Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Force User Hunter Auction

I'm in the market to auction of my old FU hunting gear, I'm looking to retire from that line and focus on my business ventures.

To Any who are interested, I'm going to be auctioning off these few trinkets...

X1 bid: 500,000 cr

X2 Starting Bid: 12,000 cr /each

X1 Bid: 50,000 cr

X1 Bid: 25,000 cr

X1 Bid: 1,100 cr

X1 Bid: 15,000 cr

X1 Hold) Starting Bid: 45,000 cr

X1 Bid: 10,000 cr

Please Make sure to keep your bids at a reasonable amount for your characters actually monetary limitations.

I'll give this Auction a week, starting today 5/13, and ending Friday 5/20 and 11:59pm PST

Also, try to tag your opponent bidders to give them a fair chance to reply to your bids.

Good Luck Bidders
Fett Kal Trench Knife: New Bid; 9,000 credits. {[member="Zoey Marix"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Nyos Val"]}
SRR-01 Rifle x1: New Bid; 15,000 credits. {[member="Triam Akovin"] | @Janus}
[member="Antoir Setrrin"] [member="Zoey Marix"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Krayzen Dratos"] [member="Glavo Pahro"] [member="Janus"] [member="Kadala Skirata"] [member="Aramir Eldarion"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

Just under 3 hours left. Place your bids!! I hope you all get what you want.

Remember, the bidding closes at 11:59pm PST.


Well-Known Member
Matreya laughed at the prices requited of such a minimal armor but then noticed the cater coat.

Cater Coat - 100,000 credits.

Even that was minimal to what the coat was actually worth.

[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Aramir Eldarion"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Krayzen Dratos"] [member="Glavo Pahro"]

Cater Coat - 150k credits, and a custom weapon of your choice made by MSI


Well-Known Member
[member="Krayzen Dratos"] [member="Nyos Val"] [member="Krayzen Dratos"] [member="Glavo Pahro"]

Cater Coat - 225k credits, a custom weapon, a suit of armor that absorbs all kinetic damage, and a top tier slicer AI

Poodoo. Meant to post this as [member="Matreya"]

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