Kashyyyk - Planet | Silver Rest - Locale |
Training Room - Area | Morning - Time |
Aayla leaned back against the wall in the training room, hands sitting demurely on her hips. Around her the sounds of training sabers whooshing about had become... Dare she say, annoying. One mistake, ignore one little order and you're stuck helping younglings with their training. How long ago was that? A year? Well, worse had happened. She never regretted disobeying those orders, considering lives were saved. Though, today, as she heard those training sabers firing up for the first time this morning, she couldn't help but feel a little over it. If she was such a feth-up why would they have her overlooking the training of younglings? She wasn't a Master... She wasn't even a Knight. She felt like a class president at this rate.
"Tam-.. Tamri! It isn't shockball, stop swinging your saber like a toy" The older padawan called out, pointing a finger to the young man in the back of the room. When she started doing her 'atonement practices' she didn't think she knew any of these kids names. Now here it was she knew all of them, even down to their habits, and preferences in eating. The Jedi Master that usually handled this class was not available for some time. Or so they said, she was pretty sure they were just punishing her for her blatant ignorance for the Chain of Command. Aayla happened to just be a happy go lucky person. Famously telling the Council that sometimes it was better to ask forgiveness than permission. People had been excommunicated for less, but Aayla (unbeknownst, or perhaps blissfully ignorant) was too skilled in saber forms to simply let walk. Instead, she would be repurposed for a time.
The result, which today, finally had started rearing its head? She was going to be so sick of it that she would regret, and refrain from disobeying orders in the future. She was good, but she couldn't be tasked how the Jedi needed if they knew she had the propensity to go off the rails for whatever reason she deemed acceptable.
Moving behind one of the younglings, Aayla used a finger to press at the back of the girls knee, and used both her hands to lift both of her hands a bit higher.
"We'll be doing these drills for another twenty minutes, then we'll move on to training droids." A collective groan emanated from the classroom, to which her face contorted. "Ohhh? So should I tell the kitchen to cancel the special treat that Iiii♩ specifically asked them to make for you today?" she questioned, to which the room became a dead silent.
"Another fifteen, minutes... Then we need to work on blaster deflection.." she compromised with them, still a bit... Over it, she had gotten to love these kids anyway.
The Masters that knew of her easily got to know her well, due to her spunky personality. She was the type to tell you exactly what she thought, regardless of the outcome. As such, it wasn't hard to figure out how to break her. Not punishment, not even threat of excommunication. Simply give her a task so redundant for her talents, she would feel like a fool for putting herself there in the first place.... It was working.