Warren Century
Credits: 6.5 Million
Name: Fort Century
Image Source: http://1dut.com/super-awesome-futuristic-castles-and-fortresses
The main location of CTAE, or Century Technological Advancement Enterprises. This is a combination of a Fortress, a house, a Factory, and a Mall.
Location: Tatooine, 400 KM from any point of civilization on the planet.
Affiliation: Warren Century
Description:Fort Century is a state of the art facility, with the best security systems a corporation could buy. Beginning at the entryway, the doorway is laced with biometric scanners that determine if an individual is authorised entry. Unless said individual should pass the scans, or is a droid relaying the proper credentials, there they will be barred access. The roof of the facility proper is composed of a durasteel frame with glasteel window panes, providing basic protection against trespassers attempting to enter from above. Each of the windows of the building is equipped with an acoustic sensor that warns if someone is trying to tamper with or trying to break in through the windows.
The final most notable room in the building is is of a zero-access security level. This is because it holds all the bodies of the CEO Warren Centuryy. It is equipped with a series of automatic sentry turrets intended to eradicate intruders. A quicker scan is required for access, reading for only one DNA set. If an intruder does not match that DNA set, they are terminated. Put simply, if you’re not Warren Century or someone he allows, you’re not getting in that room, ever. Another room worth mentioning is one made by Warren to contain sensitive information and/or any Force Relics that are ever obtained by Century Technological Advancement Enterprises. There is also of course yet another room worthy of receiving attention, namely a place called the Vault. This is where the working prototypes of gadgets are stored.
Beneath the building are several dozen demolitions-grade charges that, if a high-security area is breached, can turn the place into a crater via automatic detonation. However, they can be shut down with a code from Warren Century or other high ranking employs. They may also be turned off by affiliated CEOs, or high-ranking officers of their companies. Completely reconstructed after an incident, the name of the base has changed to "Fort Century" and it has moved farther away from what one might dub civilization, being 400 KM away.
The building has been expanded to include a farm, a mall and a few others odds and ends as well by Warren Century as of late. Designs of the place were based off of old school architecture, such a that of a castle to make it look more unique and defensible.
History: Over time Warren realized that the old Fort Suvian, his home was not defensible enough. Of course a couple of unwanted visits from Tusken Raiders, and the escape of the Sith known as Rave Merill may have aided in the discovery that the place was not secure enough. This led to him demolishing his home, and using 5 million credits obtained via a deal with the Imperial Remnant to start a multi million credit makeover of his base of operations.
His recent efforts have paid off, and New Fort Suvian had been made. When an incident with Tusken Raiders happened again the Fortress was demolished, and so had to be rebuilt. Once more, upgrades were done to the place and new technologies were added in to hopefully ensure that the base stays in tact. The name of the base was also changed because he had to change his name to save himself from a Hutt in the past. Also, due to the deal with Danger Arceaneu owning Suvian Sciences, he knew he needed to rebuild and replace the place. So he did. From his efforts Fort Century had been created for him.
Intent: Warren needs a new home, and I thought it was time to make this place anew anyway.
Links: (Optional. You may provide any links to other existing Codex/Factory entries that constitute any significance to this entry.)
Image Source: http://1dut.com/super-awesome-futuristic-castles-and-fortresses

The main location of CTAE, or Century Technological Advancement Enterprises. This is a combination of a Fortress, a house, a Factory, and a Mall.
Location: Tatooine, 400 KM from any point of civilization on the planet.
Affiliation: Warren Century
Description:Fort Century is a state of the art facility, with the best security systems a corporation could buy. Beginning at the entryway, the doorway is laced with biometric scanners that determine if an individual is authorised entry. Unless said individual should pass the scans, or is a droid relaying the proper credentials, there they will be barred access. The roof of the facility proper is composed of a durasteel frame with glasteel window panes, providing basic protection against trespassers attempting to enter from above. Each of the windows of the building is equipped with an acoustic sensor that warns if someone is trying to tamper with or trying to break in through the windows.
The final most notable room in the building is is of a zero-access security level. This is because it holds all the bodies of the CEO Warren Centuryy. It is equipped with a series of automatic sentry turrets intended to eradicate intruders. A quicker scan is required for access, reading for only one DNA set. If an intruder does not match that DNA set, they are terminated. Put simply, if you’re not Warren Century or someone he allows, you’re not getting in that room, ever. Another room worth mentioning is one made by Warren to contain sensitive information and/or any Force Relics that are ever obtained by Century Technological Advancement Enterprises. There is also of course yet another room worthy of receiving attention, namely a place called the Vault. This is where the working prototypes of gadgets are stored.
Beneath the building are several dozen demolitions-grade charges that, if a high-security area is breached, can turn the place into a crater via automatic detonation. However, they can be shut down with a code from Warren Century or other high ranking employs. They may also be turned off by affiliated CEOs, or high-ranking officers of their companies. Completely reconstructed after an incident, the name of the base has changed to "Fort Century" and it has moved farther away from what one might dub civilization, being 400 KM away.
The building has been expanded to include a farm, a mall and a few others odds and ends as well by Warren Century as of late. Designs of the place were based off of old school architecture, such a that of a castle to make it look more unique and defensible.
History: Over time Warren realized that the old Fort Suvian, his home was not defensible enough. Of course a couple of unwanted visits from Tusken Raiders, and the escape of the Sith known as Rave Merill may have aided in the discovery that the place was not secure enough. This led to him demolishing his home, and using 5 million credits obtained via a deal with the Imperial Remnant to start a multi million credit makeover of his base of operations.
His recent efforts have paid off, and New Fort Suvian had been made. When an incident with Tusken Raiders happened again the Fortress was demolished, and so had to be rebuilt. Once more, upgrades were done to the place and new technologies were added in to hopefully ensure that the base stays in tact. The name of the base was also changed because he had to change his name to save himself from a Hutt in the past. Also, due to the deal with Danger Arceaneu owning Suvian Sciences, he knew he needed to rebuild and replace the place. So he did. From his efforts Fort Century had been created for him.
Intent: Warren needs a new home, and I thought it was time to make this place anew anyway.
Links: (Optional. You may provide any links to other existing Codex/Factory entries that constitute any significance to this entry.)