Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
Let the Force-User think they've got a cosmic upper hand. The more they focus on the one thing they have that you do not, the more they will fixate on it. Once you know what weapons your opponent carries, you're halfway to winning.
Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.
Any Jedi or Sith is a master of the Force, is a master of the Lightsaber... and, sometimes they're okay at a couple of other things. They have spent years training under the best of the best to master every aspect of their weaponry, and so must you. A Lightsaber is a fine weapon, but it is just a weapon. Make use of the millions of other weapons in the 'verse to overwhelm, surprise, and destroy.
The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.
Preparation is key. Force-Users, as a general rule, are accustomed to landing at a location, sweeping through all their objectives, and then leaving. They don't do their homework, they just cut a bloody swath through any opposition. Do your homework - do you know if he's going to land at a specific Starport? Hire an ambush. He'll defeat them. When he leaves the port, detonate remote mines. When he survives this, a second ambush. While he's dealing with that, destroy his ship. Surround it with explosives. When he inspects the explosives, flood the room with flames, or poison gas.
As was said before - "Go into the fight expecting to face a Champion Demi-God." So why go into the fight at all? A matador doesn't grapple a charging bull by the horns, he evades it and wears it down. He makes it look foolish, he dances away, he is constantly at the edge of the bull's vision and strike range. In this way, he not only enrages the bull, but he looks amazing and the crowd.

r: Use landmines and gas.