Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Their Own Good (OOC)

@[member="Tamara"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Mmm... technically, yes I still love Jorus.

But that doesn't mean I'm that horrible ex-girlfriend who is a homewrecker.

Remember, the most we EVER did even when living together was hold hands.


Professor of Sentientology
Despite the retreat, let's keep roleplaying folks.

We still have the aftermath to take care of.... among other factors.

And Chloe still has a Jorus to see :p


Professor of Sentientology

Guess this means you get your thread sooner, rather than later :p

By the by, what does this current face of yours do?

I imagine Siobhan saw it on holo-telly in her villa while drinking wine and having a massage. On second thought she's probably been preoccupied celebrating her anniversary with Tegs and thus missed the whole thing. The celebrations...demand her full attention.
@[member="Talia Al Ghul"]
She’s a bit of a wanderer, light sided in alignment but part of no group and tied to no commitments.

So yeah, I turn up, get mixed up in trouble, and then move on. :D

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
I'm sure they do.... ;)

Cedric Dorn

Sargon Vynea said:
well that was... quick

There may have been a person of the female gender that spoke this out loud at one time.

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