Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"For a guy with a record that long, I thought you'd be taller."

Nej flicked the coin in his hands. Credit chits. The representative was supposed to meet him. He'd been paying it off for years. The representative came sauntering down the alley, two droid guards down the dirty Zeltros street. Zeltros.

What a place.

The Zeltrons loved to party. Loved to party too hard. But not everyone could party every day. Someone had to wash the sheets, clean the streets and clean the clubs that pounded the beats. Nej was here because the Hutts were tired of him. They demanded that he come. And with the six million credits he owed them. Or they were going to kill him.

Needless to say, Nej went without a second thought. The representative was a slicked-hair Human. Or near-human. Maybe the kind that got pissed off and showed the funny red lines on their face. Nej turned to face them.

"You guys are so late."

The droids were carrying disruptor rifles. The kind that could turn you into a pile of ash.

"Nej- baby. You're just outta time. This isn't business, this is just personal, you know?"

"I know."

Nej stood there. The representative looked shocked.

"You gonna do it?"

"You know- the droids are here just for-"

Nej shot him in the face from thirty feet away, and turned to the droids, who looked at their master, who had a disruptor bolt go right through his face. The droids weren't the only ones packing heat. Nej squeezed off four more shots, sending the droids tumbling to the streets.

Nej learned a good trick: shoot first. Now, Nej just had to casually walk away from a murder scene, avoid the authorities, avoid getting caught, and get a ride off the planet, and avoid the Hutt army that was gonna be after him for this. Nej spun the disruptor pistol safely back into the thigh holster. A blaster under his arm in the shoulder holster, and the disruptor was always on his thigh- the business gun always went where you could get it quickly. Nej dropped the long red leather coat he was wearing, and walked out into the somewhat-busy street. A light rain had coated the ground in a slick sheen, and made the neon lights in the waning light pop.

Hopefully, he just appeared another degenerate, another poor, desperate soul trying to scrape by beneath the lights and glamour of Zeltros. Ever since the fall of the Republic, any outstanding warrants he had didn't really count for squat here- who were they gonna turn him into? All Nej really had to worry about was...well, any Bounty Hunter, vicious criminal, vagabond with a need for money, or whomever- to try and capitalize on the fact that Hutts now wanted him dead.

But Nej was also really hungry, so he stopped into a tiny little mom and pop place for the workers to have a quick bite.

Murder, mischief, and being on the run from vicious criminals really stirred up an appetite.

[member="Ayessa Kroan"]
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Alone

Zeltros. What a place.

She'd never been before, but for good reason, everyone knew the inherent risk. Zeltrons were empaths with their pheromones, Jedi discouraged emotion, the two mix and become an ugly ball of problems. Sadly, Ayessa had a perchance for emotions anyhow, which made things even messier.

Still not as messy as the street outside, or some of the buildings lining this particular avenue, but, a close second.

The owners of this particular establishment had been relatively kind. Well, 'kind'. A wave of her hand and a few honeyed words and they were eating out of the Jedi's hand. Or, rather, Ayessa got to eat, period. Did she feel bad? Maybe a little. But it's not like one meal was going to break their entire operation's delicate economical set-up, and she'd pay them back. Eventually. Well, probably not, but the thought was enough to dissuade any further guilt on her end.

The old-style bell chimed as a new patron entered. Damn. She'd rather fancied having the place relatively to herself, but, you couldn't win all battles. Eyeing the newest customer and thanking her lucky stars he wasn't one of those pinked-skinned bastards looking for a fun night, Ayessa's eyes dropped back to her meal. Yep. This was shaping up to be a terrible pitstop.
Eventually, it'll all work out. Or maybe not.

Zeltros. What a crapfest.

While the Jedi in the corner sat elegant and poised, dignified and traveled, knowledgeable- Nej was nearly crumpled over in an adjacent chair, several tables over. His food was brought to him, but Nej was staring at the ceiling blankly. It dawned on him the reality of the situation he was in. Another few months, they'd send someone else, someone would want the bounty, he'd shoot someone else, wash, rinse, repeat. He'd do that over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.

He lifted the muffin he ordered limply to his mouth and lazily chewed on it. He was nursing a hangover, and the whole ordeal hadn't helped in the slightest.

He noticed, however, a very rude look that a very pretty woman was giving him. So he stared at her, while he ate his muffin, naturally. He still had a cup of caf to go, but that was for after the muffin. Muffins and caf didn't really mix that well.

He walked over to her table, and nearly slammed his cup of caf down. He flopped into the seat adjacent from her, and held up a finger to her, while he downed the entire cup of caf. It wasn't a small cup, either. Downing the drink took an uncomfortably long, awkward amount of time. Nej had to take a few breaks, because he wasn't a monster. He stopped, run a hand through his hair and locked eyes with the lady at the table.

"You think cause you're friggin' hot you can just stare at whoever you want?"

The brightest bulb in the box that Nej came in- wasn't Nej.

[member="Ayessa Kroan"]
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Alone

At least she wasn't an obvious Jedi. That was probably her only saving grace here, who knows, a market probably existed for stuff like that.

Her robes were tucked somewhere safe, dressed down in clothes that suggested a spacer, a smuggler, or someone in-between. Her lightsaber on her person, but concealed as to not draw attention to herself. By all accounts, she should blend in. So that's why it was such a jolt that his sudden proclamation was in her direction, which processed through her mind in classically slow fashion. Like a faulty engine firing up for the first time in, say, 800 or so years.

'Friggin' hot'?

I'm staring?

...Is he drunk? Am I drunk?

So she said the first words that popped into her mind, which were, "Uh, nope." And Ayessa took a long, long drink from her own mug, to avoid looking any further, no need to add perceived insult to perceived injury. Curiosity caught the Knight's tongue.
Been a long time.
[member="Ayessa Kroan"], Jedi Lady

Nej realized a few things in a few moments. He was tired. The muffin sucked. The caf sucked. The planet sucked. It smelled. It smelled like sweat and cheap, watered down alcohol. This whole restaurant smelled like so much floor cleaner that he was wondering if they bothered to clean anything else. The whole ride over here, he was sitting next to a drug dealer and never bothered to buy any drugs.

And this chick- wasn't from around here. Too clean, too manicured. Too muscled in the right areas. Athletic. Not a worker. Not a poor person.

Nej snapped his fingers in her face, gathering her attention with his left. His right went to pat her body down for valuables. He was a good pickpocket, in fact, one of the best to ever come off of Tatooine's infamous orphanages. Jawas taught him the craft, he perfected the skill. He could steal a lightsaber off a Sith. He sneakily laced his hands around, trying to find something.

But, at the same time, he never broke eye contact. His arm barely even moved. He was just. That. Good. At being bad.

But he had to distract her, enough to take her stuff from her and ditch.

"Then why are you doing it, pretty lady? Don't see too many guys like me where you're from- wherever it is, you're from. Exactly."

People would get emotional, being called pretty. Having to think of a response. Best time to rob 'em blind.

Of course, Nej had no way of knowing that he was trying to steal from a Jedi.
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Alone

Ayessa had never experienced sensory overload before, but if she'd just encountered that feeling in a person, then she was karked. It was just a little overwhelming all at once.

For one, she was halfway through with her meal, so having to stop it to watch some stranger with swagger was mildly annoying. Then he was waving his hands in her face and calling her pretty and-- And was he trying to steal from her? If she hadn't had a sixth sense that sent off alarm bells in her head at the nigh un-noticeable searching, he might have gotten away with it too.

I hate this planet.

Ever since she'd arrived here things had slowly become worse for her. She was mildly certain the motel she stayed at had 'no vacancy' for one reason or another. Everyone here had been drinking, was drunk, or getting over a hangover on their minds, and getting started on their emotions was something she didn't want to do right now. What she did want to do was stop this would-be thief before he went a little too far and found the one thing she truly cared for still.

At least she had little to her name beyond that. Casually, idly, almost as if she was going to grab something she might have left on the floor-- The idea of which made her mildly ill, if she left anything, period, on the ground here she would most certainly burn it --But a hand snatched out with Jedi-graced speed to grab at his offending arm, a burst of clarity crossing her face.

"What the feth are you doing?"

[member="Ayessa Kroan"]

So your pickpocket has failed, huh?

Nej rolled a firm 1 on his 20 in the moment. But not before his fingers just ever-so-gracefully slipped around something metal, cylindrical, and with a button on it. Nej paused, his entire body going stiff as his arm was grabbed.

"You know, a lot of guys say this with girls, but this has really never happened to me before. Like at all. Usually they don't even notice."

Cue awkward silence.

"As for what I am doing...." Think, think, think.

"Yeah I got nothing. I was trying to shake you down and steal from you, to be honest."

A self-made, self-deprecating, continually-his-fault bind, at least.
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Dear Dictator

Her expression remained a neutral mask of displeasure but it twitched when the slightest ripple in the Force gave Ayessa warning -- Things might get messy if he'd found what she knew he'd found and put the pieces together in his inebriated mind. Damn it all, why did they stick out like sore thumbs?

Is that a lightsaber or are you just happy to see me? Ugh.

"Figured as much. Hands off, please, I don't have much worth taking." At least Ayessa could keep up courtesy. Carrot before the stick, or in this case, laser-stick, and making a mess here would make her feel even worse about how things were shaping up on Zeltros. A surprisingly hefty grip for a small figure, her gaze never left his face now, except to flick down to ensure he was doing as she asked. There was a certain old wariness but certainty in those eyes that seemed to speak to the honesty in her voice. Probably a first for this world, though, honesty isn't your policy here. It isn't anyone's.

Bar fights really weren't her style either, but she could throw down if she had to.
Do you like orange?
[member="Ayessa Kroan"]

"Everybody has something that somebody wants. Maybe you ain't got credits or shiny stuff, but someone somewhere wants what you got, lady."

Nej had a few moments of introspection and intelligence.

A few.

Not a lot.

"Yeah that's fair."

Right hand came up and off her, and away from her snatch. He tapped his hand on the table.

"Well anyway, I'm Nej- Nej Tane. You might've not heard of me."

He smiled. You could say what you wanted about Nej, but damn it if he wasn't at least handsome.
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Dear Dictator

Pushing her plate away, the would-be Jedi managed a nod in sage agreement. He was right on that front, at least -- Someone somewhere probably did and would pay a more than fair price for it as well. Who knew the market value of lightsabers these days.

Once he let go she did as well, both hands resting on the cheap dining booth table. Cards out in the open, well, somewhat. At least she wasn't patting him down in return, though somehow she knew he wouldn't have minded that. Speaking slowly but with the guarded unease of a wounded animal who just spotted encircling wolves, the notes of caution weren't hard to miss now, "Ayessa. You probably haven't heard of me either." True enough. Not a being in the galaxy would recognize her name, unless they were a historian. Or a ghost. Ghost librarian?

Charming smiles always got her, anyways.

"And what brings you to this delightful planet, Nej, beyond robbing random women?"
Fallen recently?
[member="Ayessa Kroan"]

Nej had a thing for women who could make him feel like (more of) an idiot. She took the lead in the race, then sideswiped all the other cars. As for lightsabers, Nej knew the market value, in every system. Because he still had one that he was trying to peddle off, from a long time ago (Nej had no idea it was actually just a training lightsaber leftover from the fall of the Republic, and that there were hundreds of them in boxes in every which way where the Jedi had put their feet) that he had picked off a stall on Nal Hutta.

"I would have liked to have heard of you a lot sooner."

The smile broadened and a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Don't say rob. I'm a skilled thief, rob is such an ugly term. But, I've been on the run from a bunch of Hutts for a few years after losing about..." He stopped and checked to see if he had any caf left. A waitress came over and refilled his crappy cup with the crappy drink.

"About five million credits worth of weapons and a very important code, for at the time, belonged to the One Sith to let them get through their blockades- now, that would've been useful, but times have changed aaaand....still running." Nej smiled at her, like he was talking about the weather and the fact that he didn't have to shoot bounty hunters now and again, scum looking for other scum.

"What about you? You like drugs? Is that why you came here? Spend a whole month or two getting high and freaky with all the pink skinned people here?"
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Dear Dictator

Ayessa definitely couldn't swallow the sour expression that crossed her face at that last idea. She'd steered well clear of any locals, Zeltron or otherwise, for that exact reason, "Oh, stars, no," Shaking her head slowly and surely she looked at her lap, specifically to a concealer weapon he had gotten dangerously close to, then back up at the would-be pickpocket, "If I had any choice in the matter I wouldn't even be in this system." That was true enough. But...

One Sith?

Those words left a metallic taste in her mouth and she didn't have caf like he did to rinse it out, so she licked her lips and kept speaking to keep things from sticking in her mind, "How did you lose 5 million credits in the first place?" Part of her was hoping it would launch his ego into a story that could distract her, or at least entertain her. Another part was genuinely curious.

And you weren't skilled enough to steal from me.
He put up a finger to correct her.

"Five million credits worth of arms. Not exactly an easy thing to transport through Republic space, especially during the middle of a war, you know?" Nej said, his smile not fading for even a moment.

"And then there were some bounty hunters...and then the cost kept going up..."

Nej tapped his foot.

"So yeah, now I'm here."

His head cocked, he looked back over at the mystery lady.

"People only end up here, or come here. So how'd you end up here?"

[member="Ayessa Kroan"]
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Dear Dictator

"A ship, like most people arriving to a planet." The self-confessed snide side to her came out a little then, yet it seemed to be in good fun. For now. He was right about one thing though, and that's that it was pretty hard to smuggle that much. Even for someone who was clearly experienced like Nej was. Clearly.

Ayessa let out another short exhale before answering properly, "The civilian transport I caught a ride on stopped here. By the time I figured out where I was it'd already left and I wasn't on it. Right now, waiting for my next move. Trying to get away from Coruscant." No lies, all truth there -- There was nowhere she wanted to be less than the proverbial centre of the galaxy.
That part in the movies with the girl and the boy...

Coruscant. He'd been there recently. Didn't have a good time. Then again, neither did the people there.

Nej didn't like to outwardly say that he was one of the fastest draws this side of the galaxy- and that was part of the reason he was alive, for the most part. That, and dumb luck. And sometimes, because Nej actually showed genuine levels of competence.

Sometimes. Nej rapped his knuckles together.

"Never much liked the center of the galaxy. Too many people wanting too much. Too many flags, too many Jedi."

His eyes flicked up to meet hers.

"People don't get on ships without a reason. What's yours?"

[member="Ayessa Kroan"]
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Dear Dictator

'A good time' didn't even begin to cover it.

The best of times, the worst of times. She had loved that planet and it's government had tried to put a bolt in her head. Patriotism could go kark itself.

"Too many Jedi is right." It felt a little hollow saying those words, but she spoke them anyhow because it was somewhat true. Rubbing at her nose for a second before turning her body to face Nej more properly, the Kiffar offered a simple shrug in response to his last question, "I'm heading home, to Kiffu," A home I've never seen. "Not exactly a big spender of credits, though, so I'm taking my time with it, catching the cheap transports. Stowing away sometimes. The usual."

"Any plans to stop running?"
That dark, ugly side of things. The side of the galaxy nobody wants to really see.

Nej blinked. He could stop running. That was in the cards. Maybe in a while. Maybe he'd shoot enough Bounty Hunters and they'd leave him alone. Maybe some other sleazeball would take out the other sleazeball. Or maybe Nej would show them all why he carried a disruptor pistol.

"You're a long way off from Kiffu, gorgeous. I can tell you that much. I can also tell you- that Kiffu ain't much to look at these days."

Nej's hands fell flat. For a moment, a compass tattoo was visible on the inside of his middle finger. Ever the drifter. Ever needing to find his way.

"So I'm gonna take a wild guess and the thing I found on you was a lightsaber, or a big flashlight."

His eyes rolled up to meet hers after staring at the ground.

Rare moments of competence.

[member="Ayessa Kroan"]
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Dear Dictator

"I mean-- Is there a difference?"

That was stupid, why did you say that. That didn't help things. Feth, feth, feth. Her internal thoughts were painfully plastered across her face as she just sort of blankly stared like he had spoken in an alien language and she had subsequently replied in the same unknown dialect, before clearing her throat and raising a shoulder before dropping up, "Um, yeah, might be. So what? Not like I'm gonna use it on you." His words on her unknown homeworld were intriguing to say the least-- Definitely far away for now, but being beholden to public transportation and limited credits certainly made things difficult --yet details like that were the farthest thing from her mind, now. She could ask around later, but he knew. Or at least could hazard a guess to her true identity.

"Well, unless you give me good reason. Like try to steal from me again. Then I might."
Put me up on the wall.

Nej stared at her. So that wasn't a flashlight. Nobody threatened people with flashlights. That's why she was so relaxed here. Jedi were dangerous. Jedi were powerful.

"Guess there isn't much one to you."

A rare moment of competence and insight gave Nej a leg up on the woman. His eyes danced around the room. Honest, hard working people. People that wouldn't want him screaming there were Jedi. Nej was a lot of things, but he wasn't without a conscience, wasn't without a heart.

"I ain't gonna be screaming about it. You got your reasons for keeping that off your belt. I got my reasons for not screaming." Nervous eyes danced to the door, to the street outside. There were a lot of passerby. A lot of potential threats to a man like Nej. He gulped nervously and touched the disruptor pistol absently under his jacket.

"I can get you a ride to Kiffu. But you gotta help me get off this planet alive."

[member="Ayessa Kroan"]
Zeltros, Some Cafe, Undetermined Time
Interacting with [member="Nej Tane"] ~ Dear Dictator

A clenched exhale of tense air left Ayessa at his words concerning not exposing her. Thank the stars. Being outed as a Jedi wouldn't have done her favours, that was for sure. Somehow she expected it amounted to twice the trouble.

Yet he seemed to be three times that.

"I can get to Kiffu on my own," That was true enough -- The Force had a path for her to walk and it was tragically alone, "But I can help you too." That was the Jedi way, right? Selflessness? And, well, he seemed nice. Nicer. He needed assistance, is all, and didn't everyone these days. Shifting to lean a little closer in his direction, conspirators now, she asked with a bowed head, "What's your plan? If you got any? And-- And who exactly is trying to kill you?" Pragmatic questions. Hopefully he'd have answers, it'd make things a lot easier.

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