Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For A Book

Tsisaar reached out with a hand, calling one of the glowsticks into it with the Force. After a brief struggle against the rock which it was sunk into the glowstick responded, breaking free from its imprisonment and landing in the clawed fingers of the Sith. "I would advise bringing a light source," he told Thesh mildly, walking beside the young man. The glow reached out in front of them, illuminating their way. So far as it reached, there was no sign of any life aside from them.

Yet, all the same, the hissing continued.

Tsisaar cocked his head to one side as they walked, listening closely; as they stepped a few feet further, the hissing changed, turning into a clicking skreek-skreek as whatever had been making the noise scattered across the stone, keeping to the darkness. Or, more accurately, keeping away from the darkness they could sense. "Pelko bugs," Tsisaar decided. "I had not known for sure there were any here. So long as I walk with you, they shall not bother us." Tsisaar continued confidently forward, Thesh just off to his side. The sound of the beetle-like insect swarm splitting around the pair, moving to surround them was nearly enough to drown out all other sounds for a short moment.

But so long as they could sense Tsisaar, they would never come within sight.

The other sounds throughout the ruin, however, could not be ignored as the Pelko bugs could. Barks and howls—and one pained-sounding yip—continued to echo through the halls. Sometimes near, sometimes far. Tsisaar's attention drifted momentarily to the lightsaber within his robes; should they be set upon by anything other than an old droid, it would likely be necessary. But, whether he would use it himself, or if he would allow [member="Thesh"] to use it, he hadn't yet decided.

But, for now, all the pair had to do was walk.

Yeah, bringing a source of light would make sense given the present circumstances. Not only would it provide illumination but there was also a chance it might scare off any light-sensitive creatures which had adapted to the darkened bowels of the ruins. One might argue that it would attract the creatures, but Thesh figured that their scent would be enough to do that regardless, and as mentioned those that lingered were likely creatures of the dark. No doubt they could see through the piercing black veil.

Before Tsis had fully fallen into step the boy turned and reached out one hand. It took a little more focus for him than it had the Sith at his side, yet even so he was able to dislodge one of the glowsticks and sent it spiraling into his grasp. While it did not provide a ridiculous amount of light, it was ample enough for their venture and that was all that was needed.

Then and only then did he press on, still down the darkened corridor of his own choosing.

Hissing, clicking, skittering, all around them were noises which seemed to come from a whole horde of creatures, and as they pressed on evidence of those bugs came into being. Admittedly, the view was minimal as they seemed to shirk away from the pair. Or, more aptly, Tsis.

Thesh remained close by at that revelation, and kept his eyes peeled for any stray pelko bugs. They had come to drown out most of his hearing, but even so he was able to tell the far off sounds of distinct howls through their chattering. They were getting closer to whatever creature the cry belonged to, and without really thinking about it the boy reached over his shoulder and pulled his electroblade free. It hummed quietly, and he drew from it a certain focus.

Fear had obviously seeped into the boy, a natural product of his being at present, but rather than succumb to it and cower he instead drew upon it, allowed it to fuel him, as they approached the howling creature which he could tell was just a few corners away from standing in their way. Provided the ruins didn't throw them a curve ball, that was.

After all, it felt rather labyrinthine in style even though they had not had to make a decision on which route to take in some time.

"Is that a tuk'ata?" the boy inquired, after a particularly loud howl sounded just beyond their general vicinity. Truth be told, Thesh had never seen nor heard one of the beasts before, but he had heard of them. Certainly not something he was looking forward to facing.

[member="Tsisaar Taral"]

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