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Order of the Silver Jedi

An alliance of Jedi and their beneficiaries seeking to restore peace and stability to the galaxy.

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FO Nomination

Hi all!

I want to announce that I am stepping down. As you may have noticed, my activity has dropped significantly in the last month or so. The reason for my disappearance is that I have moved to another part of the country and getting used to a new job. While this has been a positive - albeit very hectic - experience, it has also meant that I have had less time to devote to Chaos and to our faction.

It has been during this time that I have realised that I will probably not be able to give the Silver Jedi Concord as much time as I believe that it deserves and needs for the foreseeable future. And with that, it is my belief that the best option for us is to elect a new Faction Owner. I want to thank SJC staff for all the hard work you've done while I've been away or operating at a reduced capacity. Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , you have stepped up big time and been a stellar acting FO!

Working with you all in writing some fun Jedi stories has been a privilege - the good atmosphere between the writers in our faction is amazing and I wish to thank you all for being so understanding and constructive throughout my time as your FO.

In this thread, I welcome you all to nominate who you believe should lead the Silver Jedi Concord. Once the nominations are in, we will hold a vote to determine which one of the nominees shall take up the mantle as our new Faction Owner.
I would like to thank you for everything you've done in the time you were FO Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin . Your enthusiasm and support were greatly appreciated by me and no doubt the other staff members too. Of course, that also goes for you, having been our acting FO Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion . Finally, I'd like to add to this discussion that I will be stepping down as faction admin due to similar IRL matters starting in April.

As for nominations, I'll happily throw my support behind any who have a vision and are willing to step up and take the mantle of FO.
Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

While I was given advanced notice of this, it is unfortunate to see you step down. Although you have not been as active recently, it was a joy to work with you before that and during the times you could dip in despite all that was going on outside of Chaos.

Jax Thio Jax Thio it is truly an honour that you have chosen to nominate me. However, I do not think I will be capable of being the next Faction Owner of the SJC. As Riamah Riamah kindly noted, I am not quite as available as I wish I was. On that note, I will decline being put up for a vote on ownership of this faction. But please know that I feel deeply honoured and grateful for the nomination.

This message is getting a bit long but I still wish to note how much I appreciate having worked with you, Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala - it is a pity to see you step down, for you have had plenty of great ideas and feedback (not to mention posts!) both during your time in CT and Admin.

I think that both Starlin Rand Starlin Rand and Gir Quee Gir Quee makes for great nominees, each with their own strengths which I think and hope can benefit us all. They have my wholehearted support in this process - but knowing our members, I am also confident that we have numerous more good candidates, should they wish to step up.
I'm surprised and seriously touched by being nominated. If I had been nominated to be a MFO earlier, I would have relished the nomination whole-heartedly.

Regrettably though, my real life right now is a bit chaotic and I am not sure that I could be able to consistently provide the time this position and the faction deserves.

With that in my mind, I have to decline this nomination.

However, I am more than willing to help out in any other capacity to make this faction successful.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Riamah Riamah Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Sad to see you go. It was fun being creative team under ya!

As for our next FO, I would nominate myself, but let's be honest, who's gonna vote for the guy that disappears for months at a time with no warning? Yeah, that's what I thought. Exactly no one would vote for me.

I guess I have to say Starlin Rand Starlin Rand . This decision is entirely of my own free will, and not because a gun is being pointed at my head. I am definitely not being forced to type this against my will.

send help I'm trapped in the basement

Caedyn Arenais

So roughly a week and a bit ago I decided to pull Caedyn out of the SJC for character development as an independent Jedi, however, I've obviously got a lot of love for this faction and I'm sorry to see Aveline stepping down, but I also understand it.

To you Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin , thank you and I hope that you're able to continue to write with us in the near future.

I'd also like to mention Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion and Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala who have both been awesome over the last couple of months! You guys did a great job, thank you <3

As for nominations, after seeing Gir Quee Gir Quee take charge of the Bryn'adul's recent invasion for our faction's side of things, as well as knowing his previous experience, I too would have suggested him for the vote; However, he's turned it down for very understandable reasons, (You'd have done great, I'm sure!).

As I've been mostly absent myself this past week, I haven't really had the chance to think of a second nominee, however, I will say that whoever has the passion and the IRL time to take on the position, you'll do the faction proud, I have no doubt. If you're not certain of anything, you've also got a very capable admin team on hand too.

Best of luck Silvers! I'll look forward to seeing the outcome of this and writing with you all in the future <3
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Be careful what you wish for.
Well, as a person who has been everything from a player to a site owner/administrator over a period of 25+ years, and an upcoming summer off I WOULD offer my services at least in the interim... but I was very much given a vote of no confidence there coughs*SLIP!*coughs(;)). It's just as well anyway as I'm not really into that sort of thing anymore. So I will go with the thought of Starlin Rand Starlin Rand or Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran .

I will also offer any advice that is sought out.

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