Xaedrin Vondiranach
"Dreams of being a diplomat ... ?" he asked, his face scrunching slightly in feigned distaste. "Every girl's fantasy. " Walking onward, he slipped his hands in his pants pockets as he admired the view around them. Her question regarding his role on the various ships he'd crewed brought him to a nostalgic place.
"Mainly crew, starting about six years back. Worked for a handful of shipping operations on short runs between planets, picking up new contracts at port." Xaedrin knelt down, picking up a small rock from the walkway and fiddling with it as they walked. "After a few years of that, I ended up on a long haul bucket transporting colony supplies to outer rim planets. The contract was a two year run, but it paid well enough for me to buy a small freighter of my own. So now I'm my own captain. Clearly," he said emphatically, featuring around him, "I'm not very good at it."
He left the conversion open for the moment, lost in idle curiosity about the state of his ship.
"Mainly crew, starting about six years back. Worked for a handful of shipping operations on short runs between planets, picking up new contracts at port." Xaedrin knelt down, picking up a small rock from the walkway and fiddling with it as they walked. "After a few years of that, I ended up on a long haul bucket transporting colony supplies to outer rim planets. The contract was a two year run, but it paid well enough for me to buy a small freighter of my own. So now I'm my own captain. Clearly," he said emphatically, featuring around him, "I'm not very good at it."
He left the conversion open for the moment, lost in idle curiosity about the state of his ship.