Enyo Typhos
[member="Maelion Liates"]
Ashkirae had fallen. By and large, it had been a swift and relatively silent takeover. Here and there the Eldorai had mustered some sort of resistance. Clouds of smoke arose from smouldering ruins, those buildings that had been destroyed. The raging fires seemed like a funeral pyre to Eldorai civilisation.
Here Eldorai had been forced out of their hiding places via flamethrowers, there Archangel had gotten fed up after being bombarded with RPGs and simply dropped a pair of bombs. Each and every room was searched in the doomed, goddessforsaken village. The cries of children and the lamentations of their mothers were silenced with the stings of the wasps. Harvesters swooped down from the sky to grip elves trying to flee to the safety of the mountains. There was no escape, no mercy.
And so a long procession of sedated, bound Eldorai was loaded up on the dropships. Leaving behind a ghost village, they took off into the sky and then pierced the atmosphere, like alien conquerors heading back to their mothership.
It was time for Archangel to take the first step into a brave, new world. It was time for it to gain the capability to process an entire town, and eventually a whole planet. Kaeshana, impoverished, forgotten and still filled with a surplus of organics enduring apocalyptic hardship, would be a suitable testing field. The next targets had already been mapped, wasp droids were being deployed for recon. This was no ethnic cleansing, it was liberation from the shackles their existence imposed upon them. This war was...peace.
In orbit, the Ascension awaited.
Ashkirae had fallen. By and large, it had been a swift and relatively silent takeover. Here and there the Eldorai had mustered some sort of resistance. Clouds of smoke arose from smouldering ruins, those buildings that had been destroyed. The raging fires seemed like a funeral pyre to Eldorai civilisation.
Here Eldorai had been forced out of their hiding places via flamethrowers, there Archangel had gotten fed up after being bombarded with RPGs and simply dropped a pair of bombs. Each and every room was searched in the doomed, goddessforsaken village. The cries of children and the lamentations of their mothers were silenced with the stings of the wasps. Harvesters swooped down from the sky to grip elves trying to flee to the safety of the mountains. There was no escape, no mercy.
And so a long procession of sedated, bound Eldorai was loaded up on the dropships. Leaving behind a ghost village, they took off into the sky and then pierced the atmosphere, like alien conquerors heading back to their mothership.
It was time for Archangel to take the first step into a brave, new world. It was time for it to gain the capability to process an entire town, and eventually a whole planet. Kaeshana, impoverished, forgotten and still filled with a surplus of organics enduring apocalyptic hardship, would be a suitable testing field. The next targets had already been mapped, wasp droids were being deployed for recon. This was no ethnic cleansing, it was liberation from the shackles their existence imposed upon them. This war was...peace.
In orbit, the Ascension awaited.