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force abilities

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And the reason I say that is because these two have proved time after time that 1: They know what they're talking about, 2: They're great writers, and 3: They are strong characters. These guys are people you can look to for advice.
Just don't... constantly pester them.
We dun wan our bbys to leave da site
we luv em to much
What @[member="Ashin Varanin"] said. So much.

One might add that having all sorts of fancy powers - and plenty of war experience - didn't stop most Jedi from getting gunned down by a couple grunts with blaster rifles during Order 66! And Jedi got slaughtered in the arena on Geonosis by battle droids.

Now, I like extreme mayhem - Siobhan is built around flashy use of power, but there's always a trade-off. Hence why she's always going to suck at mentalism and won't be great at healing (can't heal at all presently) and stealth (well, @[member="Cira"] taught her the basics of force cloak, but Siobhan's the person who in most situations would not even think about using a lockpick when she can just blow a door up).

Virtually all her skill points got put into tearing things apart, most of anything else got sacrificed (well, as a person she's a mess as well, but that's another story).


Well-Known Member

*gives up trying to claim that title*


Yeah i get what your saying. Heck i didnt even really start thinking he could even hold his own against you until he was successfully using it against others. Ie, Ember Rekali and Zaiden fought and Ember couldnt locate him. After i was like hmm now i really got a shot.

Then i find out shes two hundred karkin years old! Lol
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]= God of smashing things
@Cira= God of making sure no one knows you can use the force, but still being a badass in the ways of the force
@Kasamann= God of stealth, the other kind
@[member="Ashin Varanin"]= God of advice and general badassery
@[member="Fabula Cavataio"]= God of punching through durasteel walls and general punching-related things
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]= God of lightning
Something like that
There are other epic force users on the site, I just don't know about all of them.
Realistically, the average person could be killed from one of your power punches.
Knocking them out would be easy for you.
@[member="Fabula Cavataio"]
But I changed it anyway. You are the Goddess of punching through Durasteel walls.
@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"] more of a mentalist for Spence. She uses more of the mind games rather than the dark side of the force. Wanting to empower people rather than bringing them down. ;)


Well-Known Member
@[member="Vanessa Nacht Seele"]
Love the list so far. Make it bigger and post it. Let others vote. Ive tried to multiple times but no one ever votes. It could make things easier for new users. Finding whom is a specialist of what etc.

Also, id recommend changing god to something else
I only put that cuz in the thread where Ashy killed Venny (still sad about that) Ashy said that no one could lightning like Spence can lightning
And I think there was this one time where she destroyed a forest because she was having emotional issues at the time
Lol. Siobhan has the ego of a god (well, the Bando Gora declared her one...hilariously). When she's not being mopey or self-loathing for this or that reason. Which happens a lot. As @[member="Tamara"] can confirm. :p

Well, she is a top tier telekinetic specialist. Specialising in throwing very heavy objects.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Is it wrong to aspire to be so powerful with rudimentary force skills (i.e. force push, pull, etc) that no one can break out of them, and you could (say) pull a space station out of orbit?
@[member="Tamara"] Actually it was not in orbit. From the distance of the Ship to himself he would to have been pulling it at more than 500km/h. The ship was already inside the atmosphere. All he did was pull it down from the sky, not from orbit. And he only pulled it down from the sky because the ship would have shot down his own. AND he was only an apprentice. Not to add to the fact that when he was pulling the ship down, it was not burning up like it would as though it were entering the atmosphere. No fething way did he pull it from orbit.

*i know I sound like a know it all right now, but I have already looked up this crap to see if it is really possible because my friend and I had a debate about this.*
It's still a star destroyer and it would weigh even more in atmosphere than in orbit. Even if Sarge was about to have his ship shot up by a Star Destroyer, his first thought wouldn't be "IMMA THROW IT AROUND LIKE A RAG DOLL" because he's not stupid.
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