Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forced Roleplay??

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Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Pikiran"] - I get cha'. Thanks mate. :)

[member="Tionne Thanewulf"] - Nah. I got all that. Tis why I held Karen out of the PvP objective until I had a partner. Figured I'd respect Nubica's writer and do it her way. But yeah. There was a breach of contract and I guess I take those things with just a shrug these days. But that's just me. Anyway, give em hell Red. You so sassy. Much <3. :D
The saltiness coming off this thread is like a refreshing sea breeze. :p

Whilst I am not going to speak on the specific case as I believe that is being looked into elsewhere, I can make some general comments.

  • No one can make you RP. If you are not enjoying an RP post leaving it or stop posting.
  • No one can affect your character without your permission.
  • A public thread is open and so anyone is able to join.
  • A dominion is open primarily to the faction initiating it though others can join if they wish. Dominions will always result in a faction victory so long as the required post limits are not exceeded etc.
  • Public threads of this sort only cause drama and should be avoided. If PMing the other writer has not gotten you where you want to be, report and wait for the RPJs to do their job.
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