Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Order of the Silver Jedi

An alliance of Jedi and their beneficiaries seeking to restore peace and stability to the galaxy.

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FO Nominations

Kiara Ayres

Hi all,

This is me stepping down for real. I'm going back to university soon so I won't have the time to be FO anymore and truthfully, I don't have the motivation to continue with this right now even if I did have the time. I've enjoyed the stories we've shared but it's time for someone else to bring a different perspective.

It's been fun, Silvers. I'll see you around.

A vote will start 2 days from now so reply with your nomination(s) and if they accept then they'll get added to the vote.
I'd like to nominate Gir Quee Gir Quee who has been a great help during my time as FO.

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