Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Force Storm

Thurion Heavenshield said:
Wait... THAT'S what happened when Vader threw him down the shaft in RotJ?! :eek:
Naw, he burst into a cloud of dark side energy when he was tossed down the shaft.

When he came back and later confronted Luke and Leia on his flagship, he eventually summoned a Force Storm to destroy his enemies, but lost control and was killed by it when it consumed his ship.

Sarge Potteiger said:
the other is a gigantic thunderstorm made by using the Force to make use of the local environment (note: it won't work where there's not the climate for it, so no storms in a desert) - that one, the weather one, is entirely uncontrollable. You basically conjure it up and then let it act like the weather it is.

Both require high levels of power.

These are the three types I know of, Karfy:

1) 'Maelstrom' - the giant space-ripping, planet-destroying ones that Palpantine decided to use to commit suicide.

2) 'Storm' - The weather-based one. A good writer can have fun with that.

3) 'Advanced Lightning' - the SWTOR version. Basically just channeling lightning into the atmosphere and making it arc back to the ground.

Additionally, there's 'Chain Lightning', which is much simpler to learn, and can theoretically be used by strong apprentice-level FUs.
Sarge Potteiger said:
note: it won't work where there's not the climate for it, so no storms in a desert
Not entirely true. Desert storms are quite common and can exist. Lightning is largely a static electricity phenomenon. Get enough dust and particulate matter in the air, drive up the winds, and you will cause lightning storms.

Not that that matters to this conversation or anything.

Also, I always see you as the God Emperor. Don't know why.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

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