Prince of Katarr

Nej flicked the coin in his hands. Credit chits. The representative was supposed to meet him. He'd been paying it off for years. The representative came sauntering down the alley, two droid guards down the dirty Zeltros street. Zeltros. What a place.
The Zeltrons loved to party. Loved to party too hard. But not everyone could party every day. Someone had to wash the sheets, clean the streets and clean the clubs that pounded the beats. Nej was here because the Hutts were tired of him. They demanded that he come. And with the six million credits he owed them. Or they were going to kill him.
Needless to say, Nej went without a second thought. The representative was a slicked-hair Human. Or near-human. Maybe the kind that got pissed off and showed the funny red lines on their face. Nej turned to face them.
"You guys are so late."
The droids were carrying disruptor rifles. The kind that could turn you into a pile of ash.
"Nej- baby. You're just outta time. This isn't business, this is just personal, you know?"
"I know."
Nej stood there. The representative looked shocked.
"You gonna do it?"
"You know- the droids are here just for-"
Nej shot him in the face from thirty feet away, and turned to the droids, who looked at their master, who had a disruptor bolt go right through his face. The droids weren't the only ones packing heat. Nej squeezed off four more shots, sending the droids tumbling to the streets.
Nej learned a good trick: shoot first. Now, Nej just had to casually walk away from a murder scene, avoid the authorities, avoid getting caught, and get a ride off the planet, and avoid the Hutt army that was gonna be after him for this. Nej spun the disruptor pistol safely back into the thigh holster. A blaster under his arm in the shoulder holster, and the disruptor was always on his thigh- the business gun always went where you could get it quickly. Nej dropped the long red leather coat he was wearing, and walked out into the somewhat-busy street. A light rain had coated the ground in a slick sheen, and made the neon lights in the waning light pop.
Hopefully, he just appeared another degenerate, another poor, desperate soul trying to scrape by beneath the lights and glamour of Zeltros. Ever since the fall of the Republic, any outstanding warrants he had didn't really count for squat here- who were they gonna turn him into? All Nej really had to worry about was...well, any Bounty Hunter, vicious criminal, vagabond with a need for money, or whomever- to try and capitalize on the fact that Hutts now wanted him dead.
But Nej was also really hungry, so he stopped into a tiny little mom and pop place for the workers to have a quick bite.
Murder, mischief, and being on the run from vicious criminals really stirred up an appetite.
[member="Ayessa Kroan"]