Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Freeze![Open Skirmish On Belgaroth]

Weapons Testing Facility
Team 1

Things were moving fast now.

It seemed like just yesterday that she had traveled with Adder to Sullust, seeing the Alliance form together and finally become a government. To her it was like yesterday, though it had been many months since then. Her hand tightened around the small cylinder in her hand, her lips thinning slightly as she thought about the passage of time. Her father had once told her that time was a relative thing, that to her it would seem longer then others. She would live longer then most, not by much, but a little. That would mean to her time would flow more slowly, or seem to anyway.

Maybe thats why it all felt so fast.

Or perhaps just a lot had happened.

Either way, as she stood on the small platform within the transport ship Aela couldn't help but wonder how things had developed so quickly, how the Galactic Alliance had grown so fast and become such a power so quickly. Perhaps they could not yet match some of the greater galactic powers, perhaps they couldn't take on the Sith singlehanded, but they could make a dent, they could do something.

There was a pride in that, a knowing, and it made her smile.

That was why they were here today, to make a dent, or rather to widen one that they had already created on Coruscant.

"Alright. We all know what to do." her voice echoed through the cargohold, singing out above the noise of the Repulsorlifts. "We're not here to start another battle. We're here to take one or two of them back with us. That means we go in quiet and get out the same way. If things get loud...well, we'll have to roll with it."

This was a reconnaissance mission first and foremost, a way to find information. The plan was to slip in, grab a Sith high up in the command chain, then get out. It was a simple plan, though Aela already knew that it would likely go topsy turvey. Her father had taught her that, plan for the best, expect the worse. That was why underneath her cloak she wore heavy Vanir Technologies Vanguard armor. "Alright, first team, lets go."

The bay door open, and Aela jumped out of the transport.

She landed a few dozen feet below, thudding onto the ground with a cloud of dust. Team two would deploy a few clicks north, and team three would deploy to the west. All three teams would converge onto the facility and make their way to the center, taking out as many Sith as possible before eventually converging on the Commanders chambers and nabbing him. Simple plan really.

Sha'Lom Kolos

B-Wing salvager, junk collector
Weapons Testing Facility
Team 2
North of Team 1

Sha'Lom grabbed his missile launcher and hopped out the landing craft and made ready for the upcoming battle. The Captain called out
"Alright, like we planned. [member="Aela Talith"] wants us to only take two back with us. Don't start a huge fight, get in and get out. Is that understood." The group responded with a loud 'YES' and moved in towards the facility. Sha'Lom was ready for a fight.

Peyton Steele

Team 3
Landing Zone

The New Jedi Order was on the move, and that meant there was room for the Galactic Alliance Defense Force to assist. The world? Belgaroth. The mission? Understand the enemy, and do what could be done to stop the Sith. Armed with her Shadow-Class transport, the blonde had made her way alongside the vessels of the NJO in her low-chance-of-being-intercepted-by-radar vessel. She had slipped in with a team of probe droids and other intelligence operatives, and really, whoever else wanted to come with her.

Her mission was simple, find what the enemy was doing on this world, what they were using it for, and how to exploit it. The Alliance and NJO had been busy. Coruscant, Taloraan, she knew there was a campaign in the works, but her handlers never told her what it was. Just ‘get ready and go.’ And that was what Peyton did.

With her body glove, her stun-sticks and her blaster pistol, the blonde was ready for almost anything. Looking around, the lead operative had gathered the group outside the small handful of ships that landed. “Our mission is simple. We’re heading into the weapons facility, we’re looking to grab as many Sith as we can, but also, this team is looking for data on the weapons, fleet movements, and whatever else can help Alliance brass. Simple, right?

“Well, mostly. We don’t know what we’re getting into, or who we’re going to be running across. So stay on your guard. And its Sith, they’re a bit… harsh, so be careful. Alright, let’s roll.” The Senior Agent, a Sullustan, said.

With that, Peyton readied her pistol, and primed her stun sticks, anyone that wanted to follow her was welcome to it, and she'd be very social able, if not? She'd be fine on her way and make it work. A probe droid was following her, to take photos. But one of those small ones, like the Inquisitors had, in Star Wars Rebels. Corey was too lazy to open the Wookieepedia.
Weapons Testing Facility
Team 1

Harmon Taldan was more trepidacious now than he had been in preparation for combat in quite a sum of years. He was used to combat landings and insertions such as this mission required, but this would be the first time he would be relying on this group. He liked what he'd seen of them in the preparation leading up to the mission, but that little flutter in the gut only goes away after seeing live combat with a team. A light on his HUD told him they were nearing the drop, so he checked his gear over one last time. He didn't have a lightsaber, as he hadn't received any training in that yet, but he had his disruptor rifle and his blaster revolvers. He still had his cheap medium armor, but this mission required more speed, hopefully.

Harm waited two breaths before following [member="Aela Talith"] out the bay door. Still mostly unfamiliar with using the force, he used his training to break his fall with a combat roll. He came up in a crouch, left knee on the ground, disruptor rifle firmly settled into his shoulder. He was at the ten o'clock position to Aela's twelve. He did a quick check of his arc of the perimeter before rising to a standing position. This had to be a quick and quiet mission, so he needed to be on his feet.

"Ten is clear" He subvocalised into his mic. By that point the rest of first team had touched down and checked in. Harm checked his immediate right and left to make sure of his spacing, then put his eyes back on the perimeter, ready to move out and cover the team leader.

Imperial Weapons Testing Facility

The role for the new Sith Knight had finally shifted. Mullarus had at last taken the responsibility of training an apprentice of his own. It felt as if the entire Empire would watch him and judge him as he taught everything to this alien whom had proven his worth to him on Glee Anselm. A true power to be reckoned with. The mysteriously new race, Arue'tii, with an exoskeleton that was both protective and equally as intimidating that could save him from even being glanced by a lightsaber. Seven feet tall, as well, [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] had proven to the Sith Knight just how powerful as well as intelligent he was. He was loyal to Mullarus, and he would forge him into a weapon that would send chills down the spines of the Empire's enemies.

For the time being, Mullarus allowed his apprentice to stay with him aboard Patrot, his starship. The arue'tii would have to deal with his quarters being a bit too small for his large frame, but he would have a bed to sleep in until he would gain transportation for himself. For now, though, Mullarus wanted to keep his apprentice close by and educate him on the history of the One Sith and the meaning of the Sith Code. It would be challenging to educate a being without much of a mind of the Sith on what it meant to be one, but Mullarus felt that this time, he was ready. Lord Pyrrhus' teachings guided him in a positive direction, and he often took his own master's teachings as a guide for what was expected from Mullarus as a master with an apprentice.

Tonight, Mullarus lectured and held a practice session with the tall, terrifying Sith Apprentice within the thick walls of the Weapon Testing Facility. It was starting to get late, so most of the Imperial troops who practiced their aims at the shooting range had already retired to the barracks for the night. A handfull, however, were still around, casually firing their rifles at the range at holo-targets and chatting with squadmates and friends. Contrary to popular belief, Imperial troopers were just as human and patrotic as those who fought for any other nation in the Galaxy.

"Apprentice", he told Abelain as they first arrived a few hours prior, "Today, we will practice among the Empire's finest. As a Sith, you will have authority over our soldiers and will be expected to be looked upon as a leader to them. They will look up to you as a beacon of power, both literally and metaphorically" he said, chuckling, "As such, I will expose you to them as they, also, practice their own way of battle. They will learn that you are to be feared and respected simultaneously. Keep in mind, however, they are patriots. They are just as respectable as you and I. They fight for their families and friends back home."

Over the course of the afternoon, Mullarus had his apprentice begin practicing the most basic movements with a melee weapon. If Abelain had chosen to keep the lightsaber from the Iridonian acolyte he had slain in fair combat during his choosing, that was okay. If not, Abelain would wield a simple, black vibrosword with engravings of the Sith code along the blade. It was the blade that Mullarus himself wielded as an apprentice until he was knowledgeable enough to build his first lightsaber.

Along with practicing movements, Mullarus lectured his apprentice on the science and history of lightsabers, since it had come to his attention that the alien did not even know that much. Mullarus was patient, though. He once knew nothing of the Sith nor the Dark side, as well. To train an apprentice was not an easy task. He understood that.

Imperial soldiers watched as Abelain would practice proper movements and sweeps with whichever weapon he wielded. The movements were of the first lightsaber form, Shii-Cho, the first form Mullarus had mastered, and a simple one to start with learning.

"Shii-cho was developed thousands of years ago. It is overlooked a lot in this day and age as obselete, made useless when Jedi discovered that it was not viable for deflecting blaster bolts, nor when battling single, lightsaber-wielding opponents. You will master this form because it is a basic. Learning the movements and simple sweeps of Shii-cho is a gateway to learning how to master real, more viable forms of lightsaber combat."

As Mullarus lectured, he himself studied the arue'tii, learning more and more about his apprentice's own race and how to teach him. He had a heart, which relieved Mullarus. He didn't want a student who only sought power so he could destroy the galaxy with his fury. Abelain was intelligent and patient, which would prove to be great qualities for the One Sith's newest teacher.
Imperial Weapons Testing Facility

Apprenticeship under the teacher had been pleasantly curious thus far for the Arue'tii. He was a young individual, though he was not lacking in experience nor wisdom, something that had not been overlooked by the apprentice. Abelain remained with the teacher for long periods of time, learning about his new place as student as well as various techniques and principals. He had been a student once before for the Order of Hazarin, and it was not difficult to fall into the practice once more.

Education aboard the teacher's ship mostly consisted of the history of the One Sith, as well as the deeper meanings of the Sith Code. Abelain had not known it when he had begun his training, but he found delving into the intricacies of history and of the code brought him great pleasure, and he found himself enveloped in the lessons.

Sometimes, the lessons were in different areas than the ship however. For example, today the lessons were taking place inside of a weapons testing facility upon the world of Belgaroth. They passed by Imperial troopers, each one practicing and chatting among themselves. The teacher addressed him, and he focused on the words he spoke. The Sith were thought of as beacons of power, as leaders among the soldiers. Yet, the soldiers were still allies, fighting for the same cause as the Sith. While Abelain did not see the soldiers as being truly near his equal, he could understand their motivations.

The teacher taught him some of the beginning forms of a style of combat known as Shii-Cho. While Abelain had kept the lightsaber that he had taken from the dead grip of the Iridonian, he did not use it, instead allowing it to sit upon his side. He preferred to use the vibrosword, as it was more familiar with him than a weapon that forged light together.

He would later learn that the strange weapons that bent light to their will were known as lightsabers. Their history was filled with use by both the Sith, and their vicious opponents, the Jedi. Though pieces of the design of the lightsabers escaped him, the teacher was patient, and Abelain appreciated it. He was a good teacher, something that went opposite to the propaganda apparently spread about the Sith.

Abelain practiced for a long while on the beginning pieces of Shii-Cho, looking to the teacher for approval whenever a new sequence was finished, or resetting automatically when he knew that he had incorrectly performed a move.

"Teacher" He spoke during a sequence "Would not a foe wielding a lightsaber be surprised if one were to use this particular fighting style upon them?" The question seemed reasonable to him, if all of the wielders of these techniques had stopped learning Shii-Cho as a primary style, would not they be less prepared for it? He awaited an answer from the teacher, who would know of such things.
[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Mullarus, standing nearby and observing his apprentice's form, seemed satisfied that he had questions. That meant he was paying attention. Though, it would be difficult to not when the training was both physical and mental. "Yes and no. You see, Shii-Cho is a...what's the word...rudimentary form. It is simple, and it's simplicity is it's strength. It's a form to teach the basics of the lightsaber to those new to it's use. Most teachers recommend using it as a backup form, when the rest fail. I can assure you, however, that the form can be used effectively in combat, though with it's lack of efficient precision, it is not a form best used in dueling. That is for Form II, which we will get to another day."

Mullarus ignited his own lightsaber and demonstrated some basic Shii-Cho sweeps. Imagining a man before himself, the sweeps he made with his greatsword-like lightsaber covered an enormous arc that were aimed either at the left side, right side, legs, or torso. "Shii-Cho focuses on striking target areas. The legs, the torso, the left side, and right side. You see, from the lack of options to strike from, it is not as precise and efficient at fighting a single opponent who is paying close attention to each of your strikes. The wide sweeps of Shii-Cho are easily seen and blocked. Against multiple foes, however, it can take down many with a single sweep. My suggestion is to put it into practice when you're close enough to, say, a squad of blaster-wielding enemies. A good sweep can take the heads and shoulders off of three to four at a time." Mullarus demonstrated with his own violet-colored crossguard lightsaber, which he seemed perfectly fluent in. His exotic lightsaber was large, so it excelled at forms like Shii-Cho and Juyo, which used a lot of wide sweeps with big arcs to take down many foes at a time.

"As for your opponent not expecting Shii-Cho, well...nearly everyone who wields a lightsaber knows the basic Shii-Cho strategies, so while most would expect something more viable for dueling, they would all be able to easily tell when it is being used, and counter it."

[member="Abelain Narv'uk"]

Sha'Lom Kolos

B-Wing salvager, junk collector
Team 2
Testing Facility

Sha'Lom and his men continued their sprint towards the testing facility. Sha'Lom halted his men.
"Alright boys, today's the day. We are going to reinforce [member="Aela Talith"] and then charge the facility. As much as you might want to kill the Sith inside, we are only capturing them. Is this understood?"
The men nodded, "YES SIR!"
"Let's get 'em boys!"
They again picked up their sprinting pace and approached the facility. Sha'Lom loaded his missile launcher.
"I see Aela, on my signal we charge the facility. Are there any more------" BOOM!
A bomb went off and all of team 2 was engulfed in flames, except Sha'Lom.
"What the kark just happened? What just happened?"
Sha'Lom had been thrown to the ground.
Sha'Lom scanned the ground for his missile launcher but couldn't find it.
"Come on, COME ON!"
Sha'Lom frantically searched for any means of defense. He finally found a vibroblade and stood up.
Prepare for a fight!"
Sha'Lom took a Soresu stance and advanced on the being. Sha'Lom was determined to win this fight.
Team 3: Headed to the Weapons Testing Facility

A mission to arrest Sith? Chevu Visz wouldn't miss it for the galaxy. So when the Mirialan touched down on the scrapyard world of Belgaroth in the Mirage, a light freighter custom made for her by Starchaser enterprises, she was full of nervous anticipation. Padding down the landing ramp in her light armor and armed with her lightsaber, Zeison Sha Discblades, and BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol, the green alien girl panned her gaze around the hangar until she spotted a familiar face among the amassing teams, the blonde agent [member="Peyton Steele"]. Their mission was simple: to arrest Sith. In droves. The higher-ranking the better. On her datapad, Chevu had a Holo-dossier of intel on Acolytes, Knights and Lords, including [member="Knight Mullarus"]. Like a big game hunter, the intensely focused Mirialan wanted to bag the ones that counted. She'd planned to plead a case for the return of her Marshal rank in the Alliance's New Jedi Order, and if successful, this operation would help immensely.

Something about the shifter brought out an uncharacteristically playful side of Chevu. As if it were a clumsy accident, the Mirialan jokingly bumped the blonde agent as she passed.

"Excuse me," she said, looking back at the woman with a friendly smile. Yeah, she still had a bit of a thing for the blue-eyed shifter. Old habits died hard.

Peyton Steele

Team 3
Landing Zone, en route to Weapons Factory

Peyton was always looking forward to this. There were strike teams being assembled, and with Team Three, some of the people were going to be working as insurgency units. What she was going to do, was her best to produce a keycard, and hack into the mainframes. They needed to see what the Sith were up to here, and they needed to stop them.

When she got bumped into, she jumped and turned quickly at first, a bit of a harsh expression soon lightening as she saw who had bumped into her. “Chev!” She wanted to hug the girl, and just kind of gently shoulder-checked her, something a dog would do. She hated that.

Weird urges and all, causing her to do any number of strange things. Regardless, Peyton smiled. “When did they let you out?” Of that Jedi jail… thing, or time out, or whatever. She had been away for a bit.

While blondie and Little Green were catching up, there were others from Team Three that were going to be disappearing into the world, setting up shelters and trying to become part of the world. Bring weapons to locals and see who was going to be willing to stand against the One Sith when the time came. It was simple work, but it was going to take some time. But the swoops were being sent away from the landing zone as soon as the Sith attention was on the Alliance troops.

[member="Chevu Visz"]
Abelain listened to the teacher as he finished with yet another sequence of Shii-Cho, finally performing the sequence well enough to look to the teacher for approval instead of simply repeating the sequence automatically. He nodded along as the teacher spoke, and then stopped his own training for a moment to watch the teacher demonstrate the target areas of Shii-Cho. It seemed basic, too basic to be of use in a proper fight.

He continued with the next sequence, casting a quick glance over at the teacher's exquisitely large lightsaber, one which seemed almost perfect for the wide sweeping motions that he was performing. "It would require an enemy very little effort once they knew what you were doing, would not it? They must only block four possible assaults."

He felt the eyes of some of the nearby Imperial troopers on him as he practiced, unsure of what to think of their attention. They would think of him as a commander and a leader one day, he would definitely need to work on how he felt about them. "Teacher, what is the second form that you spoke about?"
[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Mullarus snapped his fingers and deactivated his lightsaber, "Bingo, apprentice. Precisely why it is considered obselete by many, and used mainly as a fallback strategy in dueling. Regardless, you will learn it because it is a good place to begin.

"The second form? Ah- Yes, Form III. That is Soresu form, which we will cover once you get the basics of Shii-Cho down and I am confident you can practice it in sparring. Though, i'll enlighten you. Soresu is a defensive lightsaber form. It was developed millenia ago, just like Forms one and two, to cover the weaknesses Shii-Cho and Makashi could not: Blasters. Soresu was developed to effectively deflect blaster bolts. Many who practice it, myself included, learn to master it's tight, angular swings that keep your blade close to your body and can adapt it into a defense against other lightsabers."

Mullarus observed his apprentice's Shii-Cho sweeps, nodding with approval. "You're a bit stiff in the joints, but you're relaxed. You've wielded swords before, Apprentice Narv'uk?" he asked, cocking a brow.

[member="Abelain Narv'uk"]
Abelain simply nodded to the teacher, beginning another sequence as he cast a glance around to the Imperial troopers once more. They were all curious beings, each one having been indoctrinated into the government of the One Sith, each one seemingly with their own thoughts and feelings. However, when it came down to it, they would lay down their lives and their thoughts, their feelings for the sake of the One Sith. Loyalty.

The Soresu form sounded as if though it were for those individuals of smaller stature and ability than himself. Abelain was a superior being, he had proven his superiority to the Zabrak when he had been chosen as student, he need not defend himself from the strikes of inferiors. Stories of his people spoke of their first encounters with aliens, of being struck with these 'blaster' weapons which seemed to spit fire. Little did these aliens know that the Arue'tii practically bathed in heat hot enough to singe their lesser flesh.

The teacher spoke of his wielding, and he brought himself out of thought and back towards the present.
"I have wielded a blade formed from the chitin of my ancestors on my home world. It is not very different than wielding a blade of words here. Much of the fighting of my world was not done with weapons such as blades however."

He perked up immediately at the sound of loud BOOM somewhere far off in the facility. His sequence ended, and his hand reached around to his pure red cape, ensuring that it was tied onto him. "Teacher, are we under assail?"

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Mullarus leaned against the wall that a few other imperial troopers, out of their armor and just wearing their relaxing garb, sat near and watched the tall, intimidating alien swing Mullarus' old black vibrosword as if he had been doing it for years. Hearing that his apprentice was already fluent at fighting with a sword-like weapon was good. That could be adapted to combat with a lightsaber. Especially that Abelain was so large, Mullarus could instruct the alien on building a larger-framed lightsaber like his own to suit his size. Only because of Abelain's superior strength, he could likely wield an enormous blade such as that with a single hand. He imagined the possibility of Abelain becoming ambidexterous and wielding two massive lightsabers at once. The thought gave him chills.

"That's good news. Apprentice, I can see you becoming one of the Sith's finest warriors one day. If you can wield the Dark Side as well as you wield a blade, worlds will bend to your wi-"


Mullarus stood up. It was faint, but those within the Facility could feel the explosion about as well as they could hear it. Imperial troopers began to make their way to the closest armory to grab their gear. Moments after, an alarm began to sound.

An explosion has broken through the northern section of the Weapons Testing facility! was played through the speakers, I repeat! An explosion has broken through the northern section of the Weapons Testing facility! All available soldiers are ordered to suit up and be on the lookout for intruders!

Mullarus furrowed a brow, "Hmm...Apprentice, we may have a problem. Training for the evening is finished. Come with me, and we'll see what the problem is in the northern sector." he said, ushering his tall apprentice to follow him as he adjusted his sith robe, his boots echoing through the shooting ranges as he made his way toward the exit of the room, leading into the corridors of the Facility.

Imperial troopers began to awaken from their cots in the barracks and rush to the armories and climb into the iconic white armor worn by Stormtroopers of old. The armored knights of white began to hustle to the northern section, where they would find a single, small being holding a vibrosword like a jedi wields a lightsaber.

Currently, only a small group of about five stormtroopers stood with their rifles brandished at the small [member="Sha'Lom Kolos"], with a flaming hole in the wall behind him, and the smell of burning flesh rotting in the air. Some of the imperial soldiers assumed it was the little alien who had blown a hole through the wall. Various crates and barrels lay around the room he had broken into, giving the intruder a clue that he had entered a storage room. The plasteel cylinders and metal crates were stocked with gas catridges, armorlays, and other various infantry gear.

one trooper ordered the small, ambitious alien, "Put down your weapon! You're under arrest!"

Sha'Lom Kolos

B-Wing salvager, junk collector
Sha'Lom took to a reverse Shien grip with the vibrosword.
"I think not, I just got started."
He dashed at the troopers and slashed them with the sword. Blood went everywhere as the troopers' puny screams were silenced one by one. Sha'Lom stood up, covered in blood.
"That'll teach em a leason."
Sha'Lom continued his now blood crazed death march deeper into the facility.
Weapons Testing Facility
Team 1
[member="Harmon Taldan"]

There would be no wait.

Aela knew that they only had a limited time before the enemy managed to find out what they were up to. Of course she was confident that the other teams would do their job, but Aela knew that they would have to do theirs if they were to succeed. Shifting slightly she motioned for the rest of her squad to press forward into the facility.

The cloak around her shoulders fluttered for half a moment, catching the wind as the storm above began to pick up.

Rain was on the horizon. "Lets go."

Her words were a hushed whisper, but she quickly began to sprint forward. Her lightsaber fell from her sleeve and into her palm, her eyes narrowing as she began to run into the facility. The weapons testing plaza was just up ahead, to the right was the facility center, and behind that would be the command center. The last would be their goal. Aela bound up and over a stark stone wall, reaching over to grasp onto one of her team mates and pulling them over.
Weapons Testing Facility
Team 1
[member="Aela Talith"]

Aela Talith said:
"Lets go."

At Aela's word, Harm began to run forward as well. He kept his spacing of a half meter behind and to the left of Aela, his rifle was pressed firmly into his shoulder, but aimed at the forty-five degree angle between the plane of his vision and the plane of his body. This way, he could snap the rifle up to his shoulder and fire in a single smooth motion at almost anything in his front arc.

They reached a wall, Aela sprang up onto it and reached down. Harm let the rifle drop to its sling and leapt up, using a little force power to aid his leap. He caught her hand and let himself roll over the top and down the other side. He landed in a crouch, rifle already back in place, scanning the area as others of the team made it over the wall as well. Harm paced forward a bit, still scanning.

"All clear, so far." The point at which they scaled the wall seemed to be behind a large shed type building that looked like weapons storage. This would be the weapons testing facility, he knew from the brief, so there largest chance of coming up on the enemy would be here, though only slightly lower at the command center. He took up a position against the long wall of the weapons shed, aimed down the way towards the quickest route to the command center. He could feel another team mate taking up position directly behind him aimed down the short wall of the shed, covering the full corner.

Darth Atrox

The reason the Sith Knight, Darth Atrox, was currently on Belgaroth was unclear. However it would probably have something to do with the ripples that pierced his mind, all forming a barren wasteland. It was those visions that brought him to the Scrapyard. The Zabrak knew something like this would be happening, but who was responsible or when said attack would occur was unclear. Light plates of metal covered the shoulder and chest of Darth Atrox, providing some protection should his defence be penetrated. His hands were bare, and a sleeveless top was exposing the toned red skin of the former Nightbrother. His outfit was a very dark blue, and his loose trousers matched in colour. A black utility belt was strapped around his middle, with a crimson lightsaber and shoto.


The explosion shook the concrete floor which Darth Atrox boots stood, planted. Without so much as a flinch, the Zabrak turned to the number of officials attempting to shut down computers, scrambling to escape. Jaundiced optics surveyed them with mild amusement, before finally announcing to the group of wimps.

"Whoever has attempted to infiltrate this facility, will most likely seek what these computers are storing. Turn them on. Take your weapons - the left cupboard, Wersk, and stand your ground. I shall lock you in. If anyone comes through these doors, kill them. Show no mercy, do not hesitate." The Sith allowed a moment of pause as they all scrambled for the locked weapon store, each one grasping a rifle and a pistol.

"Do not disappoint me."
With that, the Sith Knight exited the room. Moments after the familiar click of a lock and the slam of blast doors echoed through the control room, leaving the officers alone. With their imagination as company.

In one swift movement, the Zabraki unclipped his lightsabers from his belt and streaked down the labyrinth of corridors, the Force guiding him to the area where the explosion occurred. However, before he could arrive, a small alien runt [member="Sha'Lom Kolos"].


Upon detecting the vibrosword wielder, Darth Atrox pushed out a hand. Instead of lightning being expelled from his fingertips, a ball of fire was produced in his palm and shot like a flamethrower at Kolos. Like a Twi'Lek, the flames danced upon the enemy momentarily, before engulfing him in an inferno of fire, fuelled by the infinite power of The Dark Side. Combustion had always been a favourite of the Zabrak.

"Hello there, my little grey friend."
Abelain followed the teacher to the exit of the room, the loud ringing of the alarms and the voice of the announcer blaring in his head. It seemed evident that they were under attack as had been previously assumed. "What tactical advantage to potential hostiles gain from assailing this structure? There appears to be very little here in terms of war spoils." He commented as he followed the teacher out of the room and into the corridors surrounding it.

As he walked, passing by speeding troopers and personnel trying to secure their appropriate areas, he felt the faintest flicker of sensation upon breathing. He paused for a moment, taking a deeper breath and shuttering his eyes from vision, his chitinous external mouth curling itself into it's protective smile, giving him a strangely psychotic look. Abelain's eyes shot open upon identification, the scent was all too familiar to the Arue'tii, it was the irony tang of blood.

It did not tell him much, after all, there were living beings all around him, but this particular sensation of blood struck a nerve with the Arue'tii. It was the scent of a Zabrak, and it recalled with it memories of triumph and bloodshed. Were all Iridonians allies of the One Sith? The question seemed to be unrealistic , and yet, attached at his side was a weapon which bent light to it's will. "Teacher, I sense an Iridonian. Perhaps it is an ally of ours?" He offered, stepping back into pace with the teacher.
[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Mullarus' footsteps echoed down the corridors he trudged down, his formal-looking black sith robe blowing in the faint breeze he created as he made his way past hustling stormtroopers and other imperial military personnel. His apprentice remained close behind, wondering what an enemy could want from a Weapons Testing Facility. "Aside from a wide variety of imperial military technology, I am not positive. It is likely that is all they are after."

[member="Abelain Narv'uk"] then mentioned an iridonian. It came as a surprise that his apprentice could know such a thing. Was this arue'tii race good at learning what a particular race's blood smelled like? It was a skill that would be a valuable asset to the Empire. "I sense a dark presence. It is not Jedi, it is Sith. The iridonian you sense is one of ours. He must be close."

Before much longer, Mullarus and his apprentice would finally reach the storage room by the north end of the Facility to see a few stormtrooper carcasses, bloody messes with gashes cut through their armor and blood spilt all over the ground. Among them stood a small, grey alien clutching a blooded vibrosword. The sight of a single foe standing over the Empire's Finest in a pool of their own blood infuriated Mullarus. The Sith Knight took his lightsaber in his hand as a handful of more stormtroopers began to file into the room behind him. Mullarus held up a hand to them, announcing loud enough for the entire room to hear, "Hold position, soldiers! Begin a sweep of the rest of the facility and make sure this is the only place the enemy has penetrated. This small threat clearly can handle a few of you, so let the Sith take care of this problem. Go!" The white-clad troops behind him saluted and filed back out, beginning patrols around the rest of the facility.

Just then, the scent Abelain had caught a few moments ago entered the room. Indeed, it was an iridonian, [member="Darth Atrox"]. It was good that there were more Sith around. Mullarus put on a look of surprise as flames began to fly from the zabrak's fingertips in the direction of the small intruder, [member="Sha'Lom Kolos"]. Mullarus took a few steps away from the doorway, putting the wall behind him and ushering his apprentice with him. "Apprentice, observe for a moment. Watch how the Sith battles this enemy. Feel his aura through the Force. He is full of passion. Hate, anger, and the desire to bring harm to his enemy. It is evident in the flame he produces. Watch how efficiently the Dark Side will overtake this foe. Watch his lightsaber, study his form. You will no doubt learn this all in time, if I can help it."

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