Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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@[member="Darth Metus"], shall we have a Sorcerer-stuff thread?

And if you want to, you can also participate in Lilith's search for her true past. You could be either a baddie from the past, a goodie from the past, or a person who just comes to help her... :p
@[member="Verz Horak"] - On Mandalore, perhaps? Isley hasn't been home in a -long- time, it'd be good to see a familiar face when he comes to visit!

@Vaudin Mir - Gas Prices? My Blood Sugar? XD

@[member="Kalordo Lah"] - Not much homie, you got any ideas? XD

@[member="Darth Malificete"] - Depending upon how far back her true past is, we can make this really interesting; because Lilith looks exactly like the woman who captured and tortured Isley for three years.
@[member="Darth Metus"]

Lilith doesn't know the truth about what happened to her in her past. She only knows the truth starting from the last few months before she joined the Jedi Order. Everything before that is a mystery, so if it works for you... :)

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