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Force Philosophy RP?


Disney's Princess

So my character Sam is developing quickly now and she needs an opportunity to hear a few new perspectives about the Jedi lifestyle. She wants to learn a few Philosophies.

Naturally the amazing Talon Vosra and I will cover the textbook basics. But I wanted a few new ideas on how to live as a Jedi in an ever-shifting world. So would anybody like to have lunch with Sam and talk religion? She'll pay! Dessert included! :D
I'd be cool with a little Jedi-to-Jedi talk :D I could provide a somewhat... inexperienced, but interesting view on the order and how to go about being a Jedi. Gherron is, after all, still trying to find his mold.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
Great. Which Academy do you favor? I'm sure I could find us a delightful restaurant somewhere nearby? Or, cook. I could always do that too. :D

[member="Gherron Vael"]


Disney's Princess
Tython. Coruscant. Ossus. There are many geographical regions of which even the lowest Padawan can access in safety and good company. Some members favor one planet over another. Though Sam wanders consistently amid such choices.

Can you do lunch on Coruscant Parkway Avenue? Say, Cafe' Sabor in the Senate District? ...It's fru'fru. But their soup and sandwich combinations are as excellent as they are adventurous. I prefer the pulled-pork sandwich myself. (Though it is against my diet. Hehe.)

Work for you? [member="Gherron Vael"]
Oh, gotcha. Born on Coruscant, taken to Tython, then completed padawan training on Coruscant.

Umm, sure. I usually find myself wandering Coruscant to look for danger anyway. I'm sure I can find some time for a good lunch. You wanna start the RP or shall I?

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
Flint Dexen said:
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

I'd be delighted if I can have an opportunity to share my philosophy with your character.
Yippee! [member="Flint Dexen"]. Where would you like to go for lunch?


Disney's Princess
Sure. I know a few Twi'leks on Tython. We can whip up a meal and setting in no time. :D

[member="Flint Dexen"]

EDIT: I'll create us a thread and tag you in it. Cheers.
I wouldn't mind joining in on any philosophical conversations. It would be a really good chance to flesh out character beliefs and details.

I am also willing to spar with you anytime if you wanted. (Saw your other thread requesting a spar, but it was a few days old.)

Feel free to make a thread and tag me anytime.


Disney's Princess
[member="Verrin Ris'To "]Ah. That sounds wonderful. I favor private threads for the 1-1 atmosphere. Would you be interested in having lunch with Sam and talking shop? Since you're new, we wouldn't necessarily need to talk deep, deep, hrumph-hrumph, manly philosophy. Lol. After all, I doubt your character has a Jedi philosophy/lifestyle yet. But maybe.

Where are you staying in the Order? Pick a planet and I'll whip something up for us. :D
[member="Sam Jhovna"] Sure, I would love to have lunch. He is having private lessons with Talon in the Osuss Academy, so that would be a good place to do it.

Currently, he just got a Master after being held back from the padawan trials for a few years, so most of his knowledge is from lectures and not real-world experience, so his is just starting his Jedi life-style.


Disney's Princess
Verrin Ris'To said:
He is having private lessons with Talon in the Osuss Academy, so that would be a good place to do it.
Great. I'll have a thread up tomorrow sometime and @mention you there. Looking forward to chatting with you. :D

Talon Vosra

[member="Sam Jhovna"] [member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Carn Dista"] [member="Verrin Ris'To "][member="Aika Kawakami"]

This is awesome. Color me interested in hearing all of your philosophies as well.


Disney's Princess
Aika Kawakami said:
Aika's thoughts on things have become...interesting, as of late. If your interested, she'd be more than happy to share.
Sure thing. I'll have a thread up for us tomorrow. I was kinda swamped today. Thanks for jumping in. :D

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