Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For the sake of argument: Non-force vs force users.

Cira said:
Scatter gun to fire multiple objects; It's harder to control to wave off

Grenades that automatically burst when they have a sudden change of acceleration
Grenades with deathstick gas medium that can weaken their connection to the Force.
We Mandos have all three. Forcebreakers were standard issue during the Mando-Sith war not too long ago. I still have plenty.
The thing about Force-insensitives and fighting against Force-users is that Force-insensitives heavily rely on technology. They can fight on equal terms with Force-users with a decent arsenal that they are comfortable with. This is how Jango Fett and Cad Bane are able to fight on par with Jedi Masters.

However, once that technology breaks down or becomes useless, so does the Force-insensitive. Jango Fett is an example of this as well - his jetback malfunctions at an inopportune time, directly contributing to his death. If his jetback had been working right at the time before his death, Jango would have flown away from Mace Windu.

Darren Onyx

I know I'm late on this, BUUT... Is this really up for debate?

I will be honest. I think they are both equal. I don't care what either side says. Both are so different, they can't argue. They both have pros and cons. It is just that simple.
I figured I'll toss my two cents in this.

A common non-force user, such as a regular trooper or a smuggler, would have no chance of whatsoever against any force users. Properly equipped ones, such as higher ranking troopers or Mandalorians, though, probably would. Even then, a non-force user would have to get the first strike against a Jedi or a Sith, othervise a Sith would simply choke him from a safe distance. I for instance, would try not to use my lightsaber at all. I would come in, and simply force-push the target, using the moment to either force-choke it to death or execute it via the good old lightsaber.

That, ofcourse, is speaking from common sense. The movies, though, often lack common sense, and abilities such as force choke are only used in moments made to look dramatic, instead of being utilized in actual combat.

That's just my opinion, though.


Mercenary, Artist.
Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
Let the Force-User think they've got a cosmic upper hand. The more they focus on the one thing they have that you do not, the more they will fixate on it. Once you know what weapons your opponent carries, you're halfway to winning.

Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.
Any Jedi or Sith is a master of the Force, is a master of the Lightsaber... and, sometimes they're okay at a couple of other things. They have spent years training under the best of the best to master every aspect of their weaponry, and so must you. A Lightsaber is a fine weapon, but it is just a weapon. Make use of the millions of other weapons in the 'verse to overwhelm, surprise, and destroy.

The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.
Preparation is key. Force-Users, as a general rule, are accustomed to landing at a location, sweeping through all their objectives, and then leaving. They don't do their homework, they just cut a bloody swath through any opposition. Do your homework - do you know if he's going to land at a specific Starport? Hire an ambush. He'll defeat them. When he leaves the port, detonate remote mines. When he survives this, a second ambush. While he's dealing with that, destroy his ship. Surround it with explosives. When he inspects the explosives, flood the room with flames, or poison gas.

As was said before - "Go into the fight expecting to face a Champion Demi-God." So why go into the fight at all? A matador doesn't grapple a charging bull by the horns, he evades it and wears it down. He makes it look foolish, he dances away, he is constantly at the edge of the bull's vision and strike range. In this way, he not only enrages the bull, but he looks amazing and the crowd.

Tl:Dr: Use landmines and gas.
Biological standpoint. If you have the resources, bring Ysalimiri. You've turned a jedi into a normal man with a lightsaber. There's a reason they're used in jedi prisons and by grand admiral Thrawn.
Blessed are the peacemakers
I always thought people over estimate what force sensitives really can do

the way I see it force sensitives, if trained, can be like olympic athletes normally, but a normal non force sensitive person can easily cut down a force sensitive, just look at Jango beating the living fuck out of 12 jedi with his god damn bare motha fuckin hands.

all in all, you'd have to be one mother fucker to be able to really get a one-up on a trained nfs if you're even a mid-grade force sensitive.
Its not what you have, but how you use it. From a story perspective, its fun to make the Force Users win lots of fights, but set up a single heavy machinegun and suddenly that fancy sword just doesn't cut it.

My vote is for non-FU
Fully half of this thread was wiped out in the purge. I'm glad Alna's post survived, because I think it was the best one in the entire thread.

Anyway. The argument died off because it was quickly established that despite commonly-held opinion, Force users aren't invincible. It is up to both the NFU player to be clever and the FU character not to godmode in order to make an NFU vs FU fight work, but it's entirely doable. Mostly? Just trust who you post with. Talk to them. It's the same as any other duel. Communicate, respect each other, respect each other's characters.

I find it helps to figure out where the duel will end, too, but for some reason no one agrees with me there.
I agree with the tech edge, and also the fact that most force users are like "boss" encounters, with that said there are lots of ways to get the typical force user and most of them boil down to overwhelming them.

if we watch episode 3 (like it or hate it) what you really need to take into account is how Dark Sideous really took out the jedi order. and what I read it to be is he had a plan, yes there were lots of steps in the plan but he also had cutouts at a lot of points for him to change the plan if things went wrong.

plan step 1 start a war and get the jedi involved. check
plan step 2 get the jedi spread out too thin so they were vulnerable to defeat in detail check
plan step 2a which really came before 2 but... pick off jedi when possible,
plan step 3 come up with a justification to trigger order 66 ...

when you look at it from that point of view he really used the standard most effective tactic against individual force users just on a huge scale against the entire order.
Sarah Frostlight said:
I agree with the tech edge, and also the fact that most force users are like "boss" encounters, with that said there are lots of ways to get the typical force user and most of them boil down to overwhelming them.

if we watch episode 3 (like it or hate it) what you really need to take into account is how Dark Sideous really took out the jedi order. and what I read it to be is he had a plan, yes there were lots of steps in the plan but he also had cutouts at a lot of points for him to change the plan if things went wrong.

plan step 1 start a war and get the jedi involved. check
plan step 2 get the jedi spread out too thin so they were vulnerable to defeat in detail check
plan step 2a which really came before 2 but... pick off jedi when possible,
plan step 3 come up with a justification to trigger order 66 ...

when you look at it from that point of view he really used the standard most effective tactic against individual force users just on a huge scale against the entire order.
Divide and conquer. ~nods nods~

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