Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion For the Republic (Corellian Confederation Dominion of Kalist)

Fable Solborne

Fable nodded and smiled in relief as the helmets were removed. That situation had been deescalated, even as another began. This new one would be far more difficult to manage and she was willing to take the word of the Corellian soldiers. She nodded as she listened, hands moving across the display panels and shutting them down. Power was being redirected to emergency protocols. She considered for a moment.

"I know a quicker way out," she pushed the chair against the table as sirens sounded through the building, and through the city outside. It was the alarm to take shelter and hide. Lacking significant planetary defenses, this had been their main way of surviving. Fortunately, beneath the desert sandstone was a good enough place to take cover, and going deep enough, provided adequate shelter. "This city was originally built as an Imperial prison camp. Old tunnels still survive underneath the current buildings and even deeper where they acted as escape tunnels. Not all of them are charted, but we've mapped out the fastest way."

This time, she activated the holodisplay on her wrist and sifted through until schematics of the undercity and old escape tunnels were. A route appeared in blinking red. "This should get us quickly and safely to the landing pads.'

She took up a coat and pulled it around her shoulders while nodding at the clones. "Go, do what you will. I will inform our starfighter pilots not to shoot at you. if they're the same as you think."

Venandi Venandi Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Jayne Colacta Jayne Colacta Gedri Fehen


Ghedri held back a sigh and shrugged at the two Darksabers accompanying her. That was the thing about mercs. They always had something to prove, some new tale to create for when they head to their sleemo filled cantinas. Board and destroy two star destroyers that had an escort fleet? The Smart thing to do would have been to head to whatever bunker they had here and wait until Corellian reinforcements arrived which would be soon as a small task force was stationed only a jump away to protect the Diktat. But they weren't her soldiers, and honestly, they hadn't been invited anyways so if the LARPers wanted to try and take on a CIC star destroyer....

"Our priority is getting you all to safety," she said turning to the gaggle of diplomats, "If you've got a faster way out and a solid bunker where we can wait for Corellian reinforcements than by all means, lead the way Lady Solborne."

Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Venandi Venandi Fable Solborne Jayne Colacta Jayne Colacta Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Nobody tried to stop him, the only reaction was from Fable, and it was merely a statement to do as he would. Something Venandi was planning on doing either way. All he did to indicate he'd heard was raise his hand upwards and do a half wave, dismissing and thanking all i none. And then, they were gone, out of the door and making their way towards their ship. It only took a few minutes of quick walking, cloaks once more up and covering them fully, for them to reach where they'd hidden their ship. On the way there, they'd seen many people scrambling about, attempting to hide, head deeper into the tunnels, or otherwise prepare for another battle on their planet.

Shaking his head at the sight, Venandi simply ignored them for the most part, until an idea came into his head. Grabbing the next important looking person, who was also alone, by the arm, Venandi pulled him along. Before the man could protest more than a measly sqeak, Venandi spoke, even as his brothers tightened a bit more, forming a wall around them.
"Ma'am, you're going to help my brothers and I distract the ships in orbit. Call it a way to ensure that none of your friends, family, etc. die."

"But... but the safe house." Was her cry as she was dragged along, trying to escpe somehow.
"Won't help you ma'am, but you can help us, and you will. Help protect those you care for, you'll survive, don't worry." Was all Venandi said in response.
"Those I care for? That's about no one, but I don't think I have much of a choice in helping or not. Fine." Came her quick, angry response. But she stopped resisting at least.

Nodding in appreciation to that, Venandi let go of her arm, though she was still close to him due to their escort of his brothers. Focused on his mission, planning it out and whatnot, he hardly noticed the short 3 minute walk to their hidden sanctuary and where their ship was. Entering the hidden hanger, he made his way towards an older looking shuttlecraft, outside of which stood a clone pilot, also covered in a cloak, with only his helmet's nose visible. Raising an arm in greeting, Venandi made his way towards Racer, the pilot.
"You can drop the cloak now, gigs up. We're headed up to those ships and are going to distract them."
"You got it boss, time to raise hell and kill some baddies. Who are we up against and who's she?" Came the swift reply from Racer, even as he pressed a button on his wrist gauntlet. The action dropped the cloak around the shuttlecraft, which revealed a LAAT instead of some shuttle. The majestic gunship looked awe inspiring, damaged yes, but still very much a bird of prey.
"Imps, the copy cats. And we're going to show them what real troopers are. And she's our ticket onto their ship." Was Venandi's response, even as he entered the troop bay of the gunship. As he said that, the rest of the squad entered the bay as well, helping the woman up as well. This prompted Racer to climb up into the cupola of the LAAT, modified to be flyable by only the one pilot.
"Aye sir, let's raise hell. We have some extra armor available too."

With that said and done, the gunship lifted off from the surface of Kalist. It turned towards the heavens and shot off, heading towards space, directly for the enemy fleet. As the gunship did this, Venandi and his brothers in the back readied up, grabbing various weapons that were in the LAAT for them. Along with this, they presented to the woman, now identified by them as Mary, with several concealable armor pieces, for under her clothing. Along with this, they gave her an empty weapons holster, while telling her that once the shooting started, they'd protect, perhaps even give her a weapon. Shakily she nodded, even as she huried to put the armor pieces on, while covering herself from the clones. Who were oblivious to her as they prepared themselves.

The troopers each took up their signature weapons(in BIO, with the squad), and locked and loaded. Once Venandi was ready, he moved towards the cockpit, getting into position so that he could look over Racer's shoulder and out into space. Racer for his part ignored his commanding officer and instead searched for ID codes that could possibly work for the Imperials, if they played their cards right. With an 'aha', Racer pulled out a particular chip with an Imperial symbol. This particular chip was supposed to be a chip for any Imperial outfit, but it was unclear if it would work for remnants of major groups. Only one way to find out. With a click, Racer opened up the comms and attempted to contact the flight deck officer of the The Tuatha De Danann, their flagship.

"Attention Flight Officer of the The Tuatha De Danann, this is LAAT gunship Sierra 984 with infiltration team Bravo Sierra team returning from a successful infiltration mission. According to Bravo Sierra 1, they have a useful prisoner. Requesting permission to land in the main hanger and transfer the prisoner to interrogation. Transferring authorization codes now." That said and done, Racer inserted the chip into the transmitter, sending over codes to the flagship. Said codes were designed to both look authentic and be, even if slightly out of date.

Fable Solborne | Gedri Fehen | Theo Vereen Theo Vereen | Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Jayne Colacta Jayne Colacta | Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto
Do what we will. Theo nodded "Senator there wouldn't happen to be a fighter there that you could spare" He was serious if there was going to be an attack he was going to be in it rather than wandering the halls and tunnels looking for safety.

Isn't this part of what they were trying to do, draw together, fight together, and keep usurpers and darkness from claiming the light....yeah he just read some book and perhaps the good vs evil mantra was in his head. But he was ready to fight he hated being on the ground.

Fable Solborne | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Venandi Venandi | Gedri Fehen

Fable Solborne

Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Gedri Fehen Theo Vereen Theo Vereen

Fable nodded as she finished powering down the equipment. As the last screen shut down, the main power grid switched over to emergency generators and exit lighting illuminated the rooms and hallways. "This way then." She was caught by surprise, however, when the Alderaanian representative asked for a spare fighter. "I don't know. I'll get in touch with Major Erisi Kasra. He's our fighter wing commander. Should have some old GA x-wings laying around. Hopefully there's a functional extra. Rest of you, follow me."

She sent a quick message to the major and got back an affirmative response. "Representative Vereen, we do have an extra X-Wing armed and ready to go. Hangar bay five. Down that hallway, third right. You'll run into the rest of the pilots as they're scrambling."

She gave him a quick salute before hurrying in the opposite direction. "Not so much a bunker initially, at least. More... a tunnel and corridor complex deep underground." She gestured to the aides and politicians in the office. "All of you, with us. We're moving through the undercity to shelter."

It was through here. A fairly small room used mostly for storage that she pulled up an old rug to reveal a trapdoor in the floor. "Everyone, through here! Let's go!"
Location : In orbit of Kalist
Objective : Defeat the Imperial Fleet and aid the Republic
Enemies : Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard
Allies : Fable Solborne , Raona Cadera Raona Cadera and everyone else

Dion Pembell 's initial force of 5 Subjugator Star Destroyers jumped out of hyperspace . As the Fleet moved into attack position Dion Penbell however awaited Maracel and his ship to arrive as he expected the Aristocrat to take command. However minutes passed after his forces entered and Maracel had yet to arrive. Dion then turned to Denzul Yorkell who was on-board of the same ship as him and simply asked. "Where's Maracel? I thought he was to arrive with his Praetorian Star Destroyer" Dion asked. "I dunno" Denzul replied "Before i joined you he told me he was going to inspect this new ship over Jakku." "New ship" Dion said. He was not aware of any sort of new Project other then Projects for simple Star Destroyers and Battlecruises but none had entered the manufacturing phase yet. But then something big jumped out of hyperspace and both Denzul and Dion's eyes widened. A 5km long Warship had emerged from hyperspace hovering over the Subjugators . "Hello gentlemen i hope i did not keep you waiting for long" said Maracel as he contacted the two men through their Comlinks.

Maracel had arrived , on board of the Hunter Killer the first of the Directorate's Princp-Class Heavy Battlecruiser in which had only recently been completed at the Jakku Shipyards in secret. Despite CorSec's raid on the Directorate Headquarters the Corellian Officials did not uncover the fact that the Directorate had begun making plans for the construction of new Battlecruisers to spearhead it's private Fleets or the fact that the Directorate had begun the construction of larger Docking Stations within the Unknown Regions as a means to create mobile bases for their fleets. For Maracel this was the perfect moment to demonstrate the true strength of the Directorate especially after the Corellians forced him to scuttle his Main Headquarters and Relocate to one of his facilities on Corellia. "Orders? Maracel." Dion asked through the comlink. "Hold your fire. I wonder if the Imps know who they are up against. Contact their commander and demand for an unconditional surrender."

After receiving his order , Dion Pembell quickly sent a transmission to the enemy Command Ship. "This is General Dion Pembell of the Directorate , we demand you unconditional surrender effective immediately and that your ships shall be surrendered to the Directorate. As Maracel heard the transmission he smiled. Hopefully the Corellians would understand that the Directorate was not a joke and that he meant business. This Battle would be the true revelation of his Company as Maracel would make it known that the Directorate outside and within the Republic was a force to be reckoned with.


She was... complimenting him?

The boy robot just blinked. It had been awhile since anyone had done that. Most just assumed he was human and moved on. Those who realized that he wasn't tended to have strong opinions regarding machines that wore human faces. Honestly, the last people that he could recall speaking to him in the manner of this stranger was when he was in the ownership of the Pendago family.

"Thank you," the boy offered, the delay in response likely indicating that his processors had to go past the L2 cache in order to compute the appropriate reply to a compliment. "I'm an Archangel product," the droid added, referring to his manufacturer: Archangel Research and Design.

The stranger's name turned out to be Alana. And she was here with a Republic delegation? "Republic re-creation delegation?" the droid echoed back, uncertain if he was more concerned or more skeptical at that news. "As in the Galactic Republic?"

So that's what why there had been all the traffic in the system? Another 'New Republic' pop up government?

"How many of these fruits do you have? Big fan of them, personally."

The droid's brown ocular sensors gave a blink. The mention of the Republic delegation had momentarily distracted the boy's processor from the primary purpose behind this trip. Which was to off-load his cargo. And not the meilooruns.

To that end, this Alana seemed like she wasn't a good contact for completing this mission, so he'd have to look elsewhere. But, no reason not to break the social contact on good terms. "Cargo hold is pretty full with them," the droid reported, gesturing to the YTA-1300 behind him.

"You're welcome to one if you want."


Alana Sunrider


Alana waited as the droid processed through that. Apparently he wasn't used to responding to those. "Archangel?" She frowned for a moment. "Oh! Yeah, I heard of them. Don't know a whole lot though. Find yourself a job as a freight captain? Used to do that out and around Ambria with scrap."

She brushed her hands on her jacket and offered it to shake. "Kind of. Just calling it the Republic though. Not big enough to be galactic by any means." She shrugged. "I'd appreciate one. Need any help unloading?"

Alana tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and leaned back against a wall, before shrugging. "I mean, I don't actually have anything that I need to do here. Mostly just here so the Jedi can represent ourselves. Not much of a diplomat yet, so letting that stuff be handled by the professionals. What about you? Never expected Kalist to be a world with luxury fruit imports. Pretty hard to reach, isn't it? And..." Alara glanced around and shrugged. "Not looking like there's a huge population for a cargo hold full of them. But, hey, could be a good opportunity."

Something else was happening in the Force though and she paused. Alana looked up to the sky, shading her eyes. Were those capital ships? She pointed. "Can you see what's going on up there? Looks like... star destroyers? Is that right?" She squinted a little more. "Anything on the scans?"


She seemed surprised that an HRD would be running freight.

To be honest, she wasn't the only one. "This isn't what I was constructed for, no," the small droid remarked. Which was an understatement. But, it was what it was. "We're made to work in hospices and assisted living environments, but the couple that purchased me passed away. After their offspring threw me out, I kind of stumbled into this to avoid being scraped."

Okay, that wasn't entirely true. But it was mostly true. He'd just omitted the parts where he'd been salvaged, sold to pirates for use as a slicer, and then on the run from the Sector Rangers, which led to him falling into a Black Sun protection racket.

Tale as old as time, right?

"You're a Jedi?" Alana had dropped mention of it so casually, that the droid might have missed the detail. To his knowledge, BB had never met a Jedi before, but he had heard a lot about them in the data fields. Now, without stereotyping, it was hard to say just what, exactly, that the droid would have imagined that a Jedi looked like. But, to be completely honest, Alana was about the furthest thing from.

Weren't the Jedi constantly warring over planets with their rivals, the Sith? Wasn't it basically a galactic-wide gang war? Were they gangsters? Because BB knew what gangsters were like, and Alana definitely didn't fit the type.

Then she'd asked him about something in orbit.

Craning his head back, the small droid tried to align the ocular field of vision with the orientation of the woman's line of sight. "There appears to be an object of some kind," the youth remarked candidly. Then, a pause as he added, "I can access the com-scan on my ship remotely."

If she was watching, then the boy's eyes would have appeared to have become dilated as the aperture of the ocular sensor relaxed while, internally, his processors began communicating with the freighter's main computer. There was a minute as the data from the ship's sensor array was routed, processed, and interpreted.

"There are several capital ships close in proximity. Three, at least. Possibly more."


Alana Sunrider

Alana kept staring up at the sky as BB spoke. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Good for you to getting out to space." She laughed slightly. "Did the same thing when I was younger. Better aboard a ship than stuck hauling salvage around in a bag." She nodded as he accessed the scans and stared up at the sky. "And Jedi? Yeah. Since I was a teenager when I learned I could sense the Force. Gave me a chance to help the galaxy."

She brushed the hair back from her eye and chewed at her lip. "I don't understand. There shouldn't be capital ships in proximity. We didn't bring any." Her hands rested on the hilt of her lightsabers staring up at the sky. "Can you tell what's going on?"

Alana pulled a datapad out from her jacket and activated it. Concern etched her brows as she scanned through the channel frequencies. "Hrmph." She pulled out a tool and opened up the panel to the datapad. Sliding the spanner in, she adjusted the receiver to pick up the restricted frequencies. "Wait, that doesn't make sense?"

She pulled up the last messages and played it, showing the message from the Imperial ships. "Best take cover. Looks like things are going to get nasty."


Commander Pike had a rather grim look when upon hearing the reports of massive energy signatures entering through Hyperspace. The desire to scrounge up some Indirector Cruiser had never been so great, but for a moment he simply turned his attention to address the developing situation near the border of the system. Even as the larger energy signature of perhaps one of the most massive Star Destroyers he had ever seen outside of the Imperial Navy, he kept his grim determination.

It was until the open communication did the Commander broke his stern appearance to something more akin to vehemence as he listened. None had seen the Commander break into a sneer as wide as the one he currently had on display. The Communication Officer next to him gingerly asked ”Is there perhaps a response Commander Sir?”

“Yes, in fact I will send the message personally.” Commander Pike explained as he moved over to the Communication Officer and waited for a moment for the line to be established and the message to be ready.

Commander Pike started, his eyes cool and his lips returned to its usual straight line,


He turned to face the Communication Officer and with a single nod he sent the single worded message.

Cynthia Alucard, Star Marshal of Imperial Remnant Navy
Location: Command Bridge of The Tuatha De Danann
Starcraft: TIE/IN Mark IV Interceptor (Wing Compliment of Seventy-Two) The Tuatha De Danann (HQ)
Attire: Uniform


Cyn eyed the distressing situation with ever the attention of a mynock ready to act whenever something was ready to chase it. She breathed in deeply and wondered what the hell and who the hell were the Directorate. They had no ship ID’s of Corellian Confederations, nor the markings of any such ships, the message was clear enough that this was some sort of mercenary fleet of some sort. A well paid Mercenary Fleet. But she looked at the largest of the vessels and wondered how long before her own ship’s shielding would fail.

“Marshal Alucard. . .” A nearby Officer approached Cyn, his eyes wary as he explained “-An old LAAT ship has been spotted, it is heading our way and gave message about some sort of special operations mission.” The Officer added further the strangeness of the whole situation.

As the Officer finished, Cyn stared at him with the most puzzled look, “-If the Clearance Codes are old, and by old, you mean just when the Core Imperial Navy was first formed, just shoot at them.” Cyn sighed as she realized why the Officer was so unsure of the situation, New Crew Member, probably never walked on board a starship in his life until recently. “-Order the long-range batteries to target and fire on the LAAT troop transport. We have not been told of such missions on Kalist, and if such were the case, Commander Pike would have alerted me of such developments.”

With a single nod, the Officer rushed to the Battery Officer and ordered the attack on the lone LAAT.


Still flying towards the flagship of the enemy, the LAAT that Racer was piloting maintained its course, waiting for a response from flight command. Behind Racer, Venandi still stood, taking in the entire situation, even as his brothers and their 'prisoner' behind them waited with baited breath. They needn't have waited for long, as soon enough a response came, though not in the way any of them expected. Letting out a cry of 'shab!', all the warning any of them had, Racer put the LAAT into a quick spin and dive, ducking below the first strands of laser fire. As cries of confusion emanated from Mary and the squad braced themselves for more frantic maneuvering, Venandi cursed once again as Racer had to spin around a further few shots.
"Gigs up boss, I can race us in or out now." The semi calm voice of Racer informed Venandi.
Growling out an answer, Venandi braced himself.
"Race us in brother, we need to distract these fools from taking out the rest. For the Republic and for our future."

And like that, the LAAT shot forward, altering its course towards a side hanger and moving twice as fast as it had been before. Bracing for further maneuvering, Venandi informed his brothers about the situation, who for their part simply grumbled and prepared for a hot landing. Racer meanwhile simply shot forward, focused fully on avoiding any and every shot, and getting his LAAT into the side hanger. They raced past the majority of the laser shots, with a few coming close to hitting them, but thankfully being avoided for the most part. When they were a dozen km out from the side hanger, still racing madly towards the hanger, they were grazed by a shot, causing Racer to lose control for a split second, spinning them upwards before he regained control. However, upon closer inspection, Racer saw that the LAAT's wing was damaged now, only good for one last push before it would be destroyed.

Growling in annoyance, Racer kept racing forward, managing to avoid the rest of the fire, until suddenly the wing broke off completely. Whether it was from another shot or the wing breaking on its own didn't matter, all that mattered was the rapidly growing maw of the hanger. Barely flying the LAAT in on one wing, Racer managed to crash the LAAT into main hanger, bringing it down hard before it fell onto its left side and slid into the side hanger, smashing past a few ships and pushing others with it, even as those in the hanger scrambled for cover, called for help, and screamed in panic.

As smoke emanated from the sparks and fires caused by the crashed LAAT, a scene of death and disorder was revealed to any who would look. The LAAT had crashed into the side hanger, and had slid into the corner of the hanger, crushing a pair of starfighters and pulling one of the two shuttles with it. It now lay on its side, carbon scoring evident all across its body, as was the missing left wing, and other damage on the craft. Within the LAAT another scene was unfolding, as Venandi and his brothers groaned in pain while making their way to their feet. Racer for his part was miraculously unharmed, and Venandi was only slightly bruised. The most injured of their number was Mary, who had been flung into the corner of the LAAt and received a slight concussion, even as bruising formed across her body. She'd live though, they all would.

Taking stock of the situation, Venandi had Racer grab a few extra weapons for himself before making his way into the main hold of the crashed LAAT. There his brothers were peaking out into the hanger, taking stock of the situation, watching as people scrambled about to put out fires secure scattered things, and security as it rushed in with other troops. Sneering at it all, Venandi turned towards his brothers, all eager for war.
"Onward brothers, to victory, let these fools remember the day the clone army made its return. For our brothers, for the Republic!"

With that war cry, they pushed aside the top of the LAATs door and rose up, firing as they went. The security forces were stunned for a few precious seconds, surprised that anyone had survived such a violent crash. Then their training took over and they rushed to cover, before returning fire. The others in the hanger, mechanics, engineers, and pilots all began to flee towards the exits, rushing to escape the sudden onslaught. Venandi and his brothers exchanged fire with the security for a few more moments before they suddenly threw several smoke and flash bangs, sowing even more confusion in the ranks of their enemies.

As smoke enveloped the area, Venandi and his brothers suddenly jumped out of the LAAT. They dragged Mary along as they charged madly through the smoke, taking pot shots at anyone in their way, while ignoring the rest. Very few escaped this onslaught, as they'd been clustered in an area with the most cover, an area that Venandi and his brothers charged straight through. Those that did survive would only see black specters outlined with some red, catching glimpses of clone armor through the haze of smoke and their eyes still being damaged due to the flashbangs.

Once Venandi and his brothers were out of the hanger, they moved further in, taking cover within a conference room nearby. Cutter, one of Venandi's squad, set to work turning off cameras in their immediate vicinity through a nearby terminal, using his hacking skills to their full extent. Soon enough the cameras showed loops from the past, hiding Venandi and his brothers position. They took stock of their situation, ensured that Mary was alright, and then thanked the Force that it was a venator they'd boarded. They knew the layout of this ship very well, and as such knew where to go. Nodding to his brothers, they exited the room, weapons at the ready, with Mary at their center, more for her protection than anything else. Making their way down the hallway, away from the side hanger and towards the heart of the venator, Venandi and his brothers were like wraiths, gliding along without a sound, heads on a swivel, and weapons ready to shoot anyone that appeared before them.

Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Fable Solborne
To say he never got out would be...An understatement. Yularen, one of Corellia's three Fleet Admirals, held dominion over the Corellian home fleet. Not just the taskforce hanging over Corellia though, his dominion was the entire system. Corellia was an interesting case of military power due to nearly every world in its solar system being inhabited by advanced space faring species, all of which had come together under one banner. Even in the old times their forces combined could throw a Galaxy spanning super power into a panic, and now? They had one of the largest standing fleets in the Core worlds...

But that meant nothing if they couldn't protect their leader.

Some might see this as favoritism. Lisza was his sister by marriage after all. But he knew the First Fleet was tied up in other business elsewhere along the Corellian trade spine and his ship could drop out of formation for a few hours to handle a distress call of this level of importance. With the life of their Diktat on the line he'd spared little. His flagship alone was probably powerful enough to patrol and defend a backwater world like Kalist, but only fools traveled alone in big ships.

The Ascendant Justice dropped out of hyperspace behind the Imperial task force along with four Corellian star defenders, their black and orange paint a menacing contrast to Imperial grays. Yularen stepped forward, activating his ship's open frequency.

"This is Corellian Fleet Admira Yularen Nova of the CDF Ascendant Justice. The warlord factions of the now defunct Core Imperial Confederation have no basis for control in this system. Surrender now or prepare to be fired upon. All non-military, mercenary vessels are to likewise disengage and disperse at once. This message will be set to repeat. You have 5 minutes or we will open fire." He looked down at the digital twi'lek who served as the ship's Virtual Intelligence and gave her a wink. The pink pixilated woman scoffed and vanished from the console, escaping the strange organic's pass.

Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Fable Solborne

Another broadcast came through from the command center. A Corellian fleet had arrived in-system. One battlecruiser and four star defenders. She let out a long sigh of relief. That was more than enough to handle the two Imperial ships in orbit. It should get them to stand down quickly and efficiently. Once that was taken care of, the diplomacy could resume, and negotiations concluded. It would serve as a vital symbolic victory as well. It showed the fledgling Republic had the teeth to back up its claims and guard the member worlds. They would have the capacity to make a difference.

Now, it was hardly enough to hold off against a massive galactic superpower, but hopefully, it would be enough to at least give them pause. Deterrence might be their best option, at least long enough for them to organize and help the member worlds develop more fully. Perhaps with enough time and enough diplomacy, they could help assemble a league of the galactic powers aligned with the Light and democracy. Each with their own space and responsibilities, each their own sovereignty, but working together as a team. It would be easier and more effective to spread their collective influence that way. Decentralize power across the entire galaxy. Recognize that the different regions and sectors had their own needs and unique characteristics that were best left unaffected.

She smiled faintly. "So, Raona Cadera Raona Cadera . What do you think? Shall we sign for the establishment of the Republic?"
Cynthia Alucard, Star Marshal of Imperial Remnant Navy
Location: Command Bridge of The Tuatha De Danann
Starcraft: TIE/IN Mark IV Interceptor (Wing Compliment of Seventy-Two) The Tuatha De Danann (HQ)
Attire: Uniform


The air within the bridge grew tense, a chill sent down many of the crew as Cyn clenched the railings near her command post. She knew her gunners were inexperienced but it was certainly impossible to be such horrendous at aiming, especially when it was clipped, but she knew the galaxy wanted to laugh at her today. And laughter is all I hear, from the moment I woke up today to the reddening of my vision this very moment. Cyn cleared her throat and turned to her Second Lieutenant, her ever faithful second seemed to have kept up with her so far.

“Gather your best troopers, and lend support to the rest of the Marines. Don’t chase the mynock, remember.” Cyn ordered, the Second smiled viciously and quickly headed to do as tasked. Perhaps his quickened pace was much to do to escape the dark aura emitting from his Marshal. Regardless, this was their ship, their home for nearly a year. They will make the walls close around their intruders until they suffocate on their own fear.

Or perhaps they could put a blaster to their own head and save us the trouble. . .speaking of people that need to save me the trouble. . . Cyn turned her attention to the appearance of another military fleet, this time sporting the Corellian Confederation identification tags and quite the striking paint job to boot. Their message was clear, to leave or be destroyed. While a rather direct threat, unlike the other Security Force that dropped in ahead of the Corellians, they at least did not demand complete surrender. Well, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a surrender either. . wait Commander Pike!

Cyn turned her attention to her Communication Officer, but no message has been sent, past the one sent earlier. Her eyes narrowed and anticipated the message, to challenge two opposing fleets was near suicidal, but perhaps the only consolation was that neither Fleet appeared to be working together. The Corellians did mention the other fleet to leave as well. . . Perhaps there was a solution for the young Star Marshal, her eyes focused on the holo-map in the center of her command platform and took a moment to study their position.

“Helmsman, plot course for Sierra-Oscar-Three-Two-Zero-Five. This battle is untenable.” Cyn ordered as she moved towards her Communication Officer. “Commander Pike will not risk fighting one his own if we leave. . .” She hoped, but at least here she could make the perfect reason for their retreat as wasting Imperial hardware and lives. Like how I was suppose to conduct my mission out here in the Kalist system.

The Tuatha De Danann
lurched towards another direction, its engines running at full power as its hyperdrive warmed and before long the reality of space warped as the Star Destroyer entered hyperspace. Commander Pike stood shock at the sudden disappearance of Star Marshall Alucard but with the loss of his only other Star Destroyer the man grounded his teeth. With a snarl he barked orders to the rest of his battle group to plot a course back to their Naval base. Cynthia had managed to order around Commander Pike, and the Commander would remember this and make his rival pay for it dearly.

Her brother-in-law had come, though she was sure there would be hell to pay back home for him leaving his post. She'd try her best to make it right for him but...Now the threat was gone. Kalist was safe for the time being and a new government was on the cusp of begining.

"Yes," she said. "I think we shall."


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