Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forming the Council [OOC Thread]

Eh I could just find one and somehow RP it into the faction? ether way, if we will be working separate, and with the chance of taking others with us we will probably need a Smuggler like ship or a freighter.


Pick any canon ship under 900 meters and I'll buy it. If someone helps me with all the Sithy Magicky and Sorceressy stuff. :3

Oh, and don't worry about me turning evil. Alachei has been on a path to metastability. Basically, pure good and evil. :p


Morna Imura said:
I'm not gonna ask about the honey bun stuff is.
I don't know but I Like it!
Literally. *ended up hitting the like button for it...*

@[member="Lilith Mae Lancaster"] Don't need approval for canon ships. J/S. Though if you want an original ship that's cool too!


awwe thanks @[member="Lilith Mae Lancaster"]
:wub: @[member="Morna Imura"]
:wub: @[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]

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