Cynna Jade Sunrider
Jade shook her head, confused. "How can those escape pods be your only chance of—"
She cut short her own sentence realising what he had meant. He had to stop Zander first as sensitive data was at stake. He would then use the pods to escape once he was done with Zander, but needed the fighter threat eliminated first. The rest was obvious enough.
"Okay, I will go back to my Defender and clear those fighters. Do what you need to do, and come back to me in one piece, Thetan. In other words, once I'm done with those fighters, I expect to be picking you up from an escape pod." Jade nodded at him, swivelled around and bolted for her ship. As she reached the door she full turned her head to look behind her at the Sith, "And may the Force be with you friend."
It didn't take long for her to reach her Defender. Encountering no resistance whatsoever, she exited the larger ship's hangar bay and made for the sky. It felt good to be up there again. Her very own TIE defender made her feel like she could thread a needle.
And then, ahead, a lone TIE fighter. It took a few shots at her Defender, though Jade’s deflector shields held firmly. But they wouldn't for long. Especially with a whole squadron of more TIE fighters coming in behind her to intercept. Jade made quick work of the lone TIE fighter which exploded into a ball of flames, and vanished into nothing as quickly as it had exploded.
The approaching squadrons of TIEs. They were swarming like wasps. They were onto Jade's Defender, taking their shots. She pulled away, leading three of them off— but they were on her fighter like magnets, following her every swoop and turn, her every roll and lurch, so she drew them back toward the Sacheen class light escort, the enemy ship.
It looked like a suicide mission. A game of chicken with the enemy. But she knew what was doing. It was a practiced move. One the Imperials never expected. At the last minute, she pulled up, as the enemy Sacheen ship opened fire on her. Jade's TIE Defender was remarkably quick, the TIE fighters unfortunately were not. Being were Jade's defender should have been when the incoming volleys of laser fire came in, and having no shields of their own, the TIE fighters, dispatched in gassy plumes of quick-burn fire.
Diverting all power back from weapons to engines, Jade created some quick distance between her and the large enemy vessel. Enough to be safely out of its firing range. At least for the time being. She looked back toward the frigate largely looming in her viewscreen, as she raced towards in the hope in detecting any fleeing escape pods— but her heart sunk when she found none.
Anxiety hit her in a flurry. Had Thetan made it? There was nothing she could do but wait, but even that would soon not be an option. Yet Sith or not, she didn't want to run from a battle and leave anyone behind.
She cut short her own sentence realising what he had meant. He had to stop Zander first as sensitive data was at stake. He would then use the pods to escape once he was done with Zander, but needed the fighter threat eliminated first. The rest was obvious enough.
"Okay, I will go back to my Defender and clear those fighters. Do what you need to do, and come back to me in one piece, Thetan. In other words, once I'm done with those fighters, I expect to be picking you up from an escape pod." Jade nodded at him, swivelled around and bolted for her ship. As she reached the door she full turned her head to look behind her at the Sith, "And may the Force be with you friend."
It didn't take long for her to reach her Defender. Encountering no resistance whatsoever, she exited the larger ship's hangar bay and made for the sky. It felt good to be up there again. Her very own TIE defender made her feel like she could thread a needle.
And then, ahead, a lone TIE fighter. It took a few shots at her Defender, though Jade’s deflector shields held firmly. But they wouldn't for long. Especially with a whole squadron of more TIE fighters coming in behind her to intercept. Jade made quick work of the lone TIE fighter which exploded into a ball of flames, and vanished into nothing as quickly as it had exploded.
The approaching squadrons of TIEs. They were swarming like wasps. They were onto Jade's Defender, taking their shots. She pulled away, leading three of them off— but they were on her fighter like magnets, following her every swoop and turn, her every roll and lurch, so she drew them back toward the Sacheen class light escort, the enemy ship.
It looked like a suicide mission. A game of chicken with the enemy. But she knew what was doing. It was a practiced move. One the Imperials never expected. At the last minute, she pulled up, as the enemy Sacheen ship opened fire on her. Jade's TIE Defender was remarkably quick, the TIE fighters unfortunately were not. Being were Jade's defender should have been when the incoming volleys of laser fire came in, and having no shields of their own, the TIE fighters, dispatched in gassy plumes of quick-burn fire.
Diverting all power back from weapons to engines, Jade created some quick distance between her and the large enemy vessel. Enough to be safely out of its firing range. At least for the time being. She looked back toward the frigate largely looming in her viewscreen, as she raced towards in the hope in detecting any fleeing escape pods— but her heart sunk when she found none.
Anxiety hit her in a flurry. Had Thetan made it? There was nothing she could do but wait, but even that would soon not be an option. Yet Sith or not, she didn't want to run from a battle and leave anyone behind.