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Friend or Foe [Carach]

Rosa Gunn


Her home in an old life. Her prison in this one. Everything about it made her angry, impatient and hungry. Hungry to devour those who had wronged her.

The transport to [member="Darth Carach"]'s lair slid through the lanes of traffic, its blackened windows relieving her of the need to be masked. " My lady." Came a timid murmur from her right as hr hand maiden offerd her the disgusting thing. She took it, donning it as the transport came to a halt.

" Wait here." She told her handmaidens who bowed their heads and remained on the landing pad. She was answering a summons, like a hound. She tried to quiet the storm raging within. It was imperitive she learnt about these people. The more she knew, the easier she could destroy them.
[member="Darth Layil"]

In days of yore the EmPal SuRecon Center was the prestigious surgical institution of the Galaxy, currently it was the base of operations of one of the Voices of the Dark Lord, Darth Carach (pronounced saw-rakh'). There was a distinct sense of satisfaction and irony coming from using Palpatine’s old base, where he executed his experiments and kept his old archives.

It had been cleaned up, gun emplacements renewed and a private army, made up of Royal Guard, guarded the establishment. Six of them were currently stationed outside of the building, three at the sides of the big doors.

Deep within the facility the Voice waited.

Rosa Gunn

Layil swept past the guards without so much of a glance there way. Her head was held high, her steps confident. Show no fear. Give them no quarter with which to break her more. The beast within stirred slightly but she stilled it. This was not the time nor the place for her to lose control.

Another time, she might have marvelled at the history she was walking through, but her mind was focused only on the man she was going to meet. The voice of the Dark Lord. She knew little about him, since the dark lords death and ressurection there had been something of a shuffle in the ranks. Perhaps she should rise within them, the closer to her enemy she was, the safer she would be.

Pushing open the doors to the upper chamber, she stopped inside the doors.

"You wanted to see me, my lord?" she spoke softly.

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"], Weaver of Nightmares, the personification of the Night.

Or so she’d have them believe. Darth Carach had been there on Zeltros, watched and studied her actions against her former friends - how she had betrayed one of them, one who had simply wanted to give her a hug.

Putting aside how lame that action was, it was distinctly appetizing to see one such as her fall so low. Probably. A Voice of the Dark Lord had to upkeep his reputation, no?

He hadn’t been directly involved on Zeltros, it should have been a stealth mission, get in, do damage and then get out again. Sadly the misguided actions of Praelior, or however she chose to call herself, had ruined those plans. Who actually thought it was a good idea to bring in an army of Sithspawn and a gigantic worm to a Black Op?


Across Carach’s legs laid Kata’nari, Sithspawn in itself - one of the few truly sentient beings in the form of a sword. It served as a reminder, of what? Only one possessive of a twisted mind such as Carach’s could know for certain.

My Lady Layil.’ he began with a soft voice, not all too threatening, and yet it permeated through the room, soft subtle vibrations that caught one’s ear and only begged for more. ‘I must say, you have me intrigued. But we will come to that in a moment, I hope your journey here was pleasant, not too taxing?

The Sith Lord stood up, scooping his sword from his knees and sheathing it in his scabbard. A metaphor of something more sinister, or simply the act of putting his weapon away in the face of a possible ally?

Who could truly know these days.

Rosa Gunn

Pleasantries? Oh how quaint that a sith lord should indulge in such things, her lip twitched beneath her mask and she fought against a smile, moving deeper into the room her hands coming to rest, clasped at the small of her back.

"One could hardly call a trip across Coruscant, taxing, Lord Carach, but then nor could you call it pleasant, especially when you are little more than a prisoner with a long leash."

Layil held little stock in symbolic gestures, it could have meant many things, the sheathing of his sword. An ally? Or a man who simply wanted to show a glimpse of what strength he had? Why even have it out in the first place?

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"]

Perhaps he had been sharpening it, a sword crafted by alchemy did not need it, but one could almost say there was a poetical beauty in the basic waxing on and off of an edge, sharped or dulled. Or perhaps Carach had been talking to his sword and considered it only appropriate to look at his conversation partner while doing the talk, many possibilities, but perhaps the Voice of the Dark Lord simply liked to be dramatic and enjoyed his theatrics.

One could only guess.

Darth Carach sniffed, air passing by his nostrils while he took in her particular scent and perhaps just the slightest measure of a frown passing his expression, before he resumed command over his appearance.

Yes, I can see how such esoteric measures could be experienced as… distasteful, my dear.’ he granted her, while giving a short nod in acceptance. ‘Have you ever considered taking control over your destiny, instead of simply allowing yourself to be pulled along by this leash or that thread?

Rosa Gunn

Layil let out a short laugh, stepping past the Voice to look out the window.

"What makes you think I am not in control? Perhaps this is a means to an end. Perhaps this is a part of my destiny. Or perhaps I am simply, the Chosen's favourite pet." She glanced over her shoulder at him.

"I trust in the force, the force tells me where I should and shouldn't be."

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"]

Oh, aren’t you the pious little thing.’ the Voice remarked rather sarcastically, while looking over her shoulder at the brilliant skyline of the Imperial City. It didn’t take a Mentalist Master to note the tunes that her soul and voice were singing, rebellion, spite, perhaps the least amount of indignation at the current situation, calculative hope for a moment to arise where she could do something, and despair at the lingering horror that she had perhaps overstepped into a threshold one could not easily return from.

Remember where you are, Lady Layil and remember those around you. The Force is there to serve us, not the other way around - Adhering to a jeedai belief won’t save you from him or her, only a bold move, tempered by calculation and ruthlessness will set you free.’

It was an inherent value of the Sith to always plot, always attempt things that might advance one plan or another. The One Sith’s commitment to equality didn’t change any of that, it simply pushed it more in the background, nothing more… and nothing less.

Rosa Gunn

"You misundertand me. The force serves no one but itself, much like you and I. But it is an ally, an ally with far greater knowledge, to ignore it would be folly." She turned to face him as she spoke, regarding him carefully. What trap was this? He was the voice, yet he spoke of treason as if it was natural. It was, in the Old Empire, forever changing its head, but this? Never had she seen sith so united for a cause.

She was in dangerous territory and she knew it, eyes narrowed slightly. "Who said I was looking for salvation?"

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"]

The Voice of the Dark Lord merely smiled, before turning around and returning to his seat in the center of the room. One could not hide his intentions from him, one could try of course, but one would always fail. That being said, Carach was in a safe-zone, his loyalty had been proven time and time again as his blood was spent for the Glory of the Dark One.

It was his mind that had acted in unison with the other Voices and the Hands to cast down the traitor, and it was his hand that still held the Forcesaber, created for Junra.

Carach sat down, leaning back against the frame of his throne-like seat and studied Layil.

Carach; freedom, to be unrestrained. It was in his own name, just as Layil would have them look upon her as the personification of the Night, so was this Voice a personification of his own name and title.

I can read your mind like a book, my dear.’ no other answer was forthcoming, but the last part of the sentence was whispered, not in the room, but rather in the deepest reaches of her mind. It would invoke a shudder, while primal emotions would gently be elevated.

The perks of a Master of the Mind, one can play, but one was seldom detected.

Rosa Gunn

"Is that so?" she replied in kind. Carach was not the only mentalist in existence, she tilted her head, hairs raising slightly at the intrudence but her emotions remained level.

"Tell me, my lord, what part of what you read, says that I want to be saved, that I want to save myself?" If he was in her mind, there was no point hiding her face. She reached up and tugged the golden mask away, shaking her head slightly so her loose curls could come to rest against her cheeks.

"Look again." she commanded, opening her mind to him. There was no freedom for Layil, only death. She knew where this path was headed and she would take as many with her as she could.
[member="Darth Layil"]

Carach yawned.

Boring and overly cliche, Rosa Mazhar.’ the Sith Lord replied. ‘You weren’t this much of a pushover when Shorn killed your unborn child, or is it the Force that has imparted you with the wisdom to become a sheep?

The Voice waited.

Rosa Gunn

It was not common knowledge that Mikhail had killed her child, so the words that fell from Carach's mouth left her in a stunned silence. Was there any point questioning how he'd come by such knowledge? Probably not. Her hands trembled slightly as te memories flickered past her eyes. She turned away hand reaching for the edge of the window for support.

"What do you want from me?"

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"]

Fate, has dealt you a sad hand, Rosa.’ Jared whispered from the top of his throne, the sound carried, the walls vibrated at the perfect pitch. Peace and tranquility radiated from the sitting silhouette.

Again the man stood up, his movements quickened and suddenly he was next to her again, his large hand briefly touching her shoulder before retracting again.

Let’s see if we can do better.’

Rosa Gunn

His light touch rose the hairs on the back of her neck, as brief at it was, and Layill found herself building walls around herself once more. He'd seen too much, he saw too much. She moved her hand from the wall, clasping them neatly before her she drew in a deep breath, gathering her pain and fury close to her once more and using it like a shield against the peace he tried to instill.

Trust no one. That was her first rule. All of them were out to bring her and those she loved to their end, be it by using them for their own gain or simply for the fun of it. Gone was one of traits that made Rosa, Rosa. She had trusted. She had forgiven. And what had it given her? "Do not call me that." she spoke softly, though the words were carried by more than one voice. Voices that were not her own, voices that would whisper in the back of his mind. Voices of those she had consumed.

"What do you get out of this, Carach? Entertainment? A chance to point score against your rivals?" she sneered. "Find another fool to play your game."

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"]

The Sith Lord once more sighed and shrugged, before walking back to his throne and resuming his endless vigil from it. What did Carach get out of this? He had power, wealth, respect and authority… what was there to gain for a creature such as him? What manner of rewards could one such as him gather from this plot or that play?

Only Darth Carach would truly know the answer on that question, but he was not in the mood to answer it seemed. His eyes roamed across the room, before finally settling down again on the lithe frame of she who had fallen.

You would do well to remember where you are, Layil.’ the Sith Lord finally answered. ‘If you need not my help I shall not force it upon you.’

Again he pondered, chin leaning on his hand. ‘You are free to go.’ he said and then leaned against the back of his throne. Eyes closed, features at peace, a man in contemplation. It seemed Layil had been dismissed.

Rosa Gunn

Layil gave a derisive snort. "I'm not likely to forget any time soon." she retorted. She remained where she was, looking out at the urban landscape that was Coruscant. Skyscrapers glinted in the false sunlight, traffic moved as it always had. No matter what happened, no matter who ruled the diamond of the galaxy, Coruscant kept going. People found a way, even here, to bury there heads in the sand and play ignorant.

She considered her situation carefully, ignoring Crach's blatant dismissal of her. She closed her eyes, drawing on the dark calm that Carach was projecting. For a breif moment, she felt like Rosa again. No sooner had she thought it, than the beast rose within her, reminding her wherew she was, reminding her that Rosa would not survive here, even with allies.

Layil, however, could.

"Even if i accepted your help," she said finally, turning away from the bustling city and taking a few steps towards the Voice. "We are but two people. What could we possibly do?"

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"]

Head slightly tilted as Carach opened his eyes again and focused on the girl, no… the woman in front of him. She was so… predictable, almost disappointingly so. The usual attempt to dissuade and insult, followed by contemplation and eventual acceptance of the situation. Why must people always play such games? Why can’t they just see what is in front of them and accept it?

Difficult to say.

‘The One Sith is not the Fringe, nor the Sanctum.’ the Sith Lord finally answered. ‘Neither are they Mandalorians or even the Protectorate. To the outside world they show unity in purpose and mind, but as with all organizations, as with all Sith… there is a discrepancy between what the head wants, what the voices say, what the hands do and what the rest of the body accepts.’ to make it more simple for her, he continued.

‘We seem but two against a whole nation, but in reality… most Sith don’t care as long as their own plots and plans are not put in danger. Few if any have true love for each other and the Eye… well… let’s just say that there are but a few that truly love her for what she is and represents.’

Rosa Gunn

Layil contemplated this for a moment before responding. "So there are others, that would see her end? Others that would see and end to this?" She wasn't looking for an answer, not really. She paced slowly in front of him.

"If what you say is true, we would still be two against many, for even if there are those that would not blink twice at actions against the head, there would never be a true unity. Somewhere along the line, there would be a betrayal. Somewhere along the line, a sith would see a bigger prize for turning us in."

She stopped pacing and shook her head. "I still don't see what you get out of this." she studied him carefully "For me, there is a great deal. Revenge, not only for me, but for those dear to me that have died or been corrupted beyond recognition. Freedom for the people the Dark Lord oppresses. Things, that perhaps to a sith, seem unworthy of care. But what is there for you?"

[member="Darth Carach"]
[member="Darth Layil"]

‘This one was not always a Sith.’ he answered softly, before standing up again and moving towards the balcony, brushing past her. Coruscant, he had been born here. Little guy, aspirations aplenty but no power to make it a reality and now look at him. Standing on the highest tower of the Imperial Center, looking over the city with all the power in the world.

Funny how things worked out in the end.

Carach had trusted men and women within the Hierarchy of the One Sith, some of them important, some of them less so. Velok, Xiangu, Akuna… there were others, plots within plots.

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