face, mirroring their design closely. Other than that the main other main difference is a shawl he nearly always wears below the red shoulder pauldron.

Full Name: FN-1735
Faction: First Order
Rank: Sergeant
Homeworld: Bastion
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Mother: Rylla Wayes [Deceased]
Father: Dalen Wayes [Deceased]
Siblings: Arthur Wayes, Delinia Wayes [Unkown]
Strengths & Weaknesses:

Born on Bastion as Seth Wayes, FN-1735's childhood was spent with his family. It was a fairly ordinary time for him, a youth spent like that of any other child on a civilised planet. He visited a decent academy, participated in various Grav-Ball tournaments and became one of the better Center Strikers of Ravelin Academy and the surrounding areas. The opportunity for a Grav-Ball scholarship was there, though he would never be able to realise it as the Mandalorian took control of the Empire and, in an effort to get on the Mandalorian's good side, he was offered to them as a warrior by his parents.
His stay with the Mandalorians was very brief, however, as he took the first opportunity to get out of their military to travel into the Core Worlds, where he found employment as a security officer. The job paid well but left him with a yearning for a greater cause to get behind. During these few years, he would end up quickly rising through the ranks of the company until his convictions got him in trouble with his corrupt superiors who nearly got him killed in his last assignment as a security officer.
Taking away a few scrapes and scars from this run-in with the remnants of the Black Sun Syndicate he escaped to the Underground in the Unknown Regions where he worked as a freelancer for a brief period of time. This changed, however, when he got first-row tickets to see a display of the First Order's might against a small roving band of Pirates. He enlisted a few days later, putting his many years of experience with a blaster to use for a good cause, to bring Order to the Galaxy. Over the years he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, adopting a few personal touches to his armour that distinguished him from some of his fellow Troopers.