Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Forget all the rest (Light-Siders welcome)

Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Zenda put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"I didn't really have a childhood, either. I was trained to be a super soldier...not much time for play." Kuxirra said. "Didn't really have any friends in the labs...unless you count my imaginary ones."
The hand on her shoulder was welcomed, it felt truly sincere and caused her to smile in response. "Don't be... I'm stronger now; the order gave me the tools and training to make sure no one else ever has to grow up that way.. And I'll put my life in the line to ensure those that engage in the practice are brought to justice." Aayla said, as the training had concluded.

Aayla cleared her throat, stepping towards the group and smiled at them all.
"Well done everyone... Tamri, Kaleb, Moshere, and Zanaviea; I'll have a special surprise for you guys come lunch time. For now, everyone return your practice sabers, and get ready for meditation. One hour.".

For a Padawan herself, Aayla was deceptively mature. Once they all started to move, she would sigh aloud and return to the Togruta trio.

Folding her arms out of habit, the young woman looked at the ground and continued that earlier conversation.

"I felt really bad about it before, but the order helped me clear my head of those negative emotions... Focus on the destination, and forget all the rest. I will never not owe them."
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
"I see what you mean," Kuxirra said. "I recently worked on the liberation of T'surr. I was with a couple others and didn't really talk that much, but I was one of the ones present in the negotiations with the matriarchs. One of the non-negotiable things was that the slavery had to end."
"YOU!?" she exclaimed, finding it hard to not give Kuxirra a once over when she had said that. Aayla was supposed to have been there, but... Well, she was busy being substitute Master Shan for the last year or so. It was an even harder ding to her pride when she recalled the other had been a Jedi for less time than she had been training the padawans here. Her eyes flickered away for a moment, and she would return them to lock with the Togruta's. "Then you're truly a hero... A liberator..." Aayla said, more so feeling what time it was rather than anything else. She wouldn't lie, Kuxirra had stabbed her in the heart with those words, and she suddenly felt... Stupid.

Don't get her wrong, she appreciated helping the Future of the order enhance their abilities, but all at once she realized how foolish she was before. Going loose cannon like that. Her eyes scanned over the crowd of younglings, preparing to meditate, and would look down with a visible sigh. Perhaps she needed it more than them today.
"Kuxirra, I hope to see you again soon... I'm going to go ahead and lead these younglings in meditation. Unless of course you guys want to join?" she asked, that worried look left her face, replaced by her smile.

She was right after all, perhaps obedience carried its own reward. For now, she herself needed to clear her mind. Think about what to do next, but the main thing in her mind was finding a way to get an audience with the council. She had apologized back then, but it wasn't sincere. She felt outed for doing what the thought was right, and didn't focus on the reality of what they were trying to convey. This time, perhaps with some thought; the council would see that she had reformed her sometimes over the top ways.

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