Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For 3000 Years, They Ignored Our Calls for Help | SSC Dominion of Jabiim

Location: The Auril Sector
Objective: Handooine 2- Stop the criminal scum
Allies: [member="Zak Dymo"]

The navicomp sent a quiet warning chirp through Kurayami's helmet, bringing him out of his relaxed state. There were a few moments only before the craft would revert to realspace and all sensor data that could be gleaned showed that he would be reverting about halfway between Anzat and Handooine. After what seemed like an eternity passed the bluured lines of hyperspace began to start separating and come into sharper focus as he decelerated. He was used to hyperspace having traveled the lanes for many years and today he wore much the same outfit he had on the Wheel though there was a notable addition. Corellian bloodstries, red in color. Indicative of first class bloodstripes, something few Corellians wore anywhere but to the grave. It was something that he didn't care too much to display because of the inevitable questions or accusations thrown at him by others. The events leading up to his earning them were still classified though they were many years in the past now. The exact circumstances were not a matter he cared to discuss as he had never taken pride in what had to be done to earn them. Wearing them did help him remember where he came from though, and along with the simple utilitarian pants he wore his old Aquila squadron flight jacket and the same helmet he had worn during his time as the lead craft. It was a simple gray helmet with a faded yellow strip down the center, gold visor, and 013 in the same yellow as the stripe.

Many would have thought his dress odd for space combat, but the inertial dampeners in the craft allowed him to not have to wear an overly restrictive flight suit if he wouldn't be planetside. As he came out of hyperspace roughly halfway between the two planets, he heard a klaxon blare and flipped the switch to arm his weapons. Eight Ls 9.6 laser cannons powered up as his IFF started to integrate with his sensors and populate the friend/foe/unidentified craft in the sector. It took a minute for all the data to be compiled and at the rate of speed he was maintaining, he had to dodge a few wayward transports, his small interceptor blazing past them in the opposite direction. He was an ace pilot and it showed in the fact that the dodged craft were relatively close together, and that there was no flashy maneuver to accompany the near misses. It was simply one thing flowing into another seamlessly, not one motion wasted, nothing extraneous.

Truth be told the only thing that allowed him to accomplish such a feat as what was on display was his use of Force Reflex. It was something he had used through his career allowing him to view the battle as though time itself was slowed around him. Enhanced perceptions were tricky like that in a situation like this and would also explain why he usually felt more than a normal amount of tired after a long fight. Today would be one of those days he was sure as he approached the convoy head on.

It seemed that they already had a tail, another freighter that was firing on one of the ones in the back. He didn't have a solid IFF ping from the ship tailing the freighter and so he sent one of his own, an SSC based frequency that pinged the trailing ship with his callsign 'Aquila 13.' He knew what the cargo on the transports was and that any stray shots near life support would not be appreciated. He pulled into a steep climb for a few seconds, leveling out far above the pirate freighters, setting up for a slash through them. All weapons were at full power and ready to go. He angled towards the lead ship and aimed at the comms dish. AS he dove he unleashed a hail of green plasma at the freighter watching as it impacted aginst the shields and managed to take them down by only a quarter. Three passes to go. That was the price he paid for not having warheads on this craft, but he had always preferred the pure gunfighters, it was more personal that way.
Post 4 of 20
Handooine Mission 2 (The Pirate Remix): Steal the ore, rescue the slaves, kiss the girl (not necessarily in that order)
Location: The Auril Sector

Another ship just blasted into the scene.

He'd figured the Coalition Fleet would be quick to respond, but this was crazy! Was that even a member of the Coalition? Or was that someone else interested in that ore. Or the slaves. Sadly, there were plenty of people interested in slaves.

Man, it was hard to break into the pirate business with so much competition.

Whoever this new pirate-hero-whatever brah was, he was one serious fighter. Zak backed his Niathal shuttle away to give the two ships some space, and allow him a vantage point from which to contemplate his own options at this junction.

If that WAS a Silver Sanctum pilot, then they'd likely go to rescue the slaves. While that was happening, Zak could swoop in to swipe the ore.

Slaves rescued. Ore stolen. Everybody's happy!

He did like when a plan came together.

Of course, none of his plans ever worked out the way he wanted... but he still liked when the ideas came together.

However bad they might be.

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]​
Location: Jabiim
Objective: Locate the derelict prison ship (bring-your-own)
Allies: SSC
Enemies: Lythians
Post: 4/25

Under these terms, Charzon and the rest of the Design Triumvirate advance through the forest so that, about ten minutes later, they arrive at the outer border of a ship whose general structure looked like a reconditioned Venator but they arrived at the bow of the ship. The bow door of that ship was left to rust after centuries of being left adrift as a shipwreck. The half-open bow door revealed partially exposed mining equipment. Said mining equipment seemed to be more adapted for use in asteroid fields than for use on a planetary surface. Charzon was intrigued by the fact that a mining laser hardpoint was used for this operation. Turreted mining lasers capable of blasting asteroids were used all over the place and the bow doors revealed only the foremost turret of twin heavy mining lasers, or twin heavy beamdrills (they look very similar from the outside to those unfamiliar with the inner workings of mining equipment) but they can be distinguished from Galactic Civil War-era turbolasers.

"Heavy Star Destroyer. Imperial Corrections Service crests. That's what we are looking for"

"Mining equipment. Something just isn't right with that ship: since when the Imperial Corrections Service operated mining ships?"

"Jessica, are you sure the Tormentor was used for ferrying prisoners, rather than for mining?"

"The information supplied by Kuat Drive Yards stated that the Tormentor was used as a prison ship at the time of the crash. But the information said that the onboard equipment is classified"
Location: Auril Sector
Objective: Handooine 2- Stop the criminal scum
Allies: [member="Zak Dymo"]

Kurayami pulled back around in a tight ascending turn to the left. This put him at the underside of the freighter. The freighter opened up with a turret that he had failed to take into account, fortunately he had enough time to pull a bead on the turret and open up on it, pelting it with a barrage of laser fire. This dropped the shields of the freighter down to half.

Zak wasn't entirely wrong that he had an interest in the slaves, but his interest was to disable the transports carrying them so that they would have a chance at being rescued. Yes, he was part of the SSC, which he had to thank Raylia for. Granted she was the reason that he wanted to help free these slaves as she had been one in the past. The ore was of far less concern to Kurayami, though he knew it was a good source of income to be sure, he wasn't looking for more money. He was here just, well mostly just because he had been not too far from the system when he got the message from Firemane Intelligence Services. Why not dive in, and shoot up some freighters containing slaves and ore? Seemed like a good time.

He pulled back, and up over the top diving back at the freighter and taking the shields down to one quarter. One more pass to knock down the shields and the comms. Hopefully taking comms out of the lead ship would cause them to scatter.
Objective: 'Handooine Diplomacy'
Location: Handooine
Allies Involved:
Post: 1/25

Diplomacy. Not his strong suit by far, but by the time he'd read the brief from Firemane Intelligence most of the other teams had already been on their way. He'd joined the team at the last minute, but not as a diplomat. Instead, he'd managed to wheedle his way onto the security team. Normally, this task was done by Rangers and Padawans, if indeed it was done at all. The only reason it was being done this time was because the brief had stated the president - who was the one opening negotiations - was in league with the Lythian pirates. In the holofilms, whenever that was the case there was always a top team of the pirates on standby when the president needed them. Or, if he tried to betray them, to kill him. But it wasn't just the holofilms either, they actually based that particular facet on a shred of truth.

Just like the Kessel mission, Audren didn't put himself in charge of the team. That he was now a Master didn't override the fact that there were others better suited to to directing the security of those representing the Sanctum. Better to say that he made himself available to them. They could direct or use him as best needed, at least until the mud hit the fan. At that point, he'd be free to react.

As he was accompanying those set for diplomatic duty, he had to have some modicum of propriety. No full on suit of armor for the Sephi, he had to be presentable just like the rest of the guards. Where they had uniforms and armor that could be concealed inside that, he had robes with concealed armor. Not the best, simple duranium and duraplast links under armorweave, but better than simple Jedi robes. The tabard gave enough cover for a blaster pistol to be hidden at the small of his back, but he carried his lightsaber openly on his hip and had a lightweight datapad attached to his left gauntlet. Presentable, functional, and protective enough. Here's hoping he wouldn't need to make use of it.
Open Objective
[member="Junko Ike"]

"I'm not sullen," she said, now sounding a little sullen but the irony was lost on her. "I'm just....." Confused? Distracted? Trying to figure out what she was supposed to do?

Fortunately, Junko was, as always, willing to give her instructions in this case. She turned a little red. Of course, that made sense. She hadn't learned a lot yet, but she should have thought of it herself. Using the Force, on purpose, didn't come naturally to the girl yet. But she was a hard worker and she tried.

Just one more way she didn't seem to measure up.

Breathing in deeply, she closed her eyes for a minute, then opened them again immediately. She couldn't walk with her eyes closed and anyway, one of the things she was supposed to be practicing was how to use the Force to sense things around her *without* closing her eyes. She grimaced slightly, but nodded, more to herself than anything else.

And reached out to the Force.

It was inside her, waiting. But at the same time it was also every where, all around her. Before coming to the Silver Sanctum, she had only been subconsciously aware of it within her and just a few feet around her. But with practice, she reached out beyond that comfortable bubble. She didn't know what she was looking for really. Danger to them of course (though Junko would sense that far easier and sooner than Sabetha probably would). What else? She shifted her attention, trying to follow the ripples in the Force, rather than create her own path through it.
Location: Jablim
Objective: Jabiim Mission 4
[member="Joza Perl"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Valae Kitra"] #TeamAwesomesauce #AlwaysRememberValae'sBrokenButt

Orihime saw it, a name she had not seen for a little while since they had went and met with the Noghri. She could work with Joza here and they could go and free some slaves, rescue people as well as be all cool and awesome with the others who were hopefully coming to the party with them. She was looking to set up a number of larger thing until the ship was heading towards the planet. The jedi kngiht and she liked saying that.. she was a jedi kngiht with a look on her face while she rolled her shoulders sending a message and coordinates of where she was going to be touching down on the world with her ship. "Oh Joa yes, come and let go handle the situation. We can catch up and work on some of the things for the sanctum."
Open Objective
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

Junko waited and looked at her a small expression on her face but staying more neutral then anything while she gave a few ideas of what they could do and handle at the moment. "Take your time, there is no rush when you are learning. Rushing will only serve to diminish what progress you might eventually start to make." She said it while looking out and her senses were about as good as most padawans with the force but she knew how to enhance her senses with magics over outright being able to use them. So a different method but she could also track anyone she marked across the galaxy and find them should they be improtant with a blood trail so there was that or using the transformation magics. Junko stayed there to let the girl focus and quiet her mind standing still if needed. crawl before you walk and all that.​

Jabiim Mission 3

No warning heralded the loyalist counter-attack.

First came a deafening blast as something impacted the muddied ground and exploded, tearing the closest beings into bloody ribbons that showered upon their disoriented friends. Not even the sole Force user in this group had any time to react – fire and death licked Alaki’s armoured suit and punched her backwards with the ferocity of a wild beast. The harsh landing lacked any signs of grace, resembling a ragdoll tossed away by an angry child. Although pain had yet to come and announce an injury, the Chiss’ red eyes had noticed crimson colouring her left side. Tears welled up in the girl’s eyes before running down her cheeks, white knuckles gripped the lightsaber even tighter and her free hand went for the secondary hilt in anticipation of the worst.

What followed was a volley of blaster fire relentlessly sprayed over the encampment, targeting those left standing. Many shots have found their mark within the surprised members of the resistance, starting a devastating chain reaction. Panic and chaos hit the small rebel force like a tidal wave and cracked its passionate heart. Often without discipline and proper training, already tired and demoralized, the men and women have lost the zeal for their cause upon witnessing their friends die one after another. Many chose to drop whatever tools they carried, guided by the basic concept of self-preservation that commanded them to flee and save their very lives, further undermining the overall morale.

Determined to push the resistance back and turn the tides of battle in their favour, enemy troops rushed the rebel positions, gunning down the retreating rebels. The sudden chance at successfully beating back the hated resistance gave the sworn conservatives hope, which was more than enough to bolster up their morale. Victorious cheers started to resonate across the battle grounds, overpowering the moans and cries of the dying. First blaster bolts raced towards the loyalists in response, but those were too few to halt the advance.

The characteristic snap-hiss of lightsabers got lost in screams and fire, yet nobody could deny the baby blue and bright orange columns lighting up like shining beacons, shedding their illumination on the fallen Padawan and her closest surroundings. Gone were all options to not resort to this, leaving Alaki only with anger and pain at her disposal. The curious mixture only strengthened the Dark Side’s grip over the teenage Chiss’ body, generating intense rage in its purest form. It could be wielded like any other weapon, channelled through one’s body. Deep inside, the horrified Jedi part cried out, having lost control once more.

She charged the enemy troops.
Location: Choal, Jabiim
Objective: Assist Rebels (3)
Allies: SSC, Rebels, [member="Celiana"]
Enemies: Conservative Supporters/Loyalists
Post 4/25

Rasu was no relationship counselor but she could tell that these attachments were troubling the young Echani. Love was a truly terrible thing; one cannot simply live without it. However the woman could empathise with the issues facing Celiana, but now was not the place to have such a heart-to-heart. Action called them forth, with the people of Jabiim counting on the Jedi for assistance.

"Everyone learns in different ways Padawan. It's just how the galaxy works so don't let this trouble you." she said, trying to reassure the woman. The culture of the Echani was a very foreign concept for the Jedi Master. She had rarely encountered a member of the species prior to meeting Celiana, however she was sure her knowledge of the group would expand as her teaching of Celiana continued. An apprenticeship was never a one-way experience.

"Perhaps you will my young Padawan, perhaps you will." Rasu replied, smiling at the humourous remark before she turned to face the rebels. Determination and anxiety were common among the faces of the Jabiim natives. Already Rasu had been flooded by their growing distress in the Force, however with the woman's vast experience in battle, she knew this was to be expected of pre-battle jitters. Focus would soon settle over them as chaos strengthened their resolve. However Rasu could not shake the feeling of dread that had found a home on her stomach. Something terrible was going to happen and her connection in the Force gave no clue to when it would strike.

"EVERYBODY QUIET!" she would shout, silencing the chatter among the rebels. A soft whistling could be heard from the distance as it grew louder and more clear as if it were coming closer. Rasu's body tensed as the realisation hit her. "EVERYBODY FIND COVER!" she shouted, danger sense now flooding her system as the Force alerted the Jedi to the explosive charges that were soaring their way.

Grabbing a hold of Celiana, she tucked the younger woman under her body as the pair came crashing to the ground. An explosion shook the earth that the group lay upon. Screams were drowned out as the burst deafened the Shi'ido's eardrums. Rasu felt the severe heat wash over her body as the explosion expanded followed by the splattering of something wet. With her ears ringing, the Jedi continued to shield the Echani with her body, waiting for a second blast. However when none came, she slowly relaxed, rising from her position to inspect the carnage.

Jabiim Mission 3

Pity the poor fools who dared to cross her path.

No amount of protection shielding their forms stood a chance against the superheated blades of pure plasma that effortlessly sliced through reinforced alloy plates and living tissue alike as if cutting paper. The stench of burned flesh suddenly became much more apparent to Alaki’s nostrils as the blur of blue and orange cleaved through some and decapitated others, too lost in the thrill of combat to notice or care about the several shots that have passed her defences and punched potholes into her armour. If anything, the fresh pain originating within every new wound only deepened the teenage Padawan’s desire to wreak havoc. Despite the carnage she had wrought upon the loyalist forces, she smiled, the wicked grin successfully hidden beneath her helmet.

More, more, more! She could not stop the deadly dance, craving for more to taste her wrath!

Another soldier fell apart practically on his own, and for a moment it truly looked like the loyalist counter-offensive would fail thanks to her efforts. Then came more rifles, more blaster fire, more to die, but the Dark Jedi could not keep it up forever. Despite the adrenaline rushing through her veins, the intense rage driving her forward, she was only one person. A trained Force user, one versed in both Jedi and Sith principles, yet still just a lone combatant fighting against many. At best, she had bought the resistance some time to recover and fight back, evidenced by numerous shots whizzing from behind her back. Her fame was about to be suddenly extinguished – not by the enemy, but by the malicious nature of the Dark Side.

The terrifyingly potent technique did have its downsides – it left the user exhausted, slow, weak, right after covering their eyes with a blanket of hatred and making them feel invincible. No longer powerful or frighteningly fast, panting of exhaustion underlining the teenager’s physical state, Alaki’s two lightsabers hummed through empty air as her newest intended victim dodged the strike and fired. The first three shots she had managed to block with some difficulty, not the fourth that had struck her like a spear, adding to the young woman's collection of injuries. Answering with swift and merciless retaliation, the baby blue energy blade vertically cleaved the man in half. Both parts slid in opposite directions, a violent display of gore the fallen Jedi completely ignored, eyes staring in shock at a grenade that had landed at her feet.

The world froze, time seemed to run slower, counting seconds to the blue skinned Padawan's demise as she blankly glared at the small object, the sudden Dark Side withdrawal claiming its toll on her physical and mental responses. Out of nowhere emerged that ancient, primal fear of the great unknown, overwhelming Alaki's mind with panic and pertrifying her limbs. If not for a brave resistance member who had entered the carnage and pulled the Chiss into cover, she would have perished there.
Location: Jabiim
Objective: Locate the derelict prison ship (bring-your-own)
Allies: SSC
Enemies: Lythians
Post: 5/25

The mining equipment seems intriguing all right to the trio of ladies, who approach the mining equipment with great interest, even though said mining equipment won't bring them closer to what they came there for. Perhaps the Tormentor fell prey to some machination happening in the years after Endor or something... all that it says is that the ship crashed on Jabiim. For what these ladies knew, the Lythians may have installed mining equipment on the ship, and that their target could prove to be an immense trap. Yet KDY knows nothing about the Lythians; in Jessica's time at KDY she never heard anything about them, much less asking for a class of ships equipped with landing gears. But they will never know for sure about the equipment; Marcia kept a datapad where she used a HoloNet app called Kadabra where one can, based on a photograph, identify a piece of equipment. Not perfectly accurate but still a favorite among salvagers or explorers. She just bought a one-year suscription to the HoloNet app...

"A shame the Imperials kept so few records of the ships used by the correctional services. Or that so few records survived to this day"

"Let me check based on Kadabra. I can't guarantee anything but it's better than nothing"

"Kadabra... if Jessica could ask for WESTAR Skirmisher Armor, then I see no objection to go on expeditions and making some design decisions based on some HoloNet app!"

"The result Kadabra returns is that the mining equipment installed here is a turreted TS-Titan beamdrill!"

"By itself, Marcia, that doesn't mean anything more than the presence of mining equipment. It could be some unit reconditioned by the Lythians, it could be a derelict Imperial-era unit"
Location: Choal, Jabiim
Objective: #3
Allies: SSC, Rebels, [member="Rasu Gan"]
Enemies: Conservative Supporters, Loyalists
Post: 4/25

I got a smile from Master Gan before she said, "Everyone Quiet." I waited and the next thing I knew she was yelling, "Everyone Take Cover!" The next thing I knew Master Gan had grabbed me and pulled me close to her as she threw herself down. Something wet sprayed over us both and looking at Master Gan I realized it was blood. As we'd fallen I'd thrown up a Force Barrier to at least somewhat protect us, but Master Gan was probably dealing with at least a burst eardrum I could see a small trickle of blood coming from her ear.

Realizing the death around us and sensing others that were on their last breaths I took quick stock and siphoned off Force energy from a man who was in his death throes into another who was hurt badly but still alive the rest I funneled into Master Ga's ear to help it heal faster. I hated funneling the life energy of others though I'd rather their life protect and save another as they passed. Rising shortly after Master Gan I called my Aqua saber to my right hand and ignited it with the distinct snap-hiss. Glancing over towards Master Gan I spoke to her while looking over the carnage. My eyes probably betrayed my voice the feeling of anger, loss, and death tempered by my feelings of hope, opportunity, and rebirth. Gesturing towards the battlefield I asked, "Shall we venture into the breach Master?"
Location: Auril Sector
Objective: Handooine 2- Stop the criminal scum
Allies: [member="Zak Dymo"]

Kurayami didn't like to stay too predictable in his flying. The reason behind this was twofold those being that one, it was tactically a bad idea to be predicatble when your life was on the line, and most importantly the second reason was simply that it was boring. As much as he didn't have an issue with schedules or the like, when it came to flying he had always enjoyed pushing the boundaries of what both he and his ship could manage. The interceptor he flew right now had been specially designed to be hard to push to the edge, which made the next bit of flying quite obviously showboating.

He leveled off a few meters above the rear of the freighter and lined up the center of his fighter with where the bridge was located on the bulk freighter. This move had gotten him in trouble a few times when he was in training runs due to how recklessly stupid it was. Most would describe what he did as 'suicidal' on a good day, this was just daring the universe to not kill him. As he approached the bridge from above he rolled inverted and pushed forward on the stick ever so slightly, initiating a very gentle climb. As he came to where the viewport was, he twitched the stick backwards momentarily, the tail sliding around almost perfectly 90 degrees, it was slightly less to maintain the distance from the front of the massive bulk freighter, and sent him rocketing past the viewport at what could only be described as 'more than slightly too fast.'

He pushed the stick forward again, a little bit more than he had last time, slowly letting it move further forward as time passed. This put him into a graceful, slow outside loop. Seeming to be no more than an airshow trick this had an intent. As he came over the top, he locked his targeting computer onto the comms dish. Slowly, he brought the fighter into a steeper dive utilizing the pedals to fine tune his aim all eight lasers were directed and set to converge on the single point. Kurayami squeezed the trigger and again, the cannons blazed to life. This time it was clear that the shields were taken down and the dish was sent careening off behind the freighter.

The freighter behind was trying to get comms back and the captain had turned to address another member of the crew. This was less than helpful as the now loose piece of debris ricocheted off the shields bringing the full attention of the crew in time to see the lead freighter slow drastically now that they had only short range comms. Disarray was imminent as each freighter from the second back had to either slow to an almost complete stop or decide which way to dodge with only moments to decide which was the best path. Even if this didn't keep all from escaping it would slow them down considerably.

Meanwhile a contented smirk played over the Corellian ace's features. It was always good to know that you were helping others while doing something you loved, what ran in your blood, and arguably what you were born to do. If any fighters decided to engage him, or if they even had escorts he didn't know, but he was ready either way.

The shuttle that had been tailing the convoy originally and took out shields on one of the tail end freighters, still hadn't responded to the IFF ping, so Kurayami checked his transponder and noticed that he had broadcasted that to all ships nearby, not on just the SSC frequency. Well, damn. That might bring a few...the thought didn't even have time to finish registering before he felt a sensation of danger and instinctively rolled to the right and pulled back into a descending spiral as blaster fire filled the space around him. Not from fighters, at least not yet, but automated and manned turrets were making this less than fun now. So much for a relaxing bout of disabling freighters today.
Location: Choal, Jabiim
Objective: Assist Rebels (3)
Allies: SSC, Rebels, [member="Celiana"]
Enemies: Conservative Supporters/Loyalists
Post: 5/25

All around her bodies lay twisted, bent in sickly shapes that caused even the Shi'ido to wince. While no sound would reach the Jedi's ears, she could imagine the agonising screams that were sure to be emitted from the rebels wounded and dying. Rasu attempted to overcome her initial shock. An attack like this should never have happened, yet the group had been struck so easily. It was as if the enemy knew of their plans. Troubled by this thought, the Master turned to her student, grimacing as she witnessed the harsh reality of war. She could understand Celiana's motives transferring life energy, however the idea never truly sat right for the Shi'ido. Although this was war after all.

Ignoring the trickling blood from her ears, Rasu unhooked her lightsabers from her side, igniting the blades as the young Echani stood beside her. The time for talking and waiting was over. Now was the time to strike back. The world around her seemed to dull, as her ears slowly returned to proper function, however each word Celiana uttered returned as a mumble. Nodding at what she could only assume was an invitation to battle, the Jedi Master stepped forward, looking to the other rebels to join her.

Stepping out from the remnants of the alley, Rasu gazed out upon what remained of the district plaza. Several explosions had left the district as a pile of rubble, a suitable battle ground for the forces of rebels and conservatives. The Shi'ido's eyes darted to the transport vehicles, already loading out troops to face the weakened unit. Gripping her saber's tighter, she turned to Celiana, gesturing towards the enemy. It was up to the two Jedi to deal with the approaching soldiers until the rebels could join them. It would be difficult, but Rasu had seen the determined glint in the Echani's eyes. Something about that look made Rasu feel more at ease putting the woman in danger.

Gesturing forward, the Jedi Master broke into a run, hoping to take the soldiers off guard before they had a chance to attack the group. Leaping into the air, Rasu brought her sabers into an offensive stance before uttering a scream as she came down upon the enemy ranks.
Jabiim Mission 3

It was over. The Dark Side loomed over the bloodied battle grounds, its presence strengthened by each death.

There was ringing in her ears that refused to go away, cruel pain shooting through the teenager’s entire body. Guilt and shame threatened to seep into the Chiss’ thoughts when her eyes gazed over the grotesque, motionless heaps that used to be living, breathing beings. All bore the undeniable, searing signs of lightsabers playing key role in their demise. Her lightsabers, wielded by her hands, yet not entirely controlled by her own will. It wasn’t killing itself that bothered Alaki the most rather than the fact she had unleashed the Dark Side’s fury and allowed it to chain her with its uncompromising will. A complete failure as far as any attempts at redemption went, but she did not have a choice when faced with death – did she?

Before the teenage Chiss could ponder the question occupying her mind, her saviour pulled her back up and quickly guided the armoured woman towards the rebellion’s positions under a hail of covering fire. Without any will to fight left, the blue skinned girl sheepishly obeyed. Completely fine by her, for the Chiss had little intention to repeat that little stunt unless necessary. One last glance back revealed the army meant business, like a cornered animal getting a second wind. Not just soldiers now; armoured vehicles as well have entered the fray, offering cover and support to the government forces.

Forced to surrender several city blocks to the unstoppable onslaught of the army, the rebellion hastily retreated, abandoning many fighters that were too injured to walk. Bolstering up their rear positions and getting ready for the inevitable assault took absolute priority, least they wanted to risk the loyalist spearheading through the siege, which would be bad news for all rebel forces spread across the capital. This impending battle had to be won in order to strike at the government forces from all sides and ensure a decisive, if inevitably bloody victory. Fortunately for the rebels, their last offensive had earned them a great prize in this sector; a military base lost by the retreating government forces, with plenty of equipment left behind as well.

While most of the rebels rushed to prepare themselves, Alaki limped in the opposite direction, headed to the infirmary. As expected, it suffered from lack of supplies and too many patients to treat. Many have been left to die by the medics for the sake of giving a chance to those who could still hold a weapon. The fallen Padawan was fortunate; her Force sensitivity and laser blades had earned her a special treatment, giving the corrupted Jedi a doctor to look over her injuries and two bacta patches while her fingers fought the straps keeping the armour headpiece attached.

Finally, the damaged helmet fell off with a clink, revealing Alaki’s pale skin covered in cracks and blackened veins, positively giving away her surrender to the Dark Side’s influence. After she shed the rest of her broken armour off and left the doctor do his work, the girl burst into tears.

Was this the road to redemption?
Location: Choal, Jabiim
Objective: Assist Rebels (3)
Allies: SSC, Rebels, [member="Rasu Gan"]
Enemies: Conservative Supporters/Loyalists
Post: 5/25

The next thing I knew Master Gan was charging onto the field and into the midst of battle. Drawing in a breath I called my other Ice Blue saber to my left hand and ignited it with a snap-hiss as I followed her into the midst of battle. Immersing myself fully in The Force I danced out into the field and had a blaster bolt fired towards me. Catching the bolt in midair with The Force I simply flicked it back towards the sender. I felt him fall lifeless as I ran into a forward roll with my sabers inverted I made a quick X cutting off two of their legs at the knee then stabbing down through their chests as they fell.

Suddenly there was a haze of blaster-fire from the Loyalists and going into another quick roll I dodged back behind one of the troop carriers and lobbed a pair of grenades inside the carrier as the troops were deploying. A combination Ion grenade and flash-bang to disable the vehicle and the troops inside as well as an incendiary grenade to flash-burn everything inside that was organic. Dancing back away I joined Master Gan as we both headed deeper into the battlefield.
Open Objective
Junko Ike

Sabetha heard Junko's words, but they seemed distant to her in that moment. The Force wrapped around her, warm and comforting. But there were ripples- some sharp, some dull, some so elusive that she couldn't even grasp what they meant. Everything came in impressions, some of which defied her ability to explain out loud what she was feeling.

"There's fear. And determination. Speed? That can't be right," Sabetha muttered. She didn't know that she was sensing the Jedi and events unfolding around [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] and [member="Zak Dymo"]. She frowned, mentally turning. There was something closer to them, but more subtle, hard to grasp.

"There's something bad," she murmured. "Waiting like a giant spider." Her eyes were open but distant. The events surrounding the Jedi who had gone to negotiate, protected by [member="Audren Sykes"], were unknown to her. But something sat, waiting for them. She shivered, eyes coming back in to focus to look at her Master, wide and confused.
Location: Jabiim
Objective: Locate the derelict prison ship (bring-your-own)
Allies: SSC
Enemies: Lythians
Post: 6/25

Jessica had to slowly approach the derelict ship; luckily Marcia could bring in some grappling hook to hoist all three of them onto the bottom entrance of the ship. Already they realize that many of the ship's armaments were already stripped off, because the ship has been aground for so long. The Tormentor is a prison ship that presumably had a sizeable amount of trench guns; their grappling hools could only bring them as far as the bottom level of the trench guns. Now to find whether there are stairs for getting to the turreted TS-Titan they found at the top of the bow door. Charzon and Marcia were about to find out whether the TS-Titan turrets could have been there before the Lythians arrived or not, or even if the Lythians were the ones who hijacked the Tormentor and then caused it to crash. The history of the Tormentor and its historical schematics could prove useful. Once they entered the inside of the ship through an abandoned light turbolaser socket, they come to a grim realization: most of the original equipment is gone. No surveillance cameras, no prison cells.

"We need to check out the mining equipment before proceeding any further inside the ship" Marcia retorted.

"We did not come there for the mining equipment. We were there because we want to build a heavy Star Destroyer, and we have to capitalize on the Kuat raid" Jessica said.

"Looks like the Lythians or the locals took off with most of the cells, and also most of the original weapons. What else did they make off with? Who could possibly want to steal turbolasers?" Charzon asked.

"Schematics are kept in several areas on the ship: the bridge and the main engine room. We are getting to the main cargo hold, not the main engine room"

"We are at the base of the turret all right" Marcia commented.

"From the looks of it the TS-Titan has been reconditioned. Lythians mine on the surface here, and they wouldn't use a TS-Titan on a turret unless they somehow used it as a decoy"
Open Objective
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

Junko looked at her padawans face while she stood there and went over towards her bringing out her hand with a look on her face. "It will be alright, we have plenty of skill between us to handle things if they come to it." She wasn't able to sense problems but she was able to guess based on the small look the girl had and the general feeling in her gut when she looked over and they could go and do several things. "We shall go and double check but use your senses to guide us. We will be safe and protect the others. There are a few tricks I have that many of the others have never seen or could imagine." Junko said it offering a grin while she was going over the different things with a focus of energies for herself. Immersing herself and her padawan near where they were in the white current to hide them when they were walking.

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